New Story of Lv Bu

: : The importance of Hengjiang crossing

"Hey! This rumored jade seal was actually obtained by Wu Chenghou?" Upon hearing the rumored jade seal, two greedy golden lights appeared in the eyes of Banshou Yanzhou Mu Yuan Shu. All the aristocratic families in this dynasty believed in the art of divinity, and the god-like history of the founding of the state of Emperor Guangwu made annotations and deifications for the art of divinity. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the miraculous miracles.

It is precisely because of the success of Emperor Guangwu that Yuan Shuyuan Gonglu believes that he is a true "Han". Now, the well-known Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom is finally presented to him by the philosophical heir of Wucheng Hou Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Bofu. How can Yuan Shu not be overwhelmed and shocked? It has a radius of four inches and is handed over to New York with Five Dragons, and it is also engraved with eight insects and birds in seals. Not bad! It is the rumored jade seal of the country!

Yuan Shu closed his eyes and carefully rubbed the jade seal of the ancient kingdom with his hands, just like rubbing his beloved beauty! I bother! No matter how beautiful a beauty is, it’s better than uploading a seal of jade! This is a symbol of destiny! At this moment, Yuan Shu secretly made up his mind that this Jade Seal of the Nation is his, even if he pays a great price, he will leave this Jade Seal of the Nation!

"In the nineteenth year of Emperor Qin's administration, Qin broke Zhao, and got He Shibi. After unified the world, Yingzheng became the first emperor, and ordered Li Si to use a small seal to carve the jade seal of the country. The front is engraved with the eight insects and birds in the seal of'Destined to Tian Ji Shou Yong Chang' , Engraved on it by Yugong Sun Shou.” It seemed that after a long time, Yuan Shu’s mouth made a dreamlike voice, which was full of joy and satisfaction.

"Just nine years later, in the 28th year of Emperor Qin's administration, Emperor Shi took a dragon boat across Dongting Lake. When the wind and waves rose suddenly, the dragon boat was about to fall. The first emperor hurriedly threw the Jade Seal of the Kingdom into the lake, praying for the gods to calm the waves. Lost. Eight years later, on the Pingshu Road in Huayin, someone offered this Seal of the Passed State again. The Seal of the Passed State Jade returned to Qin." At this point, Yuan Shu's breathing began to become heavy.

"Qin Ziying's first year winter, Pei Gong Liu Bangjun came up, Ziying knelt and held the jade seal on Xianyang Daozuo, Qin died. When the emperor Zhu Xiangji, the emperor's seat, because of the imperial service of his seal, it was passed down from generation to generation, and the name was Han Chuan. The Seal of the State. However, the "Han Chuan Guoyu Seal" is recorded in "Han Officials of the Ying Family" and "Huang Fu Century". "He was appointed to the sky, and he lived and prospered." As for the true and false of it, it is not known."

"In the last years of the pre-Han, Wang Mang, a relative, usurped power. Shiruzi Liu Ying was young and passed that the jade seal of the country was hidden in the Queen Mother of Changle Palace. Wang Mang sent his cousin Wang Shun to Suo, and the Queen Mother was angry and threw the seal to the ground to break the corner. Wang Mang ordered the craftsmen to make up for it with gold. And the mang army was defeated and killed, the Imperial Guard's academy lieutenant was killed, and the imperial guard's academy lieutenant was passed on to Wan, and dedicated to Emperor Liu Xuan. In the third year of Emperor Liu Xuan, the red eyebrow army killed Liu Xuan and Li Liu Panzi. The seal of the State changed to Liu Penzi. Later, Liu Penzi was defeated in Yiyang, and he handed over the Seal of the State to Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty."

Speaking of this, Yuan Shuchang sighed, and then slowly said: "Ling Emperor Xiping six years, Yuan Shao entered the palace to kill the eunuch, Duan Gui flees with the emperor, Yuxi disappeared. At the time of Emperor Xian, Dong Zhuo made trouble. Wu Chenghou Leading the army into Luoyang. At one hour, the soldiers saw colorful clouds in a well in Zhen Palace in the south of the city, so they sent people into the well, and saw a small box tied to the neck of the palace girl who committed suicide by throwing herself into the well. The box contained the royal jade seal. When the news came, Wu Li called Wu Chenghou to come to confront him. Wu Chenghou insisted that there was no such thing, and finally retreated Jiangdong."

Yuan Shu finally finished speaking. He slowly opened his eyes, and carefully turned the Chuanguo Yuxi over, carefully recognizing the worm and bird seal on it. Yes, it is exactly the eight-character "destined to heaven, life and health"! "Hahahahahahaha! I didn't expect to step on the iron shoes and find no place to find it. It would be no effort to get it! So it seems that I, Yuan Shushen, should be enlightened, and I should be appointed to the throne and proclaim the emperor!"

In ecstasy, Yuan Shu hugged the missing corner of the jade seal, which was inlaid with gold, and burst into laughter. Sun Ce sat down respectfully, his face full of surprise. However, in his heart, the waves are rolling, and the river is overwhelming. Yuan Road and Yuan Road, after my Sun Ce has settled Jiangdong, he will definitely lead his army to crusade against you and take back Yuxi!

Yuan Shu finally finished laughing, and the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of Sun Ce, and then he woke up. At this moment, this jade seal of the ancient kingdom is not his, but the one Sun Bofu in front of him. Although Sun Bofu is his trilogy, it doesn't matter if he snatches it over, but since he is the emperor ordered to the sky, he can't be too ugly, at least he can't be jokes by the maid girl in his home. Thinking of this, Yuan Shu thought for a while, coughed a few times, then gritted his teeth and spoke slowly.

"I said, Uncle Fu, your filial piety is really rare! Not to mention, my father’s last wish, I will certainly fulfill him. I don’t want your jade seal, but you are still young and cannot keep this legendary jade seal. Just stay with me for the time being. So, as long as you are willing to go on the expedition with you, Wuchenghou's old ministry and doormen, you can take them all! I will make up for you and lead the army. Capital. It’s just that Yangzhou is not a place to raise horses, and our army has suffered a big defeat. Don’t count on this army horse!"

Yuan Shu thought for a while, and felt that the price he had offered seemed to be lower. He licked the teeth for a long time, and then slowly said. "Bo Fu, you must have a name for you to attack Jiangdong. Let's say that you are Captain Zhechong, and you will be the general." Upon hearing Yuan Shu's words, Sun Ce was settled in his heart. As long as it is returned to the old ministry of the father and let him do it, he will achieve his goal.

"So! Sun Ce thanked the lord! This time he will defeat Liu Yao and Wang Lang, and set Jiangdong for the Lord's justice!"

Perhaps because of the ecstasy and excitement brought by the rumored jade seal, Yuan Shu did what he said this time and fulfilled his promise. Three days later, three generals Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang, along with more than a thousand people from the old department of Wucheng Hou Sunjian, came to report to Sun Ce. There are more than a thousand people, but they have all the armor and weapons, but the horses are scarce, and there are only fifty horses. Hearing that Sun Ce would lead his troops to attack Jiangdong, Wuchenghou's former followers, as well as some depressed followers under Yuan Shu's command, also came to vote. Within seven days, there were as many as hundreds of people. At the same time, Sun Cezhe rushed to the school lieutenant, and the appointment of General Xingchenkou was also down, so Sun Ce was naturally very excited.

The trilogy of the former Wucheng Hou Sunjian met with the grandpa's son Sun Ce, and there was thunderous joy. Sun Ce ordered to slaughter cattle and pigs, reward the three counties, and agreed to leave for the next day. When the soldiers heard that, their morale was like a rainbow. After making arrangements for everything in the army, Sun Ce set up a banquet in the Chinese army's tent, together with Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Lu Fan, and Sun He, drinking and discussing matters.

"Bo Fu, Wu Chenghou was blessed by the Spirit of Heaven, and Yuan Shu finally returned the old ministry. This strategy Jiangdong, according to your opinion, how should we deal with it?" After three rounds of wine and five flavors, Cheng Pu asked. Sun Ce is the philosophical heir of Wucheng Hou Sunjian, but he is just eighteen this year, and the old men of Wucheng Hou Sunjian are not very relieved. Besides, going out with more than a thousand paces to fight against the tens of thousands of horses from Yangzhou Mu Liu You does not sound very reliable. "Yeah! Bo Fu, how do you deal with it? Can you tell me?"

Upon hearing this, Huang Gai and Han Dang stopped drinking. "Let's go to Liyang first!" Sun Ce waved his hand, exulting.

"Liyang is the thrust of the river and the Huai River, holding the Yangtze on the left, controlling Zhaoguan on the right, Liangshan sticking to the east, Haochu ringing the north, and the direction is the'Huainan's vassal' and the guarantee of the'jiangbiao'. Since ancient times, it has been a military strategist. A must-see.” At this point, Sun Ce ordered a large map of Jiangdong to be hung on the screen. He poured himself a full glass of soft Yuejiu, drank it all, and got up.

"The Yangtze River divides the north and the south, which separates Xuzhou from Yangzhou. Tao Qian of Xuzhou has always coveted Yangzhou and looked at Wu Jun. For Tao Qian, Yangzhou is his elbows and armpits. Naturally, the more chaotic the better. If we attack from the east, the better. In Jiangdong, Tao Qian will definitely send troops to cross the river to assist Liu Yu. In this way, we will face the coalition of Liu Yu and Tao Qian, or we may suffer from the enemy."

"This is a great remark! What I am worried about is that Tao Qian and Liu Yu will join together! Now that you expected Bo Fu, how should you deal with it?" Cheng Pu asked with a smile. The words of the talented Sun Ce shocked him too much. He did not expect that Sun Bofu's thoughts were so far-reaching at his young age, which he had never expected. Does the tiger father have a dog? Wuchenghou has a successor!

"De Mogong, listen to me carefully!" Sun Ce smiled triumphantly. "On the lower reaches of the east of the Yangtze River, there are two ferry crossings across the Yangtze River. One is Guazhou Ferry: Jingkou and Guangling Passage to the river. The other is Hengjiang Ancient Crossing: Liyang and Dujiang quarrying passage. The flow direction of the Yangtze River is changed from west to east to north to south. Interrupting the opening of the Chu River, the blue water flows eastward to this time', hence the name Hengjiang. Anyone who comes from Huaixi will cross the river and enter the Beijing tomb. The north is slightly south, and the quarrying crosses the river to the west. The north-south rises in trouble, Liyang is at the forefront."

"Guazhou Ferry is less than a hundred miles away from Qu'a, and Qua is Liu You's base camp. The guards are tightly guarded. If our army is forced to ferry, we will certainly suffer heavy losses. Hengjiang Ferry is west of Guazhou Ferry, two hundred and fifty miles from Guazhou Ferry. , Is on the opposite bank of Liyang. Now, Liu Yao dispatched Fan Neng troops to cross the Hengjiang River, just to stop our army from crossing the river, landing on quarrying, and then marching into Wu County to attack Qu'a eastward."

"Furthermore, my uncle Wu Jing and cousin Sun Ben Tuned the army in Liyang. After the two armies reunited, they doubled their strength and defeated a mere Fan Neng. It is not a problem. As long as you pass Jiang, your father will be in Wu County. And Jiangdong’s prestige, Jiangdong’s children will definitely eat pot pulp, and come and vote!" Sun Ce finally finished speaking, he shot a few cases, and shouted: "Ping down Jiangdong, here is the battle!"

"Ping Ding Jiangdong! In this battle!" Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang couldn't help being impressed, and shouted together.

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