New Story of Lv Bu

: : In exchange for the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom for the Old Ministry of Wuchenghou

In the first year of Jian'an in the Han Dynasty, in early April, Yangzhou Muyuan Shu sent Hong Ling's ambassador to summon Sun Ce to Wu Jun finally came to Lujiang. After the gracious hospitality to the messenger, Sun Ce spent a long time in the military tent alone in contemplation, until he was in charge of the lantern, he still hadn't figured out a way. This time he led his troops to attack Jiangdong, which was really a great opportunity for him, and he must seize it. If Jiangdong can be smoothly settled, it is tantamount to laying a foundation for himself. However, Liu Yu is a Yangzhou animal husbandry appointed by the imperial court. He is not comparable to those appointed by Yuan Shuban. He is weak and has three or two kittens under his hand. How should he deal with it?

At the moment when Sun Ce was worried, he could only hear outside the Chinese army's big account, and one person laughed loudly: "Bo Fu, I know that you are worried day and night, just for how to quickly calm Jiangdong and lay a foundation. Today, I drove thousands of miles away. Come here, I'm here to solve your doubts!" ​​Fang Luo'er said, only to hear the curtain lifted, the sound of boots, and a handsome young man walked in.

Sun Ce was overjoyed when he saw this person. He strode forward quickly, grabbed the hands of the visitor, and asked in surprise: "Gong Jin! You came right! Please sit down! At this moment, I have something to say to you!" The person here is not someone else, but Sun Ce's old friend Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin. It was Zhou Gongjin, a young man who "wrongly tuned Zhou Langgu".

Zhou Yu was born in a big family. His grandfather Zhou Jing and his uncle Zhou Zhong were all officials of the Han Dynasty's crown lieutenant. His father Zhou Yi, once served as Luoyang Order. Zhou Yu is tall, handsome and ambitious. "Bo Fu, if what I expected is not bad, you are now worried about three things: First, there are not enough soldiers and horses under your command to quickly settle Jiangdong. Second, Yuan Shu is stingy and restrained, and it is difficult to make a big deal. You are afraid that he will lose his word and become fat. You are not allowed to lead Jiangdong alone. Third, Liu Yao is sent by King Wen, and you are worried that you will attack Liu Yao and evil the King Wen and the court."

Upon hearing Zhou Yu's words, Sun Ce was shocked immediately. "Hey! Whoever knows what I want, the world is big, only Gongjin alone! But how will you deal with it?" Zhou Yu smiled slightly, and slowly said, "Bo Fu, it's actually not difficult. It's just that you are in the game. On the contrary, it’s not as clear as the outsiders. In my opinion, Wang Wen sent Liu Youdong to come, it was just a play of chess. The purpose was to fill Yuan Gonglu with some trouble, and to pull his back. That’s it. Otherwise, Wang Wen’s ministers will be like rain, warriors will be like clouds, and hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers will be commanded. If you really want to attack Jiangdong, just send a man and horse casually. Why use Liu Yao?"

It is true that when he awakened the person in his dream with a word, Sun Ce immediately realized it. "Gong Jin, what you said is very true! It seems that this one does not need to worry me." "Bo Fu, as for Yuan Gonglu to let you not lead Jiangdong, it is not a problem. After you take down Jiangdong, immediately Feng Zhujiang, divided the counties, if he dares to take the road, we will fight with him! King Wen is coveted and watched, as long as our attitude is firm, forgive him Yuan Gongdao dare not act behind us. Kizuna!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Yu shot the case with the palm of his hand. "Also! That's the case! Then, there is only one last question left. Where do the soldiers come from?" Sun Ce asked. "There are not many soldiers but good ones, Wu Chenghou's old ministry can be taken with them all." Zhou Yu responded. "But, don't Yuan Shu let it go?" Sun Ce frowned. "Use the Chuanguo Yuxi for it! Yuan Shu must be willing to let it go! Although it is the Chuanguoyuxi, but he is hungry and cold. How can it be exchanged for the elite soldiers of the old army of Wuchenghou and quickly calm Jiangdong?" Zhou Yu said loudly.

Sun Ce is also a very decisive person. After thinking for a while, he immediately made up his mind. "Gong Jin, just like a king's words!"

Seeing that the first year of Jian'an is almost over, and there are still flames everywhere in Yangzhou, Yangzhou Mu Yuanshu's mood is naturally very bad. In the east of Lujiang, Lu Kang, the former Lujiang prefect, has been defending for half a year, and Sun Ce has not been able to conquer it. In the west of Wu Jun Qu'a, the generals Fan Neng and Zhang Ying of the Yangzhou Mu Liuyou command appointed by the court are fighting Wu Jing and Sun Ben.

Fighting is all about logistics. Food, war, military resources, and even pensions are all very important. Once a war starts, the daily cost is like a bottomless pit, and the money and food thrown in can’t be filled. Even Lu Bujun, who has always been famous for being wealthy, fought for more than half a year, and the mansion was empty enough to starve mice. What's more, Yuan Shu, who was originally not rich?

Yuan Shu's strategy is very simple, that is, to quickly calm Yangzhou and hold Yangzhou firmly in his hands. Then, using Yangzhou as a springboard, he went north to attack Xuzhou and wiped out Tao Qian. After having Yangzhou and Xuzhou in his hand, his waist is hard, and he can break his wrist with the handmaid’s wild species and Cao Mengde, who has always been scheming. Anyway, within three to five years, the court will not send troops.

However, he never expected that Wen Wang Lu Bu stretched out a finger in the city of Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and immediately revealed his true shape. If the rebellion in Yangzhou cannot be put down quickly, the local family members in Yangzhou will learn how to rebel together, then Yuan Gonglu will not be able to eat. The only thing we can do now is to quickly put down Lu Kang and Liu Yao's rebellion.

Heroes who can stand as their comrades-in-arms in troubled times are not easy to match. Yuan Shu thought about it, and finally got a solution. Lujiang is close to Shouchun, and has been besieged for another half a year. If you want to add a bit of energy, you can definitely get it. In this way, Liu Yu's nag would have to be completely handed over to Sun Bofu. However, Sun Bofu is too young to be able to eat.

However, after another thought, Yuan Shu was relieved. What he wants is that Sun Bofu can't eat it! As long as Sun Bofu, Wu Jing, and Sun Ben dare to fight Liu Yao! Wu Jing, Sun Ben, and Liu Yao fought for three or four months, but they still couldn't beat them. This shows that Liu Yao is still able to fight. When the two tigers fight, there must be one injury. When the two of them lose and both lose, Lujiang City must also be captured. At that time, Yuan Shu personally raised the army and went to fight Liu Yao. Presumably, Sun Bofu, Wu Jing, Sun Ben and others had no choice but to swallow.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shu said: "Come on! Send the order, saying that there is insufficient food and grass, and drag Sun Bofu for a few months!"

At the beginning of June, Sun Ce finally returned to Shouchun, the governing home of Yangzhou Animal Husbandry. There were only three to four hundred people besides Lu Fan and Sun He who followed him back to Shouchun. After three years of filial piety for his father Wucheng and Hou Sun, Sun Ce recruited hundreds of soldiers from Danyang and went to Jiujiang to join Yuan Shu. Then, under Yuan Shu's account, he fought from the east and west, and fought around. There were only three or four hundred people left from the original hundreds of old ministries. Fortunately, these three or four hundred people are elites after a hundred battles, enough to be ten, so you can comfort Sun Ce a little bit.

After arriving in Shouchun, Sun Ce visited Yuan Shu. After returning, he privately convened the old ministry of Wucheng Hou Sunjian, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang, to discuss the matter of passing on the jade seal of the country in exchange for the old ministry of his father. "Bo Fu, this must never happen!" Han Dangxing was like a raging fire, and he immediately objected. "For this rumored jade seal, Wu Chenghou was shot to death by Huang Zu, how can he give it to Yuan Shu in vain? Besides, this rumored jade seal is a destiny, and whoever gets it can get the whole world! Absolutely not!"

Sun Ce's face was solemn, he frowned and turned his face to Cheng Pu. "Uncle Demou, you are the minister of your father's arm, I don't know what you think?" "I think I can try this matter." Cheng Pu said slowly. "Yuan Shu is an emperor with one mind, but to be emperor, he must have a hard thing in his hand. Except for the family of the fourth generation and the third master, Yuan Gongdao is not a martial artist, and there is no one that can be mastered. In this way, I had no choice but to deceive people's hearts with the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom and the prophecies. Although it is the jade seal of the Chuan Kingdom, it is hungry and unclothed. It is better to exchange it for elite soldiers and warriors to attack Jiangdong."

"Demou's words are very true! I also meant this!" Cheng Pu spoke in Fang Luoer, and Huang Gai and Huang Gongfu next to him slapped his thigh and spoke loudly. "With the strength in hand, with thousands of horses and thousands of troops, then the Jade Seal of the State is the Jade Seal. If it is not, the best Jade Seal of the State is a broken stone! There is no use for eggs! Why exchange for the old ministry of Wu Chenghou and lay down A good foundation!"

"Furthermore, as long as Bo Fu leads his army, Wu Chenghou's old army must be insecure. Instead of keeping these veterans who make trouble in Shouchun, it is better to be personal. As for the Jiazhan, horses, and horses. Don’t count on it! Also, Yuan Gonglu’s trick is to kill three birds with one stone and kill people with a knife to drive tigers and wolves! After Liu Yao died, we would quell the internal strife. If I didn’t expect it, Liu Yao eliminated foreign troubles. If it's bad, Yuan Gonglu wants to send troops to pacify Jiangdong when we and Liu Yao are both injured!"

"The three uncles are very true! I, Sun Ce, knew Yuan Gonglu's personality a long time ago. He is stingy, cautious, self-respecting, and dreaming of the Son of Heaven all day long. He is definitely not a person to rely on! Rather than send someone under the fence, it is better to be earlier. Stand on your own and create your own world! The most urgent thing today is to quickly defeat Liu Yao and pacify Jiangdong before Lujiang is captured."

"As for what happens after Jiangdong is pacified, I mean that the generals will be sealed off, guarding the counties, and putting on a posture that no one will come. Yuan Gonglu weighs and weighs again and again, but he dare not easily turn his face with us!" After a few shots, I finally made up my mind. "No! I will return to the camp now, contact the old department of Wu Chenghou, and wait for your news!" Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang crossed their hands.

"Okay! In the past few days, I will visit Yuan Shu and exchange the Chuanguo Yuxi for my father's old ministry!" Sun Ce said loudly.

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