New Story of Lv Bu

: : Chen Gaomi and Hou Zhengxuan could not agree

The scholar-bureaucrats of this dynasty, whether they are officials of the central capital or the officials of the prefectures, most of them have a little integrity. A person of integrity, Tai Ban is unwilling to follow suit and flattery. What's more, this dynasty has been around for four hundred years. Since Emperor Wu ousted a hundred schools of Confucianism, he has always established a country based on Confucianism. Confucianism is the most vigorous. Baiguan echoed this time, admiring Da Sima from his heart!

Da Sima is indeed a magnanimous person! At this moment, if he objected, the Emperor Daxing would mostly be buried in the ritual of a feudal king. Although this move meant to settle accounts after autumn, it was not wrong. If anyone is dissatisfied, send troops to fight it! Wasn't it always the case when Taishi Dong was in power? However, Da Sima actually spoke out in front of the civil and military officials!

It is true that the emperor Daxing has never treated him very well, and he has a lot of grudges in his heart, but after all, he is merciful. He was so kind to the first emperor that he could not fail to take good care of his descendants. How upright is this sentence? I know that you are not good to me, and I am very disagreeable, but now that you are stubborn, you are stubborn, what resentment is there in my heart? People die for the greatest.

All hundred officials are smart people, and in a flash, they understood Da Sima's true position. As long as it is not excessive, he will nod and agree to the emperor's status and funeral. Thinking of this, a warm current surged in the hearts of the civil and military officials. Perhaps it was because of fear that Da Sima would say something against it, and then General Wei Gao Shun, Liangzhou Mu Jia Xu, and Mrs. Zhao Yi's wife Yan Yan immediately agreed.

It would never be the case to save others' heart and soul with one's own heart and to be one's own. Either you just bury the truth in your heart, or you pretend to shed a few tears. This shows that Da Sima's upright mind is really beyond my reach!

Seeing that Lu Bu finally agreed, Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan let out a sigh of relief. Bongxian, Bongxian, you finally figured it out. The Emperor Daxing is dead, and the dead will never speak anymore. In that case, what's the harm in giving him more? In this way, it not only blocked the mouths of the ministers of the Yonghan faction and the Qingliu scholars in the world, but also showed your high-mindedness, why not do it?

Now that all officials have agreed to bury the emperor, the next step is to agree on posthumous names and temple names.

"Before Ma Taichang left, he discussed with his ministers that the posthumous title of the Emperor Daxing should be the posthumous title of'xian'. The "Posthumous Law" says: clever, wise, wise and clever. There is a sage to know the quality. Xianyou. It is accessible and unconcealed. Both the minister and Matthew think it is very suitable. I don't know what the monarchs think?" Shaofu Xunyou went out again, holding the fluorene board. The word "present"? The civil and military officials were immediately stunned.

According to legend, the posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous title of Zhou Gong has three parts. The first part is full of praise, the second part is mostly a posthumous posthumous title, and the third part begins to have a posthumous posthumous title. The word "xian" in the second part belongs to the posthumous posthumous title. The cleverness of notification refers to wisdom, knowledge and quality, and refers to respecting the heavenly ancestors and revitalizing the Han room with one heart. Being accessible and unconcealed means that what you know is never concealed.

To tell the truth, compared to what the Emperor Daxing did, this dedication is really quite concealed by the chanting of the saints.

There are not many generals in the state here, and most of them are elders and elders. They don't understand the overtones. Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi had made up their minds long ago. People die like a lamp, and they will not be exacting. Most of the hundred officials are nothing to do. In this situation, Xun You's proposal was actually agreed!

This result almost made him cheer. You know, he is prepared to fight his life. According to what the Emperor Daxing did, it is probably necessary to find the words in the third part of the "Posthumous Law".

However, Xun You’s proposal to set up a family temple for the Emperor Daxing met fierce opposition on the issue of the temple name at the next pass.

The ancestral temple sacrificial offerings in this dynasty are "the same hall but different rooms". In the first year of Jianwu, Emperor Guangwu set up a temple in Luoyang to worship the three emperors Gaodi, Wendi and Wudi of the former Han Dynasty. In the nineteenth year of Jianwu, after the ancestral temple ceremony was negotiated, the five emperors Gao, Wen, Wu, Xuan, and Yuan were jointly worshipped in Taimiao (High Temple). This is the embryonic form of the sacrificial ritual system of the "same hall in different rooms" of this dynasty.

After Emperor Guangwu died, because of the merits of the Zhongxing Han Dynasty, Emperor Ming erected a special temple for him, the posthumous posthumous posthumous title of Shizu Temple. As a result, there were two imperial ancestral temples in the city of Luoyang, the capital of the capital. One was a high temple dedicated to the Five Emperors of the Western Han Dynasty, and the other was a Shizu temple dedicated to Emperor Guangwu.

In the eighteenth year of Yongping, Emperor Ming died, and his edict did not build a special sleeping temple. He hid his **** in the dressing room of Shizu Temple. He also stipulated: "Dare to be a writer, and engage in an expert discussion of the ancestral temple law." Before Emperor Zhang died, he also The legacy is hidden in the Shizu Temple. Since then, all the emperors of the past dynasties inherited and did not violate, the emperor's ancestral temple "same house and different house" system was formed, and it was used by successive dynasties.

Therefore, there are five masters of Gaomiao, Gaozu, Wendi, Wudi, Xuandi, and Yuandi. The eight masters of Shizu Temple are Guangwu, Xiaoming, Xiaozhang, Xiaohe, Xiaoan, filial piety, filial piety, and filial piety. The three tombs of the young emperor, Xiaoyang (two years old), Xiaochong (three years old), and Xiaozhi (nine years old), all died when they were babies, so they did not enter the ancestral temple.

The ancestral temple sacrifice of Emperor Xiaohuai was modeled after the Siqin Temple.

Siqin Temple, from "Book of Rites? Sacrifice", the Seven Temples of the Emperor, the First Ancestor Temple, the Erhu Temple, and the Siqin Temple. The ancestor of this dynasty was naturally Gaodi Liu Bang. The Erzhen Temple was the temple of Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu. Later, Emperor Xuan and Emperor Yuan were attached. The Ancestral Temple and Erhu Temple are unmovable temples, that is to say, the three gods of the emperor have been enshrined in them all the time.

Siqin Temple refers to the temple of the four generations of Gao, Zeng, ancestor, and father, and is a temple that has been moved from generation to generation. Because one day’s son’s high, great, grandfather, and father reached the generation of his own son, the great ancestor became the great ancestor and was no longer in the temple of the four relatives; when he reached the grandson, even the original great ancestor also withdrew from the four relatives and did not become great ancestors or high ancestors. Up. Therefore, the Siqin temples are moved along with the lowering of their generations. They are not temples that will never move, and they cannot be sacrificed to future generations like the ancestors and the two ancestors.

When the Emperor Xiaohuai was buried, Zhao Qian, the former lieutenant, once raised an objection. He was worried that a hundred years later, there would be nowhere to put the son of God today. At that time, Dasima Lubu put forward an opinion: "You can be with the divine lord of the emperor Xiaohuai! The tradition and heirs are good! From now on, the prince who inherited the throne, the legal system and heirs of the emperor TIU Xiaohuai are good. ! Besides, it's just attached to the temple and in different rooms, so you don't have to be too strict." At the time, I didn't expect it to become a truth now.

The first person who went to work to oppose it was Wanhu Hou Caiyong. The sacrificial system of the "same house in different rooms" was proposed by his old man.

"Since the Zhougong system of posthumous posthumous title, the Seven Temples of the Son of Heaven has become a method. Among the seven temples, there are the First Ancestor Temple, the Erzhu Temple, and the Siqin Temple. Among the ancestral temples, the ancestors of the dynasty are worshipped. It cannot be changed. It can’t be easier. In the Erzhan Temple, all the rituals are the emperors of the heavens and the latitudes. The Emperor Wen and the Emperor Wu needless to say. Even the Emperor Xuan and Emperor Yuan who were later attached to the temple had great achievements."

"Since the ancestral temple and the ancestral temple cannot be attached, then the idea of ​​the Siqin temple has to be called. The Siqin temple refers to the temples of the four generations of Gao, great, ancestor, and father. According to the regulations of this dynasty, whoever’s descendants will be Whose temple is attached, Emperor Xiaoxian should be attached to the temple of Emperor Xiaoling, in the same house as Emperor Xiaohuai. Born as a brother, he will be in the same temple after death, and his brotherhood is more affectionate. This is also the meaning of the question."

Speaking of this, Cai Houye emphasized his tone. "With the merits of offering the emperor by filial piety, you can't even get a praise, how can you talk about building a temple? Take a step back and say that the emperor Xiaoxian can build a temple, but the temple of the emperor Xiaohuai can't stand? Xiaohuai The emperor’s temple was erected, but the emperor Xiaoling’s temple could not be erected?" "Also!" "This is great!" The hundreds of civil and military officials present nodded immediately.

Based on Emperor Xiaoling's life deeds, if he set up a temple for him, that would be a great joke.

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, the old man Cai was full of righteous words, and Xun You couldn't help being greatly discouraged. Ugh! Do everything and know the destiny! He was ready to argue a few more words, and took advantage of the trend to close the tent. At this moment, a clear voice rang at the entrance of the hall. "Masters! When Emperor Xiaoxian was alive, my great man regained the Western Regions and defeated Guishuang. Shouldn't I build a temple?"

Everyone looked back and found that Ma Rixi was too often. Ma Rixiong was dressed in white, bamboo and hemp shoes, and walked slowly towards Danbi. As soon as he heard this, the place where the generals of the state was sitting immediately buzzed loudly. Shameless! Shameless! This is the merit of greed for oneself! Regaining the Western Regions and breaking Guishuang, this is the feat of Da Sima, what is it to do with the Emperor Daxing?

However, according to the rules of this dynasty, the world is the world of the emperor. When the emperor is alive, all the deeds should be counted on the emperor. Even if the emperor was licentious and innocent, and the country was ill-formed, these achievements were indeed made during his reign. To restore the Western Regions and defeat Guishuang's martial arts in exchange for a temple name is completely in line with the rituals of the dynasty.

For a while, everyone was silent. They raised their eyes and looked at Dasima Lubu. Regarding this matter, I have to let Da Sima decide. "Mr. Kang Cheng, Yu Yiyun He?" Lu Bu asked with a smile, raising his right hand lightly. Alas! Gao Mihou is there? His old man is the Taishan Beidou of the Confucian scholars of the dynasty, and one word can determine the universe! For a while, everyone was determined.

Gaomi Hou Zhengxuan Zheng Kangcheng slowly got up, walked under Dan, holding the fluorene board, and bowing meticulously. Then he said loudly: "Chen, Gaomi Hou Zhengxuan, see Da Sima! See Mrs. Zhao Yi! In the opinion of the old official, too often Ma Rixi's argument is completely in accordance with the etiquette and law. However, the minister could not agree." Hearing this, Baiguan was shocked, showing a surprised expression.

Since it is completely in line with the legislation, why do you always disagree? Isn't this inconsistent?

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