New Story of Lv Bu

: :Yuan Gonglu’s heart to be emperor

Zhengdan in the first year of Jian'an, for the Luoyang court, was naturally a happy new year for the future. However, for the princes of the world, it is a tragic day of "sorrowful year after year". Liu Zhang and Liu Junlang, who ruled Yizhou, suffered from poisonous sores on his back after the battle of Hanzhong. He has been lingering on the bed and died several times, almost withered bones in the tomb.

Similarly, Liu Biao, who had experienced the fiasco in Xiangyang, had already repented and started to reuse Liu Qi. Liu Biao was born as a famous person and has been infiltrated in Jingzhou's Gentle Township for many years. He has long lost the courage to open up the land. Cao Mengde and Yuan Benchu ​​were persevering. After the defeat, they immediately turned their eyes to Xuzhou and Qingzhou, and they had to make the final win.

In addition, the Beihai Kong Rong Kong Wenju, Xuzhou Tao Qian Tao Gongzu, and the plains minister Liu Bei and Liu Xuande have long been regarded as dead bones in the tomb by Yuan and Cao. Among the three, Kong Wenju had nothing to do with civil and military skills except for his reputation. Except for the second general of Guan Zhang, Liu Xuande's subordinates were all native chickens and dogs. Only Tao Gongzu sits in Xuzhou, has a lot of land, and has some confidence to fight for hegemony.

So, at this moment, what do you think of Yangzhou Muyuan Shuyuan Highway, which is governed by Shouchun in Jiujiang County, Yangzhou?

Yuan Shu was born in one of the four great families of the dynasty, the fourth generation and three masters of the Runan Yuan family, and was the second son of Sikong Yuan Feng. After his elder brother Yuan Ji was killed by Dong Zhuo, he became the eldest son of the Yuan family in Runan. Legend has it that when he was born, the gods once entrusted a dream to his mother, saying that the child in her arms had a certain destiny. Because of this, Yuan Shu has little ambition, and has always wanted to do something spectacular and vigorous. Since childhood, Yuan Shu has never suffered any setbacks, and has always been arrogant.

Speaking of Yuan Shu, one must talk about his concubine Yuan Shao. In terms of blood relationship, Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao are half brothers, and Yuan Shu is Yuan Shao's younger brother. In the legal sense, Yuan Shao is Yuan Shu’s cousin because Yuan Shao was adopted to Yuan Shu’s uncle Sikong Yuan Cheng. In terms of family relations, Yuan Shu is the son of the son, while Yuan Shao is the son of the son. In addition, Yuan Shao's biological mother was just a handmaid, and Yuan Shao's early status in the family was very low. After adopting it to his uncle Yuan Cheng, he became the son of Yuan Cheng.

Because of this, Yuan Shu, who has always been arrogant, has always looked down on Yuan Shao, often calling him a "wild species of maidservants." Yuan Shao's self-esteem is very strong, so that the two brothers have become strangers since then, and there is no longer any possibility of working together. To be honest, when Dong Zhuo was in trouble with the capital, among the princes in the world, except for Lu Bu, the Yuan brothers were the strongest. Unfortunately, because of the above reasons, the two could not unite and fight the enemy together. The history of the last few decades of this dynasty was also rewritten by the Yuan brothers.

After Guangwu Zhongxing, the art of prophecy became popular, and it has always been called national art. The aphorism of "Dang Tu Gaoye for the Han Dynasty" has aroused many people's greed. For example, Li Zhang is one of them. "Tu is the way to go, when the Tu is high, Que is the same. Ku is the same, and the other is very high." This sentence was said by the witch raised in Li Su's army.

There is another explanation for this famous aphorism: the high, the two-mouthed Lu Ye. When the painter is a car, there is a curtain on the car, and the curtain is clothed. Those who are in the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gaoya. This sentence should be on Lu Bu. This was spoken by Wang Shu, the great scholar of Bingzhou, who had just died of illness in the Taiyuan Wang Family Patriarch. Naturally, Yangzhou Muyuan Shuyuan Highway would never agree with this explanation.

Humph! When Yuan Shu was born, I had a dream entrusted by gods. If there is a slogan in the world, this slogan will definitely belong to me!

After repeated defeats, Li Zhang had no choice but to gritted his teeth and stomped to Shouchun to defect to Yuan Shu. As soon as he met, his face changed drastically, and he uttered the widely circulated aphorism. "My Li Lai has been in the world for many years, even if it is Grand Sima Lubu, I can't scare me. Who knows that when I saw the lord today, I didn't realize that I was shuddering. Is this caused by the lord's dragon power?

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shu's face immediately became elated. He boasted of his family background and always had his eyes above the top and was gratifying. Today Li Sang is so intriguing, he is naturally Long Xin Da Yue. Li Chang is used to seeing people's affections and sophistication, and when he sees that there is a door, he hurriedly leaned over and bowed. "I heard that there is a proverb of'Daily Han people should be Tu Gaoye.' Today, when you look at it, Tu is the road, and the road is the main character road. Is it because the body should be the emperor, and the next day will be the emperor?" Hearing this, Yuan Shu immediately laughed.

He not only accepted Li Su, but also named him General Fengyi, and his nephew Li Li was a lieutenant to train and rectify cavalry in Yangzhou.

Yuan Shu Yuan Benchu ​​had little ambition, always had a high self-esteem, and his eyes were above the top. When the group of heroes challenged Dong, Wucheng Hou Sunjian was his subordinate. Hearing that Sun Jian had obtained the Chuanguo Yuxi, he immediately went to **** it, but Sun Jian insisted that he did not get it. After Sun Jian was shot and killed by Huang Zu, Sun Ce led the remnants to go to him, and he immediately took in Sun Ce, fighting the idea of ​​spreading the jade seal of the country.

Yuan Shu also read a few books in his belly. According to the Five Virtues, the ancestors of the Yuan family came from the Chen Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period, and were descendants of Shun. Shun was a native virtue, yellow; Han was a fire virtue, red; Substituting yellow for red is the order in which the five elements operate. Coupled with the figure of "the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gaoye", he thinks that since he should be the one who should be, the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom is in the hands of his subordinates, which is equivalent to being in his own hands. In this way, he is both the Tuzhe and the Chuanguo Yuxi. Of course, the world of this big man should belong to him.

However, at that time, Emperor Xiaoxian Liu Xie was still in power. Although he was cramped, he still wore the crown of today's son. Yuan Shu couldn't help but laugh after the heroes calculated the loss after the defeat of Lu. Among the heroes in the world, he has the least loss. Now, Li Yu, who killed Emperor Xiaoxian, came to vote and gave a picture of the truth. In his view, this is the urging of God's enlightenment to him. You, Yuan Benchu, should become the emperor! However, the matter of proclaiming the emperor is a major matter, and it is always necessary to gain each other internally and externally, with one heart and one mind, in order to successfully ascend to the throne.

Yuan Shu thought about it day and night, Xi was too busy to warm up, and finally found an opportunity, he was ready to test the reaction of the officials.

On the day of Zhengdan in the first year of Jian'an, the ministers would enter the hall to celebrate as usual. After the greeting, Yuan Shu spoke up. "Masters, now the Emperor Xiaoxian is unfortunately in the Dao collapsed group, and there is no owner in the world. I, Yuan Shu, came from the Yuan family in Runan. The ancestors of the Yuan family came from the Chen Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period. Shun is a descendant of Shun. The Han is the fire morality and the red color; the yellow generation of the red is the order of the five elements. Also, I should be the image of "the Han Dynasty should be painted Gaoye", so I should regard the Yuan Dynasty Liu as the emperor, and I don’t know the meaning of the monarchs. How about next?"

Upon hearing this, the officials in the hall were immediately speechless. At the moment when there was no sound, the master operator Yan Xiang pulled up his robe and strode out of work. Facing Yuan Shu, who was sitting high on the throne, he said loudly: "In the past, the Zhou Dynasty passed from the ancestor Huji to the King of Wen, accumulating kindness and meritorious deeds. Three points of the world, already occupied two points, but still surrendered to the Yin Dynasty. Although. Your family has been a prominent official from generation to generation, but it did not have the original prosperity of the Zhou Dynasty. Although the Han Dynasty's royal family declined, there was no such atrocities as King Yin and Zhou! This matter should be discussed." Upon hearing this, Yuan Shu's face immediately became clear. It rose to the color of pig liver, and after he was silent for a long time, he retreated.

There was a reason why Yuan Shu was silent for a long time and remained silent. Since ancient times, when enthroned as emperor, the emphasis is on one heart and one mind, and all the people follow. However, as soon as he spoke, all the officials were silent, and even Yan Xiang, the first anchor of civil servants under his command, spoke out against it. At this moment, ascending to the throne and proclaiming emperor, wouldn't it be laughable and generous? Make that maid girl's wild kind laugh out of her teeth?

However, Yuan Shu developed a habit since he was spoiled and spoiled. He must get what he wants right away. If he can't get it, he will scratch his head, and don't think about food and drink until he gets it. The position of the emperor is like a maggot with bones, disturbing him to sleep and eat. After thinking about it, he still felt he had to try again. This time, he was looking for Zhang Fan, a hermit from Yangzhou.

Zhang Fan, Zi Gongyi, a man from Hanoi Xiuwu, was born in a family of officials and officials in the late Eastern Han Dynasty after Zhang Liang was left in the Western Han Dynasty. His grandfather Zhang Xin was Eastern Han Situ, and his father Zhang Yan was Eastern Han Taiwei. He was quite famous in his family. Zhang Fan's temperament is quiet and self-sufficient, and he doesn't love glory and fame. Be willing to defend the way, despise fame and fortune, and refuse to accept recruitment or appointment. He does not pursue official positions, he likes to help the poor, he has no money in his family, and he respects the poor and widows inside and outside. Tai Fu Yuan Wei wanted his daughter to be Zhang Fan's wife, but Zhang Fan Cixie did not accept it.

Later, because of Dong Zhuo’s insufficiency, Zhang Cheng thought of soldiers to respond to the Kwantung Army, but his third brother Zhang Zhao happened to be from Chang'an and said to Zhang Cheng: “Now I want to punish Dong Zhuo. What's more, I rushed to launch a plan in the morning to fight with the peasants in the field. The scholars were not comforted, and the soldiers rarely practiced, and it was difficult to succeed. Dong Zhuo relied on military strength and did not observe justice. He could not last forever. We might as well choose one side and surrender to him. Waiting for the time to act before acting. If we do this, we can realize our wishes in the future." To be honest, Zhang Fan has always been calm, and Zhang Zhao's words are more in line with Zhang Fan's wishes than Zhang Cheng's words.

Zhang Cheng agreed, so he removed the official seal and resigned, returned home from the small road, and moved with Zhang Fan to Yangzhou to avoid chaos. After Zhang Fan's family moved to Yangzhou, he worked hard in Hefei and set up accounts to accept apprentices. He has a great reputation in Yangzhou. The reason why Yuan Shu found Zhang Fan was that he wanted him to stand up and raise his arms. Even the big celebrity Zhang Fan came out to persuade him to enter. It can be seen that Yuan Gonglu should be the emperor by himself.

But can Yuan Shu's wishful thinking work? Will Zhang Fan cooperate with him?

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