New Story of Lv Bu

: : Xiaobawang Sun Bofu

At the beginning of January of the second year of Jian'an, just after Zhengdan, seeing that the food collection area was almost ready, Sun Ce ordered the department to prepare armor and equipment and prepare to attack Jiangdong. At this time, he had five to six thousand elites, and three to four thousand newly recruited county soldiers were all assigned to Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Zhou Yu, Lu Fan and others. Because Yuan Shu refused to let him go, Zhu Zhi's subordinate was still in Jiujiang County.

In the first battle of the new year, Sun Ce aimed at Ruo Rong. Since beheading Xue Li and annexing Xue Li's subordinates, Ruo Rong has supported more than 20,000 soldiers. Ruo Rong, smart is smart, but it's just little smart. He thought he had an army of 20,000, and Sun Ce's subordinates were full of 5,000 or 6,000. How could he dare to touch the stone with the egg? Wait for the new year to clean him up.

Sun Ce's army marched swiftly, and there were more than a thousand old men from Wucheng Hou Sunjian and more than a thousand sects as the backbone. Everyone fought for the first place without fear of death. With an order from Sun Ce, the whole army set off from Niuzhu Mountain, headed straight for Moling, and attacked Moling in the early hours of the morning. Ruo Rong was caught off guard in this battle, beheading five hundred, Ruo Rong abandoned the tribe and fled.

Sun Cejun got off to a good start in the first battle of the year, and the morale of the whole army immediately became like a rainbow. However, bad news came the next day that Niuzhu Mountain was captured. What is going on here? It turns out that since the end of last year, Sun Ce led his troops to defeat Liu Yao's generals Fan Neng, Zhang Ying, and Yu Mi, and captured Hengjiang and Dangli, these three people have been thinking about taking it back. Therefore, they spread their work extensively, staring at Niuzhu Mountain closely, and when they heard that Sun Ce's army was coming out, the three immediately sent troops.

Hearing that Niuzhushan base camp had fallen, Sun Ce couldn't help but become angry. Ruo Rong had a lot of soldiers, and most of them were congregations. He was not afraid of death before he had to come out. However, he attacked Ruorong and seized Moling, but Fan Neng, Zhang Ying, and Yu Mi led their troops to attack and seize Niuzhu Mountain. Sneak attackers are always being attacked by others. Is this a **** joke made by the thief God to Lao Tzu?

"No! Niuzhu Mountain is our base camp, we absolutely cannot give up. Besides, Niuzhu Mountain traverses the river, cutting off our way back, we must take it back!" Sun Ce thought for a moment, and immediately made a decision. "Demou, Yigong, please garrison your two veterans at Moling to prevent Ruorong from coming to attack the city. I, Gongjin and Ziheng, led three thousand elites, and regained Niuzhu Mountain day and night!"

"Never!" Cheng Pu immediately shook his head when he heard this. "At present, we don't know how many enemy troops there are on Niuzhu Mountain, and how Fan Neng, Zhang Ying, and Yu Mi have deployed their defenses. If we rush forward like this, I'm afraid I will be in an ambush." ​​"Demou, Niu Zhushan is holding me tight. The throat of the army must be regained. This is one of them. Even you don’t even think that I will lead the elite to return to the teacher immediately. Fan Neng, Zhang Ying, and Yu Mi can't even think of it. Two of them. With these two Tiao'er, this battle is bound to be a complete victory."

Sun Ce smiled slightly and said loudly. Immediately, he, Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, and Lu Fan selected the elite three thousand and went straight to Niuzhu Mountain. Let alone, on Niuzhu Mountain, Liu Youjun was very guarded. The last time he was attacked by Sun Ce to take Hengjiang and Dangli, the three of Fan Neng suffocated. This time he attacked Niuzhu Mountain, although he reported his revenge, Sun Ce would definitely attack him.

Seeing Liu Yao's army on Niuzhu Mountain was heavily guarded, the soldiers under Sun Ce were a little moved. "Today, my Sun Ce wants to imitate my father Wu Chenghou and ascend first in every battle! Masters, success or failure is now! Come with me!" Sun Ce roared, turned off his horse, and waved the big spear in his hand. Killed Niuzhu Mountain. "Wansheng!" "Wansheng!" "Wansheng!" Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, and Lu Fan roared three times and followed them with their weapons. Seeing that the lord was so brave, the soldiers immediately shouted desperately.

"Kill them all! Keep them under the mountain!" When Sun Cejun came to the mountain, Fan Neng and others hurriedly swung their troops to cover up. On this Niuzhu Mountain, the two armies shook the sky and began a large-scale fight. At the same time, Liu Yao's army on Niuzhu Mountain was like a rain of arrows, surrounded by thousands of siege, but Sun Ce completely ignored, rushed to the forefront, and went straight to the flags of Fan Neng, Zhang Ying, and Yu Mi. Sun Cejun rushed up the mountain and was driven off by Liu Yaojun, then rushed up, and was driven down again. This was repeated seven times.

In the meantime, Sun Ce personally shot the arrow, rushing to the forefront every time, not even knowing that he had hit two arrows on his shoulder. Fortunately, they were all slightly injured, and after a simple dressing, Sun Ce continued to rush to the forefront. From hour to hour, the two armies fought for three hours. Liu Youjun finally collapsed, and Fan Neng, Zhang Ying, and Yu Mi fled. Sun Cejun fought desperately and finally boarded Niuzhu Mountain.

In this battle, Sun Ce army captured more than 10,000 people and beheaded three thousand ranks. Since then, the name of Sun Ce "Little Overlord" has reverberated throughout Jiangdong. After recapturing Niuzhu Mountain, Sun Ce had just settled down, and suddenly a small army came to report, and an army came from Liyang to Liyang. Sun Ce hurriedly gave orders to purge the army and welcome reinforcements. Soon after, Wu Jing and Sun Ben led thousands of people there.

"Bo Fu, I didn't expect you to be so brave in battle! The name of the'Little Overlord' now resounds through Jiangdong." As soon as they met, Wu Jing gave Sun Ce a slight hammer. Said with a smile and praised. "Uncle, in this battle, even though we have retaken Niuzhu Mountain, the strength of Ruo Rong, Fan Neng, Zhang Ying, and Yu Mi is still there. The best way is to gather and wipe them out. I have a plan, just like this. So, like this, I don't know what the uncle and brother want?" Sun Ce lowered his voice and said a few words softly.

"This is a clever plan! It will succeed. We should follow the plan!" As soon as Sun Ce finished speaking, Wu Jing was overjoyed.

"What are you talking about? When the bully Sun Ce attacked Niuzhu Mountain, Zhongjian was seriously injured? Really?" Ruo Rong jumped up as soon as he heard the subordinates' words like this. He held a crowd of 20,000 in Moling, but was caught off guard by Sun Ce's 7,000 Infantry Army. "Prefect, it is true, true! I pretended to be a small army in Sun Ce's army. I climbed up the mountain personally. After all the hardships, I found out. Sun Ce's residence is full of strong medicinal flavors. ."

The boss swears and swears. "So, is it true in all likelihood?" Ruo Rong let out a sigh of relief and sat down slowly. Sun Ce must be the first to fight every battle. He is extremely brave in battle. Now he is seriously injured, just taking advantage of his illness to kill him! "Go, send a messenger to contact Fan Neng, Zhang Ying, and Yu Mi. Our family will join forces with them, attack Niuzhu Mountain, and take Sun Ce's head!" Ruo Rong thought for a while before speaking. After all, in name, Ruorong is still Liu Yao's trilogy.

Ruo Rong joined forces with Fan Neng, Zhang Ying, and Yu Mi and went straight to Niuzhu Mountain. Halfway through the road, he received news of Sun Ce's death. "Four adults! Great happy event! To report to Malay, the crying on Niuzhu Mountain is so loud that the sky is full of weeping. It is said that Sun Ce died of his injuries and is dead!" Junhou, who was in charge of the sentry, was sweaty and his face was full of sweat. Cross-hand salute, panting loudly.

"Very good! To send orders to the entire army, speed up the march, and take advantage of Sun Cejun's unsteadiness to take down Niuzhu Mountain in one fell swoop!" Upon hearing this, the four of Ruorong were overjoyed. The four men urged the army to kill Niuzhu Mountain. Seeing that it was about ten miles away, a cavalry of more than a hundred men appeared in front of him. The leader was a young general, with red lips and white teeth, handsome and unrestrained.

"Wu Naliu thief, a certain Zhou Yu under General Chan Kou, come and come, you and I fight for three hundred rounds!" When the four of Ruo Rong were seen, the young general slapped his horse and danced his sword and rushed straight up. "Rush up! Kill them all!" Ruo Rong ordered loudly. Seeing that Niuzhu Mountain is about to be reached, where does he have the kung fu to fight Zhou Yu? Seeing the army coming, Zhou Yu pulled a horse and rode away with more than a hundred horses.

"Hahahahahahaha! It turned out to be a good one! Rush to Niuzhu Mountain! Take the head of Sun Ce's Xiangshang!" Upon seeing this scene, the four of Ruo Rong burst into laughter. The army rushed for more than ten miles, and it was under Niuzhu Mountain. Only a trumpet can be heard. There were flags everywhere. Cheng Pu was in the north, Han Dang in the south, and Huang Gai in the east, each urging troops and horses. Cover up and kill Liu Yaojun.

To the west is Niuzhu Mountain, and the flag passing by the gate of the mountain, a young general immediately under the banner of Sun, surrounded by Zhou Yu, Lu Fan, and Sun He, behind him are hundreds of fine riders. "Ruorong! Do you still know your grandfather Sun?" Sun Ce yelled, slapped his horse and spear, and rushed straight to Ruorong. Seeing Sun Ce's death and coming back to life, Liu Youjun knew immediately that he had been in an ambush, and quickly backed away without mentioning it.

However, Liu Youjun was charging forward, his face was extremely wide, and there was no time to shrink the formation in a hurry. Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang and others were all veterans under the former Jiangdong tiger Sun Jian. When they saw the enemy's advance and retreat, they immediately slammed in, and coordinated with the frontal attacking Sun Ce to cut Liu Yao's army for a few minutes. The morale of Sun Cejun was like a rainbow, and Liu Yaojun was defeated.

In this battle, Ruo Rong was defeated by the four of them, and was beheaded by Sun Cejun at the level of 5,000, and the tribe was broken. After this battle, Sun Ce took advantage of the victory and marched eastward, and captured Moling, Hushu, Jiangcheng and other places to capture Danyang. Sun Ce is brave and good at fighting, knows people and has good responsibility, and administers the army strictly, winning the support of the people. Taking advantage of this advantage, Sun Ce sent troops to plunder the ground, and the army was invincible.

By the beginning of March of the second year of Jian'an, Sun Ce had conquered all the outlying strongholds in Qu'a. Liu You's army retreated step by step until it reached Qu'a. This was a strong foothold. Sun Ce pressed on step by step and led his troops to besiege Qu'a, with the intention of forcing Liu Yao to go out of the city for a decisive battle. However, Liu Yao allowed Sun Ce to insult in every possible way, but couldn't hold on. The two armies began a stalemate in Qu'a for several months.

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