New Story of Lv Bu

: : The peace-loving Ruo Rong

"That's how it happened. As soon as the news of Cao Song's family death in Huaxian County, Taishan County, Xuzhou spread, the whole world was shaken." In the simple house on Niuzhu Mountain, Zhang Zhao talked eloquently in the face of Sun Ce. Talk. "Cao Mengde is one of the world's most heroic heroes, but his father died in Xuzhou. In any case, he will definitely not be able to swallow this breath. He will definitely retaliate."

"The trio of Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde, and Yuan Gonglu went west to knock at the pass, and after the defeat of King Wen Lu Bu, the situation in the world became obvious. Now that King Wen is recuperating and restoring, he will not make a big move in the next three to five years. Cao Mengde He has been coveting Xuzhou, a wealthy land for a long time. Now that he has this excuse, he will definitely not let it go. He sent troops this time, and the world was immediately chaotic."

"Yuan Benchu ​​is Cao Mengde's ally, and he will definitely help him, probably to punch Beihai and get the best of Qingzhou. As for Tao Gongzu, he will probably ask for help from the princes of the world, even at the cost of Xuzhou. Xuzhou is almost not anyway. It’s better to give it to someone else than to Cao Mengde. Also, will King Wen send troops? Will it take Cao Mengde’s lair?

"Zibu's words are great!" Upon hearing these words, Zhang Hong, who had been sitting aside for a long time, finally spoke. "At present, what the princes of the world are concerned about is how Cao Mengde retaliates. Is it to use all the soldiers to kill Xuzhou, the gods to kill the gods, the Buddhas to kill the Buddha, and to kill all the Tao Gongzu family? Or to take this breath for the time being? , To blackmail a large amount of money and food from Tao Gongzu, or even land in one or two counties? No matter which way Cao Mengde goes, it will have a profound impact on the current situation, whether everyone is in a group or continues to rest. In my opinion, Cao Mengde has coveted Xuzhou for many years. , Such a good excuse for sending troops, he will never give up!"

Zhang Hong finished speaking. He raised his eyes and fixedly looked at Sun Ce. At this moment, Sun Ce's face seemed unwavering, as if an old monk entered Ding. However, his heart was full of ups and downs. After a while, he finally made a decision. "Zigang and Zibu, since the two judges are the same, they both think that Cao Cao will definitely send troops to fight Xuzhou, then we will use this opportunity. We will do our best to capture Jiangdong as soon as possible to become a king. I don't know what Erjun thinks?"

"The lord is clever! This is an excellent opportunity given by heaven, and you must not miss it!" Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong hurriedly bowed their hands.

Ruo Rong was very clever. He thought about it again and again, and finally decided that Cao Mengde would do his best to attack Xuzhou. There are probably two reasons why he has not sent troops now: First, he does not know the reaction of Wen Wang Lu Bu, whether he will take advantage of his attack on Xuzhou to dig out his lair. Second, he is not yet ready for war, or he is ready to hit Tao Gongzu a stick first, then use Tao Gongzu's money to support his army, and then go to fight Tao Gongzu. In any case, Xuzhou is no longer inhabitable.

As a result, at the end of September, when the rumors all over Xuzhou were raging and the gentry and the people were like frightened birds, Ruo Rong led more than 30,000 soldiers and believers, men, women and children to the south and came to Guangling County. Guangling County is under the jurisdiction of the Xuzhou Municipal Bureau of Governors and is located in the southeast of Xuzhou, facing Yangzhou across the Yangtze River. Ruo Rong's original intention was to temporarily live in Guangling, and once the situation was unfavorable, he would immediately cross the river to avoid disaster.

Guangling County, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Yuanshou three years, changed Jiangdu Kingdom to Guangling Kingdom, leading the four counties of Guangling, Jiangdu, Gaoyou, and Pingan, and ruled Guangling County. In the fifth year of Yuan Feng, Guangling was under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou. In the first year of the founding of Wang Mang, Guangling was changed to Jiangping County, and Guangling County was changed to Anding County. At the beginning of the establishment of Wu in this dynasty, Jiangping County was changed to Guangling County, Anding County Fuguangling County, belonging to Xuzhou. In the first year of Yongping, Guangling County was changed to Guangling County. In ten years, Guangling County was abandoned and reverted to Guangling County. In 14 years, Liu Yuanshou was also named Guangling Hou, and his hometown was six counties, the capital of which was in Guangling County. In the third year of Emperor Shun Yonghe, Guangling County led the eleven counties of Guangling, Jiangdu, Gaoyou, Ping'an, Ling, Dongyang, Sheyang, Yandu, Yu, Tangyi, and Haixi. Guangling County has the Yangtze River in the south and the sea in the east, and has the benefit of fish and salt. Therefore, there are rich products and the people are rich.

At this time, the prefect of Guangling County was Zhao Yu. Zhao Yu, the character is up, was born in Langya, Xuzhou. Zhao Yu is very interesting. To tell the truth, he is a model cultivated by the Confucian education in his dynasty. When Zhao Yu was thirteen years old, his mother fell ill, and the disease was ill for three months, and it still did not heal. Zhao Yu served decoctions every day, so that he lost his eyelashes and was so thin that he lost his face.

Seeing her mother's sickness day by day, Zhao Yu held a handful of corn and went out for divination and prayed so earnestly that blood was crying out of her eyes. Strangely enough, his mother's illness has since healed! When this matter spread, Xianglu's elders praised him for his filial piety. The dynasty always paid attention to filial piety, and Zhao Yu immediately became famous in Langya. He became a student of Qi Wujun in Dongguan, learning "The Story of Gongyang". It was said at the time that Zhao Yu studied very hard and was dizzy when he was studying. He didn't even look at the vegetable garden outside the window.

This is how the scholars of this dynasty described Zhao Yu: "Until the past years, I will not see the garden and see him in person. When I enter Dingsheng, my parents will be paid back soon. Highly honest and upright, standing with ceremonies, Qingying and Yanke, Do not want to do anything; Jingshan is to revitalize, and evil is to correct the vulgar. The state and county call for a call, often saying that the disease should not be ill. The state ministers Tanmo and Chen Zun call together and can't afford it; Xiaolian, in addition to Juchang, preached the five religions, and government was the national model. There would be yellow turbans, and the five counties and counties of Luliang would send troops to do it first. Xuzhou Governor Shiba only expressed the first merit, when he was moved, Yu Shen was ashamed. The commissioner returned home. Xuzhou Mu Taoqian started to do his own work, but his speech was ill-fated. Modesty and humility ordered Yangzhou to engage in Kuaiji Wu Fan’s decree, and Yu kept his will. If he wanted to be punished, he would rise. Tao Qian placed Guangling as the prefect."

A Confucian student, a maid of filial piety, hardworking to learn, willing to be indifferent, not admiring riches and honors?????? All these things happen in different ways, such a person is simply the perfect person in the eyes of the famous celebrities in this dynasty! As a result, Zhao Yu's entry into the officialdom was inevitable. Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian's sea has been floating and sinking for many years, naturally knowing that Guan Qiao'er is among them, he used punishment to force him, and finally solved the trick for Zhao Yu.

Among the celebrities of this dynasty, there are not a few people with great talents. They can lead the army, dismiss the horse and fuse the people, and can get the martial arts. However, there are not a few people who can't do big things and don't want to do small things. For people like Zhao Yu to be a wine sacrifice or a division in the Imperial College, it is worthwhile. Appointing him to be the prefect is a bit absurd, and things will go wrong sooner or later.

Ruo Rong's original intention was to first come to Guangling County and settle down for the time being, first to look at the direction of the wind. If the matter is not serious, he will surrender to Cao Cao. Anyway, Cao Mengde wants to fight Tao Gongzu, and he and Tao Gongzu have old grudges and new enemies, so we can just fight with him. If Cao Mengde didn't agree, and Guangling County and Yangzhou were facing each other across the river, we got on the boat and ran to Yangzhou in a hurry. Once we have passed the Yangtze River, we will be safe. Even if you Cao Mengde has tens of thousands of soldiers, but you don't have a navy? What can you do with me?

In Zhao Yu's eyes, Ruo Rong is a Buddhist who pays attention to compassion and should be a peace-loving person. There are another 30,000 believers under his command, more than 10,000 troops, and 3,000 horses. Yangzhou, which has always been weak in military strength, is really an important force. That being the case, why didn't he show his favor and threaten him, and simply incorporated this army as his own capital to defend Guangling?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu couldn't help being very excited. So, he personally went out to welcome Ruo Rong as a distinguished guest, personally greeted Ruo Rong in the city of Guangling, and set up a grand banquet to entertain Ruo Rong and his subordinates. This is the sadness of a nerd like Zhao Yu. The most difficult thing in the world is the human heart. You treat others with compassion in your heart, and the one you treat with compassion may be the jackal, tiger and leopard.

Since coming to Guangling County, Ruo Rong has been coveted by the rich products, the benefits of fish and salt, and even the wealth of the people in Guangling County. Seeing what Zhao Yu was doing, Ruo Rong was completely relieved. After careful planning, at a banquet, Ruo Rong personally beheaded Zhao Yu in the name of toasting.

After killing Zhao Yu and robbing Guangling County completely, Ruo Rong had to think carefully about where to go to settle down. If it was said that it was only withholding grain, grass and money privately, now it is looted by soldiers, Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian will never let him go. Now that he has torn his face with Tao Qian, Cao Cao, after hearing of his notoriety, probably has no intention of soliciting.

So, where do you and the 30,000 congregants under your command go? Where can the bones be buried again? After much deliberation, Ruo Rong thought of a person: Xue Li, the former Xuzhou Peng Chengguo minister. Xue Li and Tao Qian were at odds and led their subordinates to cross the Yangtze River south. They are now stationed in Moling in the northern part of Danyang County. Since the big guys have offended Tao Qian, why not unite the soldiers and keep warm together?

The plan has been decided, Ruo Rong collects the ships, crosses the Yangtze River and heads south to Moling, Danyang County, and went to Xue Li. Hearing that Ruo Rong led the army to come, Xue Li was overjoyed immediately. The big guys are all enemies of Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian, and the monks will be able to unite and fight against Tao Qian if they don't kiss their hats. Since then, Xue Li put on a banquet and treated Ruo Rong with great hospitality. Ruo Rong was not polite. When the wine was hot, he repeated the same trick again and killed Xue Li on the spot at the banquet, annexed his tribe, and turned around. He took refuge in Liu Yao.

At this time, it is the end of the first year of Jian'an. At the end of the year, the short peace is about to end.

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