New Story of Lv Bu

: : Lu Kang’s big troubles and Jia Xu’s little moves

Just before the grand funeral of Emperor Xiaoxian, an urgent letter for help came to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. This one hundred thousand urgent letter came from Lujiang County, Yangzhou, and was written and written by the current Lujiang Prefect Lu Kang. Those who came to Luoyang with this distress letter, there were two distress letters, one written by the hired old Lu Hao, and the other written by Lu Xun. Lu Hao's letter was written to Da Sima Lubu, and Lu Xun's letter was naturally written to Lu Lingqi. The content is similar, but it is to ask for help.

Lu Kang, whose name is Jining, is from Wu County, Wu County. There are four great families in Jiangdong, "Gu, Lu, Zhu and Zhang". Lu Kang has always been the best in Jiangdong. Lu Kang comes from the Lu family, one of the four families. When Lu Kang was young, he was named Yi Lie. He was first elected as Maocai by the governor of Yangzhou Zang Min, and then served as the county magistrate of Gaocheng. Due to the remoteness of Gaocheng County, local public security is very chaotic. Every household is equipped with crossbows, and every time the county magistrate arrives, the people will first be enlisted to build the city wall. After Lu Kang took office, these people were dismissed, and the people rejoiced, and by means of establishing good faith, even the thieves were gradually subdued. The prefecture commended him for his achievements. Yu Guanghe was promoted to the prefect of Wuling in the first year, and later transferred to Guiyang and Le'an. He was praised wherever he went. It can be seen that Lu Kang is a competent minister, and also an official.

Lu Kang's temperament is loyal and straightforward, as long as he feels wrong, he will speak out of righteousness. Above the court, such a temperament will definitely cause disaster. Sure enough, disaster fell from the sky before long. In order to cast bronze people, the first emperor Lingdi levied a large amount of taxes, which made the people poor. Lu Kang immediately went to the table to persuade him, and was mistaken by the **** as a disrespect for slandering the sage. Fortunately, Yu Shi Liu Dai carefully studied the table and explained it, only to dismiss him and return to his hometown.

However, the court re-conscripted Lu Kang as Yilang. Yi Lang is an idle job, with a rank of six hundred stones, and he is in charge of consultants to deal with it. Yilang is divided into red and black. The popular Yilang often enters the palace, and communicates with the giants in the middle. However, Hei Yilang, who is in bad luck, is just a preparation, except for the six hundred stone salary, no one pays attention.

Fortunately, Lu Kang's elder brother, Lu Hao, was a wealthy businessman in his dynasty, and he often helped. In this way, Lu Kang's opportunity finally came after several years of leisure. Rogue Huang Rang and others appeared in Lujiang County, and there were more than one hundred thousand thieves and horse bandits connecting Jiangxia and other places, and they captured four counties. Suddenly, Jiangdong was shocked several times a day.

As a result, under the operation of his brother Lu Yu, Lu Kang was appointed Lujiang Prefect by the court, galloping in the starry night, and rushed to Lujiang. After Lu Kang took office, he quickly stabilized the situation on the Lujiang River, recruited county soldiers, trained them, rewarded and punished them clearly, and swiftly spoke out. In a short period of time, he defeated Huang Rang's subordinates, and other remnants of banditry also returned. Lu Kang's performance was amazing and brilliant, which made Lingdi very happy. He commended Lu Kang for his achievements and named Lu Kang's grandson Lu Shang as a doctor. After Emperor Xian succeeded to the throne, the world was in chaos. With a heart of loyalty in mind, Lu Kang ventured to send Xiaolian to pay tribute to the court. He was named a general of loyalty and had a rank of two thousand stones. He was already at the rank of Jiuqing.

After the Nanyang rebellion, Li Zhang and Guo Bang were defeated in a row by Zhang Ji and Dasima Lubu, and had to rush to Yangzhou to looting everywhere. The four counties of Lujiang, Yangquan, Anfeng, and Anfeng, which border Yuzhou in Lujiang, were suddenly ransacked. The homes of both government and private treasury, aristocratic families and ordinary people were all looted. The robbery was accompanied by adultery and burning. Women from below 50 to above 12 were raped. Thousands of officials and people were killed. More than 100,000 victims in the four counties are coming to Lujiang, the county government. If no help is given, tens of thousands of people will die of freezing and starvation. After hearing the news, Lu Kang was shocked immediately. He sent people to help and reassure the people, while reporting to Yangzhou Mu Yuan Shu, and reporting what happened. At the same time, he sent the thief Cao Cao from the county to work and rushed to the four counties to conduct a close investigation. thing. However, Yuan Shu's rescue and food were not available, and Lu Kang had to open up the treasury to help the victims.

When everything was decided and the victims were at ease, the Lujiang treasury also bottomed out. At this time, an envoy from Yangzhou Muyuan Shu also arrived. "Shijun Lu's handling is excellent! There must be no doubt that the envoy has just arrived, and everything is already in order. It's just that I don't know where the thief comes from?" The messenger praised with a smile on his face. "The envoy Rongzi, the Lujiang thief Cao has found out that it was the work of the rebels under Li Su and Guo Bang, and there are evidences and evidence. Now the Lujiang Mansion is empty. Please also ask the envoy to report to Yangzhou Mu, quickly. Set aside money and grain and give relief for one or two. Otherwise, there is no way to count on next year's harvest." Lu Kang bowed his hands and replied politely.

"Good talk! Good talk!" said the messenger with a smile on his face. However, there is no more text. The next day, don't rush to meet Lu Kang in person. "Shijun, the messenger from Yangzhou Mu has offered a price for 500 catties of gold before he was willing to go to Yangzhou Mu and set aside the money and grain. Shijun, it took me two hours to grind it down! You will always agree. If you can't bear it, you will be in a big way!" When he heard this, Lu Kang suddenly became angry. "The Lujiang Mansion is empty and there is not even a mouse. Where can I find the money to fill his hole? Tell him, just say what I want, if I want money, I will kill one!" Don't drive and retreat.

Hearing this, the messenger immediately set off to return to Shouchun, giving Yuan Shu's ear a great deal of fuel and vinegar. "Lord, then Lu Kang not only speaks harshly, but also utters a lot of words, but he also accumulates grain, trains soldiers, and has a heart of disobedience! I also hope that the lord will make a decision soon!" Upon hearing this, Yuan Shu also had trouble, and this Lu Jining was also irritated. It's embarrassing. In his eyes, is there still me, a Yangzhou pastoralist? However, when today's son has just appointed him as General Loyalty, and the rank reaches two thousand stones, he can't be ruthless right now, right?

"In this way, you will work hard again, go to the Lujiang River, and tell Lu Jining that there is a shortage of food in our army and let him supply 30,000 hu of corn. If he gives it, we will go to the donkey and give him face. If you don't give it, hum!" Yuan Shu hesitated and finally made up his mind. When the messenger came to Lujiang again and arrogantly added to Yuan Shu's words, Lu Kang immediately became angry. He immediately ordered the beheading of the messenger, repairing the combat readiness, and preparing to fight Yuan Shu. At the same time, he sent the messenger to Luoyang for help.

At this moment, his elder brother and his grandson Lu Xun also rushed to Lujiang from Wu Jun's home, and arrived at Lujiang with them, as well as more than a hundred young and strong children of the Lu family, and a large number of langs were fighting. Seeing Lu Kang, Lu Hao said with a sullen face, "Yuan Shu's actions in this way are simply treating my Lu family as nothing! It is tolerable or unbearable! This time, my Lu family must fight to the end! Even if it is the whole clan If you die in battle, you will not hesitate!" The two brothers sat down and talked for a long time before they decided on the strategy of refurbishing and holding on to the aid.

"What do you think?" Da Sima Lubu slowly put down the 100,000 urgent distress documents in his hand, and scanned the surroundings. General Wei Gaoshun, Mrs. Zhaoyi Yan Yan, Liangzhou Mu Jiaxu, assassin general Ma Zhong, Shang Shuling Cao Yong, Shaofu Xunyou, Da Sinong Zhao Qi, and Lingqi with expressions of nervousness and expectation all sat down On both sides, looking at him solemnly, waiting for his handling.

"Father, Grandpa Lu sticks to the Lu River alone, how can he withstand the hundreds of thousands of Yuan Gonglu's army? Father, you should send the rescue early." Upon hearing Lu Bu's words, Ling Qi was the first to bear it, she hurried forward. , Said with a bow and salute. "Oh? Lingqi, are you worried about your little friend Lu Xun and Lu Boyan? Hahahahahahaha!" Lu Bu laughed loudly. "Father??????" Lingqi's small face flushed immediately. "Good girl, come here!" Yan Yan stretched out her hands and hugged Lingqi in her arms. While stroking Lingqi's delicate face with her hand, she comforted her softly. "Don't interfere with the big guy's discussion."

"In the opinion of the minister, within three to five years, we still must not use swords and soldiers. The treasury is empty, and it is really unsustainable." Xun You and Zhao Qi said slowly. Upon hearing this, Lingqi frowned immediately. Glared. However, Xun You and Zhao Qi were unmoved. "Brother Wenhe, how do you see it? Look, Lingqi is about to cry." Lu Bu smiled and asked narrowly.

"In my opinion, since the court has made a decision, it is better not to use swordsmen for three to five years." Jia Xu smiled slightly and said slowly. "Uncle Jia??????" Lingqi said in an annoyed voice when she heard this. "Oh! I forgot about Lingqi. By the way, there is also the little prodigy of Lu Xun and Lu Boyan." Jia Xu said while looking at Lingqi with the inverted eyebrows.

"Although the treasury is empty and you can't use swordsmen without authorization, you still have to do some small moves. Let's let Liu Yao leave Beijing immediately and rush to Yangzhou to copy the back road of Yuan Highway, so that he dare not attack Lujiang with all his strength. In addition, we can support Lujiang's obsolete Modao, 100-refined steel ring first swords, as well as strategic materials such as God Arm Bows, God Arm Crossbows, and armors. We always hire wealthy merchants and have a solid foundation. Also, to show the world that Yuan Gonglu was rebellious and ordered the large ethnic group of Yangzhou to attack."

Jia Xu finally finished speaking, he smiled slightly, waiting for Lu Bu's answer. "Brother Wenhe really said something important! This is a good thing! Such a strategy of three birds with one stone is really cruel! If you want to come to Yuan Road and suffer such a sap, you will definitely feel so painful that you can't find it!" Lu Bu With the palm of the case, he laughed loudly. Amid Lu Bu's hearty laughter, Lingqi's tender voice rang.

"Uncle Jia, you're bad! Such a good strategy has turned the horse and bowed the bow, so that people's appetite is exhausted, and then I say it!"

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