New Story of Lv Bu

: : It depends on whether it's worth it

"Your account in Hanoi County can only be used for seven days at most. The account book of Hanoi County, my monk ordered Cao Yong to have read it. The numbers in the account book are a mess, no matter what. Not only could it not pass, the officials in Hanoi County, from the prefect to Cao Zhuan, and the small officials of fighting food, will all be severely punished. The imperial court meant that Hong Ling's emergency envoy was immediately sent to detain them first. Wait until the Lantern Festival is over. After the festival, we will send a high-ranking official to try it out. Although your melodies are well written, you can take it easy!"

Seeing Sima Yi who was at a loss in front of him, Situ Jiaxu shook the Hanoi County Accountant in his hand and said slowly. His face was full of dignity, but his heart was really a little surprised. He still knew the details of this Hanoi county government. Born in the Sima family in Hanoi, the second son of the predecessor Jing Zhaoyin Sima Fang, Sima Bada II, he was only fifteen years old, but he was not irritable.

Tingwei and Shang Shuling Cao Yong sat next to Wen He's brother, carefully looking at the second child in Sima Bada. To be honest, he still values ​​this black boy with a long body. Lingqi's ability to bring him to see himself and Jia Xu indicated that the eldest lady of the Da Sima family, Lu Lingqi, wanted to give him a hand. The scene just now shows that this black boy has a talent for planning and talent is rare. For the sake of Lingqi's face, he has to buy it. However, how to help depends on Jia Xu's attitude and handling.

"Situ and Shang Shuling are here! The family style of my Sima family is very good. It has always been for the court and the common people. Isn't it just a planner? Sima Yi would rather dismiss office and go home to eat corn than with them. As for those black-hearted officials, it’s time to tidy up. The Sima family has some of their handles and crimes in the Hanoi army, which can be handed over. Before leaving, I took a closer look and picked up some. The people's anger was brought over. If the two adults need it, they can offer it at any time!" Sima Yi finally finished speaking. He raised his head and looked at Jia Xu and Cao Yong. I couldn't help but feel smug in my heart.

"Oh? It seems that Zhongda has been prepared. This way, this matter will be much easier." Jia Xu looked a little surprised. For me and my brother used to seeing meddling things, it is really surprising that a fifteen-year-old boy has such a deep scheming. "Master Cao, what do you think?" Jia Xu turned his head and looked at Cao Yong. "It's like a king's words." Cao Yong also smiled.

This conversation between the two people sounds like clouds and mist, which makes it unclear. However, listening to Ling Hao's ear, it was like a stormy sea, and the words were thrilling. Since the death of Uncle Zhang Yang and Zhang Zhi, this pus in Hanoi County has long been squeezed by the court. However, there was no time to deal with Fang Yin in a big battle. Secondly, Uncle Zhang Zhi was a veteran in the army. He would act as soon as he died. Ever since, it was so delayed. At this moment, the imperial court was ready to do it with the trick of the trick.

However, dealing with this matter is also very difficult. The person in charge of the investigation must be familiar with the situation and have assistance and support in Hanoi County. Otherwise, if the case is not cleared, the person will probably be killed. Also, this person must be careful, calm, and have the courage to let go at critical moments. Listening to what Jia Xu and Cao Yong said, do you want this Sima Yi to investigate?

Sure enough, Jia Xu thought for a moment before slowly saying: "You can also try it. He was chosen to be shackled, and whoever bears the shack is the back. It's not bad to have a sack." At this point, he raised his head to look at Sima Yi. "Zhongda, my father and I have an old relationship, plus Ling Hao's recommendation, I can't ignore your business. Since Mr. Cao also intends to do this, let's do it like this. The Hanoi county's accounting is usually rejected Yes, not only will it be rejected, but the court will also send people to conduct a strict investigation."

"After the Lantern Festival, you will go to Hanoi County as an attendant to investigate this matter. I don't know what Zhongda wants to do?

The official system of this dynasty, Shi Yushi, ranks six hundred stones, was assigned to the Yushi Zhongcheng, accepted the court's action, and acted illegally; sometimes it was ordered to perform the tasks of handling cases and suppressing rebellions, and the name was "Zhuyi Zhizhi". Emperor Xuan once called the two Shi Yushi to govern the book, and later set up a special governing book and Shi Yushi. Shi Yushi divided into command Cao, Yin Cao, Gong Cao, Wei Ma Cao, and Cheng Cao. The Shi Yushi, who has been promoted to six hundred shi by the price of three hundred shi, has never been promoted again and again. Naturally, this Shi Yushi is even more difficult to do, and if he is unclear, he will be killed by others.

"Dare Sima Yi not obey his orders for the Lord's loyalty to the Lord?" Hearing this, Sima Yi's eyebrows were immediately overjoyed. He crossed his hands, bowed, and bowed respectfully. "Situ, Shang Shuling, and General Lingyao's repeated graces are remembered by Sima Yi. This time he rushes to Hanoi, he will definitely investigate the whole case, report it to the court, and go to An Li Shu, in order to report the grace of the court and Da Sima Ti."

"Okay! Alright! Zhongda, you know the benefits of Da Sima for you. This Zhengdan, it's good to be born and play in Luoyang City. First, it is not to provoke troubles, and second, you have to talk to your immediate superiors. In the Imperial History, Xu Yuanzhi, Master Cao, and General Ma Zhong, the assassin, discussed how to cooperate. Later, you can do it! I Jia Xu is optimistic about you. Let’s go with Master Cao."

Jia Xu smiled and asked softly, looking like that, as if he were treating his nephew. Sima Yi respectfully bid farewell again, got up and followed Cao Yong. "Uncle Jia, this Sima Yi is only fifteen years old, can he carry such a heavy burden?" Looking at Sima Yi's back, Ling Hao asked with some doubts. "As I expected, this son will be able to investigate the case in one fell swoop and give a good start for the first year of Jian'an! Although this son is a bit too feminine, it can be tolerated, and it will become a generation of outstanding people in the future!"

Jia Xu squinted his eyes and fixedly looked into the distance. At this moment, there were mixed feelings in his heart, and there seemed to be unspeakable concealment.

"Sister, are you still here?" Lingqi ran over and shouted loudly, but she saw Jia Xu at a glance, and quickly bowed and said: "Hello Uncle Jia!" "Lingqi, Now she is a big girl! She is so beautiful and energetic again, it seems that she should find her in-laws! Recently, has Lu Xun and Lu Boyan have any news?" Jia Xu looked at Lingqi with a smile and said lovingly. "He has recently received a letter saying that he is assisting her uncle to deal with the city defense." Lingqi suddenly stopped, as if she realized something. I was caught by Uncle Jia's tricks! This is an old and disrespectful Uncle Jia! It turned out to be ridiculing me!

"Hahahahahahaha!" Jia Xu laughed a long way. Among the four sons and daughters of Da Sima, the eldest daughter is heroic, the heroine does not let the eyebrows, the eldest son is elegant and deep, the city is quite deep, and the second son is arrogant, ten swings and ten decisions. Only this little daughter has a heart of innocence, which is really cute. "Lingqi, I have a military book here. I will give you a look!" Jia Xu took out a military book from his sleeve and handed it over. When Lingqi opened it, it turned out to be "Wu Zi". "So, I thanked Uncle Jia!" She hurriedly bowed to salute.

Jia Xu flicked his sleeve and went away. This "Wu Zi" was written by Wu Qi during the Warring States Period. It was compiled by Wei Wenhou and Wei Wuhou. There are a total of forty-eight articles, each of which he remarked in detail. Among them, "Materials Enemy", "Administration of Soldiers", "On Generals" and "Inspired Scholars" are particularly incisive. According to his original intention, after Lingqi got the hand, she would definitely send it to Lujiang quickly and hand it over to Lu Xun. In this way, he indirectly contributed to the Lujiang defense war. Lujiang stayed more for a month, and Luoyang stayed more calm for a month.

"Eldest sister, the second brother's people came back and brought us many weird things? It is said that everyone has more than a dozen cars! Go, let's go and see!" Looking at Jia Xu's luck from the back, Lingqi grabbed Linghao's skirt and said happily. "There? Let's go and see!" Ling Hao grabbed Ling Qi and asked when he heard that Lu Zheng had news.

"Follow me!" Lingqi said triumphantly. "Wait a minute, I'll send someone to Lujiang in Yangzhou!" Lingqi's face was red as an eggplant, and she ran out of the hall quickly. After a while, Lingqi looked relaxed and came back bounced. She took Ling Hao's hand, and the two of them walked along the winding path and turned around, and finally came to a courtyard near Santang.

"I, Hao Meng, and the Cao Xing brothers have fought all their lives. They have never been so enjoyable in fighting! The Hindustan infantry in front of me is like a tide, and they are constantly pouring in, but General Tianxiong has only seven thousand fine horses in his hands! At this critical moment, General Tianxiong screamed! "Follow me! This battle is bound to break the thief!" When Fang Luoer spoke, he led hundreds of guards and slammed into the Hindustan infantry. In an instant, dozens of people were killed. Excited, the Han army shouted out and broke the enemy with one blow!"

In the courtyard, a rough voice was narrating. It sounded like talking about finger painting and spitting. "Isn't it? In every battle in Guishuang, almost always attacked the crowd. If it weren't for General Tianxiong's command, he would lead a cavalry and rush each time, and the Han army has excellent weapons, strong and light armor. Where did this splendid victory come from? I am still reluctant to return to Zhongtu this time!"

A calm and dignified voice followed. "I heard that the Han troops who were enlisted in the army have made a fortune, is it true?" a voice asked timidly. "Really! It's true! Even an ordinary soldier has become a centurion! All day long, wearing gold and silver, living in mansions, riding horses, three or five foreign beauties wait on them every day, and the subordinates even more. There are more than a hundred slaves, so majestic!"

Hao Meng took the conversation, patted his chest, and said loudly. "Tsk tusk!" "Hey! Who told me that lard was in my heart at the beginning!" "I knew it, and I wouldn't listen to my mother-in-law. I went on the expedition with General Tianxiong, at this moment, how can I be a soldier!" "Go and go! Just like your wife? How about returning to the army?" All of a sudden, the envy rose loudly, and everyone was speechless.

"Let's go, let's go in. See how that brat is doing." Linghao smiled and hugged Lingqi.

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