New Story of Lv Bu

: : The hidden worries of the first year of Jian'an

When the howling cold wind blew away the last gleam of snow on the roof, Zhengdan in the first year of Jian'an finally arrived late. In the bursts of firecrackers, in the city of Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, people stretched out their arms from the warm bedding, yawning comfortably and lazily. Then, they listened to the intermittent sound of firecrackers outside the house, and then they got up abruptly.

Today is Zhengdan, a big day for the common people. Starting from getting up, there are a lot of things to do as usual. The women got up first, washed them quickly, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. When the smoke on the stovetop was wafting and the aroma of the food gradually dissipated, the young children surrounded them eagerly like cats smelling fishy.

"Are you all up? Hurry up and wash. These fish can be eaten after they are sacrificed to their ancestors!" The door curtain was lifted, and the men came in with a cold wind. For the time when the talented women are cooking, they have fed the animals, prepared gifts, put on Spring Festival couplets, and prepared firecrackers. "Good!" "Memorial to the ancestors!" The children leaped for joy and ran out one after another.

Finally, the family was finally tidy, and under the leadership of the oldest old man, the family respectfully kowtow to the ancestor's tablet. "Let's have dinner." The old man said with a kindly smile looking at the dolls looking to see through. Suddenly, a sumptuous table of noodles appeared in front of everyone. "Eat quickly, there are so many things to do after eating! First, sweep the tombs for the ancestors, last year's grave, and then send the poor. When we are done, we will go to visit the New Year!" The men picked up the bowl and took it as soon as possible. I picked up the chopsticks.

In the first year of the Great Han Jian'an, almost every household in Luoyang City, the capital of the capital, had such scenes, lively and beautifully celebrating the New Year.

In the newly-dressed Da Sima Mansion, Lv Bu stood in the courtyard with his arms folded, watching Lingqi happily setting off firecrackers. Behind Lingqi, the tall Sima Yi followed like a small attendant, busying everything in accordance with Lingqi's intentions. As for Sima Yi's background, Lu Bu knew it well, and unexpectedly, he did not interfere. If all this is arranged by the thief God, what use is there for me to fight in all kinds of ways? If all of this were controlled by humans, Lingqi would naturally have her own life.

"Fengxian, a good harvest this year! It must be a great harvest!" Just as Lu Bu was thinking about it, Yan Yan's voice rang in his ears. Lu Bu looked up, Yan Yan was smiling at him with a torch in her hand, wearing a snow-white Diaoqi. The custom of this dynasty, on the day of Zhengdan, is to beg the thief for a good harvest as usual. "Huozhao" and "burning pine basin" are two of them. "It seems that you got a good start?" Lu Bu walked forward with a smile, and grabbed Yan Yan's waist.

The so-called "Huo Zhao" is recorded as follows in the relevant classics: When the chickens crowed in Zhengdan, the five fruits and the mulberry tree would have no insects if the fire was all over. Those who are plagued by mulberry fruits and insects will be protected from disasters on New Year's Day. In reality, this is a technique of praying and deceiving, similar to the so-called "burning field fortune" or "burning silkworm." "Burning pine basin" is similar to "Huo Zhao". It's night (25th). The villagers and farmers each set up the first pine firewood in the shape of a well, and each house raises the fire?????? There is only a little time limit. With some allowance, you can pray before the Lantern Festival, and it is not limited to the 25th of the twelfth lunar month. For these, Lu Bu didn't believe it very much. However, since Mrs. Yan Yan is full of interest, he will naturally not touch Mrs. Yan's mold. In any case, it is rare that the lady is happy, just happy.

"Today, should Linghao and Wenyuan go back?" Lu Bu asked with a smile. "According to folk rules, the married daughter should return home on the second grade. However, Wen Yuan's parents died early, so they have the right to be the Yue family. At this moment, I am afraid that they have already set off. It is a pity that Lu An Both led the troops with Lu Zheng, and we can't spend the New Year with us. Fortunately, Lu Yi is still there."

Yan Yan raised her face and looked at Lu Bu. A trace of her sideburns was blown away by the breeze, and was lifted onto Lu Bu's face. "In two or three months, when the situation in Jizhou calms down, Lu An will be able to go home. Lu Zheng, the kid who is addicted to war, will probably be a few years before he can come back. This time, he did his wish. Now!" Lu Bu embraced Yan Yan's waist and gave a long look, and couldn't help feeling sighed.

"No? Now, the children have grown up day by day, and they are all married and established. You and I are gradually getting old. I hope they will support each other for life and be good brothers and sisters for life!" Yan Yan looked far away Place, murmured. At this moment, there was a trace of melancholy in her heart for no reason. She didn't know whether it was worry or fear. In short, she was a little melancholy.

"It's okay! There is Lingcha. In the hearts of Lu An and Lu Zheng, Lingcha is always the eldest sister. As long as Lingcha is there, plus her wrists, she will be able to handle everything. Furthermore, I will reconcile the relationship between them and deal with their lives according to their temperaments as much as possible. Madam, it's getting late, let's prepare to pay homage to the ancestors of the Lu family."

With a smile on Lu Bu's face, his heart sank suddenly. The two brothers, Lu An and Lu Zheng, are now all mixed up. However, a gentle and benevolent emperor faced a genius commander in charge of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and ten decisive battles. At this moment, what should Lu An's mood be like? In the past two years, he has been busy dealing with military affairs and fighting against the princes of the world. Until today, he has been able to rest easy. But looking back, the children have grown up, and everyone has their own expectations.

It's time to talk to them, take a look at their minds and ambitions, and then try to give them a predictable future. This is probably all he can do as a father. At this moment, Lu Bu didn't realize that the empire he had created was like a giant ship. It had already entered its own pre-determined waterway, and its future could no longer be controlled. Even Ta Lu Bu, the great Sima who created this empire with one hand-the future King Wen-Lu Bu, could not foresee and control.

Sure enough, just after a family arrived at the ancestral hall in the backyard of Da Sima Mansion, Ling Hao and Zhang Liao arrived. "How did you two get in through the back door?" Yan Yan asked in surprise. "Mother, I knew that my father would come to worship the ancestors, so I went straight to the back door. This saves trouble." Ling Hao carried Zhang Hu, who was looking at him with open eyes, out of the car, while talking to Yan Yan.

"Auntie!" As soon as he saw Lingqi, Zhang Hu slammed his hands and ran over. "My dear nephew! Sacrifice your ancestors! Then, my aunt will take you to see delicious and fun things! Your second uncle brought you more than a dozen carts of good things from the Western Regions!" Lingqi leaned down and picked up her hand. Zhang Hu. "Who is he?" Zhang Hu asked Sima Yi curiously. "He! It's your Uncle Sima! His family is in Hanoi County, and there are no serious relatives in Luoyang City, so I have to come to our house and have a meal." Lingqi smiled.

What? There are no serious relatives. Upon hearing this, Sima Yi was immediately surprised inexplicably. The Sima family in Hanoi is a large family with a few in the dynasty. How can there be no serious relatives? Still reduced to the point of eating mixed rice? Obviously, you saw my planning ability and caught me, okay? Look at that, looking at Lingqi's face that can be broken by a bomb, Sima Yi decided to bear it.

"Zhongda, I am Zhang Liao! Fortunately, Sima Bada is famous." Zhang Liao stretched out his hands and hugged Sima Yi. "Look at your height, don't you look like fifteen? Tell me, what weapons have you trained? How about riding and shooting? After a while, let's learn from each other!" Zhang Liao's smile and Shen Jing finally melted the grudge in Sima Yi's heart. I'm getting acquainted soon.

"Fengxian, according to family rules, women are not allowed to enter the ancestral hall." Taking a moment, Yan Yan pulled Lv Bu over and said softly. "Family rules? That's the old calendar. You are giving orders at the court, can't you still enter the ancestral hall? Besides, if you don't enter the ancestral hall, how can you enter the ancestral hall in the future? How could I take you in now and in the future? In case something happens, Lingya can enter in an open manner! Not only Lingya can enter, Wen Yuan can also enter, who would let him be the son-in-law of our Lu family?" Lu Bu pulled Yan Yan over and said with a smile. "Okay." Yan Yan blushed a little when he saw her. "I'm an old husband and wife, what does it look like?"

"Cough cough!" Looking at Yan Yan's red cheeks, Lu Bu tried his best to hold back his laugh, then coughed twice. "Children, clean up our clothes, we are going to sacrifice to our ancestors!" A moment later, with Lu Bu in front and Yan Yan in the back, they led the family into the ancestral hall. The whole ancestor worship ceremony lasted for more than half an hour, and everyone followed the rules and solemnly leaned over, bowed their heads, and got up amidst the praise of the ceremonial officer. Perhaps the whole atmosphere was too solemn, even Ling Hao and Zhang Hu, who had always been naughty, didn't dare to move anything.

Finally, the ancestor worship ceremony reached the last one. Everyone knelt before the gods of the Lu family ancestors and ancestors, remembering the past and looking forward to the present. Lu Bu knelt there quietly, with palms together, kneeling for almost a quarter of an hour. His face was full of solemnity, and he seemed to be using his mind to communicate with the ancestors of the Lu family. Finally, he leaned over and kowtowed, and when he stood up, it seemed to be a lot easier. Like Lu Bu, Yan Yan, who entered the Lu family's ancestral hall for the first time, also knelt for a long time, prayed for a long time, and finally got up.

When the whole family finished worshipping their ancestors, it was already the beginning of the Chen Dynasty. In Luoyang City, the capital of the great Han, the sound of firecrackers came and went, and even the air smelled of gunpowder smoke. Lü Bu walked out of the ancestral hall slowly and looked towards the sky with his hands. At this moment, the whole sky was as blue as a wash, with white clouds interspersed with it. The bell in the distance rang, it was a bell to celebrate Zhengdan.

"Husband, the first year of Jian'an has arrived. Let us support each other and finish this life." Yan Yan walked over slowly, leaning her head gently on Lu Bu's shoulder, and muttered. Lu Bu didn't answer, but just squeezed her waist tightly.

In the first year of the Great Han Jian'an, Zhengdan, the great wheel of history is slowly moving forward, opening a new page, and reforming and restructuring is here.

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