New Story of Lv Bu

: : The chain reaction caused by the death of Cao Song

Zhou Yu's uncle, Zhou Jing, was the former Danyang prefect. He has been in Danyang for many years and he can eat well. He came forward to raise rations and salaries for Sun Ce, and he was indeed responsive. Within ten days, he had raised 10,000 huds of grain, which was enough for Sun Ce to support him for a period of time. Since ancient times, icing on the cake has been easy, but it has been difficult to send charcoal in the snow. Sun Ceyi grasped Zhou Yu's hand for a long time, but his eyes were already moist. "Gong Jin! It is true that you see the truth in adversity! With your help, I will be able to succeed!" Sun Ce said loudly.

After receiving a large amount of food and money from Zhou Yu, Sun Ce's troops immediately boosted their morale. Sun Ce immediately rose up and led his army to attack Hengjiang and Dangli. At that time, the troops stationed in Hengjiang and Dangli were Liu You’s generals Fan Neng and Zhang Ying. The trilogy of the two men were newly recruited county soldiers. The military discipline was fair, but the combat experience was extremely lacking. When Sun Ce came to attack , Immediately the army was in disarray. Under the First World War, Fan Neng and Zhang Ying's subordinates could not resist Sun Ce, they were defeated and fled.

In this way, Sun Ce succeeded in the first battle and successfully controlled Hengjiang Crossing and obtained a forward base for the army to cross the river. After crossing the river, Sun Ce faced the defenders of Niuzhushan. Niuzhu Mountain, as the name suggests, is a mountain. This mountain protrudes in the middle of the river, so it is called Diaozhuqi, which is an excellent ferry crossing. Niuzhu Mountain is located twenty miles northwest of Dangtu County, Anhui Province. The northern part of the mountain is called quarrying. For the quarrying ferry, businessmen fetched stones from this place. In the twenty-seventh year of the first emperor, he visited Kuaiji to the east and took the route from Danyang to Qiantang.

After crossing the Yangtze River, Sun Ce immediately supervised his troops and went straight to Niuzhu Mountain. At this time, the defenders in Niuzhu Mountain had not received news of Fan Neng and Zhang Ying's defeat. They suddenly saw Sun Ce taking the lead, leading thousands of troops to kill, and immediately panicked. Sun Ce leaped horse and danced his spear, and went straight into the Niuzhu Mountain. In an instant, dozens of people were in hand. When the subordinates saw that Sun Ce was so brave, they immediately yelled. With a morale like a rainbow division against the Wuxin Lianzhan army, the result is naturally conceivable. Niuzhushan fell.

When Sun Ce climbed up to Niuzhu Mountain, he saw that the munitions for the grain and the army were piled up as high as a hill. Looking at the posture, there is absolutely no problem supporting tens of thousands of troops for a year or two. "With these grain and straw battles, I have no worries! Zibu's words are really good words!" Sun Ce laughed. Thousands of soldiers under his command immediately burst into joy when they saw the pile of grains.

Sun Ce succeeded in crossing the river, after occupying Niuzhu Mountain and quarrying rocks, he controlled the Hengjiang crossing and finally completed the first step of the four-step walk. Next, he faced Ruo Rong and Xue Li from Xuzhou. The two men's troops are really two hard bones. The majority of Ruorong's army are Danyang soldiers. In the history of this dynasty, Danyang soldiers have always been brave and elite, known as one enemy ten.

It was said at the time: "Danyang Mountain is dangerous, the people are more fruitful, the martial arts are good, the noble strength, the land of elite soldiers". The five hundred elites Sun Ce recruited in Danyang were Danyang soldiers. There are also thousands of Danyang soldiers under Xuzhou Mu Taoqian's army. Tao Qian is a native of Danyang. After becoming a Xuzhou animal husbandry, he naturally recruited soldiers from his hometown as the most elite force under his command. To defend Xuzhou, Danyang soldiers contributed a lot.

The five thousand dead men under Li Ling's command were also Danyang elite soldiers. When Li Ling attacked the Huns, he fought against the Xiongnu's 80,000 fine horses with 5,000 people. In the absence of reinforcements, only 400 people were left to retreat to the pass. The coach Li Ling was forced to surrender, and his deputy Han Yannian died in battle. With the courage of the Xiongnu's cavalry, the five thousand Danyang soldiers were able to discourage Shan Yu and almost retreated. Finally, they discovered that Li Ling had no aid before they dared to attack. Danyang soldiers were good at fighting. Today, there are thousands of Danyang soldiers under Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian's subordinates. No wonder Cao Mengde, Yuan Benchu ​​and others have coveted Xuzhou for many years, but they dare not act rashly, because Tao Qian has this Danyang soldier under his command.

Yuan Shu used Wu Jing as the superintendent of the army and the general Huiqu as the Yangzhou governor. He attacked Fan Neng and Zhang Ying for years because of the support of Ruo Rong and Xue Li and the continuous support of Danyang soldiers. If it were not for Sun Ce to advance too fast, the speed of victory was as fast, making Ruo Rong and Xue Lilai too late to react, Hengjiang, Dangli, and Niuzhushan would still be in Liu You's hands.

Ruo Rong (zrng), from Danyang. He is a devout Buddhist, well-known in the village for his kindness and charity. After the Hornets were up, Ruo Rong gathered a crowd to defect to Mu Tao Qian in Xuzhou. At that time, there were yellow turbans everywhere, attacking and killing Han officials and cutting off the grain road, Tao Qian was unbearable. When Ruo Rong came, Tao Qian valued his reputation and appointed him to supervise the grain transportation of Guangling, Xiapi, and Pengcheng counties, and also served as the Xia Pixiang. Tao Qian's original intention was to use Ruorong's prestige and Danyang soldiers under his command to wipe out the Yellow Turbans of the three counties and eliminate banditry.

However, Tao Qian never expected that after Ruo Rong had obtained the grains of the Guangling, Xiapi, and Pengcheng counties and the tribute to the country, he did not practice Rannuo and transported them to the county of Xuzhou at that time. Instead, they are used to fill their own pockets. Ruorong built a large number of Buddhist temples in Xiapi County, and asked the people of Xiapi County to recite Buddhist scriptures day and night. This caused monks, nuns and Buddhists from nearby counties to move into Xiapi County, with as many as 5,000 households. Every time the Buddha's birthday (April 8th), the "Buddhist Bathing Meeting" is held. The cost of setting up a banquet on the roadside alone is calculated in units of 100 million. Tao Qian regrets it too much, but Ruo Rong's wings have been made.

In the third year of Ping, Ruo Ronghua spent a lot of money to build the Buddha Temple in Xiapi. The Buddha Temple is built in the south of Xiapi City. There is a tower in the temple, with a gold plate on the top, and a heavy building on the bottom. The tower is nine-story octagonal, each floor has eaves, each side is inlaid with a copper border, and the top of the tower also has a copper mirror facing the sky. It is the "Nine Mirror Tower". It is said that there are more than 3,000 people around the pavilion who can read Buddhist scriptures in its internal classes, and the Buddha statues are coated with gold and draped in a robes of splendor.

Whenever you go to the Buddha bathing meeting, there are dozens of seat lengths on the roadside, and you can buy food and drink for people to eat. There are as many as 10,000 people who come to visit and worship Buddha. It can be seen that the luxury of the layout, the grandeur of the scene, and the majestic grandeur at that time were hard to see in the world. Ruo Rong is very cruel, killing people like hemp. He doesn't care what others think of him, but he believes in Buddhism. Because of this, Xiapi has become an important town in Buddhism.

Under Ruo Rong's rule, Xia Pi almost became a Buddhist kingdom. Why did he stop going to Pi and stay there, but instead appeared in Moling in Danyang County, Yangzhou? This was because of an accidental event, that is, Cao Song, the father of Cao Cao Cao Mengde, Yanzhou Mu, was killed. It is said that there are two causes of Cao Song's death. One is that he was killed by Tao Qian's Qingqi. The second was the killing of Zhang Kai, a general under Tao Qian. In any case, it is beyond doubt that Cao Song died in Xuzhou and under the hands of Tao Qian's trilogy. Cao Mengde is a hero in the world, and his biological father was killed. How could he bear this suffocation?

As a result, Cao Mengde's saying that he wants to send a large soldier to bloodbath Xuzhou is very arrogant. Ruorong couldn't think about his own way out. As a subordinate of Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian, but withholding money and food and building a Buddhist temple on a large scale, Tao Qian would definitely hate him. If Cao Mengde beat him, Tao Qian would definitely sit back and watch his success or failure, and even cut a knife behind his back. How about shaking Cao Mengde head-on? Ruo Rong has no such confidence. After thinking about it, Ruo Rong finally made up his mind, supervising the headquarter of more than ten thousand trilogy, crossing the Yangtze River south, and came to Guangling.

So why did Cao Song die? Tracing back to the source, we must start with Cao Song.

Cao Song, born in Qiao County, Peiguo, is the adopted son of Cao Teng, a servant of Zhongchang. Cao Teng is after Gaodi established the country, after the Han Dynasty Cao Shen. This Cao Shen is the "Cao" in Xiao Gui Cao Sui. Cao Teng served successively the four emperors of his own dynasty: Shun Emperor, Chong Emperor, Zhi Emperor, and Huan Emperor, and he was a four-dynasty veteran. The reason why Emperor Heng was able to inherit the Datong and ascend the throne was even more thanks to Cao Teng, the servant of Zhongchang. With this great merit of "supporting", Cao Teng's official career can be imagined. After Emperor Heng succeeded to the throne, Cao Teng and Changle Taipu Zhoufu and other seven people were named Tinghou because of the merits of the decision. Cao Teng was named Feitinghou and Dachangqiu.

In the last years of Emperor Huan, relying on the relationship of Cao Teng, coupled with the decent treatment of people and the world, Cao Song officials paid tribute to Si Li Xiaowei. After the succession of the Ling Emperor, Cao Song's official talisman was like fire, and he was first worshipped as Dahongyou and Dasinong, and successively took charge of the country's financial etiquette. He was ranked as the Jiuqing and held a high position. Cao Song is not an incorrupt person like his adoptive father. He has been an official for many years, and the Cao family can be said to be a wealthy one because of his power.

In November of the fourth year of Zhongping, Taiwei Cui Lie was deposed. The chief farmer Cao Song bribed the middle official and donated 100 million yuan to Xiyuan. He won the favor of the emperor and was worshipped as a crown lieutenant and ranked third. . In the summer of the fifth year of Zhongping, in April, the Runan Gebei Yellow Turban captured counties and counties. Taiwei Cao Song was deposed and then returned to his hometown in Qiao County. During Dong Zhuo's rebellion, Cao Cao raised troops in Chenliu. Cao Song refused to follow him, and took the youngest son Cao De to Langxie to avoid disaster. In September of the first year of Jian'an, Cao Cao sent someone to greet him. Cao Song and the youngest son Cao De got up and went to join Cao Cao.

There are two causes of Cao Song's death. The first type: Cao Song lives in Huaxian County, Taishan County. Taishan Prefect Ying Shao went to meet him. Before arriving, Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian resented Cao Song’s son Cao Cao for coming to attack Xuzhou many times, so he sent thousands of Qingqis to intercept him. Cao Song. Cao Song thought it was Ying Shao who came to greet him, without precautions. So Cao De was killed in the door of his residence. Cao Song was frightened and punched a hole in the back wall to let the concubine go out first. The concubine was fat and difficult to pass through for a while. Cao Song escaped into the latrine and was killed. All were killed. After receiving the news that Cao Song was killed, Ying Shao was shocked, afraid of being chased by Cao Cao, and fled to Yuan Shao.

The second type: Cao Cao sent people to greet Cao Song, and there were more than a hundred trucks. Xuzhou Mutaoqian sent Du Wei Zhang Kai led two hundred cavalry escorts. Seeing money, Zhang Kai killed Cao Song between Huaxian County and Feixian County of Taishan County, snatched his property, and fled to Huainan. After receiving the news of Cao Song's death, Yizhou Mu Tao Qian immediately sent an envoy to **** the remains of Cao Song's family to Cao Cao's office, and Zhang Kai was wanted at the same time.

This incident happened in September of the first year of Jian'an. Because of this incident, the world was immediately enveloped by the **** wind.

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