New Story of Lv Bu

: : The Secret Chamber of Luoyang

"Masters, there are only two paths before us. One is to wait for death, and the other is to launch the second anti-Lu alliance and strive to win another win!" Xu You, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Luoyang City Inside the house under the contract, in the secret room, Xu You Xu Ziyuan, the messenger of General Yuan Shaoyuan Benchu, said loudly. At this moment, his eyebrows are frowned, his face is full of resolute determination.

"Isn't this?????? There is a third way to go, and that is to offer the prefecture atlas and enter the dynasty as an official." Wang Xiu Wang Shuzhi, the messenger of Beihai Xiang Kong Rong, spoke slowly. He sat there, Yuan Zhi Yue stopped, the clouds were light and breezy, as if there was nothing to do. After Yuan Shao and Yuan Benchu ​​lost his Jizhou lair, he could no longer wear the Jizhou Mu hat on his head. However, he glanced at it in a blink of an eye and immediately aimed at Qingzhou. If it hadn't been for the battle against Fang Yin and the people were destitute, he would have supervised his troops and went straight to Beihai.

Beihai Xiang Kong Rong Kong Wenju is not a fool. Yuan Shao is naturally aware of his thoughts. He thinks about it carefully. Since the tastelessness is not enough to resist Yuan Shao's old fist, he should simply go to Sima Lubu. The North Sea country can't be kept from the left and right, and no one can make it cheaper, Yuan Benchu! Furthermore, entering the court as an official, offering land and returning, with Da Sima's temperament, will surely keep wealth and honor. If Yuan Benchu ​​had been surrendered, the Hanfu Hanwenjie, the predecessor of Jizhou Mu, would be a living example, and he was forced to take poison to death.

Because of these festivals, when he saw Xu You speak, Wang Xiu couldn't help but go back first. The big guys are all princes, who is afraid of whom? Yuan Benchu ​​and Xu Ziyuan's thoughts, do you think Wang Xiu doesn't know me? "Actually, Shuzhi is right!" Xu Ziyuan didn't expect that he would be unobstructed when he argued. He talked like a slogan, and he choked Wang Xiu back.

"Masters, if Xu You surrendered to Sima Lubu, according to the regulations of the Luoyang imperial court, I would still be a six-hundred-stone Yi Lang. Then I would sit in the bullock cart and sink into the ranks, and then I would be promoted based on capital After more than ten years, maybe he could still achieve the position of two thousand shi. However, my lord Yuan Benchu ​​was not. After he returned, he sealed a county prince and ate corn and rice at home. Even if it was the end, he might even get two in one. The prince and prince of Qianshi can't get it! You must not do this about the food of the king and the loyalty of the king!"

Xu You finally finished speaking. He twisted his beard and squinted at Wang Xiu, snickering in his heart, without it, the pleasure of revenge dictated it. Don't you, Wang Xiu, claim to be a loyal and upright minister? You only think about your own good, but you don't think about your master Kong Beihai at all. Is this what the loyal and straightforward minister should do? Hum, wait for my words to reach Beihai Country, let's see how Kong Wenju cleans up you!

"Ziyuan, what you said is pretty good, but when used on Da Sima, it's a bit like a villain to save the abdomen of a gentleman!" Before Xu You's triumphant energy passed, a voice full of sarcasm sounded. coming. Xu You glanced and saw that this person was short in stature and extremely ugly, just like a ghost-hunting Zhong Kui. This person is not someone else, but it is Yizhou who is not a man.

"Oh? What does this mean? Hope Zi Qiao can teach me?" Xu You smiled slightly, and immediately kicked the ball over. Hum, I'd like to take a look, how do you Zhang Song and Zhang Ziqiao justify yourself! "Since Ziyuan has this intention, today, I, Zhang Song, will explain it carefully!" Zhang Song smiled slightly and looked up at the crowd, but his smiling face looked incredibly hideous.

"When Da Sima put down the Yellow Turbans, the captive Huang Turbans, Bu Si and Peng Tuo, did not know where they were now? Where did Dong Zhongying's subordinates Xu Rong, Duan Yan, and Zhang Ji now occupy? Is it the original Jizhou army's veteran, Ju Yi and Gao Lan, and where are they now? Also, Han Sui, who used to be in control of Xiliang, and Zhang Yan, the leader of the Montenegrin army, where are they? Huh? I said Ziyuan, let's talk about things, and don't buckle people with **** basins for no reason. Are you right?"

Zhang Song finally finished speaking. He picked up the drink and drank it, wiped the remaining wine from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Xu You triumphantly. At this moment, Xu You’s heart immediately rose up with an unknown fire. He couldn’t wait to raise the hip flask and slam it at the ugly big head in front of him, smashing him in a colorful red, yellow, blue, and green. He is so bloodshed that he can dispel his hatred!

However, he can't! At least, not now! Under the full view of everyone, Zhang Song was smashed, and the lord's major event was completely finished! When Xu You was angry, everyone present suddenly realized it. Bu Si and Peng Tuo, probably the middle lords of Dian Nong, were farming in the remote Xianbei. Ju Yi, Gao Lan, Xu Rong, Duan Yan, and Zhang Ji are all miscellaneous generals, two thousand stone class. As for Han Sui and Zhang Yan, they are even more serious. Han Sui is one of the Weiwei of the Nine Qings, and Zhang Yan is the Dahongxu of one of the Nine Qings! In this way, if Xu You and Xu Ziyuan’s principal Yuan Shaoyuan had entered the dynasty for the first time, at least he would have been a new Jiuqing!

"Masters, don't be arrogant! Please listen to my words from Cai Hao!" Just as the air in the house was filled with murderous intent, Cai Hao Cai Degui, the envoy of Jingzhou Mu Liubiao, stepped forward. Cai Tao raised his eyes and looked around before slowly speaking. "Zhou princes, at this moment, Ziyuan gathered everyone together to discuss how to deal with in the future, whether to return to the dynasty, or to fight to the death! In my opinion, if the lord of the princes still has ambitions in his heart, Then let it go! If you just want to close the border and wait for the birth of the Lord, then simply enter the court as an official, and try to protect your wealth. After all, you always kill people."

"This is great!" Cai Tao said Fang Luoer, and Jian Yong, the messenger of Pingyuan Minister Liu Bei and Liu Xuande, touched his palm and laughed. Jian Yong, the word Xianhe, a native of Zhuojun. The native surname is Geng. People from Youzhou describe Geng as Jane, so they change their surname to Jane. He met Liu Bei when he was young and ran with him. Often as a negotiator, exchange missions, and good at debates. The temperament is simple, direct and informal. When sitting with Liu Bei, he also sat cross-legged, ignoring authority. When getting along with others, he occupies a couch exclusively, talks in a prone position, and never yields to others.

"My lord Xuan Degong is a clan of the Han Dynasty, after Zhongshan Jing Wang Liu Sheng. As long as the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment, the country will still be the country of the great Han, even if it is reclusive, the Xuan Degong will graciously promise." Liu Bei and Liu Xuande have always been Han. Shizong personally praised that he took the restoration of the Han room as his own responsibility. As his most important adviser, Jian Yong, of course, also learned something, and always talked about the Han room.

"Xian and brother, I'm afraid this big man's world is going to be surnamed Lu? Then, where will Xuande go?" Xun Yu Xun Wenruo, who had been listening for a long time, finally couldn't help it, he smiled slightly. Said sarcastically. "This?????? is of course an order to the world, and then the rebel soldiers, the Alliance will ask Lu Ye!" Jian Yong did not show weakness, and retorted.

"Also! Since the lord of the monarchs are all loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty, then we have to discuss what should be done when Lu Feng first ascends the throne? If he defeats each one, the princes are flattened and then he becomes the emperor. , What about the princes of the world? In my opinion, instead of waiting to die, it is better to fight for it! As long as the princes of the world work together, they will be able to overcome the disaster!"

"That's great!" Xu You immediately laughed when he heard this. "Masters, let us have some livelihood discussions!" "Goodness!" Jian Yong nodded slowly. After a while, Zhang Song and Wang Xiu also nodded. After all, everyone is playing the banner of the Zhongxing Han Room, and when it's time to decorate the facade, they still have to put on a dress. Besides, isn't it just a loose covenant without any binding force? After seeing a bad situation, he immediately sold it to Da Sima with a backhand blow.

After half an hour, after several fierce arguments, the messengers of the princes of the world finally drafted the covenant. It is stated that as long as it is judged that the great Sima Lubu has the intention of usurping the throne, the princes will immediately rise up to form an alliance to fight the Lu family and fight to the death of the Lu Jiajun! As for how to raise troops and how many troops to dispatch, the covenant just mentioned “every soldiers, together to ask for Lu Bu”.

Seeing the envoys of the princes sign the covenant one by one, Xu You and Xun Yu smiled coldly in their hearts. As long as you sign, I have a thousand tricks, and I am not afraid that you will not fulfill the covenant. To tell the truth, this kind of handling is still based on Xun Yu's suggestion. The Kanto warlords have allied themselves for several times, and they have all gone back down. They were beaten to lose their helmets and their armors. If it is still the same as before, no one will respond. It is better to sign a loose agreement under the banner of righteousness, and the princes would naturally not be too careful.

"You princes, after you return to your country, you must give up to your respective lord, ten years of life and ten years of lessons, develop production, and consolidate the military. In three to five years, Lu Fengxian's army will come to the door! Plan ahead!" Xun Yu picked up his drink and drank it all in one go. "Come and come! Everyone, drink! Congratulations on our new covenant!" Xu You smiled and slowly raised his glass.

"Congratulations on our new covenant!" "Drinking!" All the people present raised their glasses together and drank them one after another.

Xun Yu slowly put down the wine glass, his eyes became a little drunk, half for the smooth completion of the mission, and half for the unreachable future. In this grand funeral of Emperor Xiaoxian, among the princes in the world, only Yuan Shuyuan Road, who has always been stubborn and stubborn, did not send an envoy to attend. According to Da Sima Lubu's temperament, I am afraid that he is about to do something against Yuan Gongdao!

Just when the envoys of the princes were in the secret room, the new Yangzhou Mu Liu You quietly left Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty.

This time he rushed to Yangzhou from Beijing, he had already conspired with Danyang prefect Wu Jing and Danyang captain Sun Ben, and he wanted to show his ambitions!

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