New Story of Lv Bu

: : Yangzhou becomes the new powder keg

Among the six counties of Yangzhou, Yuzhangxiang is a wild land, Kuaiji is vast and sparsely populated, Wujun is narrow and densely populated, and most of the prestigious aboriginal surnames in Yangzhou gather in Wujun. As for the three counties of Jiujiang, Lujiang, and Danyang, they have always been forbidden by the families of the Central Plains. After Yuan Benchu ​​entered Yangzhou, he could only use his power to overwhelm the noble families of Wujun, Danyang, and Lujiang, and force them to submit. But not like Da Sima Lubu in Bingzhou, a radical change. In this way, it left a deep cause of disaster.

Among the indigenous surnames in Yangzhou, the four surnames of Wu Jun and the four surnames of Kuaiji are the leaders. Among the four most influential Wu Jun surnames, the Gu family moved to Wu Jun, Lu family, and Zhu family in the early Han Dynasty, and the Zhang family in the middle of the dynasty. Compared with the real aboriginal surnames in Yangzhou, they are also immigrants, but they have arrived hundreds of years earlier. However, in the eyes of the Zhongyuan family, they are all Jiangdong natives.

Compared with the real aboriginal surnames who have lived in Jiangdong, they have more "family style" and "family learning". Among the real aboriginal surnames in Jiangdong, there are not a few of Tian Lianqianmo, a group of slaves, and great economic strength. Relying on their super economic strength, they have established their own armed forces. Within ten days, they can form an army of thousands of people, which can be called heroes.

However, in this case, as long as they don't "abandon Wu Chongwen", they will not be able to complete the transition from "hero" to "family". The right way to recruit scholars in this dynasty is to "pass through the classics and become official". The rude and unliterate people can only start with military merits, not Confucianism. Only those children of aristocratic families who were born on the right path and who were proficient in Confucianism and Confucianism could leave Shizhou County and show their presence in the world.

Regardless of the four surnames of Wu Jun or the four surnames of Kuaiji, they are all representatives of the "Tongjing Zhishi" among the aboriginal families in Jiangdong. The reason why they are called "Crown clan" and "clan surname" is not because of their large clan, Tian Lian Qin Mo and numerous child servants, but because they have a "family style" and "family style" that are different from "big surname strong clan". learn". These two things ensured that their path to officialdom was unimpeded.

In addition, because Emperor Guangwu was born as a Confucian, the most important celebrity in this dynasty is Qingliu. Without good "family learning" and "family style", it is natural that no celebrities with a high degree of cultural literacy can be produced. The regulation of this dynasty, because of the eradication and enlistment, the promotion of filial piety, and the path to officialdom, have always been controlled by aristocratic families. Without "family studies", one would never be an official.

The Yu clan in Kuaiji, from Lingling Prefect Yu Guang to Xuantuan Yu Fan, passed down the Book of Changes for the fifth generation. Hueiji He's Ancestral Ritual. Wei Lang in Kuaiji, Wei Lang is one of the eight talents. The Lu clan of Wu Jun is the ‘East Jiangdong Clan’. From Lu Hong to Lu Kang, there were several celebrities and dignitaries. That's why you have the confidence to fight Yuan Shu. The Gu clan of Wu Jun, who was appointed to the prefecture of Yingchuan during the Emperor Shun Dynasty, was a famous scholar. There are also many ancestors whose names are not known in history, but they are certainly the surnames of the county, such as the Zhu clan of Wu Jun, the Zhang clan, the Qian Tangquan clan, the Zhou clan of Yangxian, and the Zhu clan of Danyang. Even in the far county of Guiyang, there is also Gu Lang The well-dressed child. All the above are enough to explain the problem.

So, here comes the problem. Yuan Shu segregated Shouchun with Yangzhou herd. To tell the truth, he tried to segregate Yangzhou with the financial and force of the Central Plains family of the fourth generation and the third master. If he imitated the great Sima Lubu, or even Cao Mengde in Yanzhou and Yuan Benchu ​​in Qingzhou, he did not pay much, accumulate grains, and gather ten years of lessons in ten years, and he would be the overlord of the Jiangzuo in Pian An. However, he just wanted to be the emperor, and the rear was unstable, but he acted eagerly. As a result, the indigenous surnames of Yangzhou were naturally ready to move. Sun Ce is like that.

The Sun family of Wu Jun, after the birth of Wucheng Hou Sunjian, is a first-class family in Yangzhou. The Huaisi elite soldiers under Sun Jian are extremely powerful, but rude and innocent. In the eyes of the aboriginal families in Jiangdong, this is the best puppet candidate. With extremely strong combat power, he has the ability to unify the six counties of Jiangdong; rude and uncivilized, his family has no background. In the political environment of this dynasty, it can only be used for three generations. decline.

Therefore, Zhu Zhi met with Sun Ce, hoping that he would return to Wu County to stand on his own. Zhou Jing, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce had a good relationship, and their purpose was obvious. It is to unite with the aboriginal families in Jiangdong to support Sun Ce against Yuan Shu. As far as Sun Ce was concerned, he could only temporarily rely on Yuan Shu's egg wing, first obtain Wu Jun and Huiji, and stabilize the foundation, then look for opportunities to tear his face with Yangzhou Mu Yuan Shu.

After the heroes failed to challenge Lu, Yizhou Liu Zhang and Jingzhou Liu Biao were frightened and treated the Luoyang court with obedience to the Luoyang court. They only wanted to sit back and wait for the Lord Ming to appear. Cao Mengde and Yuan Benchu ​​pretended to surrender, secretly accumulating strength, one seeking Xuzhou, the other targeting Qingzhou. Only Yuan Gonglu was stubborn, thinking about arrogantly claiming to be the emperor, and after the addiction of being a son of the emperor, completely ignoring the flood that is already behind him. Da Sima pointed out that Liu Yao had already left Beijing and rushed to Wu County, aiming at the death spot of Mu Yuan Shu in Yangzhou.

In the first year of the Han Jian'an, at the end of the first lunar month, Yangzhou, a vast and sparsely populated area, has become a big firecracker, which is about to explode at any time.

Sun Ce went to Shouchun to try to get back the old ministry of Wucheng Hou Sunjian from Yuan Shu, but he held a small nail. Yuan Shu asked him to go to Danyang County, relying on his uncle Wu Jing and his cousin Sun Ben to recruit troops. When he was depressed, Zhu Zhi, Sun Jian's former ministry, came to visit and persuaded him to find a way to stand on his own. Zhu Zhi is one of the four surnames of Wu Jun, Gu Lu, Zhu Zhang, a member of the Zhu family, and the patriarch of the Zhu family in Pei State.

Among the four surnames of Wu Jun, Gu's long sleeves are good at dancing, sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight. When the victory or defeat is divided, he is determined not to stand up. Lu's strengths have already made it clear that the chariot and Yuan Shu are working against each other. The Zhang family is calm and self-sufficient, and has not yet reached the time of Xianda. In this way, Zhu Zhi's statement seemed intriguing. After Sun Cezhi repeatedly, Zhongyi made up his mind and returned to Danyang to recruit troops. Since Yuan Shu refused to return his father's old ministry, he had to rely on himself. With the support of Zhu Zhi and his uncle, it should be no problem.

Danyang County, known as "Guzhang County" in "Hanshu? Geography", governs Wanling. The county is Danyang County within its territory, which was once known as the Danyang Marquis. As early as when Wu and Chu were fighting, Danyang was an important town in the south of the Yangtze River. The first emperor visited the east for 36 years, from Danyang to Qiantang, and set up a county in Danyang, a famous town in the south of the Yangtze River. When Chu and Han quarreled, Zangjun was the fief of King Yingbu of Jiujiang. After Yingbu was killed, he was given to several princes surnamed Liu, and finally fell into the hands of Wu Wang Liu Bi. After the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, Zang Jun returned to the Han Dynasty and was renamed Danyang Jun.

Danyang County is as famous as Danyang County, but this Danyang County is in Wu County. Danyang, built in the Warring States Period, was originally Yunyang Town. After Qin Shihuang ruled the world, the system of prefectures and counties was implemented, and Yunyang County was changed to Yunyang County. Soon it was renamed Qu'a County. In the first year of the founding of Xinmang, Qu'a County was changed to Fengmei County. After Guangwu Zhongxing, Qu'a County was renamed. Qu'a is the home base of the Sun family.

The foothold Sun Ce chose was Qu'a County. Beginning with Sun Ce’s grandfather, Sun Zhong, the Sun family moved from Fuchun to Qu'a. After three generations of management, Qu'a has become the foundation of the Sun family. After making up his mind, Sun Ce sent Lu Fan to Qu'a to pick up his mother and younger siblings. With his tribe, Sun He, he continued to fight under Yuan Shu's command and was ordered to attack Lujiang County.

Lu Fan, whose name is Ziheng, was born in Xiyang County, Runan County. When Lv Fan was young, he was only a county official in Runan County, but his appearance was outstanding. There is a family surnamed Liu in the city. The family is wealthy and the daughter is very beautiful. Lu Fan went to ask for her. Liu's mother disliked Lu Fan and was unwilling to agree to the marriage, but Liu said, "Do you think Lu Ziheng will be a long-term poor person?" So she married her daughter to Lu Fan.

Later, Lu Fan took refuge until Shouchun and met Sun Ce, who was working under Yuan Shu at the time. Sun Ce believed that Lu Fan was different and treated each other with courtesy. So Lu Fan handed over a hundred of his followers to Sun Ce for instructions, and since then followed Sun Ce. At that time, Sun Ce's mother, Mrs. Wu, was in Jiangdu. After receiving the order, Lu Fan immediately led his entourage and set off for Jiangdu immediately. Xuzhou Mutaoqian determined that Lu Fan was Yuan Shu’s internal response and ordered Lu Fan to be wanted in the counties. After Lv Fan knew, he personally recruited experts, led the doormen to secretly pick up Mrs. Wu, and send it back to Qu'a, where he lived in the place of his uncle Wu Jing. Then, he returned to Sun Ce and successfully completed his mission.

Sun He, whose name is Bohai, was a son of the Sun Jian clan. After Sun Jian died, he has been following Sun Ce.

At that time, Sun Ce hadn't established any merits, and only Lu Fan and Sun He, a tribe member of his tribe, often followed him. The two often ran around for Sun Ce and did not avoid danger. Having gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, crossing the river north to meet Mrs. Wu is one of them. Because of such a close relationship, Sun Ce also regards Lu Fan as a close relative, and whenever he invites him to a banquet, he eats with Mrs. Wu, and does not have to be the courtesy of monarchs and ministers.

In the first year of Jian'an, at the beginning of February, the new Yangzhou Mu Liu You arrived in Yangzhou, and he chose Qua to stand. Yangzhou Mu's office was originally located in Shouchun, but Shouchun was already occupied by Yuan Shu, and Liu Yao had to cross the river south to Qu'a. At that time, the Danyang prefect Wu Jing and Danyang captain Sun Ben went to Qu'abai to meet Liu Yao and expressed their willingness to be his ministers and obey the dispatch.

Qu'a is the base camp of Wu Jun's Sun family, and the Sun family and Wu's family belong to the Jiangdong clan. Together with the support of Wu Jun Zhu's family, Liu Yao happily accepted them from the advice. "With your support, coupled with the support of Da Sima, I, Liu Yao, will definitely be able to create a new world in Yangzhou!" Liu Yao said boldly. In fact, Liu Yao still had selfish intentions. He had already understood the general trend today. The Han Dynasty was falling, the world was falling apart, and the princes rushed up. Liu Yao is a Han family clan. After mourning the Hui Wang Liu Fei, the nephew of Taiwei Liu Chong has a prominent family background. Why can't he stand on his own in Yangzhou? Right now is the best opportunity.

Nowadays, Lu Kang segregates Lujiang to resist Yuan Shu, Wu Jing stays in Danyang, Kuaiji prefect Wang Lang keeps himself in isolation, and the new Yangzhou herd Liu Yu is based in Danyang, recruiting troops, and looking forward to it. Among the six counties of Yangzhou, except for the Yuzhang in the wild land, and the site of Muyuanshu in Yangzhou, there is only one county in Jiujiang. Fortunately, in addition to Lujiang, the other counties are still Yuan Shu's nominal subordinates.

Yangzhou, which is full of flowers on the surface, is already raging in the dark, and everyone is waiting for new opportunities.

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