New Story of Lv Bu

: :Liu Yizhou stunned

The first year of the Han Jian'an, the 15th day of the first lunar month, the first hour of the new year, the Lantern Festival, Yizhou, Chengdu, in the Zhou Mufu.

Last year, the third year of the Great Han Dynasty, the whole world experienced several **** storms. Both the celebrities of the Qingliu and the ordinary people were shocked and sweaty. However, in any case, the **** three years of Chuping finally passed, ushering in the first year of Jian'an. In the 400 years of this dynasty, Zebei has cultivated the good customs of loyalty and patriotism of the common people.

In the eyes of the ordinary people, the emperor is good, and the bad is the traitorous minister who always surrounds the emperor. Those treacherous ministers always seem to be endless, just like leeks, there is one stubble after one crop, and the cycle goes back and forth, endlessly. However, this year is the first year of Jian'an, and the emperor has changed his yuan, which probably means that from now on, the world will be safe.

Yizhou lonely hangs in the southwest corner of the Great Han, thousands of miles away from China. Only when it travels from Hanzhong to the north or Shangyong to the east can it connect with China. The land of Bashu has not suffered from war for hundreds of years. The township is rich and commonplace, and the folk customs are simple. For the warlords who ruled in the middle of Shu, it is safe and acceptable. In the northern Tuyuan, it is simply a dream. Because of this, the people of Yizhou have a very simple idea, that is, it is time to eat when eating, and when it is time to regain strength. When the Lord comes out and Yizhou descends from the table, the world can be ruled. The emperor changed the yuan, and it also coincides with the Lantern Festival. As a result, the entire Chengdu city has become more prosperous and happy.

In the past year or so, Liu Yan and Liu Junlang of Yizhou Mu have been in poor health. Since he sent his son Zhang Lu to occupy Hanzhong and cut off the road from the imperial court to Yizhou, his little life has been very comfortable. However, since he made a mistake in his judgment, thinking that Da Sima Lubu could not resist the attacks of the princes under the world, he sent his third son Liu Wei to attack Guanzhong with tens of thousands of troops, the situation has immediately changed. First, Zhao Qian, the former lieutenant of Luoyang City, raised his troops to rebel and failed, and then the Kwantung Allied Forces were defeated and fled.

Originally thought he sent troops to attack Guanzhong, Da Sima threw a rat-avoidance device, and did not dare to take his eldest son and second son. Look, the youngest son Liu Zhang and Liu Jiyu, didn't the court send him back obediently? But, who knows that Dasima Lubu was so cruel, he immediately killed his eldest son Liu Fan and his second son Liu Dan when he heard that Liu Hao sent troops, and also wiped out Liu Hao's army and captured Liu Hao.

After hearing this, Liu Yan was angrily attacked, spraying a few mouthfuls of old blood, and his body immediately collapsed. It is a good fortune that Wushuang does not come singly. His mansion in Mianzhu, the governing place, was burnt clean, and even the vehicles and clothing made by the emperor in preparation for the emperor were burned out. In desperation, in order to avoid Da Sima's revenge, Liu Yan had to move his office to Chengdu, Shu County.

Liu Yan is a person who believes in the "destiny of heaven." He thought that at the beginning, it was because he believed Dong Fu's words "the capital will be chaotic, and the division of Yizhou will have the emperor's spirit." This gave up everything and transferred from Jiaozhou Mu to Yizhou Mu . However, after taking up the post of Yizhou Mu, Liu Yan began to doubt himself after several heavy punches by Sima Lubu one after another. Is the qi of the son of heaven on my body?

After a serious illness and lingering on the bed for several months, Liu Yan finally figured it out. I'm afraid that my body won't be delayed for a year or two. To whom the position of Yizhou Muzhi should be passed on is a big question. After thinking about it, he finally had a solution, which should be passed on to his third son, Liu Wei! Liu Hao is smart, graceful, and handsome, much better than that little son who has always been bleak.

Liu Yan is a very decisive person. Once he had a decision in his heart, he immediately began to arrange his funeral. First of all, he handed over the military power to his old comrades-in-arms and subordinates, and Zhao Yun, who had travelled thousands of miles into Yizhou with him, had originally entered Yizhou. Secondly, he sent envoys and heavily bribed Yang Song, the envoy sent by the court, to talk to the court through him. In the end, Zhang Lu's mother, the young, beautiful and ghostly Madame Lu, she did not forget. Through the line of Madame Lu, he contacted Liu Hao.

Today, on the 15th Lantern Festival of the first lunar month, Liu Yan finally got good news that his third son, Liu Hao, will leave tomorrow.

There is a saying that people feel refreshed on happy occasions. As soon as they heard that their three beloved sons are coming back, Liu Yan's illness immediately recovered more than half. At breakfast, he ate a whole pot of fresh and tender lamb stew and drank a glass of Western wine. After breakfast, after a short break, after Kai drew off the sweat on his body, Liu Yan felt refreshed and refreshed.

"Come on, call Mrs. Lu! Prepare the quiet room, and I have something to talk with her." Liu Yan took some measures after pondering for a moment. "No!" The left and right hurriedly saluted respectfully, and went cautiously. In an instant, the good news that Zhou Mu had recovered from illness spread throughout the Yizhou Mu's mansion. Liu Yan treats people generously, and everyone in the house is secretly happy, and there are not a few who secretly wiped their tears.

Mrs. Lu is extremely clever, and she understood everything when she heard it. Liu Yizhou is so happy because of the smooth return of his favorite third son. I deliberately summoned myself to arrange Liu Hao's itinerary. Since Zang Ba attacked Nanzheng and surrendered Zhang Lu, Madam Lu's heart has been hanging. For one thing, she was afraid that the imperial court would be ruthless and ban her three sons and one daughter from the nine tribes. Secondly, he was afraid that Liu Yan, the animal husbandry of Yizhou, would blame Zhang Lu and use the head of her youngest son Zhang Zheng to intimidate the tribe.

Because of this, Mrs. Lu played a very important role in the process of Liu Yizhou talking with the court. Mrs. Lu contributed to the successful release of Liu Yan, and Liu Yan knew this well. Coupled with the imperial edict, Zhang Lu was named the county lord, his five sons were Tinghou, and even the plotter, Yan Pu, was also sealed back, and Mrs. Lu was relieved.

"Zhou Mu, your complexion looks great!" As soon as she entered the door, after Madam Lu gave a salute, she stood behind Liu Yan and massaged his head and shoulders with a pair of weak bones. This kind of massage is often done by Mrs. Lu. The reason why Liu Yizhou is able to recover from a serious illness is that Mrs. Lu's Fagong massage has played a great role. After a long time, when the massage was over, Liu Yan shook his neck, feeling much more comfortable. "Hey! You haven't let go of your kung fu, not only that, but you have made progress."

Under the service of Mrs. Lu, Liu Yan put on a linen underwear and put on a winter coat, and immediately felt that the room was warm like spring. "Contacted Mao'er? What did he say?" Liu Yan asked slowly. "We got in touch, and the third son said that the court and King Wen treated him very well, so please don't miss the Zhou Mu. However, he still has something to say. King Wen's move is definitely to plot Yizhou. This time, Wang Fang He will know Yizhou, and his purpose is nothing more than to coerce him, use him in exchange for the state to enter the imperial court and return to the imperial court."

Madam Lu gently nestled her body in Liu Yan's arms and said slowly. "Oh! Do you still need to talk about this? It's obvious. As long as Hanzhong is in the hands of King Wen, he can enter Shu at any time. Hold the hat tightly in his hand in order to pinch my seven inches. Now, the court After taking Hanzhong, it doesn’t matter if I have a hat or not. After all, I still have a son. I might as well put it back."

Liu Yan stroked Madam Lu's delicate and girlish skin, and said with a long sigh. "However, after this defeat, Mao'er has indeed grown. Knowing that he can't play with King Wen, just be submissive. By the way, what's the date of the visit when the Maoer is back this time? How did you arrange it?" "Ordinarily, the third son will depart from Luoyang tomorrow morning. However, this is just a cover. I have arranged for the congregation to accompany the third son to set off tonight, dressed as a small vendor, starry night, and returned to Yizhou from Baoxie Road."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yan was overjoyed immediately. With a big shot, he lowered his voice and exclaimed, "Very good! You are good at this plan. Who knows what kind of thoughts have been put on by King Wen? Haoer is a little safer when he arrives in Yizhou one day earlier. Recently. In the last few days, you can do this exclusively. Be sure to do it carefully and thoughtfully, promise, this is my handwritten order for you, take it!"

Fang Luo'er spoke, Liu Yan took out a paper document from his arms and handed it to Madam Lu. Madam Lu straightened up, took the paper document, and opened it to see that it was indeed Liu Yan's warrant. "In order to welcome Liu Hao's return to Yizhou, Mrs. Lu is specially appointed to work in Yizhou. When necessary, officials and people can be mobilized, such as the state shepherd. This order should not be said to be unpredictable. Yizhou animal husbandry Liu Yan. "

"With this statement from Zhou Mu, my concubine has no worries! I'll take care of it." Madam Lu looked at Liu Yan with a smile on her face softly. "Wait, I have been lingering on the bed for a long time, and I am very lonely. I just recovered today, and I saw you, but I couldn't hold it anymore. You walk slowly, so I can stay with me???" Liu Yan's face showed With a knowing smile, he hugged Mrs. Lu??????

"Whose car is that?" Zhao Wei asked slowly outside the gate of the prefecture and animal husbandry. "During Qizheng's treatment, it was Mrs. Lu's car." The left and right replied quickly. "Oh! Send someone to show me her tightly, don't let her get out of your sight." Zhao Wei was silent for a moment, then said slowly. "Where is Ji Yu now?" "My lord, the fourth son is in his mansion, waiting for my command." The left and right replied hurriedly and respectfully. "That's good! Let's enter the mansion, I'm going to see Zhou Mu." Zhao Wei waved.

After a while, in the inner house of the prefecture, a stern trombone suddenly heard. "Zhou Mu, my Zhao Wei hasn't arrived yet, you suddenly collapsed! Now there is no owner in Yizhou, what should I do?" In an instant, the entire Yizhou Mu mansion immediately cried. One piece. A quarter of an hour later, Hong Ling rushed out of the Yizhou Mu's mansion.

"The predecessor of the prefecture and animal husbandry: the fourth son, Liu Zhang, is the master of Yizhou! There are hundreds of officials who do not follow the predecessor of the prefecture and animal husbandry.

On the lobby of Yizhou Mu’s Mansion, facing Yizhou civil and military, Zhao Yun armed with a sword and helped Liu Zhang up to the first seat.

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