New Story of Lv Bu

: : Liu Yao impassioned out of town in Yangzhou

"I think everyone has heard that, following Mr. Kang Cheng, one of the only remaining'three monarchs' of scholars in this dynasty, Chen Ji and Chen Yuanfang also set off from Yingchuan to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty." Wanhu Hou Caiyong In the mansion, Lord Cai Hou stood tall, drinking and chatting with everyone who supported the Lu Sect. Xun Hong, Xun You, Cai Wenji, Yang Xiu, Huang Wan, Zhao Qi and others sat down and listened carefully to what Cai Houye said. The rule of this dynasty, the emperor is stubborn, drinking banquets must not have silk and bamboo, drinking is still possible.

Upon hearing this, everyone present immediately rejoiced. The Confucian leaders in this dynasty who are still alive, apart from Mr. Kang Cheng, Gao Mi, Hou Zhengxuan and Wanhu Hou Cai Yong, the only ones left are Chen Ji, Chen Yuanfang and Beihai Kong Wenju. Back then, Chen Taiqiu's reputation was earth-shattering. Chen Yuanfang and Chen Jifang's brothers are well-known all over the world. Now that Chen Yuanfang can enter Beijing, it is really a happy event! With Zheng Kangcheng, Cai Houye, and Chen Yuanfang waving the flag and shouting, the world's scholars will not have any changes.

"It's a pity that Chen Jifang died early! Otherwise, after Da Sima changed his official system, he would surely have a place among the three provinces, six ministries, and nine temples and five prisons! At least, he was also a good third grade." Speaking of Chen Yuanfang, Cai Houye remembered. After his fourth brother Chen Chen Chen Jifang, all of a sudden, he couldn't help but feel sad. Yuan Fang Ji Fang, there are no two at one time, but it is a pity that the grand occasion is no longer in vain.

"The reason why Chen Yuanfang was able to set off to Beijing was that his philosopher and heir Chen Changwen contributed a lot. Da Sima and Madam Zhao Yi were very impressed, and they must have been rewarded." Seeing the sadness of the father-in-law, Xun Hong immediately diverged. Topic. "No? The name of Chen Changwen's long-sleeved good dance is absolutely extraordinary. Nanyang has made great contributions to the suppression of the chaos, and Shangshu's request to implement the "Nine Grade Officials Act" in exchange for the support of the world's aristocratic families has long been in the heart of Da Sima. In addition, Chen Yuanfang’s entry into Beijing is inevitable."

Cai Houye said in a loud voice. "Hey! That's it! If Beihai Kong Wenju entered Beijing and praised the great cause as a Confucian philosopher, Da Sima's rule this time would be extremely expensive." Cai Wenji said with a smile on the side. Everyone lifted their fingers and counted them one by one, didn't they? Gaomi Hou Zhengxuan, Wanhu Hou Caiyong, one of the "Three Monarchs" Chen Yuanfang, plus the Confucian philosopher and heir to Beihai Kong Wenju, the only remaining Confucian master of the dynasty, have all expressed their support for Da Sima. But, will Kong Wenju come?

"You must not worry, in my opinion, within three months, Kong Wenju should enter Beijing!" At this moment, one person said loudly. Everyone looked up and saw that this person was the Great Sinong Zhao Qi. "Bi Qing, what does this mean? Can you say it exactly?" Xun Hong immediately asked. Beihai Kong Rong Kong Wenju is a philosophical heir of Confucianism. How can it be easy to travel thousands of miles into Beijing with his eyes higher than the top?

"You are not anxious, and listen to me slowly!" Zhao Qi smiled slightly and twitched at everyone before speaking slowly. "Kong Wenju's territory is only Beihai. Now, Yuan Benchu ​​has been defeated and fled. The old nest Jizhou has already been acquired by the eldest son Lu An. Looking around, he can only make ideas for Qingzhou. To deal with Kong Wenju, Yuan Benchu Still sure."

When I heard this, everyone here was silent. Kong Wenju was the heir of Confucian philosophers, but when it comes to governing the country, it is lackluster. Even the North Sea country has been governed in a mess. How can it withstand Yuan Benchu's attack? After a long time, Huang Wan finally spoke. "If this is the case, why didn't Grand Sima tell Grand Young Master Lu An to march into Qingzhou and destroy Yuan Benchu?"

Huang Wan used the word "annihilate". Obviously, he had regarded the Luoyang court as Zhengshuo, and the princes under heaven as thieves. "Oh! It's a long story! Ziyan, you are Qingliu, you don't know Jiahu, and you don't know how expensive chai rice is if you are not in charge. It's not that Da Sima doesn't want to take the opportunity to enter Qingzhou and Yanzhou. It is really empty and no money!"! Zhao Qi shook his head and said.

"No way? With the wealthy man of the merged state army, did the Fuku see the bottom so soon?" Xun Hong asked with astonishment. He is a typical Confucian student, he doesn't hear anything outside the window, and he only reads sages and sages. , How do you know the hardships of the imperial court? "The imperial court is not fake, but no matter how big the family business is, you can't help but open up the flowers! From Youzhou, Jizhou, to Sili, Yuzhou, and then to the Western Regions, tens of thousands of miles of war have been fighting every day. The money spent is astronomical! In addition to the costs of reconstruction, subsidizing the refugees, and restoring production in Youzhou, Jizhou, and Yuzhou, even the private wealth of Da Sima is filled in!" Zhao Qi said, breaking his fingers.

"Hey! Is the imperial court so difficult?" At this time, even Lord Cai Hou was shocked. "All the monarchs, what Han Qing said is true. As a young man, I manage these things every day. It is true. The predecessor, the predecessor, Cao Zhuan and Wang Wei, fell into a disease. The root cause of the disease. If not, how could Mrs. Zhaoyi kill more than a hundred aristocratic families? When people die, they can take their wealth to fill the hole, otherwise, the court would be dead! Fortunately, I finally survived! "

Shaofu Xunyou raised his head with his hand, and said with lingering fear. For a while, everyone was silent, thinking about their own thoughts. Although they were important ministers of the Luoyang court, it was the first time I heard about the things in these thresholds. "So, I don’t know if you are not in charge. You always think that the court has gold mountains and silver mountains. To tell the truth, they are all empty shelves! Do you think Da Sima doesn’t want to "should be the brave leftover chasing the poor but not the famous academic overlord"? There is really no way to be cleaner than the face!"

Great Sinong Zhao Qi looked straight at the crowd and said slowly. "Masters, such a thing must never happen again. Now that I think about it, I still have nightmares. Therefore, Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi have set a national policy and will not move any swordsmen for three to five years. He winds from the southeast to the northwest, so I will stay still and watch the success or failure. Naturally, I don’t use the swordsman, but I still have to do small moves. No, Liu Yao and Liu Zhengli are about to go out of Beijing. He was appointed Liangzhou by Da Sima Mu, specially go to dig the corner of Yuan Highway!"

Liu Yao (yo, yu in one reading), the word is ritual. Donglai Muping. Liu You is a distant relative of the Han imperial family (the offspring of Mupinghou Liu Hui, the grandson of Liu Fei, the king of Qi Mourning Hui), the nephew of Liu Chong, the nephew of Liu Chong, and the son of Liu Yu, the prefect of Sanyang. His elder brother Liu Dai, whose name is Gongshan, Guanzhishizhong and Yanzhou governor, once participated in the Kwantung princes' meeting for Dong. When the Yellow Turban rose, Liu Dai was defeated and killed when he attacked Yanzhou.

Liu You was born as a Confucian student, and he was very clever in reading classics since childhood. When he was nineteen years old, because his cousin Liu Wei was taken hostage by bandits, Liu Yao summoned more than a dozen people into the thieves’ den to rescue his cousin. He took advantage of the gap to behead the bandit leader and successfully rescued the cousin. Big up. Because of his brilliant performance, Liu Yao was deeply loved by the villagers, so he was elected Xiaolian and worshipped the doctor.

Later, he moved to the office of the next chief, but because he refused the request of the rich and powerful, he abandoned his post and fled. He was requisitioned by the Zhouli and traveled to Jinan. Jinan was the son of Zhongchang Attendant. Liu Yao found that he was corrupt and violated the law, so he immediately exempted him. As a result, Liu Yao's reputation for being honest and innocent and suyi rose.

Tao Qiuhong, a native of the Plains, wanted the Cishi to name him as a magnificent talent. The Cishi said: "I have recommended Gongshan (Liu Yao's brother Liu Dai) last year, so why do I have to recommend Zhengli (Liu Yao's table character) now?" Tao Qiuhong Said: "If you recommend Gongshan in front of you and promote the ceremonies behind, this is the so-called driving the two dragons on a long distance and making the horse gallop. Isn't that possible!"

Soon, Liu Yu was confiscated by the Sikong Mansion as a subordinate. Except for serving as a servant, Liu Yu didn't take up his post, but returned to Luoyang to escape the war.

"Liu Yao is a celebrity of the Qingliu, he is not a talent for conquering the borders. He used the Confucian scholars to be a foreigner of the dynasty. It shows that Zhengshuo has done it! In my opinion, it probably won't have any effect. Da Sima This trick is really a mistake!" Huang Wan lost his voice. "Not necessarily! According to the old man's intention, Da Sima's move is really a trick with one stone and three birds!" Cai Houye lowered his voice and said, "As soon as the "Nine Grade Officials Act" came out, the noble families of the world Immediately they were ready to move. They thought that sitting on the ground could be a high-ranking official, completely ignorant of the world, difficult and dangerous. Liu Yao came out of Yangzhou as a Qingliu celebrity, just to show the world’s aristocratic families, Da Sima valued aristocratic clan and Qingliu celebrity. Yes. But, Guan'er gave it to you, and how you do it depends on you!"

Upon hearing what Cai Houye said, everyone immediately realized. Alas! Older gingers are more spicy! For many years, the emperor Caihou has grown from a scholar to a giant in the middle of the kingdom who turned his hands on the clouds and covered his hands for the rain. Just this one's eyesight, three points into the woods, is enough to be proud of his peers. However, in this way, the representative of the Qingliu celebrities in this dynasty, Liu Yao and Liu Zhengli, would not be in danger?

"You are worried about Liu Zhengli's life, right? Yuan Gonglu has a sour face on a famous man. If he is evil, he will definitely kill the Quartet. Liu Zhengli came to visit the old man a few days ago, and the old man advised him not to go to work and find someone Let the boss push it away. But, guess what Liu Zhengli said? He was impassioned and said: "The country of this dynasty is destroyed in the hands of those Qingliu celebrities who can't do big things and don't want to do small things! I want to fight hard! , Make a face for the Qingliu celebrities in the world, show Da Sima!'"

Master Cai Hou is well-versed in the world, and has long developed a pair of fiery eyes, and when he saw that everyone was worried, he immediately said this. After listening, everyone shivered. Alas! This Liu Zhengli has a big tone! How dare to fight against Da Sima? So Yuan Shuyuan Gonglu is nice to each other? As soon as I heard that you were digging a wall, didn't you immediately light up the men and horses to eat you up?

In an instant, everyone present fell into silence, and they chewed carefully on what Cai Houye said.

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