New Story of Lv Bu

: : Why bother to get off if you are on the thief ship?

The first year of the Han Jian'an, on the third day of April, at the beginning of this year, Jizhou, the county seat of Qinghe State, Ganling City.

Ganling is the tomb of Qinghe King Liu Qing, so it is called Ganling and Yingling. Empress Xiaode is also buried here. Qinghe King Liu Qing was the father of Emperor An of this dynasty, and his son became the emperor, so his father's tomb can naturally be called a mausoleum. However, the name of Ganling County came from Queen Xiaode. Emperor An was buried in Cuo County because of Empress Xiaode, so he changed Cuo County to Ganling County, and moved the capital of Qinghe to Ganling.

Empress Xiaode, named Zuo Xiao'e, also known as Zuo Ji, with the word Xiao'e, Qianwei County, was the concubine of Qinghe's Xiao Wang Liu Qing, and the biological mother of Han'an Emperor Liu Hu. Zuo Xiaoe is good at history books, loves Cifu, and is a beautiful woman who understands the taste of life. Hanhe Emperor Liu Zhao bestowed it on the palace people, and Zuo Xiaoe entered the mansion of Qinghe King Liu Qing. It is said that Liu Qing heard about the beauty of the Zuo Xiao'e sisters and rewarded Fu's mother in order to win them. Fu's mother was an elderly woman who was responsible for counseling and caring for the children of the nobles in the dynasty, and she held the power of distribution.

After coming to Qinghe Palace, Liu Qing loved her so much that no other wives and concubines could compare her. After both sisters died, they were buried in the capital. After Emperor Han'an ascended the throne, he respected his father Liu Qing as Emperor Xiaode (only called the emperor, not "emperor"), mother Zuo Xiaoe as "Queen Xiaode", grandmother Song Guiren as Queen Jingyin, and honored his maternal mother Geng Ji For the nobleman of Ganling. Moved and buried the birth mother in Ganling.

The prefecture of Jizhou was originally in Yexian County of Wei County. Later, the three counties of Changshan, Zhaoguo, and Weijun were occupied by the state army, and only six counties were left in the nine counties of Jizhou. At that time, Yuan Shao, who served as a pastoralist in Jizhou, had no choice but to move Jizhou’s prefecture to Ganling in Qinghe State. However, with the failure of the Kwantung heroes to challenge Lu, the entire Jizhou fell into the hands of the Union State Army. Ganling is still the governing place of Jizhou. Over the past few months, Lu An has been very busy in helping to exile, renovating the city and persuading the farming of mulberry.

The county seat of Ganling is not large, and it is quite conspicuous in the densely populated Jizhou. Compared with the past, the city of Ganling is full of vitality. Jizhou has been in turmoil for a long time, and Yuan Shao has already scraped the land completely in order to fight. After serving Jizhou, Lu Lei immediately went to the court and exempted the land rent, reckoning and vouching for the third year of Chuping, and halving the land rent, reckoning and vouching for the first year of Jian'an.

When the imperial imperial order for tax reduction and exemption arrived in Jizhou, Jizhou's scholars, scholars and ordinary people immediately boiled, and they invested with great enthusiasm into the wave of building a new Jizhou. Although it is a cold winter, there are densely packed people inside and outside the small Ganling County. Those who repair the city, clear the land, and widen and strengthen the roads can be said to be bravely vying for the first place.

On a small hill in the northeast corner of Ganling County, Jushou leaned on a bamboo pole in his hand and built a pergola in his hand, looking at the hot construction site not far away. To be honest, his heart is quite unstable these few days, even with a trace of melancholy and longing. As the Fenwei general of the Jizhou Army in the past, he was powerful and prominent, but at this moment, he could only take a peek.

After leaving Yuan Shao's barracks in a rage, Jushou took a few relatives and accompanied them all the way north, returning to Ganling County, living in seclusion in a nearby farm. After a few days of reading in the farm, his heart became hot again. Sure enough, as he expected, the Lv Lian army was defeated and fled, and the loss was clean. Even Jizhou was captured by Lu An.

A few days after Lu An captured Jizhou, he personally visited Jushou. Jushou was loyal and honest. Lu Zheng waited for half an hour outside the courtyard, so he sighed and returned to Ganling. From then on, Lu Zheng often sent people to send gifts such as pigs, sheep and game, and when he was free, he would visit Jushou. After going back and forth, Ju Sui was in the face of face, and finally opened the door to see Lu An for the fourth time. At first sight, he was quite enamored. The two people talked about each other for a long time before they said goodbye. During this meeting, Jushou had a very good impression of Lu An. Lu An did not have the arrogance and coquettishness of the family's children, was elegant and peaceful, and had a reserved edge. He was quite a man of the city. Looking at his record again, within a few months, he has calmed down the Youji Erzhou table one after another, which is really rare.

In this way, Lu An came six times in a row, sometimes with his generals, such as Wei Yan, Yu Wenyan, Yu Wenkai, Tuoba Si Gong, Wang Fu, Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, Qi Zhou, Yan Rou and others. I've seen Jushou once, and we talked very happily. Although the host and the guest get along well, due to the notion that the loyal minister is not the second master, Jushou flatly refused the invitation to come out of the mountain.

With all kinds of news coming in, Jushou finally saw the general trend of the world clearly. Da Sima had already got half of the country of the Han, and it was inevitable to be the king. As for the generations of Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde, and Yuan Gongdao, they are already grasshoppers in autumn, and they won't be able to jump for a few days. Look at what Lu Zheng has done in the past few months. Isn't it the long-awaited Mingzhu in his heart?

On the one hand, he is eager to make contributions, and on the other hand, he abides by the moral concept of not being a second-ranking monarch. In the past half month, he climbed up the hill with a bamboo battle, built a pergola with his hands, and looked madly in the direction of Ganling City. Relief in exile, care for the people, build water conservancy, clear land, widen and strengthen roads, all of which he had dreamed of in the past.

Alas! From this point of view, this philosophical heir of Da Sima is really a gentleman! Jushou put down his hands and sighed inwardly.

At this moment, the sudden change suddenly appeared, in the dense jungle under the hill, three men with blue turban masks suddenly appeared. Each of them was holding the ring head knife in his hand, lining up the finished word formation, and slowly pushing towards Ju Suo. "Who is Er wait? In broad daylight, how dare you commit attacks with weapons? Do you want to use Wangfa?" Ju Shuo clenched the bamboo battle in his hand, and shouted with a stunned look.

"Jushou! You promised to hang up and return home, but you didn't expect to get involved with the remnants of Bingzhou! You said, how much information about the Jizhou army did you sell? The lord's defeat this time must be a ghost of you privately! "After hearing Ju's words, the masked man headed shouted loudly. Now Jushou understood everything. It turned out that it was an assassin sent by the former Lord Yuan Gonglu who wanted to take his own life.

"Nonsense! Nonsense!" Ju Shou was furious. He pointed at the masked man headed by halberd and cursed: "My loyalty is so obvious! I even guard the army, the general Fenwei. No, do you want to be a clerk in the Bingzhou Army? Open your dog's eyes and have a look, the Qingliu celebrities in this dynasty, can you suspect whether you can be suspicious?"

"Hmph! That's because you and Lu An didn't make a deal! You are waiting for the price, retreat as progress, and want to find a big future! If you are loyal to the lord, you will not open the door to ask Na Lu An Come in! Not only that, but you also had a banquet, danced swords, and talked very happily. Do you think our eyes are all blind?" The leader is not good, and he opened his mouth and came back.

At this moment, Jushou was speechless immediately, he really couldn't explain these things. Suddenly, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. Yuan Benchu, Yuan Benchu, you turned out to be such a person with a small belly and chicken intestines, and you are in vain to assist you with my boldness and faithfulness. "How is it? Liqu is poor, right? Nothing to say, right? Brothers, shoulder to shoulder, kill him!" The leader shouted, dancing the ring knife in his hand, opening and closing, and went straight to Ju to kill him. The other two masked men also rushed over with a loud shout.

The Confucian scholars of this dynasty were both civil and military, leading the army on horses, facilitating the people off horses, and equestrian archery. At first glance, he couldn't distinguish clearly, Jushou let out a loud shout, and raised the bamboo stick in his hand, like the leader smashed his head. When the leader saw this, he flipped his palms quickly and blocked the bamboo battle with a ring-head knife. His original intention was to cut off the bamboo battle in Jushou's hands first, and then kill Jushou.

There was only a scream, when Huan Shou Dao and Zhu Zhuang collided together, and there was a sound of gold and iron. The ring head knife in the hands of the leader was immediately broken in two. It turned out that the bamboo battle was wrapped in a sword that cut iron like mud! At this moment, the leader was shocked immediately, and he quickly jumped out, avoiding Jushou's strenuous blow. As a result, the encircling net in the shape of the character immediately collapsed, and Jushou was able to ignore it, brushing three swords in a row, forcing the leader away, and dashing away.

The two masked men in Tsing Yi followed like a shadow, brandishing a ring knife and chasing after him. The leader also snorted, wiped the cold sweat on his face with his sleeves, drew out a dagger, and chased it down. . In this way, Ju Shou ran wildly in front, and the three masked men in Tsing Yi chased after him and ran straight towards Ganling City. In an instant, he ran two or three miles away.

At this moment, Jushou was already sweating through his heavy clothes, and in fear, he couldn't think about it anymore. He ran as far as he could go. Just when he could hardly support him, he heard a ringing bell, and not far away, a small group of cavalry rushed forward. Jushou fixed his eyes and saw that it was Wei Yan, who was under Lu An's commander. "Chang Wen, help me!" Ju Shou shouted loudly.

On the hill four or five miles away, Lu An quietly put away the clairvoyance in his hand, and whispered to Yu Wenkai next to him: "It's time for me to play! Don't force him to force him, the male and female are absolute He won’t be an official. Otherwise, a new group of Jizhou Mu will have a bath!” “Although this plan is good, but with the wisdom of public and publicity, as long as you settle your mind, you can still figure it out.” Yu Wenkai looked as usual and sighed. Said. "If Yuan Benchu ​​is so unbearable, how can he be the general leader of the Eighteenth Route princes?"

"It's okay!" Lu An smiled slightly, "Gongyou is a wise man. Besides, since he got on the thief ship, why bother to get off."

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