New Story of Lv Bu

: : Liu You's suspicion broke the big deal

Qu'a is the base camp of the Sun family of Wu County. Now Sun Ceyuan is fighting against the Lu family in Lujiang. Wu Jing is currently Danyang prefect, and Sun Ben is currently Danyang captain. Both are in the Wanling Mausoleum of Danyang County. Big. To be honest, Liu Yao is still very grateful to Wu Jing and Sun Ben. If they hadn't come out to welcome him into Qu'a, Liu Yao would still not know where to wander. However, friendship and friendship cannot be compared with interests. Liu Yao has selfish intentions, so he took Qu'a as his base camp. He played the banner of Da Sima Lubu, recruited soldiers and bought horses, and collected food from the grass. There will soon be tens of thousands of horses.

The current Danyang prefect Wu Jing, originally from Wu County, Wu County, later moved to Qiantang, Wu County. In his early years, both of his parents died, Wu Jing lived with his sister Wu. Later, Wu Jing's sister Wu married Sun Jian. Mrs. Sun is very smart and has a big heart, which is of great help to Sun Jian. As the younger brother-in-law, Wu Jing naturally entered Sun Jian's shogunate and became a commander of the army.

Dong Zhuo was in chaos, the heroes challenged Dong, and Sun Jian led his troops through difficulties and obstacles, and finally broke into Luoyang and was named Wuchenghou. Naturally, Wu Jing has also risen, and he was made a captain of riding for his military exploits. At that time, the prefect of Danyang was Zhou Xin, and Yuan Shu didn't deal much with it. Zhou Xin, named Taiming, a native of Kuaiji, together with his younger brothers Zhou Ang and Zhou Xie, served as generals under Yuan Shu's men and began to gain Yuan Shu's trust.

Zhou Xin traveled to the capital when he was young, worshipped Taifu Chen Fan as his teacher, read many books, learned about the wind, and was good at promoting disasters. Later, he was confiscated by Taiwei Gong's mansion and was promoted to Gaodi and moved to Danyang prefect. When Cao Cao and Chen Liu attacked Dong Zhuo, Zhou Xin sent more than 10,000 elite soldiers to help Cao Cao. When Yuan Shu was in Huainan, Zhou Xin refused to associate with him because he didn't like him.

Who is Yuan Shu? Always arrogant and arrogant, how can you endure such a vain? Moreover, Zhou Xin is his subordinate. If he leaves it alone, it is difficult to guarantee that other subordinates will not follow suit. In public and private, Zhou Xin must be cleaned up vigorously, in order to curb the example. So he sent someone to find Wu Jing and said to him. "Now, Zhou Xin is in trouble in Danyang. I now appoint you as Danyang prefect to defeat Zhou Xin. As long as you take down Danyang, Danyang County will be yours!" After hearing this, Wu Jing was overjoyed.

Yuan Shu has always been stingy, his brother-in-law Sun Jian has followed him for a long time, and there is still no place in it. Now that a Danyang County fell from the sky out of thin air, wouldn't he be overjoyed? So Wu Jing rectified his troops and sent troops to fight Zhou Xin. Zhou Xin was unwilling to harm the people, so he disbanded the army, returned to his hometown in Kuaiji, attached himself to Wang Lang, and became Wang Lang's commander. Zhou Xin's younger brother, Zhou Ang, was appointed by Yuan Shu as the governor of Yuzhou when the group of heroes were against Dong, and took up the seat of Yuzhou governor of Sun Jian. Later, he turned his face with Yuan Shu and returned to his hometown in Huiji. Since then, the three brothers Zhou Xin and Wu Jun Sun have forged Liangzi and have since become passers-by.

After expelling Zhou Xin, Wu Jing and Sun Ben have since occupied Danyang County for three or four years, turning Danyang County into a copper wall and iron wall. In the second year of Chu Ping, Sun Jian died in battle. Wu Jing's nephew, Sun Jian's son, Sun Ce, joined Lu Fan and Sun He to seek refuge in Wu Jing. Wu Jing and them joined forces to defeat the thief Zulang in Jingxian County, but Zulang failed and fled. This battle was Sun Ce's first battle, showing great power.

However, after Liu Yao gained a firm foothold in Qu'a, he had conflicts with Wu Jing and Sun Ben. The reason was that Liu Yao was suspicious. At the beginning of April in the first year of Jian'an, Sun Ce led his army to besiege Lujiang for three months, but he has been unable to conquer Lujiang for a long time, and Liu You can't help but feel a little suspicious. According to the detailed report, the battle of Lujiang was quite tragic, and it can be seen that Sun Ce fought his life for Yuan Shu.

Therefore, Liu Yao sent people to find generals Fan Neng and Zhang Ying, and talked to them with all his heart. "The aboriginal families in Jiangdong are the four surnames of Wu Jun and the four surnames of Kuaiji, the most distinguished and influential. Nowadays, the prefect of Kuaiji Wang Lang sticks to Kuaiji, and the four surnames of Kuaiji are not in a hurry. The Lu family of Wu Jun clings to Lujiang, fighting to the death and fighting against Sun Ce's attack. With Sun Ce His combat power has been able to attack Lujiang for a long time. Sun Ce worked for Yuan Shu, but Wu Jing and Sun Ben personally greeted me to Qu'a. I wonder if there is any conspiracy in it?"

Fan Neng and Zhang Ying understood what Liu Yao said. The lord's suspicion was quite reasonable. Sun Ce, Wu Jing, and Sun Ben are all leading figures in the Sun family of Wu Jun. They either stand with Yuan Shu, or they all oppose Yuan Shu and come to Liu Yao. Sun Ce was in a **** battle with the Wu Jun Lu who opposed Yuan Shu in Lujiang, but Wu Jing and Sun Ben went out to meet Liu Yao who had come from thousands of miles away. Is this totally unreasonable? If something goes wrong, it must be a demon. From this point of view, did Wu Jing and Sun Ben make a series of tricks to surrender?

"The lord is very concerned! It seems that Wu Jing and Sun Ben have to be guarded." The two people nodded their heads in a hurry. The aptitudes of these two people were mediocre. They weren't talents at first. There would be any tricks, but they just echoed. Liu You was a celebrity from Qingliu, and he couldn't afford to look at him, and he didn't pay much attention to the use of time and spy, so he ruined the alliance with Wu Junsun.

"Well, you two will raise troops immediately and expel Wu Jing and Sun Ben's troops, and let them go back to Danyang County to eat their corn! After all, they personally picked me up to Qu'a and expelled me, Mo It's going to hurt people. Then, Fan Neng stationed in Hengjiangjin on the Yangtze River, and Zhang Ying stationed in Danglikou, ready to resist Yuan Shu's attack." Liu You made up his mind after a few cases. "Nuo!" Fan Neng and Zhang Ying held a right fist to the chest, respectfully saluting, and then turned around and strode away.

"His grandma is a bear! We respectfully invited Liu Yao to Qu'a. Unexpectedly, when his wings became hard, he had a black hand behind his back! It is tolerable and unbearable! This salty breath is decided. Can't bear it! You must give Liu Yu a great taste!" Entering the army's big account, Sun Ben took off his head and slammed it to the ground, gritted his teeth and said loudly.

In this battle, Fan Neng and Zhang Ying took a sudden move, caught them by surprise, and retreated to Liyang in succession, which was able to stabilize their position. The corporal of the inspection, although the damage was not large, but the army has lost more than half of the army, and the rest is only one or two. This battle was attacked by Liu Yao behind the scenes, and it was disgraceful to lose. Sun Ben was justified in yelling at him.

After all, Wu Jing was a few years older. He was not angry, but sat there thinking. In this regard, he inherited the family tradition of Sister Nai. He did not act impulsively or blindly, but decided and acted afterwards. It is good that the soldiers do not suffer a big loss, and the lost armies of the army should be mobilized and replenished. After pondering for a long while, Wu Jing finally had an idea. "With today's plan, we have to return to Yuan Shu."

Under Yuan Shu's command, regardless of Sun Ce's youth, he was brave in combat and was quite like a father. In addition, his compassionate soldiers must be the first in every battle, and the combat power of his troops is extremely strong, and the offense must be defeated by the battle, which has won the trust of Yuan Shu. The generals under Yuan Shu's command such as Qiao Yuan and Zhang Xun also respected Sun Ce with all their hearts. Even Yuan Shu often sighed and said, "If Yuan Shu had a son like Sun Lang, I would die without regret."

There was a cavalry under Sun Ce. After committing a crime, to avoid punishment, he fled into Yuan Shu's barracks and hid in the stable. Sun Ce sent people to hunt down, rushed straight into Yuan Shuying, searched out the criminals and beheaded them on the spot. After the matter was over, Sun Ce went to Yuan Shu's office to apologize. Yuan Shu said: "Soldiers have rebelled and should be punished. What can be punished?" Since then, the army has even more respected Sun Ce.

However, Yuan Shu is capricious and often unbelievable. He once promised to let Sun Ce be the prefect of Jiujiang, but later switched to his cronies. Chen Ji, a native of Danyang, took this position. Sun Ce was disappointed. Later, Yuan Shu was about to attack Xuzhou, and asked Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, for 30,000 Hu military rations. Lu Kang refused to give it, and Yuan Shu was furious. Sun Ce had visited Lu Kang before when he was in Shu County. Lu Kang looked down on Sun Ce and only asked his master to receive him instead of coming out to see him. Sun Ce was young and energetic, and naturally couldn't bear this breath.

Yuan Shu sent Sun Ce to attack Lu Kang and promised: "I used Chen Ji wrongly before, and I often regretted using the wrong person. If you can capture Lu Kang this time, Lujiang County will truly belong to you." Sun Ce was ordered. On the attack, Lu Kang defended very tightly, and bought a large number of Armed Forces from Luoyang. Sun Ce attacked for three months without even conquering Lujiang City.

Upon receiving Wu Jing and Sun Ben's scribbling, Yuan Shu couldn't help getting furious. He always boasted that he was incomparable, he thought that Liu Yu was just a celebrity, and he had no military commander, and he couldn't get over the huge waves. He didn't expect to see it! Now Liu Yao has become a climate! Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get angry from his heart to the guts, and he stood up as soon as he hit a few crimes. "Well, Liu Zhengli, you dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head? If you don't shame you, Yuan Shu will not be a man!"

However, anger returns to anger, military affairs, it is still necessary to calm down and deal with it. Yuan Shu sucked the tooth flower for a long time, and finally had a solution. "Come here! Send Hong Ling's urgent messenger to Lujiang to meet Sun Bofu. Just say that I appointed him as Huaiyi Lieutenant and returned his father's old department-wait, don't talk about this, just hint, let him take it The jade seal of the country has been handed down and replaced-let him send troops to defeat Liu Yu. As long as Liu Yu is defeated, I will appoint him as the prefect of Wu Jun. As for Lujiang, let Zhang Xun go."

When Yuan Shu finished speaking, he pondered for a while, feeling that something was still missing. Sun Ce, Wu Jing, and Sun Ben are in a family, and someone has to supervise them, not because of their temperament. "Let’s appoint Huiqu as the governor of Yangzhou and Wu Jing as the superintendent of the army, and attack Liu Yao with Sun Ben. Sun Ce came out, three or four months later, and now there is a shortage of food and grass, Zhang Xun arrived. It's three or four months later. Let Wu Jing beat Liu Yao first, and maybe Sun Ce won't be needed."

Finally finished, Yuan Shu waved his hand to retreat left and right, closed his eyes and slumbered. Now, he was finally at ease.

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