New Story of Lv Bu

: : Seven days on the plan?

"This little brother, can you come and help? Do my plan?" Just as Sima Yi was gobbled up, a crisp voice rang not far away. Sima Yi raised his head and looked intently, and saw that among the crowded people, a woman with a curvaceous figure and a commoner Jingchai was smiling and looking at him. The woman was holding a chess piece tightly in her hand, surrounded by men and women who were also wearing common clothes, and there was a heroic spirit between everyone's eyebrows. It seemed that they were all military attachés.

Upon hearing this, Sima Yi quickly put down the greasy mutton in his hand and wiped his hands indiscriminately. Then he bowed his hands and said, "Dare you not follow your fate?" "Wait! You have cleaned your hands anyway!" At this moment, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl got out of the young woman's back and said, sniffing. "Hurry up and fetch water? Look at his oily hands!" "No!" The maids on the left and right laughed and dashed away. "Lingqi, you are not good again! Don't yell!"

The young woman leaned down and twisted the little girl's nose, and said softly. "Today's Fuzhong is performing hundreds of operas. He will definitely patronize the theater. He doesn't know where to have food. He seems to be very hungry. Isn't it just a few slices of lamb from you? Why, you can't bear it?" I just see his hands are oily, I'm afraid the ivory chess pieces will get dirty!" Lingqi responded with a laugh.

"This little brother, Lingqi is still young, and the child's xinxing, don't blame her. Come here, don't you give the little brother a bowl of hot mutton soup, the soup is turned into raw food. Little brother , Don't worry, if you have enough food and drink, come and make plans for me to win them!" The young woman said with a smile. "Hmph, if Sister Wen Ji wasn't there, would you use this black and thick boy?" Ling Qi pursed her small mouth and muttered dissatisfiedly. Soon, she was attracted by the chess game elsewhere.

A large bowl of warm mutton soup was served, and the hunger that was full of stomach was immediately suppressed, and the whole body was very comfortable. Sima Yi is a wise man, he has long noticed that these two noble ladies are noble, the young woman must be the eldest daughter of Da Sima, the Linghao general Lu Linghao, that eleven or twelve-year-old girl with pink makeup and jade , Must be the young girl Lu Lingqi of Da Sima.

"Received by the dripping water, I will repay you by the spring!" Sima Yi took the warm water brought by the maids, washed it, and smiled. "Yeah, dare you to be a genius? Big man, how old are you this year?" Lingqi turned her face curiously as she watched Sima Yi pulling text there, and asked loudly. "This??? is fifteen years old." Sima Yi replied wryly on his face when he was caught in his weakness. "Oh! At the age of fifteen, you have grown so big?" Lingqi opened her eyes wide, and said dumbfounded.

"Lingqi, don't be crooked! Let this little brother help me to finish the plan! Your elder sister, I am about to lose all now! I blamed the plan just now, I only lost a hundred gold coins, and I was scared. My hands are trembling! Wait until your eldest sister and I have a gambling addiction, you can talk to this little brother again! Don't worry, there is time! At this moment, don't delay me."

Linghao Dama Jindao sat there, and said anxiously. At the end of the year, she finally put aside all the complicated things, didn't think about anything, gambled a few children to be happy, but couldn't find a good deal, can she not be anxious? "You are here to help, this time General Ling Hao will be able to kill all directions!" Sima Yi sat down and picked up the big abacus used as a calculation tool. His right **** slid from left to right, and all the beads on the abacus returned. "Okay! Borrowing your good words, you and I will be divided into two to eight!" Ling Hao said bluntly.

Strange to say, maybe it was because of the change of position, maybe it was the good luck that Sima Yi brought, this time Ling Hao really was like a divine help, killing all directions. She seems to be a commanding general, every time a chess piece pops out, it will definitely hit the enemy chess piece. Sima Yi's index finger flew, and every time a round was over, he would announce the odds aloud. Everyone's winning or losing was even more open, with every single mistake. "True supporter!" Ling Hao reached out and patted Sima Yi's shoulder, and said approvingly. "You three and seven!"

After playing chess in this way for half an hour, Ling Hao slaughtered all directions, and was completely invincible, winning a lot of money. The sons of Guijie, who had been surrounded by water, were all gloomy and gloomy, as if they were dead mothers and fathers. "Okay! Okay! General Ling Hao has exhausted his gambling interest, and he wants to retreat by winning. Let's continue to play!" Seeing that the gambling has passed, Ling Hao quickly took off his robe to give way and withdrew from the gambling game. "General Linghao, the plan has been completed, roughly, you won a total of 1,200 Bingzhou gold coins today!"

As soon as Linghao got up, Sima Yi quickly got up and laughed. "Hey! There are so many?" Lingqi was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but it was just for fun, and it was a bit wrong to win so much. In an instant, she had a deal with it. "In this, 20% is your money, 20% is sent to the orphans in the female camp, and 20% is rewarded to the Lingqi camp!

Seeing Sima Yi declining his resignation, Ling Hao waved his right hand and said categorically: "That's it! Brother, you don't want to resign, this is what you deserve!" "In that case, my two percent My son is planning the money and giving it to the orphans in the women's camp!" Sima Yi said with a smile on his face. "Oh?" Lingchao was surprised now. "Okay! Just like the king's words!"

"Eldest sister, where's mine? Should I send me some lucky money for the New Year's Eve?" At this moment, Lingqi didn't know where it came from again, and stretched out a tender white hand. , Looked at Ling Hao pitifully. "You clever ghost! Okay, twenty percent for you!" Ling Hao said lovingly. "Huh! My 20% will also be donated to the women's camp!" Ling Qi said loudly.

Lingqi turned around, Ling Hao took the hot tea offered by the maids and drank it with gusto. "Please tea! Thanks to you today! Haven't asked the name of my brother yet?" "General Linghao, Xiaolifu, whose surname is Sima, and his name is Yi, a native of Wenxian, Hanoi. The current post of Shang Jiju, Hanoi, just today. To Luoyang City." Upon hearing this, Sima Yi immediately crossed his hands and bowed to salute.

"Oh! It turned out to be the son of the Sima family in Hanoi. Could it be Sima Zhongda of Sima's "Bada" II? You must not be restrained. There is no affiliation between you and me. Today is the day of rest. Don't take it out. The style of officialdom.” Sima Yi's words, Ling Hao understood immediately after hearing that the messengers of the government are not easy to do, and the messengers of the Hanoi county are even more difficult to do, she still knows. "Exactly!" Sima Yi replied respectfully. "Oh!" Now Ling Hao understood everything. This kid is afraid of being in the wrong.

"The accounts in Hanoi County have always been messy. I heard from Shang Shuling Cao Yong that it was a mess. When Uncle Zhang Zhi was in office, the court regarded him as the veteran of the dynasty, so it was difficult to look down and take care of him. Uncle Zhang Zhi was always careless. Without paying much attention to these details, the Cao Zhuan under him embezzled embezzlement. Now that the system is reformed, the court intends to use Hanoi County to build a raft, which is said to be strictly investigated."

Lingqi thought, while talking casually, and finally finished speaking, she put down the tea cup and fixedly looked at Sima Yi. This Sima Zhongda seemed to think that he was planning a long-term talent, and the water in the officialdom of Hanoi County was deep and muddy. She didn't want this black boy to be in a scapegoat. Upon hearing this, Sima Yi immediately sweated through his heavy clothes, and fine beads of perspiration appeared on his face. It seemed that he was really chosen to be the culprit! So, how should we deal with it? This is more difficult than a three-hundred-stone scheming, so you must keep it.

Sima Yi was also a quick-witted person, and in a flash, he made up his mind. "Don’t hide from General Linghao, it has only been seven days since Sima Yi took office today! I have also heard about the confusion in Hanoi County. In my opinion, the court should have ordered a strict investigation long ago! The problem is that after a strict investigation, it should be done. How? In my opinion, we must not dismiss from office. We should order the criminals’ property to make up for the shortfall. But, in the final analysis, after rigorous investigations, we still need to develop production and eliminate officials. Purge is a political style.

"It's a good one to develop production and eliminate the government. The style of purging the government!" Hearing this, Ling Hao couldn't help but admire. "But in this way, you can't get past the plan, you, the Hanoi county's top plan, can't go on!" "Don't hide it from General Lingchao, I'm the top planner, I was originally run out of the black pot! Okay. As long as the ordinary people have a good life, even if I go home to eat corn, it will be worth it!" Sima Yi sighed and said melancholy. To be honest, he was really reluctant. The ancients had a capital sign for seven days, and his Sima Yi went on a plan for seven days. It is also a life experience to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the ancients!

"Oh??????" Ling Hao fell into contemplation. To be honest, she still likes the fifteen-year-old who grew up in front of her. At the age of fifteen, still a boy, with such a mind, coupled with the planning and talents, it is really rare for talents! All of a sudden, the love of talent was moved in her heart. Should we help this fifteen-year-old Hanoi county government?

Finally, Ling Hao made up his mind. "Zhongda, if it is for the people of Hanoi County, would you like to fight the Cao Zhuan of Hanoi County?" She raised her eyes and looked directly at Sima Yi in front of her. "This ?????? fight is definitely a fight. If you don't fight, you won't be able to expose their old foundations. My strategy is to bluff and stubbornly, first confuse the evil, and then strike!

"Yes! Uncle Jia and Cao Shangshu should like it! Follow me! Go and meet them." Ling Hao said in a low voice.

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