New Story of Lv Bu

: : New official system

While the father and daughter Caihou were discussing the shepherd dog, in the study of Da Sima Mansion, the Lv Bu and his wife were also discussing.

In the center of the study is a huge screen. On top of the screen, a large sheet of white rice paper is hung, densely filled with official titles, such as Shangshuling, Zhongshuling, General, Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette, Taichangqing, and even Jizhou Mu The governors of Jizhou are all listed above. From a closer look, it appears to be the name of the official position above the third rank in the new official system. It turned out that the couple were dealing with personnel.

Lingchai cloth clothes Jingchai, black and shiny long hair shawl went down, only to tie a copy at the bottom. She is holding a pen in one hand, holding an ink sac in the other, smiling and looking at Lu Bu and Yan Yan. "Ling Hao, today we are dealing with hundreds of court officials. Lu An is not in front of you, and your mother's body is not very good, so I have to trouble you to pick up the knife and do it for you." Lu Bu nodded to Ling Hao and said with a smile.

"Father, please rest assured, it's a trivial matter! It's just that my handwriting isn't very good." Ling Hao twitched his nose and said heartily. She joined the army since she was a child, followed her father to fight in the north and south, and fend off the east and the west. Now she finally saw the dawn, and her heart was naturally warm. Lingqi lifted his pen and wrote a line on the top: Wang Wen, Lu Bu. Her writing is indeed not very good, far worse than Cai Boxie's Feibai body, but the structure is very good, the iron painted silver hook, wide open, quite a **** battlefield. After finishing writing, she looked carefully, and added a line: Praise and worship not to be named, to walk on the sword to the palace, and to enter the court.

Seeing the writing by Ling Hao's pen, Lu Bu and Yan Yan exchanged glances, and couldn't help but secretly admire them in their hearts. Although Lingqi is a tiger girl, her thoughts are extremely meticulous. Add these words well! "Fong first, these three ministers insisted on adding them. Although you resigned Jiuxi, these three cannot be relinquished." Yan Yan stroked Lu Bu's shoulder.

"Wen, although he is the first king with a different surname in this dynasty, in the new official system, he is the king of the county, not the prince. The king of the county was originally the king of two characters, but the officials thought that the king of two characters was not enough to pay you This is a great achievement, and only then has a one-word king been agreed. As for praise and worship, the sword will go to the palace, and the three things that enter the dynasty or not follow these three rules, it is also what people hope and cannot give up." Yan Yan whispered from the side.

The rules of this dynasty, praise and worship, do not enter the dynasty, and go to the palace with swords. These three treatments are given to a very small number of ministers with outstanding achievements. If it is not, it is not enough to repay its merits, if it is not, it is not enough to show that the court treats the heroes well. First of all, when the courtiers see the emperor, they must first wait outside the palace gate. The servant or the emcee in the palace shouted: "Da Sima Lubu, please see you!" After the emperor agreed, the servant or the emcee in the palace shouted again " Sima Lu Bu, the Xuantan University, was greeted!" This is the court ceremony of this dynasty.

This court ritual is somewhat similar to the fact that the lower and lower officials in the military camp have to "sign up and join" to meet their bosses. However, with the privilege of "praising and worshiping not by name", it is different, and only the official title is used instead of the name. This habit is due to Confucian etiquette. It is very impolite to address people directly. Generally speaking, they are called official titles or names. If they are more closely related, they are called table characters. Only those who are rude and less proselyte Wufu can directly address others by their names. Of course, the emperor is exceptional.

Besides, when entering the dynasty, the ministers of the dynasty saw the emperor and could not straighten their waists and walk swayingly. They could only bend down and walk quickly. This action is called "trending." "Trend" means "the king calls for orders, not just drive". If the emperor wants to see you, there must be a major event. You should not wait for the chariots and horses, and should get up immediately. If you don't go into the dynasty, you can naturally straighten up and walk normally.

Finally, it was the sword that went to the palace. When ministers enter the palace or visit the elders, not only must they walk fast, but they must also take off their shoes and are not allowed to carry weapons. Take off your shoes to see you, those with higher status wear socks, and those with lower status can only barefoot (called "stomped feet"). The sword shoes on the temple, not only can enter the temple with weapons, but also wear shoes. This honor is enough to disregard the officials.

"Well, since it was meant by the officials, I accept it. However, on weekdays, I can give up these preferential treatments." Lu Bu sighed and said slowly. At this moment, his heart is very tangled. As a pure-hearted military commander, he hated these red tapes in his heart, and he was unwilling to be a minister of authority. However, behind him there are tens of millions of trilogy, and tens of millions of ordinary people, these people are looking at him eagerly. As long as Lu Bu falls, everything will collapse like a mirage in an instant. Up to now, many things are beyond his control. It is the trilogy and the people pushing him forward, unable to turn back.

"This is a good way! But when you need to show the court's majesty, you still have to use these privileges." Yan Yan naturally knew his thoughts and reminded him. "That's natural!" Lu Bu replied. In fact, he felt like a mirror in his heart, even if he persisted, he would not be able to change the situation in front of him. Lu Bu was not a king, what about the trilogy that followed him in a **** battle and finally laid down this huge land? Everyone put their heads on their trouser belts and follow you. Isn't the picture that high-ranking officials have to do, steeds have to ride, and their wives are sealed? Once the request is not fulfilled, so that the hearts of the people are scattered, the team will be difficult to carry, and the great cause will be difficult to achieve.

"Now, it is the processing of the new official system. In the new official system, the civil and military officials are divided according to their ranks, from the first rank to the exiled official, a total of 30 ranks. The first rank to the third rank are considered high-ranking officials, and each rank has a correct follower. From the fourth rank to the ninth rank, there is a right from within, and there is a distinction between upper and lower ranks. From below the ninth rank, it is an official who is exiled." Yan Yan held his finger to explain to Lu Bu.

"This official system was negotiated by the courts. I don't think there is any big problem. The 30th-level official position is enough for the civil and military officials to slowly climb up the ranks. The old official system of this dynasty, under two thousand stones, is just One thousand stones, six hundred stones, came too abruptly. With this change, it looks much better. What do you think of this treatment?" "Very appropriate." Lu Bu laughed.

"Next is the selection of the prime minister. In the new official system, the first grade is the original San Gong, Taishi, Taifu, Taibao, Taiwei, Situ, Sikong, and Dasima, from the first grade are the prince, the prince, the prince, and the prince. Taibao. These are all honorable officials and are not given lightly. In this way, the prime minister’s official rank is determined to be the second rank. The original Jiuqing, the state shepherds, and the governors of the states are in the third rank. The prefects of the prefectures, At around the fourth rank, Henan Yin and Jing Zhaoyin can take the upper half of the table and get better from the third rank."

Having said this, Yan Yan felt a little tired, so she stopped and took a sip of tea before she continued. "The county magistrate is set at around the seventh rank. From the fourth rank to the seventh rank, the classes in between are left for the civil and military officials to slowly climb up. In this way, the way out for the world’s Qingliu celebrities If there are too many, the "observation ju" and the "imperial examination" will go hand in hand, so there will be less obstacles.

"Among the three provinces, the central province is in charge of decision-making, the chief is the Zhongshuling, the second grade, the deputy chief is the left and right servants, and the second grade. The department is in charge of the review, the chief is the servants under the door, the first grade is the second grade, and the deputy chief is the left and right servants. Second grade. Shangshu province is in charge of execution, the chief is Shangshuling, the second grade is the first grade, and the deputy is the left and right servants, from the second grade. Under the Shangshu province, there are six departments, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and the Ministry of Industry. The chief is Shangshu, the third rank, and the deputy chief is the left and right servants, from the third rank. The state shepherd, the governor, and the six ministers in each state are equal to the third rank." After finishing the big talk in one breath, Yan Yan was a little tired. Up.

"Mother, let me explain the rest." At this moment, Ling Hao took the stubbornness. Yan Yan nodded lightly, and reached out to pick up the tea cup. "I have been involved in the formulation of the new official system, and I know all the pros and cons of it." Seeing Yan Yan's permission, Ling Hao said loudly. "Say slowly, I only had a rough idea before." Lu Bu said.

"These are three provinces and six departments. In addition, there are Taichang Temple, Guanglu Temple, Weiwei Temple, Zongzheng Temple, Taipu Temple, Dali Temple, Sinong Temple, Honghu Temple, Taifu Sijiu Temple. The chief officer of the temple is Qing, Taichang Siqing is at the second grade, the rest are at the third grade, the deputy chief is Shaoqing, Taichang Shaoqing is at the fourth grade, and the rest of the Shaoqing are at the fourth grade. The fifth supervisor refers to the fourth grade. Guozijian, Shaofujian, Jiangzuojian, Weapon Supervisor, and Dushui Supervisor, the head of the Guozi Supervisor is for the sacrifice of wine, the head of the Dushui Supervisor is the messenger of the Dushui, marry her and the three chiefs are all the prisons, from the third grade. Siye, the deputy chiefs of the other supervisors are junior supervisors, and the grade is from the fourth grade."

"In addition to the three provinces, six ministries, nine temples and five prisons, there are also three provinces including the secretary province, the central province, and the interior province. The governors of the provinces are called prisons. From the fourth rank, the deputy chief is called the young prison, and the senior rank is the fifth rank. As for supervision The institution is still Yushitai, the chief official Yushi doctor, the third grade, the deputy chief left and right Yushi Zhongcheng, the positive fourth grade. Yushi Taichung sets up the Taiyuan, the Palace Court, and the Procuratorate. The Taiwan Academy is in charge of the 100 officials of the Central Committee of Correction and Participation. The Dali Temple tried and tried major cases handed over by the emperor. There are six people in the Taiyuan court who serve at the Imperial Court, under the rank of sixth grade.

"The palace is in charge of the affairs of the palace. There are six people in the palace who serve in the palace, from the seventh grade. The ceremony of holding the palace. The service is promoted to the palace in the Fandong solstice and Yuanzheng Dynasty. The pickets in the book are not against violations. They are subordinate to Jingmen, and if the cultural relics are defective, they will be corrected. In the two capitals, they will patrol the left and right separately, and each will detect illegal things in the patrol.

"The procuratorate, there are fifteen members of the supervisory historian who are on the seventh grade, inspecting hundreds of officials, patrolling the counties, prison litigation, military service, sacrifice, camp work, and Taifu tellers all come to Yan; And Baisi Gangmu. The above is the part of the Chinese official of the new official system."

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