New Story of Lv Bu

: : I will treat the princes who enter the dynasty well!

After throwing the burial objects, the east gardener carried the sealed objects into the mysterious palace and hid them in the toilet. Tai Chang Ma Rixi slowly knelt down, tears raining, and said loudly: "The emperor worships and worships, please cry", Dahongxuan sent everyone to cry. Taichang Ma Rixi knelt again and said: "The gift is complete", and the empress dowager Tang Ji quickly took the place with the emperor. Junggen was carrying the emperor's clothes before his death. Dasima Lubu ran to the toilet, and moved with the chariot to Ronggen's chariot under the jade tent. Da Sima Lubu knelt and said, "please do it," and guided the wandering soul to the temple.

The Shangyi official served clothes and provided utensils and clothing to the toilet and hid them in the toilet. Too wish to contribute to the fruit wine. The whole process took ten minutes. At the end of the ceremony, Sikong kind of flies and his generals buried the soil in the tomb road. The queen mother, the emperor, and the following all took off their rough mourning clothes and served the fifteenth day of the scarlet mourning. This means that the funeral of Emperor Xiaoxian is over. One hundred civil and military officials resigned to the empress dowager, and the emperor returned to the capital city of Luoyang.

After the empress dowager and the emperor return to the palace, they will establish the throne of God according to etiquette. The **** master made of mulberry is one foot and two inches long and does not write posthumous names. After the funeral, calm the gods and place the gods in the ancestral temple. Groups of officials wore sacrificial clothing to the court, and the emperor's nearby officials still wore mourning clothing. After the red, he served Xiaohong on the 14th, and changed the coarse cloth crown on the 11th. After Xiao Hong wears fine-grained fabrics. When wearing fine-grained fabrics expire, wear black clothes with a crown of weekdays. Near ministers and officials below two thousand stones wear black and yellow crowns. The following hundred officials all wear black clothes.

Every time I changed my dress, I had to go to the mausoleum to cry and hang. Only one sacrifice is used during the sacrifice, and sacrifice heads with blood and hair cannot be sacrificed. Situ and Guang Luxun prepared three glasses of wine as per gift. When the service is full, the sacrifice to Emperor Xiaoxian will be transferred to Taichang Mansion. From then on, the civil and military officials could get rid of the filial obedience, dressed in ordinary clothes, and served for the new emperor. Of course, these are all things to do.

The grand funeral of Emperor Xiaoxian finally came to an end, and everyone from the empress dowager Tang Ji to the low-level officials breathed a sigh of relief. This level is finally over! Tang Ji sat comfortably in the eight-treasure wheel car, looking at the sleeping emperor Liu Xi and Changle princess Liu Ming, she couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. In any case, his son finally sat on the throne of the emperor of the big man. As for the future, it depends on the thief! According to Da Sima's temperament, he would not kill the donkey.

Even if it was a few years later, when Da Sima accepted the renunciation and ascended the throne, Liu Xi would still have at least one real prince in hand. It would be enough if he had a calm mind, didn't ask for information, and lived his own life honestly. The crux of the matter is that you must never let Da Sima feel that Liu Xi is threatened. Threat? What is the threat of a child who is almost two years old who still can't speak? Thinking of this, Tang Ji couldn't help laughing. In the folks, a two-year-old child cannot speak yet, which is definitely a sign of stupidity.

"Queen dowager, you must win over Da Sima! This is where the key is located." Behind Tang Ji, Liu E looked around and said softly. "But, how do you win over?" Tang Ji asked in confusion. "Queen dowager, the child who speaks later will be smarter in the future. At this time, the emperor is too smart but not good. When the emperor is over ten years old, he is as smart as the emperor Xiaohuai, then it will be bad. Think about it carefully. Thinking, what can I use to win over Da Sima?" Liu E looked a little hesitant and stopped.

"Oh! It's all trouble! Let me think about it??????" Tang Ji closed her eyes and thought about it carefully.

"Masters, how do you feel about the funeral of the Emperor Xiaoxian today?" Xu You, Yuan Shao's envoy, asked Breit for a feast while sitting on the main seat, asking calmly. This time he went to Luoyang as an envoy, but he had a major mission on his body, that is, to contact the princes of the world, unite and fight against Luoyang together. For this reason, he did not hesitate to pay a lot of money to contract this luxurious inn. Not only that, but he also brought his cook, servants, and grooms from Qingzhou, in order to strictly guard the secrets and not miss the slightest.

"Feeling? If you want to talk about feelings, there is only one, that is, Da Sima is too rich! This state funeral is worth spending money like dirt and using money like sand!" Liu Yan's messenger Zhao Wei laughed. Zhao Wei was one of the first two ministers from the dragon under the command of Liu Yan, the animal husbandry of Yizhou. He was trusted by Liu Yan and was a pragmatic faction in power in Yizhou. In his mission to Luoyang this time, he had an important mission. In addition to paying tribute to the court to express his surrender, he also wanted to find ways to redeem the third son Liu Wei. No way, Yizhou Mu also needs an heir.

Zhao Wei knew what Xu You was thinking about organizing this gathering. Yuan Benchu's wife and children are all by his side, and he absolutely cannot understand the loneliness and sadness in Liu Junlang's heart. His four sons, the eldest son and the second son, were beheaded by the court. The most like his third son was captured, leaving only one cautious young son. Why is Liu Yizhou's love? He couldn't help but come to the gathering organized by Xu You, but after he came, he couldn't arbitrarily talk about it, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the Luoyang court. As a result, he had no choice but to understand and pretend to be confused, and Wang Gu talked about him from left to right.

"Yeah! Da Sima has half of the world today, and the day to be king is not far away! From now on, the life of the world's princes will not be easy!" Cao Cao's messenger Xun Yu said slowly. He had already exchanged opinions with Xu You, and wanted to use this gathering to get a feel for the princes of the world. Therefore, he deliberately or unintentionally brought the topic to this aspect, so he tried to test the meaning of the messengers.

"This statement is great!" Tao Qian's messenger Chen Guiji exclaimed in admiration. "Wen Ruo, Ling-nephew Gongda served as the young mansion in the middle of the DPRK. As early as in the bag of Da Sima, he often participated in the political and military planes of the DPRK. It would be better to find the wind from him." Chen Gui, again As Gui, the word Hanyu. Xiapi people in Xuzhou. Chen Gui was born in a noble family, and Yuan Shu were both descendants of public clan, and had friendship since childhood. His father and ancestor Chen Qian, an official to Guanghan prefect, from his father Chen Qiu, the first emperor Lingdi, the official to the Taiwei. He was also the younger brother of Wu Jun prefect Chen Yu and Ruyin prefect Chen Cong, and the father of Chen Deng and Chen Ying. Chen Gui initially promoted Xiaolian and served as county magistrate of Qingzhou Beihai State Administration, and now he is Peixiang.

"Like!" "This remark is great!" Upon hearing this, the envoys present loudly agreed. They all have important missions on this mission. At the very least, they have to figure out what Dasima is thinking about. "You princes, please stay calm! Since entering Beijing, I haven't seen Gongda. Today, I sent someone to make an appointment with Gongda. He replied that he would definitely participate. I also asked you to please Shaoan. Impatient!" Xun Yu smiled and looked at everyone. At this moment, his heart felt very comfortable.

Looking at the world, among the aristocratic families, only the Yingchuan Xun family can bet on both sides. This decision of the Xun family at that time also caused fierce internal opposition, but the Patriarch finally persuaded the people of the tribe and completely silenced the opposition. It now appears that the decision-making of the Patriarch was really wise! With the rise of the Great Sima Lubu Military Group, it is finally time for the Xun family to reap the fruits! Even if Cao Mengde was devastated, the Xun family still had a towering tree called Da Sima that could shelter from the wind and rain.

"Hey! That's the case!" "Wen Ruo, I'll listen to it!" When he heard this, everyone was overjoyed. All these people are smart people, and you can see the key points at a glance! When Xun Gongda came here, he must have been ordered by Dasima Lubu to give a briefing to the princes. That being the case, the big guy should just listen to Da Sima's thoughts.

Sure enough, a quarter of an hour later, Xun You hurried over. When everyone saw that the ceremony was over, Xu You ordered the dishes to be served. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, everyone stopped eating. They raised their eyes and looked at Xun You steadily. Xun You pursed his clothes with a smile on his face, and after scanning the crowd, did he speak slowly.

"You princes, Xun You came here this time. First, I wanted to meet the princes present. I haven’t seen them for a long time, and I really missed them. Secondly, I have something to say. I think all the princes also want to hear. Now, Emperor Xiaoxian. Suddenly collapsed, with emotion, reason and law. Today they are all natural heirs. I won’t say more about this. As for Da Sima’s future measures, I can tell Xun You a thing or two."

"The meaning of Da Sima is very simple. In short, it is three sentences: First, the Zhongxing Han Dynasty is still in the old capital. Second, the princes sincerely honor the emperor, provide relief to the exile, and treat the common people kindly. Third He followed the imperial order, entered the dynasty as an official, and exchanged land for family and tribes for a hundred years of wealth. Before I came, Da Sima once told: princes who enter the dynasty, Bu must treat them kindly!"

"Today, as I said by Xun You, every word and every sentence means the imperial court, as well as Da Sima. After the monarchs return, they can tell you their masters as they are. As for where to go, please ask them to choose. Wait for the princes to enter. The time of the dynasty will not be too long, at most three to five years or five or six years. If the princes who do not enter the dynasty then, the court will surely slay them!"

Xun You's words were finally finished, his face was solemn and he watched quietly the reactions of everyone present. Threat! This is a naked threat! Obviously it's the end of the crossbow, but he just pretends to be aloof! But, what if it's not the end of the battle? Taking a step back, Da Sima didn't show up, and General Wei Gao Shun led a hundred thousand elites to conquer the princes. What will happen then?

When everyone was secretly meditating, Xun You cleared his throat and threw out another big news. "Masters, the battle of the Han army in the Western Regions has ended. The invading army of 300,000 Guishuang was wiped out, and Emperor Wei Sutipo I of the Guishuang Empire died in battle. Not only that, Tianxiong General Lu Zheng has already conquered Wusun, Dawan, Kangju and the entire Guishuang Empire, the next step, he will enter Hindustan. The imperial court will set up the Guishuang Protectorate in Guishuang, Lu Zheng is the first Guishuang Protector, according to the new official system, is the second grade official."

"What?" "Is this true?" As soon as he heard this, everyone in the room immediately fryed the pan, and they all jumped in surprise.

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