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: : Four Surnames of Wu Jun

In the last years of this dynasty, although the Zhu family, one of the "four surnames" in Wudi of Yangzhou, shined brilliantly, but this branch of the Zhu family was honored as "wu", not a Confucian family, and Zhu Maichen's Zhu family did not have any copper coins. Relationship. The experience of the Yan family and Zhu family in Yangzhou shows that in the Han Dynasty, Jiangdong’s economy and culture were too backward, and there was not a lot of soil for cultivating the powerful and powerful people, only some smaller “heroes”. Although several celebrities appeared in the local clans, they did not form a Confucian tradition that could be passed down from generation to generation. Naturally, there was no aristocratic clan in the strict sense. This is the difference between North and South Confucianism.

After the middle of the pre-Han Dynasty, with the growing power of local heroes in the south of the Yangtze River and the gradual fall of the northern academic and cultural winds, some indigenous clans in Yangzhou were gradually transforming into Confucian clans. This process is very slow, and it took about a hundred years. At the same time, there have been constant migrations of northern families to the south, and some large-scale families migrated south. These family families who migrated to the south are superior to the local heroes in terms of Confucianism and clan education. Therefore, the style of Chongwen in Yangzhou gradually flourished.

After these southerners settled in Jiangdong, they surpassed the original local heroes in terms of clan reproduction, wealth accumulation, and cultural inheritance. The dynasty has been around for 400 years, and in the last two hundred years, the aristocratic family that has gradually prospered in Yangzhou, tracing back to its roots, the Thai half are all aristocratic families that moved to the south of the dynasty. These aristocratic families brought advanced culture and technology, which made Yangzhou flourish.

Among these Jiangnan surnames that will arise by fate, the first to be seen in historical records is the Zheng family in Kuaiji who migrated south during Emperor Wu's time.

"Han Shu" Volume 70 "Zheng Ji Biography" records: Ji was a native of Shanyin in Kuaiji, and was the protector of the Western Regions during Emperor Xuan's period. According to "Zheng Hong's Biography" in Volume 33 of "Hou Han Shu", Ji is the ancestor of Hong Cong. The same book’s note quotes Xie Cheng’s "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", saying: Hong) great-grandfather was born in Linzi of the Qi State, and he was an official to the capital of Shujun. When Emperor Wu moved to a strong surname, he was not allowed to live in the clan, so his three sons moved to Shanyin, because Suijiayan. The eldest son, Ji, the capital of Yunzhong, and the protector of the Western Regions; the neutron Yanzhou governor; the youngest son, Xiaolian, and Hou Ye in the eastern part of the drama."

Zheng Hong was well-known in the Ming and Zhang periods of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He served as Shang Shuling, Shizhong, and Taiwei. This is very different from the military position of his ancestors. This shows that Zheng has only been naturalized in Kuaiji for three generations and has completed the transition from Chongwu to Shangwen. change. According to the "Books of the Later Han? Wang Chong Biography" and "Lun Heng? Zi Ji Chapter", Wang Chong's family was born in Yuancheng, Wei County, and his ancestors "have tried to serve in the army for several generations and sealed the Yangting Pavilion in Huiji." "Later, he moved to Shangyu because of the military prisoners. This shows that Wang Chong's ancestors were naturalized in Kuaiji as a result of being a prince, and his family was Chongwu. It was only in the early Eastern Han Dynasty that Wang Chong turned to literary and studied in Luohe. This is evident from the transformation from a family of military meritorious scholars to a family of Confucianism.

During the two Han Dynasties, Wang Mang usurped the Han, and the heroes came together. The Central Plains were in chaos, and the number and quality of the people who moved south to the north were greatly improved. According to official history records, some refugees later stayed in Jiangdong. After the Zheng family in Kuaiji, a number of aristocratic families moved from the Central Plains to Yangzhou. Most of the reasons why they moved south were to avoid disaster. At that time, the Central Plains were sloppy and the people didn't have a lot of livelihood, and Yangzhou was indeed a blessed place.

Since the rejuvenation of Guangwu, Yangzhou has been densely populated and fertile for thousands of miles. In addition, the aristocratic families of Nandu have brought advanced technology and culture, which has led to large-scale development. With the development of the economy and the continuous improvement of Yangzhou's political status, among the aboriginal families of Yangzhou, the number of people who entered the DPRK and held positions due to official duties has gradually increased. Over time, there were four surnames, Wuzhong and Kuaiji.

The so-called "four surnames" in Wuzhong refer to the four great families of Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang who settled in Wu County; the so-called "four surnames" in Kuaiji refer to the four great families of Yu, He, Kong, and Wei who settled in Kuaiji. These eight great clans all have one thing in common, that is, the ancestors used military force to show up, and then adapt to the current situation and switch from martial arts to chongwen. Although there is no prominent person in the clan, the family background is long enough.

Because of this, at this moment, these Yangzhou aboriginal families have become the key force that dominates and determines the destiny of Yangzhou.

Wu Jun is the domain of Yugong Yangzhou. Since Zhou Taibo let the country run, there has been a nickname of Wu. King Wu deprived him of business, and named him Wu, until Helü built the city as his capital. Wu died, and his land entered Vietnam. Chu destroys Yue, and seals Chun Shenjun Huang Xie with its land. Qin conquered the world, with Wuyue as the county of Kuaiji. Xiang Liang raised his army and he was called Wuzhong. After the dynasty established the nation as a nation, the land of Wu was regarded as Wu Jun and even Yu Si.

The Gu clan of Wu Jun was after the seventh Sun Yaohan of Goujian, the king of Yue. Yu ruled the waters and traveled around the world, returned to Dayue, and climbed Maoshan to court the officials of the Quartet. He was awarded meritorious service, noble and virtuous, and was buried after collapse. Sun Shaokang, the fifth emperor of Yu, feared that he would sacrifice to the ancestral temple. He was named his concubine in Yue, and he had no more names. It was passed on for more than twenty generations. When Zhou Jingwang, there was a son who allowed him to continue to open up the land and become the king. Yun Chang died, Zigou Jianli.

Goujian was called the King of Yue, and Wu was called the hegemony. After Goujian, the sixth reign reached the king without borders, the country was Chu annihilated, and the clans fought to stand, and the Minjun swayed to the princes to annihilate the Qin, the Han Gaozu named Yao as the King of Yue, shook his son as Gu Yuhou, and regarded his son as the clan. In the early Han Dynasty, living in Huiji, this is the ancestor of the Gu family in Wuzhong. In this dynasty, Emperor Ming had Gu Zong, who served successively as Yushi doctor and Shangshuling. The Ming emperor gave three generations of rituals and received instruction by begging.

Now the patriarch of the Gu clan in Wu Jun is Gu Yong. Gu Yong, Ziyuan sigh, twenty-six years old this year. When Gu Yong was a child, he learned to play the piano and calligraphy under the celebrity Cai Yong. He is quick-witted, calm and dedicated, and his art industry is advancing day by day. He is deeply loved by Cai Yong. Cai Yong gave it his name. Therefore, Gu Yong has the same name as his teacher Cai Yong ("Yong" is the same as Cai Yong's "Yong"). Because of praise from the teacher, I sighed with the characters. Later, he was recommended by the prefectures and counties. When he was weak, he served as the county magistrate of Hefei, and successively served as the county magistrates of Lou, Qu'a, and Shangyu.

The Lu family of Wu Jun, after his surname Tian Jingzhong, is seen in the "Historical Records? Tian Jingzhong Complete Family". From the eleventh reign of Tian Qi to the king of Qi Xuan, his youngest son was sealed in Lu Township, Banxian County, which is the hometown of Lu Zhong. S. Lu Tong, a posthumous posthumous Yuan Hou, was born Gong Hou Lu Fa, a doctor of Qishang, had two sons Lu Wan and Lu Gao, and Sun Lujia was a doctor of Han Dazhong. Lu Wanshenglie was Wu Ling, and his descendants were from Wu County.

Lu Hong, the tenth grandson of Lu Lie, was the prefect of Yingchuan in his dynasty. Hong Shengwei, Weisheng continued, don't drive for Yangzhou. There are three sons in succession: the eldest son Lu Chou, the official to Guangling prefect, who is talented in governance, the second son Lu Feng, the official to Le'an prefect, and the third son, Lu Bao, who works hard, loves to learn, and does not greedy glory and wealth and fame. Consecutive call-ups can't be killed. All three sons have achievements.

Lu Bao has two sons, the eldest son Lu Yu and the second son Lu Kang. Lu Yuminshu has thought and learning, served as a lieutenant at the gate of the city, and later abandoned the official business to become a well-known wealthy businessman in the world. His only son, Lu Jun, was named Jicai, Chunyi was faithful, and he was cherished by the state and was a former captain of Jiujiang. Lu Jun's son, Lu Xun, is Lu Lingqi's little friend. Lu Kang, now serving as Lujiang's prefect, is preparing to start a battle with Yuan Shu.

The Zhu family of Wu Jun originally had the surname Cao, and the fifth son of Zhuan Xu's grandson Lu Zhong said An, and gave the surname Cao. The king of Zhou Wu deprived him of business, and Cao Xie used his merits to seal Yu Lu, and the country was his clan, and then he was Yi Cao as the Cui clan. From the following to Chu Yi's father, the name began to appear in "Spring and Autumn". Since Chu lost his country, his descendants went to Yi to take Zhu as his clan. Afterwards, the grand ones included Peiguo, Yiyang, Wujun, and Henan Siwang. In this dynasty and the emperor, there was Zhu Liang, who became an official in the official position, and the official was to be (admonish) the doctor.

At this time, there are actually two prominent members of the Zhu family in Wu County, one is represented by Zhu Huan, Zhu Shi, and Zhu Yi; the other is represented by Zhu Zhi and Zhu Ran. S. The two support each other in the same breath. Unlike the Gu clan and Lu clan of Wu Jun, the Peiguo and Wu Jun clan of Zhu clan still retain the brave family style of the military elite.

Zhu Clan of Wu Jun, the current patriarch Zhu Heng, is only eighteen years old, and he is the same age as Sun Ce and Zhou Yu. Zhu Heng has heard it with bravery, and there is a vague style of ancient generals. Zhu Heng is arrogant, shameful, does not like to be driven by others, and is good at supporting soldiers, who cares about wealth and righteousness, and will never forget when he sees others for decades. In this generation, Wu Jun Zhu's family has not transferred from Wu to Wen, and still regards himself as a military commander.

The Zhu clan of Peiguo, the current patriarch Zhu Zhi, is right, Zhu Zhi who suggested that Sun Ce go back to Wu Jun to stand on his own. Zhu Zhinian, the word Junli. A native of Guzang County, Danyang County. In his early years, Zhu Zhi served as a county official, and was later judged to be Xiaolian. He was hired in the prefecture and he fought with Sun Jian everywhere. He was an old subordinate of Sun Jian. Zhu Zhi has a sparse temperament, simple and frugal, hardworking, courageous and courageous.

The Zhang family of Wu Jun, according to legend, came from the surname Ji, the fifth son of the Huangdi son, Shaohao, and the fifth son of Qingyang. . During the time of King Zhou Xuan, there was a Qing scholar Zhang Zhong, and his descendants were promoted to doctors. Zhang Hou was born old, he was born old, and Zhai was born, to the three families of Jin Jin, Zhang's official Han, Han Xiang opened his life, and the five kings of the world.

Pingzi is Zhang Liang, and the Han Dynasty is a Hou. Liangsheng is not suspicious, not suspicious of life code, Diansheng silent, Emerson Dasima Jin, Jinsheng Yangling public rides Qianqiu, Qianqiu Shengsong. The fifth son of Song, and his fourth son Zhang Mu selected the public, he was the prefect of Shu County in his dynasty, and he first lived in Wu County.

Zhang Yun, the current patriarch, has not been an official in his life, and has lived in seclusion. His son Zhang Wen is only two years old and is known as a child prodigy.

All in all, among the four surnames of Wu Jun, Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang, all of them, except for the Zhang family, have long been in official positions. Among the four, the most prominent is the Lu family. Yuan Shu gave up Nanyang County and drove thousands of miles to occupy Yangzhou, in order to segregate the southeast and seek the world. However, the Central Plains family, represented by Yuan Shu, forcefully entered Yangzhou, which greatly violated the interests of the indigenous family.

Yuan Shu asked Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, for 30,000 Hu of grain. Lu Kang not only ignored them, but also prepared to use force. This was caused by the contradiction between the Central Plains family and the Yangzhou indigenous family. At this moment, in the remote city of Luoyang, Grand Sima Lubu stretched out a finger and appointed Liu Yao as a herd of Yangzhou. As Liu Yao arrived in Yangzhou, the situation in Yangzhou immediately became tense, and the war was about to break out.

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