New Story of Lv Bu

: : The Lu Family in Lujiang City escaped from the dead

In the second year of the Han Jian'an, on the first day of March, Lujiang City, the prefecture of Lujiang County, Yangzhou, Chenshi.

Looking around, the whole Lujiang city was ruined and ruined, and it was a bleak. In the whole city, except for the prefecture who was barely looking like the prefecture, 80% of the houses had no roof, and they were barely covered with reed mats and straws. The rafters and purlins, as well as the bricks and tiles, which were originally used as beams, have been stripped off to make rolling wood and stone. The treasury is empty, and mice can really be starved to death.

As early as two years ago, when Yuan Shu's troops had not yet besieged the city, Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, gave orders to persuade the people of Lujiang to take their families and take refuge out of the city, and wait until Yuan Jun decides the victory before returning home. There are two advantages to this. One is to save food consumption in the city. The second is to avoid hurting the innocent. Wu Jun’s Lu Family and Yuan Shu went into full-scale war for the reputation of the Jiangdong natives, as well as the courage and courage to fight to the death. Don't be underestimated by the Nanyang people, the Wu Jun family! It doesn't have much relationship with the ordinary people.

Now, this battle has been fought for two years in a row, the army in Lujiang City is almost exhausted, the defenders have suffered heavy casualties, and the city will be destroyed. In the past two years, the Lu Yu and Lu Kang brothers led hundreds of Lu family children and more than 10,000 soldiers and horses to fight **** battles. They lost half of their lives. Yuan Shujun, who was killed outside the city, lost his helmet and unarmed, and suffered heavy casualties. But Yuan Jun's soldiers were very broad, and he died wave after wave, which was really difficult.

Lu Yu's uniformed sword, guarded by more than a hundred soldiers, slowly patrolled the city. Wherever he went, there were ruined walls and desolation. Among the broken bricks, there is not even a wild dog. Lujiang has been besieged for two years, and the consumption of food and salaries has been increasing day by day. If the imperial court hadn't continuously sent grain transport teams to exchange food and grass for the Lu family's wealth, the city of Lujiang would have been breached long ago. However, even so, the two-year war also brought down the entire Lu family. Two hundred children died in the battle and their wealth was exhausted.

Is this battle worth it? Lu Yu asked himself again. Is it really worth it to run out of family wealth, and the young and strong in the clan, just for a belief? To be honest, in the two years since Lujiang was besieged, he asked himself more than once. Every time the answer is: it is worth it! With the power of a county in Lujiang, Yuan Shu's army was dragged for two years, and Yuan Jun's resources were almost exhausted. Looking at the world, besides the Wu Jun Lu family, who can outperform this kind of military exploits? Yuan Jun's paper tiger's power was beaten back to its original form!

Lu Yu wore a scarlet cloak, topped with a helmet, and a sword with his right hand. He walked in the almost deserted city of Lujiang, not caring about the huge holes in the cloak and the dripping blood on his armor. He stopped from time to time, chatted with the wounded soldiers, and made two crude jokes. The full of witty words caused the soldiers to burst into laughter, and the tension was immediately eliminated.

"Young man! How is your body recovering? Will you still be able to fight tomorrow?" Lu Yan patted a lightly wounded soldier on the shoulder and asked narrowly with his eyes. "Give you a girl, can you still play?" "How can't? At least three!" the young soldier roared with a flushed face, and he answered the first half sentence. "Good body! It's a pity that the old man's horse has already sacrificed to the five internal organs temple, otherwise, a large piece of horse meat will surely fill you up!" Lu Hao suddenly enlightened and laughed.

Boom?????? At this time, the soldiers around all laughed. Old General Lu is so witty!

After finally ending the daily routine patrols that could not be touched by wind, rain and thunder, Lu Hong rushed back to the Prefectural Mansion as a car, and his face darkened as soon as he entered the door. "Go and see where the prefect and Captain Dingwei are, and ask them to come over immediately. I have something to discuss." Lu Yu said solemnly. The prefect refers to Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, who is also the younger brother of Lu Yu. Captain Dingwei refers to his direct grandson Lu Xun Lu Boyan, who has been promoted to Captain Dingwei for more than a year. As for his son Lu Jun, he was naturally ignored.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Kang, who was full of thoughts, and Lu Xun, who was full of energy, drifted over. At this time, Lu Hao was sitting behind the case, looking at the huge map on the carpet in front of him. "I have seen my elder brother!" "I have seen my grandfather!" Lu Kang and Lu Xun hurriedly saluted. "Sit!" Lu Hao raised his head from the map and fixedly looked at the two in front of him. "You two are called today for the lives and deaths of the inland family members of Lujiang City. Yuan Jun has been besieging the city for two years, and our army is already in poverty. How should we deal with it next. Whether the war should be surrendered or break through, I want to hear from you. His opinion.” Lu Yu finally finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at both Lu Kang.

"This???" Lu Kang groaned for a moment before he slowly spoke. "Absolutely cannot surrender! Once you surrender, let alone how Yuan Shu, who will report to you, treats my Lu family, the battle for the past two years has been in vain. The only plan for the present is to break through! In my opinion, it should be chosen. A strong soldier, break through towards Yuzhou! It's one to stand out! It's better than waiting to die!"

"Oh! I see. Boyan, what's your opinion?" Lu Hao looked at Lu Xun, his face full of kindness. "Grandfather! Uncle grandfather!" Lu Xun first gave a salute to Lu Yu and Lu Kangshen, before speaking slowly. "According to my child, Lujiang City has fought Yuan Shujun for two years, and it has been enough to explain to the Jiangdong family. If you continue to fight, you will end up with the death of the clan, and you can't fight anymore."

"As for surrendering Yuan Shu, it is even more undesirable! Lujiang City resisted for two full years, and unexpectedly surrendered. Not only did the battle for the past two years have been in vain, it was also difficult to face the great families of the world. This is also the case. Yuan Shu recklessly, endlessly. In internal affairs, a poor soldier is definitely not a person to rely on. This is the second thing. Even if it is surrender, Yuan Shu treats my Lu family with mutual benefit. This is the third thing."

"With these three points, my Lu family absolutely cannot surrender! What's left is to break through the encirclement. However, our army lost all mules and horses, and seven or eight soldiers were injured. That's right." At this point, Lu Xun's eyes were full of goblins. "If what I expected is not bad, the court will definitely save it with all its strength, and I will wait for the good news."

A word to wake up the person in the dream, this moment, both Lu Yu and Lu Kang were greatly moved. "Hey! Bo Yan's expectation is really not bad!"

The next day, the second day of March, was a sunny day. At the beginning of the Spring Festival, the breeze was fascinating, with the fragrance of grass, exuding the scent of flowers. There are no clouds in the sky, and the sky is full of blue canopy. The sun hangs high, radiating wisps of warmth, shining warmth on the body. If there were no densely packed soldiers outside Lujiang City, Lu Xun couldn't help but want to take out the pen and paper, and chant a poem on the spot, expressing the restless thoughts of ancient times in his heart. How can the enemy besieged thousands of times, how can it be!

Woo?????? Outside Lujiang City, the whimper horn sounded, Boom! Boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! The agitated drums of war sounded. "Go forward! Capture Lujiang City, without sealing the sword for three days! No, five days!" Yuan Shujun's chief Zhang Xun, riding on the horse, waved vigorously. Today’s battle will surely capture Lujiang City. Little bully Sun Ce besieged Lujiang for several months, and now, Lujiang City is at your fingertips! The Lujiang prefect, who was promised by Lord Yuan Gonglu, finally became a real post.

"Order the whole army! Resist to the end! At this time today, my Lu family will fight until the last soldier, and will not surrender Yuan Shu! Today next year will be the day of my death!" Lu Hao stood on the top of the city and said loudly. Shouted. "Resistance to the end!" "Let the people of Nanyang know how powerful Wu Jun people are!" "Swear to the death!" In an instant, the two or three thousand soldiers remaining on the city's head raised their arms and shouted together.

Accompanied by the whimpering horns and the vigorous drums of war, Yuan Shujun began to stride forward outside Lujiang City. Their eyes shone with fanaticism. After two years of besieging the city, they were finally able to blast down. All the anger and anger will be turned into burning, killing and looting, like a pouring rain, poured on the heads of the people in Lujiang City. Lujiang City, here we are! Children Yubo, just now!

At this moment, when Lujiang City was about to fall, smoke rose from the northwest. It seemed that there were thousands of cavalry. For a while, everyone was stunned. "Grandfather, it must be King Wen's reinforcements here!" Lu Xun said slowly, pressing his sword with his right hand. At this moment, he suddenly thought of Lingqi in Luoyang City. Lingqi, have not seen me for two years, have you missed me?

That smoke and dust shook the sky repeatedly, and went straight up into the sky, and when I looked at it, I knew it was a top-notch elite. A quarter of an hour later, two thousand fine riders appeared outside the city of Lujiang, the leader of which was a young and strong man. "Call!" He rushed towards Zhang Xun's flag, and slammed his horse a hundred steps away. The violent yellow peony slammed its forefoot into the air, whispered a long hiss, and shook everyone's eardrums. "Mo, it is the third grade Guanglu Shaoqing under the command of King Wen, the general Chen arrived!"

Having said this, Chen Dao turned his right hand, and a red flag suddenly appeared in his hand. The wind was blowing, the wind was strong, and it was blowing towards Yuan Shujun along the red flag, causing the red flag to be hunting and hunting. Chen Dao's voice sounded like thunder. "Gentlemen Yuan Jun, listen! This side is the red flag in the Wen's army! When the red flag comes out, you will never die! Even in the corners of the world, you must go north to chase death! King Wen sent me to come and just asked Yuan Gonglu a word. Son! King Wen wants to pick up the remnant army in Lujiang City, do you wait to comply?"

"If I obey, then it's fine! If I don't, I will come out with a red flag, and lead the two thousand troops under my command to capture the flag, and all the others will be killed on the spot!" The wind finally weakened and became gentle. A lot. Looking at the red flag in Chen Dao's hand, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers above and below the city were all bewildered. "Long live King Wen!" Above the city, the remnant Lu family immediately burst into joy. Everyone was full of tears and wept loudly. The pain and sadness of the rest of a hundred battles are all released at this moment.

"Ling: withdraw troops for twenty miles! Waiting to accept Lujiang City!" Zhang Xun sighed, waved his right hand, and roared loudly.

Dangdangdangdang! Dangdangdangdang! The heavily armed Yuan Shujun generally retreated, and the Lu family was saved!

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