New Story of Lv Bu

: : Madam Lu's final blow

Just as the cry of Yizhou Mu's mansion started, Mrs. Lu was on the way back to the Zhou Mu's mansion from the north gate of Chengdu. She had just sent out two eagle letters in the secret nest outside the city. The first eagle letter was written to Liu Hao, who was far away in Luoyang, telling him that his father Liu Yan was worried, and hoped that he would speed up and return to Chengdu as soon as possible. The second letter was written to her eldest son Zhang Lu. The letter explained the situation in Yizhou in detail, hoping that Zhang Lu could assist Wang Wen in recruiting Liu Yan. "As today's general trend is set, you should take advantage of it."

Hearing the cries coming from the prefecture, Madam Lu was immediately shocked. She quickly grabbed the horse under her crotch, held her breath, stretched out her right hand, and counted with a few fingers. After a while, she opened her eyes abruptly, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth. "Not good! Liu Yizhou is stubborn. It is a victim of human damage! Quickly sent out an eagle letter, ordering Wudoumi Taoists everywhere in Yizhou to immediately clean up, hide their figures, avoid the catastrophe, and wait for the leader to send an emissary to contact. If necessary, you can. Use force."

As soon as she finished speaking, she pinched the horse's belly with her legs, flicked the rein, and took dozens of people out of the city. This run was more than half an hour, and the prefecture of Guanghan County was in front of Luo County, and Mrs. Lu slowly stopped the horse. "Take a break for a quarter of an hour and send out an eagle letter, and let the believers in Luoxian come out to see me, dressed as a cloth vendor. After arriving, we immediately bypassed Suixian and walked back to Hanzhong on the blessing ramp." Madam Lu jumped off the horse. Wiping the dripping sweat on his head and face with his sleeves, he said with lingering fear.

Mrs. Lu is proficient in ghosts, and she is highly respected by the teachers. When she saw her speaking like this, the left and right sides immediately rolled off their saddles and got ready to go. Taking advantage of this time, Mrs. Lu took out the pen and paper and wrote an eagle letter to the eldest son Zhang Lu. In the letter, she wrote: "Gong Qi, my son: Today, in Chengdu, Liu Yizhou was killed by others. I have already escaped from Chengdu, and I rushed to Nanzheng. I calculated it carefully, and this time I can’t get rid of it. In disasters, time and fate are also fate! My son cherishes self-worth and takes revenge for me the next day."

This short message was finally finished, and Madam Lu ordered it to be sent left and right. She pondered over and over again, took out a "Topographic Map of Sichuan" from her arms, stroked it over and over, and finally made up her mind. This "Topographic Map of Xichuan" was made by Wudou Mijiao, and it took several years to complete it. The gates of Yizhou city, mountains, rivers, and roads are all listed.

Mrs. Lu bowed down to serve Liu Yan, fighting back and forth to receive the meaning of Yizhou. She is proficient in ghosts, and she has already calculated that this will be a rare escape. The children are already grown-ups, and the major events are over here, but there is nothing to worry about. But this "Topographic Map of Xichuan" must have an explanation. Stop it! Let Zhang Zheng, the youngest son, join this picture to return to Nanzheng.

At this moment, the congregation in Chengdu also came to protect her youngest son Zhang Zheng. "Zheng'er, returning to Nanzheng from the north this time, the journey is difficult, and it must have been horrible. I sent two smart people to carry my letters, disguise and send you to Nanzheng. What do you think?" Mrs. Lu Asked in a low voice. "Mother! I won't leave you! Even if you die, you must die together!" Zhang Zheng hugged his mother's thigh and started to cry. "Oh! Child, this is probably your fate!" Madam Lu sighed.

"Come here alone. This is my letter and the "Topographic Map of Xichuan" drawn by me. You two set off immediately and headed to Nanzheng as soon as possible." Madam Lu beckoned and called two pros and cons. "No!" the two people hurriedly bowed and crossed their hands. One person took the letter, the other took the topographic map of Sichuan indiscriminately, and carried it into his arms. The two turned on their horses, flicked the reins, and left.

After sending the messenger away, Mrs. Lu closed her eyes and sat down, adjusting her breath. After about an hour, hundreds of people came out from the south gate of Luocheng, each with a bow on their backs, swords on their waists, and horses under their hips, all dressed up as ordinary people, holding more than a hundred people. A heavy truck came here mightily. Looking at that posture, it must be a merchant who sells cloth in Su Ri Li.

"Madam, it must be the believer in Luocheng who has arrived." The left and right slid down the tree and came to Madam Lu to report. Madam Lu was shocked when she heard the words, slowly opened her eyes, and slowly pinched her fingers. "No, they are pretending to be! Let's go!" As soon as she finished speaking, she hurriedly turned on her horse, picked up Zhang Zheng, flicked the reins, and went around the east of Luoxian County to Mianzhu.

"Catch up! Catch them! Dong Zhonglang will have an order, whoever captures Mrs. Lu alive, rewards daughters, and promotes three ranks! Whoever is the first to offer, rewards 500 golds, and promotes two ranks!" Revealed, among the hundreds of people dressed up, a sturdy man screamed and drew out the sword from his waist, shouting loudly. "Rush!" "Kill!" Hundreds of cavalry shouted and chased them.

In this way, dozens of Madam Lu and his party rushed forward, hundreds of cavalry followed closely, and went to Mianzhu's direction.

About an hour later, more than two hundred cavalrymen came from the direction of Mianzhu, the first one was short in stature, huge head, and extremely ugly face. This person is not someone else, but Zhang Song and Zhang Yongnian, the envoy of the former Yizhou Mu Liu Yan to the capital of Luoyang City. "Hey! The north side screamed and screamed. Could it be that something was wrong? Uncle Zhang, take your people to have a look. Do you need us to help? The rest will rest here. , Waiting for news." Zhang Song rolled off his saddle, twisted his beard, and said slowly.

"No!" Zhang Dubo replied, turned and took his hands down. "Fetch water! Kill me too! It seems that they came from the east of the city, and we came from the west of the city, so we didn't meet them!" Zhang Song narrowed his eyes and said loudly. "My lord, the water is all drunk and I have to go to the river to fetch it. My lord, please wait for a while! You will come as soon as you go." The left and right confidants split their hands and smiled bitterly.

After a while, the kiss fetched water, Zhang Song gulped his stomach, and then he touched his stomach with satisfaction. "Hey! I know the preciousness of water just now!" "My lord, I found this on the way to fetch water." The confidant looked around, and then he handed over a roll of things. "Oh?" Zhang Song took it smoothly, and after looking at the ten lines, he couldn't help taking a breath.

"Don't tell anyone about this matter again! If it is revealed, you and I will be destroyed by the Nine Clan!" Zhang Song lowered his voice and ordered. "The villain dare not!" Hearing that the Nine Clan was about to be wiped out, the confidant's face was immediately pale with fright. Zhang Song was soothed with gentle words, and by the way rewarded him with a few Bingzhou silver coins. Only then did he put away the topographic map of Sichuan and slowly put it into his sleeve pocket.

At this moment, the hundreds of cavalry also returned from the north of Luoxian County, carrying more than a dozen **** heads in their hands. The horses behind him also carried more than a dozen corpses. "This military prince, it is Yizhou not to drive Zhang Song, and was ordered to go to Luoyang. Dare to ask the military prince, who owns this first class?" Zhang Song asked with his hands. The leader of the team happened to be a military commander. When Zhang Song reported his name, he hurriedly answered.

"It turned out to be Zhang Biejia! Disrespect and disrespect! The villain is a guard in the city of Luoxian. Earlier this morning, I received an eagle letter from Lord Zhao from Yizhou Zhizhong and Dongzhong Lang to arrest and kill the five Dou Mijiao followers in the city. Kill the fugitive Wudou Mijiao Jijiu Mrs. Lu and her youngest son Zhang Zheng. No, don’t drive and see! The dead woman in red is Mrs. Lu, and that doll is Zhang Zheng himself!"

"Hey! It's so! So, Mr. X has thanked Junhou!" Upon hearing this, Zhang Song was immediately sweaty.

Dare to love, this "Topographic Map of Xichuan" is Mrs. Lu's handwriting! It seems that Yizhou is about to set off another **** storm.

On the first day of March, after a long journey, Liu Hao and his party finally arrived in Chengdu. Liu Zhang and Zhao Wei greeted him. "Hey! Ji Yu, it turned out to be you! Quickly take me to see my father!" The brothers reunited, Liu Hao was very happy, he grabbed Liu Zhang's sleeve and said happily. "Brother, alas, my father was **** half a month ago! There is no owner in Yizhou, and the officials have recommended me to succeed the state shepherd." Liu Zhang said with a wry smile. "What? You???" Liu Hao's eyes widened immediately, and he asked in astonishment.

"Liu Wei, don't you pay a visit to the new Yizhou Mu?" Zhao Wei shouted from the side. "Puff!" Liu Hao opened his mouth, spouting a lot of blood, and then he collapsed. The moment before he fainted, his heart was filled with regret. Half a month! Only half a month! Everything about him collapsed! The thief God made a big joke on him, enough to make him regret for life.

It is conceivable that in the future years of his Liu Hao's stay in Yizhou, he will definitely be like an old monk.

Almost at the same time, in the mansion of King Wen in Luoyang City, the capital of Han Dynasty, the new county marquis Zhang Lu took two younger brothers and a younger sister, dressed in linen and filial piety, and knelt in front of King Lu Bu. "King Wen! The hatred of killing mothers and brothers is not in the sky! Zhang Lu, please be the pioneer, go out of the praise ramp, and drive into Yizhou, and smash the corpses of Liu Zhang and Zhao Yun into thousands of pieces!" "Get up! Dearest, get up! Speak!" Lu Bu leaned down and gently lifted Zhang Lu up. "The vengeance of killing mothers and brothers does not lie in the sky. I, Lu Bu, swear to the sky here that I will avenge you."

Speaking of this, Lu Bu changed his words: "It's just that it won't happen now. The war will stop, and the people will be exhausted. I think this is how to deal with it. You first reorganize the church, listen to Ma Zhong's command, and spread your work in Yizhou. Investigate the news and prepare to respond. After three or five years, when the army is going south to Yizhou, you will go out with the army to avenge the murder of the mother and the younger brother. I wonder what your intentions are like this kind of handling?"

"As long as the revenge of killing the mother and the younger brother can be avenged, Zhang Lu dares not let him go?" Zhang Lu pushed Jinshan down Yuzhu and slammed his head down.

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