New Story of Lv Bu

: : Yangzhou's culture advocates production, not culture

Since Guangwu Zhongxing was established and Luoyang was established as the capital, the state policy of this dynasty has always been shared with the nobles and scholars. Among the followers of Emperor Guangwu, Nanyang is the strongest and most famous, followed by the Guanxi clan. After all, the Guanxi clan is the close comrade-in-arms of Gaodi, and the great Han’s ancestors were made by their ancestors. Attached to the Jiwei is the Qingliu scholar-official family.

Since the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor's powerful attack on the lawless and powerful, the aristocratic families who can see clearly have all adapted to the current situation and made changes, abandoning martial arts, and turning from military aristocrats to Confucian families. Since what the emperor hopes is for the noble family to obey the laws, read and learn etiquette, at least to understand what should be done and what should not be done, then it is an inevitable trend for the military aristocrats to transform into the Confucian family. At this point, the Kanto clan is significantly better than the Kansai clan. They are flexible in mind and change the fastest.

In this way, the heroes of this dynasty experienced a painful and long transformation, from military aristocrats to Confucian families. As a result, the influence of the Qingliu scholar-bureaucrats gradually increased. In the battle between the relatives and the eunuchs, they were both right and left, pursuing their rich future. Over time, the world of the big man was gradually dominated by a group of Qingliu scholars. With their eyes wide open, they are constantly looking for new political allies and patrons, using their prestige in exchange for the support of the political leaders.

In this case, even if you are the emperor, you must obtain the support of the family to continue to rule the world.

The world of this dynasty is divided into 13 states according to the region. If you talk about the land of the heart, but the six states of Sili, Yuzhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, and Yuzhou. Among the six prefectures, there are the most aristocratic families, mainly the Guanxi and Guandong families. The four most famous families in this dynasty are the Hongnong Yang family, the Runan Yuan family, the Yingchuan Xun family, and the Yingchuan Chen family. From among these six states.

Among the other seven prefectures, Jiaozhou is far away in a wild land outside of Hua, and the local power has always been controlled by the Cangwu Shi family. Liangzhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou have always been places of bitter cold in the border areas. Not only are there frequent military disasters, but also endless, which has always been regarded as a daunting journey by the Central Plains family. Yizhou and Jingzhou are rich in Fumin, and they have not experienced wars and chaos. The family and big clans in the territory have formed alliances and defended themselves, waiting for the holy emperor to come out, and they can be governed by the arch.

The last state is Yangzhou. Yangzhou is quite special. Most of the aristocratic families in the territory have migrated from the Central Plains. Whether it is Yuan Gonglu, who wants to pretend to be the emperor, or Sun Bofu, who wants to find his own way, if he wants to gain a foothold in Yangzhou, he needs the support of the Yangzhou family of Yangzhou. To be honest, this truth is universal, and there is no exception.

The Gaodi of this dynasty started as a commoner, and finally concealed the world. His road to emperorship began with the "three chapters of the contract" winning the support of the elders in Guanzhong. What are the strengths of Dai Sima Lu Bu? After killing hundreds of aristocratic families, hasn't the "Nine Grade Officials Act" been issued in the end, and reached a consensus with the world's aristocratic families? Since ancient times, those who contend for the hegemony of the world have to cooperate with the great families of the world. Whether it is bought with wealth or killed with a knife, at least, he has to win the support of most of the family.

Yuan Shu’s mastermind Yan Xiang, and the great celebrity Zhang Fan opposed Yuan Shu’s claim to emperor, Yuan Shu did not dare to act rashly, that’s why.

The formation of aristocratic families, especially the formation of the "Confucian family", requires an extremely long process. This process is closely related to the local economy and culture. Runan Yuan has been in the family for more than a hundred years, and Zhou Wang has been in the family for hundreds of years, so why? This is not difficult to understand. Runan Yuan’s family is close to the center, with its own terraces, and Zhouwang’s family is located on the border, so it must be more difficult.

It can be seen from this that whether it is close to the center of power and whether it is close to the center of power for a long time is the root of the prosperity of the family.

In the Han Dynasty, in the eyes of the scholar-officials in the Central Plains, Yangzhou was located on the border. Since the three generations have come down, although there has been considerable progress, compared with the heart of the dynasty, the economy and culture are still decades behind. During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, most of the famous scholars who were active in Wu and Yue countries came from outside areas, such as Wu Zixu, Sun Wu, Fan Li, etc., all of them. Jiangdong's talented people are still extremely scarce, let alone any famous family. Until the Qin and Han dynasties, this lack of talent has not fundamentally changed.

"Historical Records? The Benji of Xiang Yu" records: Yu Ben came to the Huai, the descendants of the old generals of Chu, and later "avoided enmity in Wuzhong" because of the murder of his uncle Liang. For service and funerals, Xiang Liangchang is the organizer, and the Department of War and Military Law allows guests and children to know what they can do.... He is more than eight feet long, capable of carrying the pot, and talented, although Wu Zhong’s children are already in trouble. That's it."

When Xiang Yu was a young boy, "you can't learn books, but you can't learn swords." He didn't have a name and virtue. The local "children" were persuaded to take refuge in Wudi. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu raised their troops in Jiangdong, "Calling the old officials who know what to do, and instructing them to cause major events, then Wu Zhongbing was raised. The troops were brought down to the county, and there were eight thousand elite soldiers. The Liang Department set up Wu Zhong heroes. He was Xiaowei, Hou, and Sima. One person was not allowed to use him, and he said to Liang. Liang said: “A princess of a funeral was unable to do something, so I will not use the public.” All the people are all. So Liang became Kuaiji. Shou, as a good general, go down to the county." Then, the question is, with Wu Yue's prosperity, wouldn't there be a powerful family to raise their own troops?

At that time, Wuzhong was the most developed area in the south of the Yangtze River. During the Qin and Han dynasties, local tyrants called "heroes" and "prodigal officials" appeared, and they had certain economic strength. However, their power and appeal are limited, and they cannot be compared with the Xiang family in terms of family strength and social prestige. Therefore, when the world is in turmoil, the wings will be attached under the banner of the foreign warrior Xiang's uncle and nephew, and he will be dispatched, lest he follow suit. Thinking about it now, when Xiang Liang "avoided enmity from Wu Zhong", he probably had a plan.

Because of this, Sima Qian described the social conditions in Yangzhou in "Historical Records? Biographies of Commodities" when he described the social conditions of Yangzhou as "no accumulation but much poverty", "south of Jianghuai, there is no cold and hungry people, and there is no home for wealth." This shows that the gap between the rich and the poor in Yangzhou at that time was not obvious, and that the gap between the rich and the poor was not obvious, which indicated that the family had not formed. Therefore, Xiang Liang throws a flag of righteousness, and all the scenes come from Luoyi to vote.

After Gao Di established the nation, some indigenous scholars in Yangzhou began to enter the court one after another, and indigenous families gradually formed.

The aboriginals of Jiangnan who were earlier known as Confucianism belonged to the Yan family of Wudi. Yan's original surname was Zhuang, and because of avoiding the Ming Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he changed his surname to Yan. In the early Han Dynasty, scribes such as Yan Ji, Yan Zhu, and Yan Huqi appeared successively. "The Book of Han? The Biography of Zou Yang" records that Yan Ji has traveled with Zou Yang, Mei Cheng, etc. in the curtain of King Wu and King Liang, "both of them are famous for their literary debates." People called Ji "Master Zhuang" and he was quite famous.

Yan Zhu, "Han Shu" Volume 64 has a biography, which contains either Yan Jizi, or "family family", because of his virtuous and good countermeasures, he was favored by Emperor Wu and became the most "mid official" of Emperor Wu. Advanced" characters. Regarding the situation of his family, he once said to Emperor Wu: “The poor family is humiliated by the rich friends and the son-in-law.” The so-called “friend son-in-law”, according to Cai's notes, is the “son-in-law of the same family”. This shows Yanzhu's family is in distress. Yan Huqi was also the "middle official" of Emperor Wu, "and in the right and left". "Han Shu? Yi Wen Zhi" contains eleven essays, Yan Shigu commented: "The Qi Lue" says: "The stranger, or the master of Yanzhuang, or the family of the language family, Zhuang, help Kundi."

Three of the Yan clan were well-known in the early Western Han Dynasty, and all of them had written verses, indicating that this family had a set of Confucian education methods within the clan.

Judging from the Confucian classics such as "Chun Qiu" in the countermeasures of Yan Zhu and Emperor Wu, he has a certain degree of Confucianism. But generally speaking, they are famous for their articles and cifu. After Yan Zhu was condemned for misfortune, the Yan family retired from the stage of history, but the Yan family still exists. In addition to the disaster of Yan Zhu, the decline of the Yan family has a lot to do with the "Confucianism" learned by this family.

In fact, in the eyes of the scholar-officials of the Central Plains, the "Confucianism" of the Yan family is nothing more than a literary ethics, not true Confucianism. Confucianism has prevailed since Emperor Wu "deposed a hundred schools of dominating Confucianism" and established the status of dominance in Confucianism. In this general environment, the use of words to become an official is despised. In addition, literary creation requires more talent and talent, which is different from the inheritance and succession of classics, and it is difficult to pass on from generation to generation. From this perspective, for the indigenous scholars in Yangzhou, the scholars in the Central Plains are still invisible. Seeing that the native Jane of Yangzhou is in the heart of the emperor, he is deeply favored, and their hearts are naturally uncomfortable, and they will come out to make trouble.

At the same time as Yan Zhu, was also named Zhu Maichen of Wudi. There is a biography in Volume 64 of Han Shu. His family situation seems to be a bit worse than Yanzhu. The history stated that he was “poor in family, good to read, but not to manage the industry. He often pays the woods, sells for food, pays for the salary, and reads books. His wife also carries the load, but the number of buyers is not in the middle of the song. Singing for the better, "I beg you to be ashamed of your wife."

Later, due to the attendance of the planners in Beijing, he was recommended by his fellow villagers to be summoned by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. "Speaking of "The Spring and Autumn Period", and the words of Chu," Emperor Yuezhi, named Zhongdafu, and was later condemned for misfortune. Although, the real reason Zhu Maichen was condemned was that he did not wipe his buttocks clean during the desperate fight with Emperor Wu's favorite, Kuo Zhang Tang, and Zhang Tang's mother gave him a match. However, he was from Wu after all, and he was born in a remote state. The foundation of the imperial center was too shallow, so that when he was in trouble, the Wu people offered a helping hand. This is the main reason.

From Zhu Maichen's experience, it can be seen that his "good reading" is completely the result of personal hard work. Behind him, there is no shadow of any family cultural background. Moreover, it is speculated from the records of his wife "Xie Zhi" that the Wu area was not advocating literature at that time, and the situation of Yan Zhu can also prove this. Because of this, after Zhu Maichen, there was no official Zhu clan figure in Wudi.

Roughly inferring, in the end of Emperor Wu's dynasty, Yangzhou's ethos was not literary, but merely advocating culture, and there was no literary style at all.

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