New Story of Lv Bu

: : Four Surnames in Kuaiji

Among the Yangzhou tribe, the four surnames of Wu Jun united and fought against Yuan Shu. The four surnames in Kuaiji are otherwise, calm and self-preserving, waiting for the master. Like the four surnames of Wu Jun, the ancestors of the four surnames in Kuaiji came from the south and took root in Kuaiji. Yu's long-sleeved dance is good at dancing. Wei's family doesn't like to be an official, and he seeks immortality and asks. Kong's is calm and silent. Only Xie's career can be considered smooth.

The Yu clan in Kuaiji is the most prominent of the four surnames in Kuaiji. Yu's surname has two sources. First, it comes from the surname of the 妫, the name of the country is the clan, and it comes from Emperor Shun. In ancient times, Emperor Shun had a title called Yu Clan, so Emperor Shun was also called Yu Shun. Yu Shun is the ancestor of the Yu family. Dayu was able to control the waters, so Emperor Shun surrendered the throne to Dayu. Therefore, Dayu sealed Emperor Shun’s son in Yu, and established the Kingdom of Yu. Therefore, his descendants named Yu as their surname. Yu surname. Second, it comes from Ji's surname, which is named after the country. At the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty, after King Wu came to power, he named Zhong Yong's grandson Yu Yu and established the State of Yu. The age was eliminated by the Jin country, and the people of Yu country took the country as the surname, which was the Yu surname. Where exactly the Yu family in Kuaiji came from is untestable, but it is indeed a family of millennia.

In the family tree of the Yu family in Kuaiji, it is recorded as follows: "Qin has Yuxiang. The 14th generation of Xiang Sun Yi, moved to Yuyao from Dongjun, and Sun Xin from the fifth generation. Xinsheng turned." Yuyao Yu was in this dynasty. Moved to Kuaiji Yuyao in the early stage. In terms of family traditions, the Yu clan allowed Wen and Wu, relying on moral, utility, academic, and strong clan and economic forces to skillfully handle the relationship with various forces, so as to maintain the family power for a long time. The style of the Yu clan in Kuaiji is very similar to that of the Chen clan in Yingchuan. They are both long-sleeved and good at dancing.

It was Yuguang of the Later Han Dynasty who opened the academic pioneer of Yuyao Yu's family, but it was Yu Fan that really made Yuyao Yu's position and influence in the academic world. At this time, the Patriarch of the Yu family, Yu Fan, was serving as a meritorious actor under the prefect of Kuaiji, Wang Lang. In the middle and late stages of this dynasty, such measures were very common. In Yangzhou, most of the leaders of the Central Plains family and the assistants of the Yangzhou indigenous families were the masters.

The Wei family in Kuaiji is a new family, originated from Wei Lang and Wei Boyang. These two are father and son, the father is knowledgeable, and the son cultivates immortality.

Wei Lang, the word Shaoying (a Shuying), is a native of Shangyu in Kuaiji. When he was young, he used to be a county official and a good writer. The county chief still ordered him to make an excuse for Cao E, and Wencheng felt that he was inferior to Handan Chun's and gave up. Once he died in Chen because of his brother's revenge and murder, but the doctor of Shishi Zhongxin studied "Spring and Autumn" and "Tuwei", and returned to Taixue to study the Five Classics. From there". Later, he served as Situ and relocated to Pengcheng Ling. He was jealous and hated by the powerful. Fortunately, his minister recommended him as the Jiuzhen Capital to counter the rebellion. Later, Emperor Huan used his military merits as his elder, and moved to Shangshu, which "has been beneficial to the court and government."

Later served as the prefect of Hanoi. Shangshu ordered Chen Fanjianlang to "be loyal and straightforward, and should be kept secret" and enlisted as Shangshu. Dismissed from office due to the "danger of the party", administering the family carefully, reading books, and writing "Wei Zi" in three volumes. When the Emperor Ling came to the throne, Chen Fan and others tried to punish the eunuchs and were killed. Wei Lang was once again implicated "urgently called to Beijing", knowing that there were many evils and good luck, and committed suicide when he went to Niuzhu Mountain in Danyang.

Wei Boyang, whose name is Ao, is called Boyang. He is the son of Wei Lang. He is named Yunyazi, a native of Shangyu in Kuaiji. This year, he is forty out of four. Wei Boyang was born in a distinguished family, hereditary hairpins, good nature, reluctant to serve as officials, living in a leisurely life, no one knew it at the time. His "Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi", the five elements are similar, a total of three volumes, reference ancient alchemy and alchemy ancient books, under the guise of Yaoxiang, to discuss the meaning of alchemy, by later generations to be regarded as the "eternal alchemy king". Perhaps because of his father's sudden death, Wei Boyang has never been an official in his entire life and devoted himself to pursuing immortality.

When Wei Boyang was born, his father Wei Lang was imprisoned in Shangyu's home due to party misfortune, and concentrated on writing "Wei Zi". In addition to writing, he opened a classics class and read. Under his father's supervision, Wei Boyang read a wide range of books and laid a solid foundation in Confucianism. In the second year of Emperor Ling's Jianning, Wei Lang was murdered to death due to party disasters. People at that time respected him as one of the "Eight Talents". At this time, Wei Boyang had just grown up.

Lingdixi was twenty-six years old when his family was implicated due to party misfortune for five years. Wei Boyang was forced to retreat in the mountains and forests under high pressure. At first, he just escaped the world by cultivating the Tao to escape the evil of the party. In his spare time, he read a lot of Taoist classics, and then developed a keen interest in Qiu Xian Wen Dao. It is said that he once wandered to Changbai Mountain and met a real person with profound Taoism and taught him the secrets of refining the pill. He obtained the alchemy "Dragon and Tiger Scripture", "Thirty-Six Water Law", and "Taiqing Gold". "Liquid Pill Sutra", "Yellow Emperor Jiuding Shen Pill Sutra" and other "Six Hundred Fire Notes". After overjoyed, he lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, sneaking and studying, and after a few years, he was very good.

Later, he returned to Luoyang, living in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and cultivated his character. After years of training, I finally succeeded. Because of his profound knowledge, he is familiar with a hundred schools, especially the theory of Da Yi, Huang Lao, and Lu Dan, and he strives for perfection. On the basis of inheriting the ancient "Dragon and Tiger Sutra" alchemy, he personally reconciled the cauldron and wok, practiced repeatedly, and integrated, reaching the highest level of alchemy at that time.

In the book "Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi", Wei Boyang left the alchemy method. First synthesize the eight stones into "Liu Yi Clay". One-third of mercury and two-thirds of lead are heated in ironware to make "black yellow". Use terracotta clay as a kettle. Coat the inside and outside with three-cent-thick Liuyi mud and let it dry for ten days. It is called terracotta kettle with a capacity of eight liters to one bucket. Put the dansha into the kettle, seal it with Liuyi mud, use horse dung and chaff as fuel, and burn it for thirty-six days after three major changes. In this way, it becomes "gold liquid for pill".

Wei Boyang's "Zhou Yi Can Tong Qi" is modeled on the name "Yi Wei Can Tong Qi" that appeared in the later Han Dynasty. "Zhou Yi" is the title of the book, "Zhou" refers to the Zhou Dynasty, and "Yi" has a variety of meanings. "Chen" is the ancient Chinese word "three", "tong" means interlinked meaning, and "qi" means "book". "the meaning of. "Participating in the same contract" is the common classic of the three principles of "Da Yi, Huang Lao and Lu Huo".

After Wei Boyang wrote the "Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi", he secretly taught it to two people, one was Xu Cheng from Qingzhou, and the other was Lingchun Yu Shutong in Luoyang. Xu's name is at a loss. He is the first commentator of the "Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi". Because he did not want to make his name public, his name was also hidden in the commentary. Uncle Chunyu is known by his name, and Shutong is his name. He loves Taoism and is good at divination. At the time of Emperor Huan, he once served as the county magistrate of Xuzhou and Luoyang. "The Participation of the Book of Changes" was passed down through the two of them.

In the heart of this dynasty, Wei Boyang has always been regarded as an "old god", and it is really difficult to see the dragon without seeing the end.

The Confucian family in Kuaiji, who crossed the south to the east of the Yangtze River at the end of the dynasty, was silent in the Soochow area. According to legend, the Kuaiji Kong clan originated from Kong Yu. "Kong Yu, the word Jingkang, was born in Shanyin, Kuaiji. His ancestors lived in Liang Kingdom, great ancestor Qian, the prince Taifu, he avoided the land in Kuaiji at the end of Han Dynasty, because of the family Yan. Zu Zhu, the prefect of Wu Yuzhang." Since Kong Yu, the Kuaiji Kong clan It seems that there are no celebrities among them, just the lower class.

The Xie family in Kuaiji originated from Xie Yiwu. Xie Yiwu, the word Yaoqing, is from Shanyin in Kuaiji. When he was young, he served as a small official in the county government, studying wind angles and occupants. Prefect Fifth Lun promoted him to postal supervisor. At that time, the head of Wucheng County was suspected of embezzlement. Fifth Lun sent Xie Yiwu to arrest the head of Wucheng County and punished him for his crimes. After Yiwu arrived in Wucheng County, he did not follow suit. He just looked at Gemen and cried on the ground. The field is back. Everyone in the county was surprised and didn't know what he was going to do. After returning, he told Fifth Lun and said: "I think the county magistrate of Wucheng deserves to die, as early as 30 days, but not 60 days late. He is just a wandering soul temporarily breathing through his body, and there is no need to impose punishment, so there is no Catch him." Fifth Lun believed his words. More than a month later, a post envoy took the seal of Wucheng County Mayor and said that Wucheng County Mayor died suddenly. The Fifth Lun therefore respects and trusts Xie Yiwu more.

Later, he was promoted to Xiaolian and served as Shou Zhang Ling, and soon he was promoted to Jingzhou governor, and he was changed to the post of Julu prefect. Wherever Xie Yiwu went, he guarded and raised the people and had good political achievements. When Fifth Lun served as Situ, he instructed Ban Gu to write a essay recommending Yiwu to "study style corner" but "Tao contains six books, recommends star degrees, comprehensive school catalogues, explores sacred secrets, observes changes in history, and knows heaven." The land is in harmony with God, and according to its morality, it is governed by the king’s affairs."

When Xie Yiwu was serving as the governor of Jingzhou, it coincided with Emperor Zhang's southern tour of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Zhang personally heard Xie Yiwu "determining more than three hundred things in one county", and all told him what he meant, thinking that if the provincial governors in various places could be like Xie Yiwu, he would be like Xie Yiwu. There is no need to worry about the world, so Emperor Zhang made an exception and made Xie Shu a role model for hundreds of officials on the spot. Since then, Fifth Lun, who was once the governor of Kuaiji and had already held important positions in the DPRK at the time, was sick and aging, and strongly recommended Xie Yiwu to make Xie Yiwu's reputation even better.

Xie Yiwu once recommended Wang Chong. He said, "To be a genius, not to be added by learning, although the previous lives of Meng Ke and Sun Qing; Yangxiong, Liu Xiang, and Sima Qian in the recent Han Dynasty, you can't live it." Zhang Di trusted Xie Yiwu again. After reading the memorial, he said. Ordered the "special imperial bus levy". But Wang Chong thanked him for being old and sick.

In fact, Wang was only sixty-two years old when he acted, and he was not old. He died when he was seventy years old. The reason why he was reluctant to take up the post was because the "Lun Heng" had not yet been finalized, especially because he was unwilling to bring this book to the court; the second was because the emperor Zhang and the court officials respected Confucianism, and the "Lun Heng" Wang Chong felt that if Emperor Zhang read "Lun Heng", not only would he be unpopular, but also the recommender Xie Yiwu would be involved.

The head of the Xie family in Kuaiji is Xie Zhuan (Jing). Xie Jun, a native of Shanyin, Kuaiji, is 36 years old this year. Served as Shang Shulang and Xu Ling. After the yellow turban rose, returned to Jiangnan. The history book says: The young and the young take benevolence and filial piety as the deeds. Its son

Xie Cheng, has not yet been an official. The eldest daughter, Xie, was beautiful and talented. The younger brother Xie Zhen, abiding by discipline and law, erudite and righteous, filial piety, served as the order of Jianchang, sufficient for his position.

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