New Story of Lv Bu

: : Old treacherous and cunning Cai Boxie

On March 25th, in the first year of Dahan Jian'an, the Dongnuan Pavilion was located in the Da Sima Mansion in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty.

"Madam, after three pushes and three transfers, Da Sima's appointment of the king has finally come to fruition. The appointment of the king was the unanimous desire of the government and the opposition. Although Da Sima was a little reluctant, he nodded his head. He rejected him. He said: "The first person to be given Jiuxi was Anhan Gongwang Mang. Unexpectedly, when Han did not become Ancheng, he became the emperor himself. So that later generations mentioned Jiuxi. , It reminds of the attempt to usurp the throne. Such Jiu Xi, don’t worry about it. “So, Jiu Xi will not mention it.”

Guang Luxun and General Ma Zhong, a stabbing general, were holding a paper document in their hands, and they were giving a serious explanation. Above the main seat, Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, was sitting lazily on the couch, resting with her hands, and listening quietly. I don't know why, she has always felt tired recently. After being diagnosed and treated by Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, she couldn't tell why, so she had to prescribe some nourishing medicine.

In addition to Yan Yan and Ma Zhong, there are Ting Wei, Shang Shuling Cao Yong, Wan Hu Hou Cai Yong, Guo Zi Jian Ji Jiu Cai Wenji, Shi Zhong Chen Qun, and Da Sima Chang Shi Yang Xiu. These seven people are almost all of the Luoyang court's inner court. Whenever the military affairs are important, these people always make a big idea before submitting it to Da Sima Lubu, and he will make the final measure.

"Da Sima is right. Jiuxi is actually chicken ribs. It is tasteless and it is a pity to discard it. Since the king is sealed, it doesn't matter whether Jiuxi is or not. Let him go with this matter!" Yan Yan covered her mouth with her hand and said with a yawn. "I don't know why, I have always felt very tired recently, and my spirit is much worse than before. Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo can't see why they are coming. Is it because they are getting older and their spirit is really bad? Ma Zhong, this is to persuade you to enter. Is there anyone missing in the book?"

In the past three or two years, Sima Lubu has always led his troops to fight abroad, and Mrs. Zhao Yi’s wife Yan Yan has taken care of government affairs internally to supply the front lines. After a lot of experience, Yan Yan's ruling level has finally made great progress, and now she is already perfect. Ever since it was rumored that someone went to the court and made Da Sima king, there have been so many discounts to persuade him to go in. Every day, more than a dozen people can't see it. It's better to count, whoever doesn't have to go to the sparsely will come quickly. This can be regarded as an effective shortcut.

"The old ministers have already checked it carefully. The three officials, nine officials, and ninety percent of the civil and military officials have all been persuaded to enter, and there are very few phoenixes who are not. They are all small shrimps, and they can't beat any big storms. It's just a little strange. In the Wang family of Taiyuan, those who were closer to Wang Han and Wang Jin all went to Shu. Patriarch Wang Ling has never been to Shu, and the direct children of the Wang family have not moved. In the past few days, Wang Ling has been Report the illness at home and will rest." Hearing Yan Yan's question, Cai Houye hurriedly played loudly.

"Wang Ling?????? Get sick??????" Upon hearing these words, Yan Yan immediately sat up straight, and two cold lights suddenly appeared in her eyes. "Take out the paperwork that Wang Ling persuaded you to enter, I have to take a closer look!" "This???" Cai Houye shook his head awkwardly, and carefully looked at the paperwork in his hand. "Madam, from beginning to end, Wang Ling didn't try to persuade him to enter."

"Oh! That's it! Now I understand everything. Probably because Wang Ling is angry in his heart, so I feel resentful." Upon hearing this, Yan Yan suddenly realized. "Do you know that Wang Ling, the Patriarch, actually robbed Wang Han. I will tell you about this matter???" Yan Yan picked up the tea cup and took a sip of the tea. Only then did he speak slowly.

"Hey! This is how things happened! It is said that Wang Shu, the home master, said something to Wang Kui before his death. "Wang Ling is cautious and hard to make a big deal!" From today's point of view, it is really the words of gold and stone!" Cai Houye couldn't help but sigh with Yan's narration. His life has been full of ups and downs, and he has seen the true meaning of life long ago. With his magic eyes, he had already noticed something wrong with Wang Ling recently, but he just didn't know what went wrong. Listening to Yan Yan today, I knew it.

"Wang Ling is so cautious, it's really hard to make a big deal." Cai Houye's voice fell, and Shang Shuling Cao Yong spoke loudly on the side. He is an old man from Bingzhou, and he has been in charge of Siwen Cao for many years, and he has already figured out Yan Yan's mind. Wang Ling has not been on the sparse, doesn't Yan Yan know? Mrs. Zhao Yi opened the lid today, which means that Wang Ling and his people have been put in a separate volume. Not only Wang Ling, but even the direct descendants of the Taiyuan Wang family, I am afraid they will not be able to escape. At this moment, he must draw a clear line with Wang Ling.

"Wang Ling's actions in this way seem to be unbearable! It seems that we have to prepare early and take precautions before they happen." The people here are all first-class sperm. Seeing this posture in front of them, they wished to beat the dog. Ever since, Chen Qun spoke out of justice on behalf of everyone. "In my opinion, if you want to move Wang Ling, you still have to wait until after the reform and restructuring." Yang Xiu took the stubbornly.

"The royal family of Taiyuan is the first family in Bingzhou. The children of the Wang family are all over the four states of Youbing and Siliang. They must not cause trouble. Guess. In my opinion, after the reform and restructuring, there are three provinces and six ministries, nine temples and five prisons, secretaries, and three provinces in Dianzhong. Let Wang Ling be a Shaoqing or Shaoqing. At the same time, vigorously promote the king of current affairs. Han, Wang Jin and other collaborators of the Wang family, in this way, the Qingliu scholars in the world can't say anything."

Yang Xiu was worthy of being a smart person of the first class, and in a few words, he planned out a meticulous and huge plan. "Dezu's words are very good! That's right, so that those who are proud of their credit can take a look. The court will still play around whoever is away!" Yang Xiu's voice was Fang Luo'er, and everyone in the room turned upside down. Thumbs up. Taiyuan Wang’s family tree has deep roots, and we still have to guard against it.

"Well, Dezu, you look for a chance to meet Sima Yi. He is monitoring Yu Shi and is investigating the case in Hanoi County. After he has investigated the case in Hanoi County and returned to the capital, you will see him again. He. It’s been a month and a half since I left Beijing, and I think it’s almost time to check it. If he doesn’t check it out, he’ll be fine. If it’s clear, it proves that he is a long-time talent. Such a person may wish to send it away. He was rich." Yan Yan yawned again, waved a little tiredly, and whispered.

"Nuo! Weichen understands." Yang Xiu was overjoyed when he heard Yan Yan's words. He still has this wink.

This time, the internal dynasty was finally over. The courtiers in twos and threes got on their carriages and returned to their residences. In the gorgeous eight-treasure car, the father and daughter Caihou sat opposite each other. "Father, Wang Ling was a little more cautious. This time he didn't see the direction of the wind exactly, so he angered Mrs. Zhaoyi. However, after all, the Wang family was the first family member to stand up to support Da Sima. Take it as Yang Dezu said, for example, A big tree, the main branch is declining, and the side branches are strong. Wouldn't the kings of Taiyuan bring the world into chaos?"

Although Wen Ji has a good heart and reads many books, she is a gentle woman after all. How can she understand the places where the sun can not get? "Wen Ji, you are right. What Mrs. Zhaoyi wants is the chaos of the Wang family! You carefully check the things that have happened at the court since Mrs. Zhaoyi took office. There is nothing wrong with it. It's not about suppressing the big clan, and guarding against it!"

Cai Houye took a sip of tea happily, and then slowly went on. "In the world of this dynasty, relatives and eunuchs have always alternated in power, why? It's all because of the intentions of the rulers. Because the power of the Taiyuan royal family is too great, the Zhaoyi husband has to be suppressed. Old Wang When Shuhe Wang Kui was alive, which one was not conscientious and cautious? This was worthy of 14 years of peace. I didn’t expect that Wang Ling would give Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi the stinker as soon as he became the head of the family. Face off!"

"Da Sima is a nostalgic person. Perhaps he thought of the benefits of Lao Wang Shu and Wang Kui, and laughed at Wang Ling. But, who is Mrs. Zhao Yi? Queen Mother Lu is a first-class person, she doesn't think so. The one who was rubbing the sand was falling asleep when a pillow came. Wen Ji, look at it, this time, the Taiyuan Wang Family is going to be out of luck. Although it won’t be uprooted, it’s inevitable to stand aside. With a cold bench and a hot butt, Wang Ling has been working for more than ten years, and they all understand it!"

Cai Houye finally finished speaking. He held the tea cup in both hands and fixed his eyes on Wen Ji. After 14 years of wind, frost, rain and snow, and the ups and downs of the sea, the **** and **** Cai Boli of the past has long become the Hou Caiyong of today's ten thousand households. Among them are right and wrong, ambitions, and those shameful things, which have been slashed clean by the killing pig knife of years, and can't be returned.

"Hey! So that's the case, now, I understand everything! To make an inappropriate analogy, the people in the world are like sheep, and the ministers are like shepherds. The king is the shepherd. This Shepherd dogs cannot be too capable. If they are too capable, they will be overwhelming and lose the importance of a shepherd. If this is the case, they should be killed. However, the shepherd dog cannot be too mediocre, too mediocre, and unable to shepherd the sheep. Will be cooked and killed by the owner. Then, what should this shepherd dog do?"

Wen Ji opened her beautiful eyes, tapped her fingers lightly on the case table, and asked with a frown. "Nothing. It should be capable when it should be capable, when it should be mediocre when it is mediocre, and always think from the perspective of a shepherd. As for the use of it, it can only be single-minded. There are more ups and downs. You will taste it naturally." Master Cai Hou laughed with his palms, his face full of relief.

"Wen Ji, I will ask Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo tomorrow, what is going on with Madam Zhao Yi."

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