New Story of Lv Bu

: : Sima House, Hanoi

While Xun Yu was complacent when he bet on both sides of Yingchuan Xun's family in Luoyang City, the capital of Dahan, at the same time in Wen County of Hanoi County, Sili, another family family was also thinking about betting on both sides. This family is Sima. Family. At this time, Sima Fang, the head of the Sima clan, was at his home in Wen County, waiting anxiously for his second son, Sima Yi. He is forty out of four this year, just in his prime.

Sima was born in Guisheng, the descendant of Gaoyang’s son Chongli, namely Xiaguan Zhurong. It is the Emperor Gao Yang in the sentence "Li Sao" written by Qu Zi, "The seedlings of Emperor Gaoyang Xi, the emperor called Boyong." From ancient times to the Shang Dynasty, the Sima family inherited the position of Xia Guan from generation to generation. In the Zhou Dynasty, Xia Guan was renamed Sima. When King Zhou Xuan, the ancestor of the Sima family, Cheng Boxiu, put down Xu Fang's meritorious service and gave Sima the family name. Since then, the descendants of Xiaguan Zhurong have taken Sima as the surname and have taken root in Wendi.

Time flies, day and night, when Sima Fang, the eleventh ancestor of Sima Fang, Sima has finally developed. Sima Mao was the great-great-great-grandson of Sima Kuaiku, a famous swordsman in the Kingdom of Zhao during the Warring States Period. In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, Simazheng served as a general of Wuxinjun Wuchen. After the battle to capture the Chaoge Julu, Simazheng followed Xiang Yu into the pass. In the third year of Qin II, the Qin dynasty was destroyed. Sima Qiang quelled Hanoi and repeatedly made military exploits. So Xiang Yu divided the land of Wei Kingdom into Western Wei and Yin, and named Sima Qian as the king of Yin. He ruled Hanoi and established the capital of the Song Dynasty. However, Sima Mao's luck was too bad. After only two years of comfortable life, he ran into big trouble.

In March of the second year of Emperor Han Gao, Liu Bang, who was the king of Han at that time, crossed the Yellow River from Linjin and captured Hanoi. Unprepared, Simazhen had to surrender Liu Bang, king of Han, and the land of Yin Kingdom became Hanoi County. In April of the following year, during the Battle of Pengcheng, Sima Mao followed Gaodi on the expedition. The Emperor Xiang Yu led 30,000 soldiers and defeated Liu Bang and 560,000 allied forces of the five vassals. Sima Mao was killed by the Chu army.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the territory of Hanoi County remained stable, basically unchanged. Hanoi is in the middle of the world, with a big river in the south, Taihang Mountains in the north, surrounded by mountains and rivers, convenient transportation, and a very important strategic position. In this dynasty, Emperor Guangwu took Hanoi as the foundation, and then contended for the world and mixed in one universe. Hanoi is the hometown of Yin and Shang, with strong folk customs, and Shang Ren Xia. According to the records of "Historical Records? The Biographies of Commodities", the folk customs here "receive chivalrous people as traitors, not farmers and merchants." Such an environment naturally created Sima's temperament.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the Sima family's splendor was like a flash in the pan, and the Sima family began to dormant for a long time. By the time Sima Jun's great-grandfather, Sima Jun, the Sima family began to develop again. In the first year of the Yongchu period, Simajun, as a Zhonglang, accompanied the riding general Deng Wei to attack Xiqiang. After that, Simajun's official career seemed to be quite smooth. Eight years later, in the second year of the Yuan dynasty, Sima Junji was the general of Zuo Fengling's march to the west, and the army governed the army before attacking Lingqiang. Perhaps it was because the thief God didn't like Sima, but in this battle, Sima Jun committed suicide because of malfeasance on the battlefield. This situation is really embarrassing.

King Sima Mao of Yin was a military commander, and General Sima Jun of Zuo Feng Ling Xing Zhengxi was a general. From this point of view, from Sima Mao to Sima Jun, Sima clan seemed to be a military family, fighting for themselves in the **** battlefield. future. The Northwest Qiang turmoil of this dynasty lasted for more than a hundred years, occupying a quarter of the world in the 400 years of this dynasty, which is really a major disaster for this dynasty. Throughout Sima Jun's life, most of his officials were in the northwest, closely related to Pingqiang, with a strong military color, and not a trace of Confucianism.

Perhaps the mission given to Sima Jun by the thief God was probably Ping Qiang. The tragic death of Zuo Feng Ling, general Sima Jun in the West, seemed to have a profound impact on Sima's career. Sima Fang's son, Sima Liang, no longer joined the army, but became the prefect of Yuzhang. In the time of Sima Jun, Sima Liang's son, he finally "turned from Wu to Wen", and the Confucianism level of Sima in Hanoi had been qualitatively improved.

This dynasty scholar's notes once said: Sima) Lang's grandfather (Sima) Jun, with different characters, erudite and ancient, suave and generosity. It is eight feet three inches long, with a belt of ten circumferences, and a graceful Kui shore. It is different from the others. The township clan is Xianjing Fuyan. It is the prefect of Yingchuan." From the erudite saying, it can be seen that Sima Jun has become an erudite Confucian, and the suave and generosity shows that the Sima family is a hero. The bottom line is still there. The Sima family was so powerful in Hanoi that it was "Xianjing Fuyan from the Xiangdang clan".

The Confucian classics of this dynasty, before Hengling, dominated the modern classics. Great Confucianism emphasizes the teaching method, attaches great importance to the study of chapters and sentences, specializes in a classic, and has been passed down from generation to generation, forming many families of classics that have kept the classics. It was not until the birth of Mr. Kang Cheng, Zheng Xuan, that he focused on the ancient texts and classics, which focused on the principles of justice without asking questions about chapters and sentences, and merged with the modern classics, which created a new era of classics.

Whether it is ancient texts or modern texts, true Confucians tend to be self-preserving and self-preserving, and their lifelong goals are to study the classics and micro-speaking, instead of gathering the township party and dominating the party. The Sima clan is attached to the township clan, and those who can be convinced by the hearts of the people often need management and financial resources. This is the basic characteristic of the local clan. Starting from Sima Jun, the Sima clan of Hanoi, relying on abundant academic and political resources, coupled with the background of military generals and heroes, finally emerged in the political arena of the dynasty and gradually emerged.

Sima Jun, the characters are different, from the official to the prefect of Yingchuan, and now he is an 80-year old man, and he has long since returned to the countryside, and he doesn't care about world affairs.

Today, the head of the Sima clan is his son Sima Fang. This year is forty out of four, which is the prime of the year. Sima Fang, Zi Jian Gong, his character is upright and fair, and he maintains his prestige even in leisure places like banquets. The biographies of famous officials who love to read "Han Shu" have written hundreds of thousands of satires. Perhaps it was because the bloodline of the generals of the Sima clan was too strong. The descendants of the Sima clan were all like Sima Jun, each of them was a big man with strong physique, with great appearance, at first glance, they all looked like majestic gods.

When he was young, Sima Fang served as an official in the prefecture and county. He successively served as the commander of Luoyang and Jing Zhaoyin. When he was old, he turned to the captain of riding, raising Zhiluxiang, keeping the door close to himself, and wholeheartedly educating his nephews. He has eight sons, Sima Lang, Sima Yi, Sima Fu, Sima Kui, Sima Xun, Sima Jin, Sima Tong, and Sima Min. They are all well-known in the world, because everyone has the word "Da" in their characters, so The time name is "Bada".

Sima Fang is very strict with his sons. Even after his son is weak and mature, he still requires "I don't dare to enter if I don't order, I don't dare to sit if I don't order, and I don't dare to speak without asking. At this point, the simple and rude style of Yin Wang Sima Mao played an extremely crucial role. With the help of the military ethos of order and prohibition, the Confucianism level of the Sima family's "Bada" has gradually risen.

The eldest son Sima Lang, whose name is Boda, is 23 years old this year. When Sima Lang was nine years old, a guest directly called his father. Sima Lang said to that person: "Being despised by someone's relatives is equivalent to disrespecting one's relatives." The guest apologized for that.

In just five years, when Sima Lang was twelve years old, he passed the Jingxue test and became a boy. However, the invigilator at the time felt that Sima Lang was tall and strong, and suspected that he had not reported his age, so he questioned him. Sima Lang replied: "The figures in my family have always been tall for generations. Although I am young and weak, I do not have the habit of eager for quick success and quick gain to climb up to the upper ranks, so I lied about my age in order to achieve early success in the official career. What I am determined to do in my life.” Therefore, the examiner felt that Sima Lang's character was really different from ordinary people. From this incident, one can glimpse one of the Sima family members, the heroic background and the knowledgeable and ancient.

In the first year of Chuping, after Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang, the army of various states and counties in the Kwantung region rose up against Dong. The former Jizhou governor, Li Shao, lived in Yewang, and wanted to relocate to Wen County in order to avoid the disaster. Sima Lang believed that Yewang and Wen County were in fact with cold lips and teeth, and that Li Shao carried the expectations of the people of the county but evaded first, which may cause the people in the counties along the mountain to shake And riots. However, Li Shao did not listen to his words, and the local people in the city were in chaos, and Wen County was also looted. After hearing this, Sima Lang was extremely angry and exclaimed: "There is no way of doing anything, and it will harm my country!"

After that, Dong Zhuo held the emperor and prepared to move west to Chang'an. At that time, Sima Fang was the governor of the book and should move west together. At that time, Sima Fang believed that the war was going on and he asked his eldest son Sima Lang to return to his hometown of Wenxian with his family. So someone reported that Sima Lang wanted to escape, and the army caught him and went to see Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo said to Sima Lang, "You are the same age as my deceased son, why betray you!".

Sima Lang replied: "Ming Gong assisted the emperor in the chaos of the world, cleared the filth of the eunuchs, and recommended many wise men. This is indeed humbly and deeply concerned, and he will soon become the ruler of the revival of the society. But with the prestige Virtue is grand and meritorious, but military disasters and wars are becoming more and more serious. Local states and counties are like a big tripod boiling. Even in the suburbs of the capital, the people cannot settle down and work, so they have to abandon their homes and properties and go into exile. Setting a ban at the Sifang Pass and severe penalties for killings will not stop the trend of fleeing. This is why I want to return to my hometown. I hope that Ming dolls can learn from it, and after a little introspection, the reputation will be like the sun and the moon. Normal glory, Yi Yin and Zhou Gong can't be compared." Dong Zhuo was satisfied after listening, and said: "I have this kind of sentiment, and what you said makes sense." In this way, Dong Zhuo was deceived by him.

Sima Lang is extremely clever, he knows that although he has temporarily tricked Dong Zhuo with excuses, he has escaped. However, looking at the way Dong Zhuo and the Xiliang Army acted, they would surely be defeated. If Dong Zhuo stayed in Chang'an by Dong Zhuo, he would inevitably suffer accidents. The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, it is better to leave as soon as possible. So he bribed Dong Zhuo's confidant to return home secretly.

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