New Story of Lv Bu

: :Put the pot of Yage to enjoy the guests

"Liu Zhengli has his own ambitions and expectations, and perhaps his support. We leave him alone. When he is exhausted, as long as he bows to Da Sima, I think Da Sima will not ignore it. According to the little girl's opinion, Da Sima had already arranged a second hand, and went to pull Liu Zhengli in a critical moment." When everyone was so silent, Bingxue and smart Wen Ji immediately came out to complete the battle. "Alright! Alright! Let's talk about Chen Yuanfang's anecdote!"

"This statement is great!" "Wei!" The people present here are all extremely smart. Upon hearing Wen Ji's words, they immediately understood them all. Above the court, the most taboo of the host is for his subordinates to guess his thoughts. When it comes to secret matters, it will be punished as a crime of conspiracy. Now, the host used other words to avoid the topic, and everyone in the room just went down the donkey and lightly exposed it.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the whole house immediately became alive. "Lord, how about let's throw a pot!" Da Sinong Zhao Qi drank a glass of wine and said with a strong alcoholic gas in his mouth. "Good!" Everyone here immediately applauded by touching their palms. "It's just like a king's words! But, it's a national funeral, you can't use music workers. Come, come and prepare quickly!" Cai Houye smiled and said with a beard.

Throwing the pot is a game of throwing and also a kind of etiquette. The reality is to throw an arrow into the pot. The one who hits more is the winner, and the one who loses is drinking according to the prescribed number of cups. The six techniques of Confucianism, ritual, music, shooting, imperialism, calligraphy, and number. Shooting ceremony is one of the six arts. It has always been the foundation of Confucianists. Because the courtyard is not wide enough to be used for setting up the Hou Hou; or because there are so many guests, it is not enough to prepare bows; or some guests do not know how to shoot arrows, so throwing pots instead of curved bows is used to enjoy the guests and to practice etiquette.

"Toss the pot, shoots finely. Yanyin shoots as a guest, and teaches art with accustomed appearance." These are the original words of Mr. Kang Cheng.

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, one of the etiquettes of the princes when banqueting guests was to invite guests to shoot arrows. At that time, it was considered a shame that an adult man could not shoot arrows. The host asked the guests to shoot arrows, and the guests could not refuse. Later, some guests did not know how to shoot arrows, so they used arrow-throwing hip flasks instead. Over time, throwing pots replaced archery and became a game of banquets, which became popular.

In the beginning, throwing pots was just a game when the nobles feasted. Later, the folks followed suit. "Book of Rites? Toss the pot" said: "Those who throw the pot, the master and the guest Yan drink to talk about the gift of talent." "Zuo Zhuan" once recorded the Jin Zhaogong's feast, the monarchs of the kingdoms, held the game of throwing the pot. After the Qin and Han dynasties, pitching pots became popular among the scholar-official class, and every banquet, there must be a "Yagege pitching pot" program to add to the excitement. Over time, the difficulty of throwing pots has gradually increased, and many new titles have appeared, such as blind throwing or sitting back throwing.

After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the shooting ceremony was abolished, and the pitching of the pot became a kind of entertainment for the guests. According to the records of "Eastern View of Han Dynasty", the generals of this dynasty used Confucianism to use Confucianism to entertain the wine, and they must throw pots with elegant songs. The combination of pots with elegant songs has become a characteristic of the life of Confucian scholars. The method of throwing pots in this dynasty has been greatly improved compared with that of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The original pitching pot was filled with red beans so that the thrown arrow shaft would not jump out. In the past, we did not install red beans in the pot, so that the arrow shaft can jump out and catch the re-shot; you can cast more than a hundred times in a row, "it is called Xiao". "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" said that there was a Guo Sheren who was good at throwing pots during Emperor Wu's time, and he could "over a hundred against one target". "Every time the emperor Wu throws a pot, I donate gold and silk." Throwing pots, Songs of Songs, and adding "over a hundred against one target" sounds unconsciously longing for it.

"The little girl came to shoot and supervised the kings to cast the pot, and the judgement was no, and each had four arrows. The person who finished the vote had a drink and told an anecdote about Chen Yuanfang, temporarily serving as the voice of the song. All the kings have voted. , To determine the ranking, the winner drinks alcohol, and the loser dances swords for fun. I don't know what the princes think?" Wen Ji glanced around and saw that the pots and arrows used were all set up, and she hurriedly got up and said.

"It's like a king's words!" "Wei!" "This statement is great!" Everyone in the room immediately geared up, ready to show off their skills.

Before throwing the pot, as usual, the owner asked for three bids and three bids. Wen Ji came to the crowd with arrows without clusters in her hand, and distributed the arrows one by one. The first one is Huang Wan. Wen Ji said: "There is a whistle pot in vain, please invite guests." Huang Wan said: "You have a purpose for wine and delicacies, but also with pleasure, dare to say." Wen Ji said: "Waiting." The arrow whistle pot is not enough, dare to ask.” Huang Wan said: "A certain gift of wine and delicacies, but also with joy, dare to speak firmly." Wen Ji said: "Vice whistle pot, not enough words, dare to be solid to ask. "Huang Wan said: "A certain resignation is not fatal, dare to disrespect and follow?" Huang Wan bowed and took the four arrows. Wen Ji replied, and the host and guest exchanged greetings with each other, Wen Ji retired.

Huang Wan straightened his figure and sang the song "The Book of Songs? Xiaoya? Deer Ming". As usual, "Deer Ming" is the song of throwing a pot.

Yo-yo Luming, the apple of the wild food. I have guests, harp blowing Sheng. Blow the sheng drum spring, the bearing basket is the general. People are kind to me, show me that I walk every week. Yo Yo Luming, Artemisia of the Wild Food. I have a guest, Deyin Kong Zhao. Regardless of the people, the gentleman is effective. I have a wine, guest style Yan Yiao. Yo Yo Luming, the sweetness of the wild food. I have guests who are singing and playing. The drums, the drums, the drums, and the piano are harmonious and exquisite. I have a purpose for wine, with the heart of Yanle guests. Huang Wan's singing is clear and melodious, majestic and faint, like the sound of gold and stone.

After the singing, Huang Wan's wrist slammed, four arrows shot out like meteors, and they were neatly inserted into the pot.

"Like!" everyone present praised together. Huang Wan returned to his seat and drank a cup of hot wine before speaking slowly.

"This one is called a real person traveling east. Chen Mao went to visit Xun Shu. Because his family was poor and couldn't afford to hire a servant, he asked his eldest son Chen Ji to drive the car. The second son Chen Chen followed behind with a scepter, and his grandson Chen Qunnian When he was still young, he was sitting in the car. When he arrived at Xun Shu's place, Xun Shu asked his third son Xun Jing to greet him at the door, his sixth son Xun Shuang toasted, and the other six sons served dishes. Grandson Xun Yu was still young and sat in front of his grandfather's lap. Tai Shi played to the emperor and said:'The people of high morals have gone east.'"

This anecdote has been spread all over the world, and although Huang Wan may be intriguing, it is also quite satisfactory. Everyone had to drink a glass together.

The next one to cast the pot was Xun Hong, who was also like Huang Wan. He made four of four shots, drank a cup, and talked about another interesting story. "You gentlemen, brothers and sisters, this anecdote has been spread all over the world. I won't talk about it. I'll talk about a'loyal minister and filial son.' And, the following monarchs and anecdotes that are well-known to the world, don't talk about it again. Now." Xun Hong said drunkly with his eyes glistening.

"The prefect Yingchuan imposes a torture on Chen Yu. Someone asked Yuan Fang, Chen Yu's son, "How about this man?" Yuan Fang replied, "It's a clever prefect." Then he asked, "How is your father?" Yuan Fang replied: "My father is a loyal minister and a filial son." The guest asked: "The Yi said: "Two people have the same heart, and the profit is cut off; the words of the same heart are as stinky as orchids." How can there be a clever prefect. A loyal official and a dutiful son will be tortured?” Yuan Fang said: “Your words are too ridiculous! I will not answer.” The guest said: “You are just pretending to be humble, showing that you can’t answer.” Yuan Fang said: “Yin Gaozong used to be Banished his filial son and filial piety, Yin Jifu banished his filial son Birqi, and Dong Zhongshu banished his filial son Fuqi. These three people are clever people; the three banished are also loyal ministers and filial sons. The guest left in shame." Xun Hong's story was finally finished, but he did not end, but raised his eyes to look at the crowd.

"The monarchs, the so-called loyal ministers and filial sons, can only be seen for decades and hundreds of years. I Xun Hong is just a scholar," I am willing to be plain and have no ambitions in my life. However, I know one thing, the true loyal and filial son is the one who can make the ordinary people live a good life! The celebrities of this dynasty can't do big things, and don't want to do small things. Such a person, who is a vegetarian, only knows to slander, scolds this and that, in my eyes, even a Litian farmer is inferior! "

Although Xun Hong's words are plain, they are like Hong Zhong Dalu, which stirs everyone's hearts heavily.

Next, the pitching of the pot continued. Chen Yuanfang’s anecdote said one and one, and finally, only Cai Houye was left. "Zhou Jun, with these last four arrows, it is finally the old man's turn. Then, let the old man come to a break! Zhu Jun, please let the old man talk about being crazy!" After the words were finished, Mr. Cai Hou grew up. Three arrows were thrown into the pot like shooting stars, arousing applause. The fourth arrow shot out like lightning, dropped it into the pot, then shot out, flew back to Cai Houye, Cai Houye grabbed it, and shot it backhand! In a blink of an eye, they came back and forth, like meteor lightning, and everyone was dazzled.

Finally, the arrow let out a clear cry and didn't move anymore. "Thirty-six back!" Wen Ji's crisp voice sounded. "Good!" everyone present praised in unison. "Oh! After all, the old man! You laughed!" Cai Houye wiped the sweat from his forehead and laughed loudly.

"The story I'm telling is called: Teachers who do not correspond to each other. When Chen Yuanfang was eleven years old, he went to visit Yuan Gong. Yuan Gong asked:'My father was in Taiqiu, and people from far and near praised him. What did he do? 'Yuan Fang said:'My father is in Taiqiu, the strong use virtue to comfort them, and the weak use benevolence to sympathize with them, allowing them to live and work in peace and contentment. As time goes by, they will respect him more and more.' Yuan Gong said:'I used to serve in Yexian County. Ling, do these things. I don’t know if my father imitated me or I followed my father?’ Yuan Fang replied: “Zhou Gong and Confucius were born in different ages, but their contacts and actions are the same. Zhou Gong did not imitate Confucius, nor did Confucius. Follow the example of Duke Zhou. "Zhou Jun, when Chen Yuanfang was eleven years old, he was so quick-witted, he will definitely make a big career this time in his official career!"

Speaking of this, Cai Houye raised the wine cup: "Masters, let us drink this glass for a great cause that has never been seen before!"

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