New Story of Lv Bu

: : Sima Zhongda entered the official position

"Hanoi Prefecture is close to Luoyang and close to Chang'an. It has always been the site of the Four Battles. Now that Dong Zhuo's Xiliang army is entangled with the Kwantung heroes, the war will definitely spread here. Rather than sitting and waiting to die and being poisoned by the chaos, it is better to take advantage of it. When the road is still open, first go to Liyang to seek refuge with Zhao Weisun, the in-laws in the village who leads the army, and then observe the current situation. When it is peaceful, return to Wen County."

After returning to Wenxian County, Sima Lang gathered his elders and relatives in the township to say this with all his heart. "No! No! Luoyang is the capital of the Han Dynasty, Sili is the land of Jisuke of this dynasty, and the heroes of the Kwantung are righteous soldiers! I don't believe it, they dare to risk the world!" Sima Lang said. A country elder jumped out, pointed at his nose and yelled.

The Sima clan has a lot of words in Hanoi County, and there are many clans in the township party, and the words always count. Over time, they gradually invaded the power and power of Xianglu's elders. These seniors had seen Sima's dislike for a long time. At this moment, they took the opportunity to attack Sima Lang. Under the instigation of the elders, the elders were too old and couldn't bear to leave their hometowns and leave for Liyang.

Sima Lang tried to persuade him, but Zhao Zi took his family and Sima Lang with him. Zhao Zi, Zi Junchu, knows well the classics of the Han family, and has experienced people, but he is a good gentleman who has no fight with others. The Zhao family and the Sima family are family friends, so they naturally obey Sima Lang's words. Sure enough, when the Kwantung heroes captured Luoyang and dug the tombs of the emperors, the aristocratic families in Wen County suffered misfortune, and more than half of them were killed and injured.

When Da Sima Lubu highlighted the outstanding soldiers, he attacked Luoyang in one fell swoop, and after the second restoration of Sili, Sima Lang and Zhao Zi led the family members and Shi Shiran returned to Wen County. At this time, the old elders from the village who claimed that "the heroes of the Kwantung area are righteous soldiers" have long been in a different place and their families have been annihilated. From then on, Sima Lang's famous name of "excellence and knowledge, countless strategies" spread throughout the territory of Sili.

Two years ago, when Sima Lang was twenty-two years old, Sima Lang was conquered by Yanzhou Governor Cao Cao. He was first a rafter and became a county magistrate of Chenggao. However, he soon resigned due to illness and was later reinstated as Tang Yang. County magistrate. Sima Lang's administration of government affairs was quite lenient, and he was not tortured with a whipping stick, and the people did not violate the criminal law. At the same time, the princes disputed, the war was endless, and the corvee in various places was very onerous. The county recruited people to serve in shipbuilding. The people who had migrated to the capital before, fearing that Sima Lang's manpower was insufficient, invited each other and came back privately to help. It can be seen that Sima Lang is deeply loved by the people under him. Later he was transferred to Yuancheng Order.

From Sima Lang's grandfather, Sima Jun, it seems that "learning and being ancient" has become the tradition of the Sima family. At this point, Sima Lang greatly surpassed his grandfather. He believes that the fundamental reason for the troubled times of this dynasty is that the Qin Dynasty abolished the fifth-class nobility (gong, marquis, uncle, zi, and male), the heroes could not defend the central government, and the local counties did not train their troops to prepare for war. Nowadays, although there is no need to restore the fifth rank, the local counties can call up standing soldiers, which can resist foreign aggression and intimidate unruly courtiers and thieves.

Sima Lang also believes that the minefield system should be restored. The people have inherited the land from generation to generation, although it is difficult to redistribute it after expropriation. Now it is a troubled time, the people are displaced, and the land has no ownership. It just happens to take the opportunity to restore the minefield system. Naturally, the suggestion of restoring the mine field system was not adopted by Cao Cao, but Cao Mengde was pleased to accept the matter of the prefects and state ministers leading the troops.

In addition, Sima Lang implemented many policies, which were praised by the people. When he was in the army, he always wore simple clothes, ate crude food, and set an example to promote a frugal atmosphere. He likes human ethics classics very much. The villagers Li Hu and others enjoy a high reputation, but Sima Lang often publicly devalued their virtues. Later, when Li Hu and others were really defeated, the people at that time were only convinced by Sima Lang's judgment. When Zhong Yao, Wang Can and others made remarks: “Only saints can have peace and rule the world.” Sima Lang said: “Although Yi Yin and Yan Hui are not saints, their virtuous speeches have been passed down from generation to generation among the people and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If you don’t, you can also achieve peace and governance.” Cao Cao liked Sima Lang’s words and essays very much, and he had ordered his hand to record his essays.

Compared with his elder brother Sima Lang, Sima Yi is more free and easy to understand. At least, he will move with time and never stick to ancient rituals. Based on his character, suggestions like "recovering the mine field system" would never contribute. Sima Yi, whose name is Zhongda, was very clever and unusually intelligent very early on, "He often worries about the world." While reading the books, he also learned martial arts to strengthen his body. He is a man of both civil and military skills.

At that time, Nanyang prefect Yang Jun was known for his knowledge of people and good responsibilities. When Sima Yi was young, Yang Jun had met him and said that he was definitely an extraordinary son. Shangshu Cui Yan and Sima Yi’s elder brother Sima Lang had a good relationship, and once said to Sima Lang: "Your brother is smart and sensible, decisive, and heroic. You are not what you can compare." Zhongda is definitely not a thing in the pool, this It was the unanimous evaluation of Sima Lang's friends.

Sima Yi had a good relationship with the famous hermit Hu Zhao when he was young. Murdered because of a grudge with Zhou Sheng and others in the same county, Hu Zhao immediately ventured into the danger to find out about it, and found Zhou Sheng and his party between Lingshan and Mianchi and asked them to spare Sima Yi. Zhou Sheng began to refuse, but Hu Zhao cried. His sincerity eventually moved him and rescued Sima Yi. After experiencing this setback, Sima Yi became more mature.

Nowadays, in the world of this dynasty, there are six out of ten of the great Sima Lubu, and he is about to be crowned king. Among Sima's "Bada", Sima Lang was widely used under the command of Cao Cao, the governor of Yanzhou. Now, the second son, Sima Yi, was just fifteen years old, and he had reached the age of becoming an official. The old father, Sima Yi, had to think twice and finally decided to bet on both sides at the same time and sent him to the capital of the Han Dynasty, Luoyang City.

Just as Sima Fang was restless, he could only hear a squeak, and the door of the room opened slowly. A tall, burly young man walked in gently. He walked a few steps, bowed his hands and bowed and said: "My child has seen my father!" "Zhongda, where did you go? It's already a father. I've been waiting for a long time!" Sima Fang frowned as soon as he saw this second son.

His son is smart, knowledgeable, and good at martial arts, but he always has a dark temperament on him, which is extremely uncomfortable. In his spare time, Sima Zhongda did not study and study Confucianism like his elder brother Sima Lang, but flew around and hunted. The father and son had argued many times for hunting in the fields, and each time Sima Yi was able to persuade his father Sima Fang.

"Father, the child went hunting. Today, the lucky winner has hunted a deer and a wild boar! I will let them come in and ask my father to look over." When he finished speaking, Sima Yi's body didn't even turn, but his head did not turn. Turned around one hundred and eighty degrees like a wolf. Two cold rays of light radiated from the eyes, like an eagle and a falcon. This is a typical "eagle watching the wolf watching".

"Zhongda, you are a person who is jealous inside and wide outside, so suspicious and flexible. Otherwise, how can you have this "eagle watching wolf watching" look? In the future, you must always be careful and don't show it in front of others. , This is really bad for your official career!" Although I knew that it was useless, Sima Fang got up again and taught Sima Yi bitterly.

"Entering the officialdom? Father, could it be that you have paved the way for me to enter the officialdom?" Sima Yi was really smart. He heard the song and knew the elegance, and immediately heard the overtones of his father. "Yeah! You are already fifteen years old this year, and you should be an official. Guess, where should you go?" Upon hearing this, Sima Fang immediately became more confident. Zhongda is so smart and gratifying. Congratulations.

"Where else? Naturally, it is under the command of Da Sima!" Sima Yi raised his face and replied confidently. "Why did you say this?" Sima Fang was immediately surprised. "Without it, betting on both sides! It's like Yingchuan Xun's family!" Sima Yi said slowly with a light cloud on his face. "Hey! Why do you think so? Let's just listen." Sima Fang opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"As soon as Emperor Xiaoxian died, this big man would play, and the rest is just whoever got the flowers. The great Sima Lubu under his command like rain, fierce generals like clouds, and the implementation of a series of new policies, won the world's civilians. I sincerely support it. Once the "Nine Grades of Officials Act" came out, the noble families had no reason to oppose him. What's left is to flatten the princes for the second time.

"Today, Tianxiong General Lu Zheng spent several months conquering the Guishuang Empire, causing the world to be shaken, and the force of the state army-oh, now it is the Lu Jiajun-can be seen. Our Sima family has been in Hanoi for many years and has a foundation. Behind him, at this moment, he must respond to the Tianshun people and choose a master. In case Cao Mengde is defeated, there must be a way to become an official at any rate, so as not to lose all the games."

Upon hearing Sima Yi's words, Sima Fang's eyes lit up. "Zhongda, what you expected is not bad. The official post I will give you this time is a scheming, three hundred stone, and his duty is to record all things such as household registration, money and food, prison lawsuits, etc. within one year.' Countless', you have a superior plan. You can get this official position at the age of fifteen. You really burned Gao Xianger. You must do a good job, and don't make mistakes." When talking about the word "playing", Sima Fang deliberately increased his tone. "Father rest assured, the child will live up to expectations."

Sima Yi patted his chest and said loudly. Sima Fang finally finished his instructions, and he took a deep breath. This heavy burden was finally placed on Zhongda's shoulders, and the rest was up to him. "Zhongda, according to your opinion, which prince should be the first Da Sima to deal with?" "Father, according to the child's opinion, after months of war, the treasury of the Luoyang court is already empty. Within three to five years, there should be no big fights. However, there are still small moves. The first one should be Yuan Benchu."

Sima Yi replied slowly. "Why?" Sima Fang asked. "Yuan Gonglu thought he should be a prophecy, and he had the desire to be emperor. When Emperor Xiaoxian died, he would naturally jump out." Upon hearing this, Sima Fang immediately fell silent. Yuan Gonglu's proclaimed emperor. The heart is so obvious that it can't even deceive a boy, let alone the giants in the dynasty and the princes of the world?

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