New Story of Lv Bu

: : The Painful Choice of Jiaozhou Scholars

There are 13 states in the Han Dynasty, and the southernmost state is Jiaozhou. In the eyes of the Central Plains, Jiaozhou has always been a barren land.

The wild land of Jiaozhou has its origins. In the ancient world, there was only Kyushu in the world. The name of Kyushu was first seen in "Shangshu? Xiashu? Yugong": "Yu leveled water and soil and set up Kyushu. Shun relied on the vastness of the north of Jizhou to separate and merge the states. Yan and Qi were far away, and Yan and Qi were far away. State. So it is also twelve states." The land of nine states was originally Yuzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Liangzhou, Yongzhou, Jizhou, and Yanzhou. The three states of Binzhou, Youzhou, and Yingzhou were separated from Jizhou. Therefore, at the time of Yu Shun, Kyushu became twelve states, and thereafter they were relocated and abolished, but the twelve states remained unchanged. However, among the twelve states, there is no Jiaozhou.

Jiaozhou is located in the south of the Five Ridges and was called Lingnan in ancient times. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the ancestors of Lingnan had trade with the Central Plains dynasty. During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, the land of Lingnan had close relations with Wu, Yue, and Chu, and exchanges were frequent. There is a record of "Fuzheng Nanhai" in "Mandarin? Chu Yushang". In the pre-Qin period, the coastal areas south of the Yangtze River were often called "Yue", or "Baiyue" or "Zhuyue". Among the Baiyue, Wuyue, Minyue, Yangyue, and Nanyue belong to the Han nationality, Xiou and Luoyue belong to the Jing nationality, and the land of Jiaozhou belongs to Nanyue, Xiou and Luoyue.

After the first emperor unified the six countries, "because of the southern conquest of the king of Baiyue", he sent Tu Sui led a 500,000 Qin army to attack Lingnan, taking all the land of Lingnan, and establishing three counties of Nanhai, Guilin, and Xiangjun. Later, the first emperor died and the land was divided, and the half-million Qin army stranded in Lingnan appointed Zhao Tuo as king and established the Nanyue Kingdom. In the sixth year of Yuanding, Emperor Wu of this dynasty, Ping Nanyue State, set the Jiaozhi Cishi Department with its place. There are seven counties under Jiaozhou, namely: Nanhai, Cangwu, Yulin, Hepu, Jiaozhi, Jiuzhen, and Nichinan. Since then, there has been a state of Jiaozhi in the Han Dynasty.

After Emperor Guangwu established the country, Jiaozhi was renamed Jiaozhou, and the ruler was composed of Long. Later, the natives of Jiaozhou rebelled under the leadership of the Zheng sisters. They separated for three years and were put down by General Fubo Ma Yuan. Thirty years ago, the Cham people killed the county magistrate of Xianglin, Nichinan County, and established the Champa Kingdom, with Brahmanism as the state religion, and Hue as the boundary with the Han. From then on, there were only six counties left in the seven counties of Jiaozhou.

When Wang Mang usurped the country, there was a family in Wenyang of Lu State, with a surname, scholars and scholars. Seeing the chaos in the world, I moved southward to avoid disaster. The Wenyang of the Lu Kingdom belonged to Yuzhou, "Hanshu? Volume 28 Under": "Lu Kingdom, therefore Qin Xuejun, Lu Kingdom in the first year of Gaohou. It belongs to Yuzhou." Yuzhou is adjacent to Sili. It is the center of the turmoil. The ancestors of the shi family traveled long distances from north to south, and finally escaped to Jiaozhou. Since then, they have settled in Jiaozhou and their descendants have multiplied and passed on from generation to generation.

The State of Lu in Yuzhou has always been the crowning place for generations. Since the shi family is a large clans in the county, naturally there is family learning and family tradition. After traveling thousands of miles to Jiaozhou, which was regarded as a barren land by the Central Plains scholars, he immediately stood out from the crowd. The way of recruiting scholars in this dynasty was to "pass Confucianism into officialdom." Therefore, after a few generations, the descendants of the scholar's family became well-known for their proficiency in Confucianism and their family style.

After the sixth generation, there was finally a nobleman named Nichinan Prefect Shici. Shici traveled to Beijing when he was young, and visited the celebrity Liu Ziqi in Yingchuan. With the power of the teacher, coupled with his own knowledge, Shici finally developed. The rule of this dynasty, the prefect is a class of two thousand stones, for Jiaozhou, which is far in the border, is already a rare high-ranking official. Since then, the shi family has become a wealthy family.

Shi Xie, Shi Ci's son, is 57 years old this year, with the word Wei Yan. When Shi Xie was young, he followed Liu Tao from Yingchuan to study "The Spring and Autumn of the Zuo Family".

Liu Tao, a great man with a strange character, was from Yingchuan and Yingyin. Western Han Dynasty Huainan Li Wang Liu's eldest son after Jibei Zhen Wang Liu Bo. Shen Yong has a grand plan, does not maintain dignity, and does not stick to the trivial. Through "Shangshu", "Spring and Autumn". Xi Pingmo was falsely accused of colluding with Zhang Jiao to show loyalty and died without eating. In the first year of Zhongping, he was posthumously named Zhongling Hou. With such a strong teacher, Shi Xie's official career has been much smoother.

Liu Tao Liu Ziqi is Shici's teacher and Shixie's second son. It is a good story for father and son to be the same teacher.

After completing his studies, Shi Xie was quickly promoted as Xiaolian, and then replaced as Shang Shulang, who was removed from office for official business. After his father Shici passed away, Shi Xie was promoted to Maocai and served as the magistrate of Wu County. In the fourth year of Zhongping, that is, six years ago, Shi Xie was appointed as the prefect of Jiaozhi. At that time, Jiaozhou governor Zhu Fu was greedy as an official and collected heavy taxes from various places, causing resistance and killing, and disorder in the state and county.

At this time, just three years after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the imperial court was riddled with blemishes and burnt, and it was beyond the reach of Jiaozhou in the wild land. While the imperial court had no time to visit south, Shi Xie seized the opportunity to seize the power of Jiaozhou in the name of loyalty to the big man, and in fact became a warlord who seized Jiaozhou. Shi’s relatives mostly held important positions in Jiaozhou. Shi Xie asked him to appoint his disciple Yi to concurrently serve as the prefect of Hepu, his second brother Xuwen County magistrate? (yǐ,) also served as Jiuzhen prefect, Shi?’s younger brother Shi Wu concurrently served as Nanhai Prefect.

As a result, Jiaozhou's regime has become the property of the scholar's family. Shi Xie has a generous personality and a humble corporal. He was intoxicated in "Spring and Autumn" and made annotations for it. At this time, it was the time of the great chaos in the Central Plains. Under the rule of Shi Xie, Jiaozhou was relatively stable and peaceful. Therefore, many people from the Central Plains moved to the local area, such as Xu Jing, Yuan Pei, Deng Xiaoxiao, Xu Yuanxian, Zhang Ziyun, Xu Ci, Liu Ba, and Liu Xi, Cheng Bing, Xue Cong, Yuan Zhong, Huan Shao, etc. These people are all famous celebrities.

Yuan Huan’s younger brother, Yuan Hui, once wrote to Xun Yu: “The Jiaozhi Shifu is not only knowledgeable, but also proficient in governance. He is in great chaos and preserves the land of a county. There has been no war within the border for more than 20 years. Without losing their property, merchants and tourists have all benefited from him. Even if Dou Rong protects the land of Hexi, he cannot surpass him! In his spare time dealing with official duties, he also studies books and biography, especially for the "Chun Qiu Zuo Shi Chuan" The research is concise and subtle. I have consulted him many times about some of the difficult points in the book. He can use the teacher to explain, and the explanation is very detailed. For the "Shangshu", he can understand both ancient and modern texts. He has a very detailed understanding of the meaning. I heard that the Jingshi School of Ancient Wenjing and Jinwenjing School, each thought they were arguing. Now he is planning to analyze the correct meaning of "Zuo Shi Chun Qiu" and "Shang Shu" separately." Yuan Hui He is a famous hermit, known for his proficiency in Confucianism. He said so, it can be seen that Shi Xie's Confucianism is profound, and he has a good understanding of ancient texts and modern classics, and his understanding and exposition of Confucian classics is also quite subtle.

The Shixie brothers acted as the guards of the counties and counties, and they are in charge of the administration of a state. Because the jurisdiction is tens of thousands of miles away, the prestige is supreme. When they entered and exited, the bells rang and the chimes were equipped with prestige. Their wives and concubines all rode in trolleys equipped with a cover, and their children had soldiers riding behind them. At that time, their dignity and dignity impressed the ethnic minorities. Even the former Nanyue Wang Weihe (namely Zhao Tuo) could not surpass them. .

Shi Xie had five sons, Shi Lin, Shi Yi, Shi Hui, Shi Qian, and Shi Song, among which the three Shi Hui Shi Hui were the most outstanding.

At this moment, in the residence of the prefect of Jiaozhi, Shi Xie and his three sons, Shi Hui, were discussing how to deal with Liu Biao.

"Since the former Jiaozhi governor Zhang Jin was killed by the military commander Qu Jing, Jingzhou Mu Liubiao sent Wu Ju to serve as the prefect of Cangwu, replacing the former prefect Shi Huang, who had died of illness. A few months ago, Da Sima Lubu sent Nanhai and Cangwu again. The two counties were ceded to Jingzhou. The Luoyang imperial court was very sharp and attacked nothing. The small area in Jiaozhou must not provoke strong neighbors. However, the six counties of Jiaozhou were cut off from the two counties for no reason. It's a pity. I came to you today to ask how you feel?"

Shi Xie's temperament is generous and meticulous. Even when he talks to his son, he is quite Confucian. Shixie’s mind and his emblem were naturally clear. It was not easy for the Shi family to control Jiaozhou. His father’s ambition was to dominate Jiaozhou, to fight hard, to rectify armaments, and then to go south to fight against Champa and conquer Nichinan. However, all of this is built on the basis of worry-free, for Da Sima Lubu, Liu Biao is vulnerable, but for Liu Biao, Jiaozhou is vulnerable.

Shi Hui settled down, thought for a while, and finally got an idea. "Father, according to the child's opinion, the current world is like the situation where the seven heroes were separated during the Warring States period. Our strategy should be united and vertical, that is, close distance and close attack!" When he heard this, Shi Xie's eyes immediately brightened. Up. "This is a good way, and tell me carefully! How do you make a close and close attack?"

"For a distant friendship, it is Dasima Lubrüb Lu Fengxian, who is far away in the capital of the Han Dynasty, Luoyang City. The close attack is to attack Liu Jingsheng, Mu Liubiao of Jingzhou, which is close at hand! We will send a special envoy to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, to give tribute. , To meet the emperor, to show our respect. At the same time, to express our difficulties to the court, and hope that the court will issue an edict to return the two counties of Cangwu and Nanhai."

Shi Hui finally finished speaking, he raised his eyes and looked at his father quietly. "You are right! As long as Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng have not returned to Da Sima Lubu, the Luoyang court will have to guard him. We offered to pry Liu Jingsheng's corner behind and pull his hind legs. Luoyang court has no reason not to I'm happy. It's just that, in this way, I won't be able to imitate Zhao Tuo and become a king."

Shi Xie pondered for a long while, and said unwillingly. To be honest, he really has the heart to stand on his own as a king. How does being a subject compare to the scenery of self-reliance as a king? "Father, now, between us and self-reliance as king, there is only one title difference!" Shi Xie said loudly. "That's true! You can go to Luoyang!" Shi Xie smiled and slapped the case.

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