New Story of Lv Bu

: : Sun Bofu's way out

Thinking of the grand occasion that Zhang Fan raised his arm and Yangzhou scholars responded, Yuan Shu felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart. So, he sent an envoy, prepared gifts to invite Zhang Fan, prepared Huawu Meiji himself, and waited in Shouchun. However, Zhang Fantuo's illness did not come, and it was his second brother Zhang Cheng who came. Zhang Cheng, Zi Gongxian, compared with his elder brother Zhang Fan, Zhang Cheng has a lot of friends and long sleeves and is good at dancing.

Yuan Shu was disappointed when Zhang Fan did not come. But, after all, his second brother is here, and he is here on behalf of Zhang Fan, which can be regarded as a heavy responsibility. In any case, as long as Zhang Cheng said the last sentence: "Yuan Shushen should be enlightened, he should be enthroned as the emperor." Zhang Fan can be regarded as nodding too much. Thinking about it this way, Yuan Shu didn't force it. He hurriedly honored Chen's honor, and respectfully invited Zhang Cheng to the mansion.

Seeing Zhang Cheng’s face, drinking wine for three rounds, and cooking five flavours, Yuan Shu said hurriedly. He slowly asked: “In the past week, the royal family declined, and the hegemony of Qi Huan Gong and Jin Wengong appeared; Qin Dynasty’s political failure The Han Dynasty took over and used its momentum to rise. Now, with my vast land and many scholars, I want to ask for the blessings of Qi Huangong and follow in the footsteps of Han Gaozu. How about?” Yuan Shu said vaguely, but What he said and what he said showed his position. I want to be emperor, what do you think?

Yuan Shu said vaguely, and Zhang Cheng answered vaguely: "This matter lies in virtue and not strength. If anyone can promote morality to unify the desires of the people of the world, even if they only rely on the qualifications of their husbands, they can achieve hegemony. The king’s merits are not difficult. If there is a pursuit of transcending duty, offending the sky and acting rashly, then everyone will abandon him. Who can make him prosper?"

This is to point to the nose and scold Yuan Shu for lack of virtue. Naturally, Yuan Shu was very upset. However, Zhang Cheng was the one who sent a messenger, brought a heavy gift, and respectfully invited back. If he turns his face at this time, he will be satisfied with his lack of integrity. No matter how stupid Yuan Shu was, he wouldn't do that. He pondered for a long while, and finally got an idea, turned a corner, and used a roundabout tactic to knock on the side.

"Emperor Xiaoxian is unfortunately in the middle of the group. There is no owner in the country. In Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, the rebel Lu Bu has an unknown boy as the emperor. It is really overpowering! What do you think?" Yuan Shu said. The words are already unsightly. You know, Zhang Cheng is here on behalf of his brother Zhang Fan, who must adhere to principles. Upon hearing this, Zhang Cheng immediately went back.

"Although the virtues of the Han Dynasty have declined, its destiny has not been changed. Now Da Sima is holding the emperor to order the world, even if it fights with millions of people, it can be defeated. Moreover, the murderer of Emperor Xiaoxian, Li Si, was there. Under your command, how do you explain it to the scholars of the world?" Yuan Shu's expression immediately changed when he heard this. He was speechless and had to be silent.

Seeing Yuan Shu's silence, Zhang Cheng knew that he had hit his sore spot, and immediately got up and retreated back to Hefei. Before leaving, his elder brother Zhang Fan had warned him heartily. "Yuan Gonglu has always been arrogant, with his eyes above the top, he has never listened to admonishments. After you go, you have said everything that should be said. If his attitude is okay, he will say a few more words. If it is one If your face is angry, you can just come back directly." You can't help but say, don't think that Zhang Fan is a hermit, but Yuan Shu really sees it in his bones.

After sending Zhang Fan away, Yuan Shu spent a long time licking the tooth flower, and then he figured it out. He was a little anxious. Zhang Fan's attitude basically represents the attitude of the Yangzhou family. They do not support themselves. It seems that this matter of proclaiming the emperor cannot be rushed. If you can't eat hot tofu in anxious manner, you will have to deal with it slowly. The problem that had been entangled for many days finally came to fruition, and Yuan Shu was very happy. He ordered to rectify the wine and vegetables and drink a few drinks.

However, when he drank a few glasses and was in full swing, the order came to inform him. "Bofu Sun came to see you."

Sun Bofu is Sun Ce, Zi Bofu, is the eldest son of Wucheng Hou Sunjian. Currently serving as a school lieutenant under Yuan Shu's account.

At the beginning, Sun Jian married Wu from Qiantang and gave birth to four sons, namely Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Yi, Sun Kuang, and a daughter named Sun Shangxiang. Sun Jian was fighting abroad, leaving his family in Shouchun. Shouchun is the home of Yangzhou Animal Husbandry. It is located in the rear area. It has not suffered from the disaster of war for decades. It is a good place. Ever since, Sun Ce lived in Shouchun, studying and martial arts.

When Sun Ce was more than ten years old, he had already made friends with well-known local people. Zhou Yu, a native of Shu County, was the same age as Sun Ce. They were both heroic and heroic. They were young. Hearing Sun Ce's reputation, they came to visit from Shu County. Shu County is the seat of the county seat of Lujiang County in Yangzhou, six hundred miles away from Shouchun in Jiujiang County, and six hundred miles across to meet, which shows Zhou Yu's sincerity.

Zhou Yu, whose name is Gongjin, is from Lujiang, and he is the same age as Sun Ce. Luoyang Ling Zhou Yi's son, his grandfather Zhou Jing, his uncle Zhou Zhong, from the official to the crown lieutenant, belonged to a great family in Jiangdong. Zhou Yu is tall, handsome and ambitious. In addition to the fine tune, Jiangdong has the phrase "the song is wrong, Zhou Lang Gu". As long as Zhou Yu's eyes swept over the dinner party, the rhythm must be wrong.

In the first year of Chuping, that is, three years ago, when the Sun family launched an army against Dong Zhuo, Zhou Yu persuaded Sun Ce to move to Shuxian County. Sun Ce agreed, and Zhou Yu gave Sun Ce a residence near the road. Zhou Yu also went to visit Sun Ce's mother in the inner hall, and the two exchanged information. In the second year of Chu Ping, the year Sun Jian died in battle, Sun Ce moved his family away from Lujiang. Sun Ce was seventeen years old that year.

Sun Ce sent his father's coffin back to his hometown Qu'a for burial. After the burial, he crossed the Yangtze River, lived in Jiangdu, and made friends with the world's heroes, determined to avenge his father. At that time, the prefect of Danyang County, Zhou Xin and Yuan Shu from Kuaiji were hostile to each other. Yuan Shu recommended Sun Ce's uncle Wu Jing to serve as the prefect of Danyang County. He attacked Zhou Xin, seized Danyang County, and appointed Sun Ce’s cousin Sun Ben as the captain of Danyang. .

In the first year of Jian'an, Sun Ce's filial piety was finally over. After Zhengdan, he entrusted his mother and sister to his friends, and immediately rushed to Shouchun to see Yuan Shu. His purpose is simple, to get his father Sun Jian's old ministry back from Yuan Shu. When Sun Ce arrived in Shouchun, it was mid-January of the first year of Jian'an. At this time, the city of Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, had a new look.

Yuan Shu is the old boss of Wucheng Hou Sunjian. Sun Ce's cousin Sun Ben and uncle Zhou Jing also served under Yuan Shu's command. Therefore, Sun Jian was a member of the family and signed up to meet him. When he saw Yuan Shu, Sun Ce pushed Jinshan and Yuzhu down on his knees. With tears, he said to Yuan Shu: "My late father set out from Changsha to fight against Dong Zhuo. He will meet you in Nanyang and make an alliance together. Unfortunately, he was killed halfway and failed to complete his work. I am grateful for your old kindness to my father. , I am willing to continue to work for you, please be aware of my sincerity!"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shu hesitated. Listening to his words, observing his deeds, observing his behavior, knowing that Sun Ce can bend and stretch, which is so extraordinary. If you can make good use of it, your future merits will not be inferior to Sun Jian. However, Sun Jian's old men were all veterans who had survived a hundred battles, compared with the sparsely trained and poorly equipped Yangzhou Army. For example, the Phoenix was better than the Crow. If you return these veterans who have survived hundreds of battles to Sun Ce, and let him stand on his own, I really can't bear it. It doesn't matter, it can be taken for a while, and it must not be returned to him!

But how to deal with Sun Ce? After licking the tooth flower for half a day, Yuan Shu had no choice but to speak: "I have appointed your uncle Wu Jing as the prefect of Danyang County, and your cousin Sun Ben is the captain. Danyang County is a place where elite soldiers are dispatched. You can go back and rely on their strength to summon. Recruit troops and horses." Sun Ce was disappointed when he heard this. It is helpless that Yuan Shu has nothing to do with him, and he has no choice. After all, Yuan Shu is still his nominal boss, and he has no room for bargaining if he is sent to others by himself. I had no choice but to pay out.

Back at the dormitory, Sun Ce pondered for a long time, but still couldn't figure out a way. At this moment, I could only hear from people to report, Zhu Zhi came to visit. Zhu Zhi, the word Junli. A native of Guzang County, Danyang County. In his early years, Zhu Zhi served as a county official, and was later judged to be Xiaolian. He was hired in the prefecture and he went to fight with Sun Jian. In the fifth year of Zhongping, he was worshipped as Sima by Sun Jian and accompanied his army to crusade against the thieves of the Zhou Dynasty and Suma in the three counties of Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang. At this time, in Sun Jian's army, Zhu Zhi was already alone.

In the second year of the Ping Dynasty, the Kwantung Allied Forces attacked Dong Zhuo. Zhu Zhi followed Sun Jian to break Dong Zhuo's Yuyang people and entered Luoyang. He was represented as a lieutenant of the Commander and a chartered general. He went to Xuzhou to help Tao Qian in crusade against the Yellow Turban Army. In the second year of Chu Ping, Sun Jian died in battle, and Zhu Zhi returned to Yangzhou with Sun Ben and served under Yuan Shu. Sun Ce was overjoyed when he heard Zhu Zhi's visit, and he quickly ordered him to come in.

When he met Sun Ce, Zhu Zhi said straightforwardly: "Yuan Highway does not care about farming, does not repair government affairs, does not establish mighty virtues, and only thinks of arrogant claims to be emperor. People like him cannot be relied on. Why don't the son return to Wu? The county is self-reliant?" Sun Ce didn’t conceal it when he heard that Zhu Zhi was from the bottom of his heart. He said bluntly: “If I don’t hide from the general, I have a long-standing self-reliance. It’s just that Yuan Shu refuses to return my father’s old ministry, and that’s one thing. My mother, brother and sister are all in Qu'a, I have worries for the future, two of them."

Zhu Zhi is a very decisive person. He pondered for a moment and then slapped the case and said: "The son's mother and younger siblings, I can send someone to pick them up to protect and raise them. As for Yuan Gonglu, you will have a few days later. There may be discussions. It is said that among the princes in the burial of Emperor Xiaoxian, Yuan Road did not send an envoy to Luoyang. In his anger, Da Sima has appointed Liu Yao as a Yangzhou herd and came to dig the corner of Yuan Road. After he learns of this, you will see him again, request the return of Wu Chenghou’s old ministry, and raise troops to fight Liu You, maybe he will agree." "This is a great remark!" Sun Ce immediately heard this. I was overjoyed.

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