New Story of Lv Bu

: : The Emperor Daxing should be buried in the rite of the emperor!

On November 22, the third year of the Great Han Dynasty, Si Li, Henan Yin, above the lobby of Yanshi County.

Da Sima Lubu and Mrs. Zhao Yi’s wife Yan Yan sat high, the civil and military officials Wen Dongwuxi, separated on both sides, are continuing the court discussion. Yesterday afternoon, they set off from Luoyang City, the capital of Dahan, and came to Yanshi, 40 miles away, to welcome the coffin of Emperor Daxing. Once it is determined that the deceased is really the son of today's Liu Xie, he must immediately declare the funeral and announce it to the world.

Although I came to Yanshi this time to welcome the coffin, normal business affairs still have to be handled. As a result, Da Sima temporarily took Yanshi County's government office as an official line to deal with official affairs. The hundreds of officials are smart people, looking at the tense atmosphere in front of them, they all voluntarily put away the official business that could be delayed a little. Even if it is a big thing, we have to wait until tomorrow.

The only few official matters were only agreed, and Da Sima promised to use the seal. Lu Bu finished his treatment, raised his eyes and looked at the hundreds of civil and military officials sitting in his seat. A wry smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. For 14 years, Huanhai has been ups and downs, and now he is no longer as stunned as he used to be. Although his heart is still surging, but what he has done has already become extremely shrewd.

At this moment, Guangluxun Ma Zhong hurriedly entered the temple, holding an eagle letter in his hand. Ma Zhong lifted up his robe and strode to his Majesty Dan, leaning over to salute. "Da Sima, this is the eagle letter I just received. It was sent by too often Ma Riwen and Shizhong Liu He." "Read! Read it out loud!" Upon hearing this, Lu Bu's eyes immediately radiated. Looking out of expectation.

"No!" Ma Zhong replied loudly, "In the eagle letter, it was written like this. When Emperor Daxing died on November 17th, the third year of Chuping, Tang nobles died together. At the time of the death, they were already in their womb. Pregnant. The road is rugged and the coffin is expected to arrive at Yanshi at noon. The emperor suddenly passed away, meaning no one in the world, ministers, etc., he should go through the national funeral immediately, and at the same time establish a new emperor, and inform the world."

Ma Zhong finally finished reading, he slowly got up and walked to his place. Alas! This day has finally come! There will never be a stunned emperor again! There will never be a big trouble again! "Daily Han people, Dang Tu Gao Ye!" Da Sima Dang has the world! Ma Zhong sat down, and he was surprised to find that no one was crying in the hall. This is really amazing.

"Oh! The emperor's middle way collapsed, it is really the disaster of the big man! How to deal with it, there will be a concerto." Lu Bu said with a deep sigh.

The family affairs of the emperor are state affairs, and you are in charge of two places, Taichang and Shaofu, both of which are Jiuqing. Taichang had three responsibilities: First, he was in charge of rituals such as sacrificial offerings, ancestral temples, dynasties, funerals, etc., and acted as an assistant to the chief priest of the emperor during sacrificial offerings. Second, it is in charge of the emperor’s bed and garden mausoleum and the county where it is located. Third, recommend and appraise doctors and their disciples. Non-Rulin giants are not allowed.

The major event of the country lies in the sacrifice and the army. According to the regulations of this dynasty, Taichang is the head of the Jiuqing, in charge of the rituals and ceremonies of the ancestral temple, and guides the sacrifice of the emperor. The sacrifices below the middle priest can be sacrificed by the emperor on behalf of the emperor. In the annual sacrificial ceremonies, among the good and bad guest army ceremonies, there are fifty auspicious rituals and five ceremonies, fifty gracious rituals, six ceremonies for guest ceremonies, twenty-three ceremonies of military ceremonies, and eighteen ceremonies of bad rituals.

Compared with the too often respected Xuanhe, Shaofu seemed much richer, more like the emperor's personal butler. The Shaofu has three responsibilities: First, it is responsible for levying taxes on mountains, seas and ponds and collecting local contributions for the court. The second is to be responsible for all the daily necessities, food, and safari in the palace. Third, take charge of the emperor’s personal wealth and operate for profit. The benefits of salt and iron and the right to make money are both in charge of the Shaofu.

As early as the last court meeting, the imperial court designated Taichang Ma Riqian and Shaofu Xunyou to be responsible for the funeral. Nowadays, Ma Tai is often absent, and Xun You can only leave work in the young mansion. "Da Sima, after the last court meeting, the minister discussed with Taichang Ma Rixi. In all likelihood, this matter was when the son collapsed today. The minister and Ma Taichang listed them one by one. The posthumous name and temple name of the Emperor Xing. The second is to select and build the mausoleum for the Emperor Daxing. The third is to push the Emperor Daisi to succeed to the throne, and the heirs will succeed at the same time. The fourth is to issue an edict to announce to the world that he is the Emperor of Daxing. A state funeral will be held. Fifth, the funeral of the Daxing Emperor will be held. For all these five matters, the ministers will ask the officials to discuss."

"Yiyi! Yushi Zhongcheng Xu Shu, preside over the meeting of the hundreds of officials and courts!" Lu Bu raised his eyes and looked at the seat of the three seats alone.

"No!" Xu Shu promised, and went out of the class to play: "Hundred officials and court discussions begin! The first item: agree on the posthumous name and temple name of the Daxing emperor."

The posthumous title means that after the death of emperors, princes, officials, and ministers, the court will give them an appraisal title to commend them based on their deeds and morals. The ministers of this dynasty pursued one of the high-ranking officials during his lifetime, and the other was the posthumous posthumous title after his death. However, the posthumous title of the minister of the court is generally given only a few years after his death.

For the ministers of this dynasty, the posthumous title is the evaluation of his life, and it is the meaning of the conclusion of the coffin. Therefore, the posthumous name must be given fairly and it must be able to withstand the test, and it must not be singled out by anyone. For the emperor, posthumous title is even more important, not only about the emperor himself, but also about the prestige of the court.

The posthumous name should be selected from the characters stipulated by the posthumous posthumous law. According to legend, the posthumous posthumous name of Zhougong has three parts. The first part is full of praise, the second part is mostly a posthumous posthumous title, and the third part begins to have a posthumous posthumous title. For example, the words Wen, Wu, Ming, Rui, Kang, Jing, Zhuang, Xuan and so on are praise posthumously, Jian, Heng, Kuang, and Xi are all posthumous posthumous titles, and Li, Ling, and Yang are all evil posthumous titles.

As the emperor, his title is often entangled with posthumous names, temple names, and reign names. There is a big difference between these three. The year number is used to record the year. After the new emperor takes the throne, it is necessary to change the origin. Before his death, several year numbers are often used. For example, the first emperor Lingdi Liu Hong, who reigned for 20 years, successively used the four reigns of Jianning, Xiping, Guanghe, and Zhongping.

According to the Zhou ritual, the Seven Temples of the Emperor of Heaven, the Taimiao is in the center, the three Zhao on the left and the three Mu on the right, that is, the Emperor only respects the ancestors of the seven generations. If there is no temple number, it will be "destroyed as much as possible" after a certain period of time, and his temple will no longer be kept, but his **** will be attached to another temple, which is called "attached temple".

The dynasty was founded nearly four hundred years ago. Gaozu, Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, and Emperor Guangwu were the ancestors who did their part, and they have always been the fourth of the seven temples. The other emperors, who are single independent temples, who attached the temple, and who attached the temple, the courtesy officials of this dynasty are fighting over and over, and they have a lot of fun. The final decision is that the temples of the emperors of the former Han, the ancestors of the temple, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Wu, the emperors of the later Han, the emperors of the later Han, the ancestors of the ancestors, the emperor Xiaoming, and the emperor Xiaozhang. The meaning is very obvious. Whose descendants will have the temple.

The posthumous law of this dynasty is extremely strict. Not all emperors have temple names. They must have special merits in order to have temple names. For example, Gaozu Liu Bang, Shizu Liu Xiu, Gaozu is the founding father of the country, Shizu is the ancestor of Zhongxing, the former Han and Hou Han began with him. Whether the Seven Temples of the Emperor of Heaven began with the emperor Gaodi, or Emperor Guangwu, the dynasty, it took a long time to reach a conclusion when the dynasty Dingding Ding was founded.

In the posthumous method, every word has a special meaning and cannot be used casually. For example, the posthumous title of the first emperor is "spirit", and the word "ling" is explained in the posthumous law: if not diligent to become famous, it is called "ling". To die and to become a spirit. If you die, you can say spirit. Chaos without damaging the spirit. Good sacrifice to ghosts and spirits. Knowing ghosts and gods is called Ling.

The meaning of Lingzi is roughly as follows, letting go of one's nature and not seeing the virtuous. The ambition is great, but the destiny is not good. Respect ghosts and gods and cannot be far away. Smart, but unable to act. According to the above explanation, it is very appropriate to compare the life of the first emperor. The historians gave an appropriate evaluation to the first emperor, but the spirit word is a bad posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous title.

"According to the intention of the old official, the Emperor Daxing should be buried in the tribute of the emperor!" Sikongzhong said tremblingly.

Daxing means "leave forever". According to the regulations of this dynasty, after the death of the emperor, there was no posthumous name and temple name. From his death to the establishment of the posthumous name and temple name, he was called Daxing Emperor. Once the posthumous name and temple name are established, the posthumous name or temple name will be changed to the official title, and it will no longer be called the "Daxing Emperor".

For example, after the death of the young emperor, he had two titles, emperor Daxing and emperor Xiaohuai. The most important patriarchal clan system in this dynasty, the posthumous name of the emperor has two characters, the first character is as usual "filial piety". The "Posthumous Law" says: Five Sects Anzhi said filial piety. The family of the fifth generation. Compassionate love means filial piety. Zhou Ai clan. Bingde does not return to saying filial piety. Follow morals and not violate. When Xie Shi Zhaoxiang said filial piety. Concord begins.

The second word "Huai" is the true posthumous name of the young emperor. "Posthumous Fa" says: Upholding righteousness and promoting goodness is called conceiving. Call people good. Compassionately said Huai. The short is not sixty, the discount is not thirty. This posthumous title refers to the young emperor's kind heart, who was killed by a gangster and died prematurely. Very vivid.

"Good!" One person high-five. Everyone looked up and saw that it was Gao Shun, General Wei who had always been taciturn. how? Did General Wei speak? And is it the second one to speak? For a while, everyone in the room opened their eyes wide. "Only!" Liangzhou Mu Jia Xu played out of class. Wen He, who has always been indisputable and has nothing to do with himself, was the first to express his opinion. This is an unprecedented thing! However, more shocking things are still behind. "This statement is great!" Mrs. Zhao Yi Yan Yan also spoke. After speaking, she slowly raised her eyes and looked at the hundreds of civil and military officials present.

"This statement is great!" Da Sima Lubu said with a slap on the case. "The monarchs, between the ruling and the opposition, thought that the Emperor Xiaohuai was established by the first emperor, and the Emperor Daxing was established by Dong Zhuo. Therefore, the emperor Xiaohuai should be buried in the ritual of the emperor, and the emperor Daxing should be buried in the ritual of the king! I don’t understand etiquette. Of course, he was deeply favored by the first emperor, and he had to take good care of his descendants. The man would die and his words were good. The Emperor Daxing lived away in his life and died miserably. Finally, he had a son, and he even paid him back. Failed to stay. Just bury it with the gift of the emperor!"

"Wei!" "Shen!" "Chen, second!" "Chen waits??? second!" Lu Bu's voice fell, and Baiguan immediately echoed.

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