New Story of Lv Bu

: : It seems that Tao Gongzu can hold on

On the tenth day of March in the second year of the Han Dynasty, early noon, Yangzhou, the prefecture of Jiujiang County, Shouchun, Yangzhou Pastoral Mansion.

Yangzhou Mu Yuan Shu is having lunch. On top of a huge case table in front of him, there are many jade plates and delicacies, each plate and each plate are carefully made. Not only the color, fragrance, and taste are delicious, but also the steam is steaming, and a thin mist is brewing in the big house. Yuan Shu wears a high crown on his head and a splendid suit. He is leaning on a pile of brocade mattresses, carefully looking at the documents.

"So, Lujiang County has finally been captured by Zhang Xun?" Yuan Shu gently put down the paperwork in his hand, raised his right hand, and asked slowly. That document was written by Zhang Xun, the prefect of Lujiang, with a brilliant pen, which did his best to capture Lujiang. Although in the end the dramatic scene of "a red flag frightening the 100,000 soldiers of the Yangzhou Army" brought Yuan Shu a little bit of discomfort, but if Yuan Shu was present, he would have to deal with it in the same way as Zhang Xun. how? Could it be that the Yangzhou Army still wants to go to war with the Lu Bu Army? A hundred thousand army will surely be able to kill two thousand fine knights, but how to deal with it in the future?

That's it! What I want is only Lujiang City and Lujiang County, not the defeated generals of the Lu family. It's going to rain, mother wants to marry, let him go! Lu Bujun's combat power, Yuan Shu, he knew well, the combat power of these two thousand fine knights was a hundred thousand paces! Thinking of this, the scene of the former defeat by the Silver Fox Ghost Army suddenly appeared in front of Yuan Shu's eyes. The defeat in that battle was really terrible!

"Congratulations to the lord! Congratulations to the lord! Lujiang City has finally been captured! In this way, Xiao Xiao and the rebels in Yangzhou will be quiet! The lord can also send a strong team to fight for Xuzhou." Looking at Yuan Shu's expression, Yan Xiang, who was sitting at the bottom of the head, hurriedly folded his hands and replied. He followed Yuan Shu for several years, and the thoughts of Lord Yuan, he was naturally clear.

"It's like a king's words! Come and come! You and I have a drink together!" When Yan Xiang said this, Yuan Shu's face immediately turned cloudy, and he raised his drink and said loudly. "Yan Xiang congratulates the lord! Congratulations to the world!" Yan Xiang quickly and respectfully raised the wine cup, then covered his face with his big sleeves, raised his neck and dried it! "Congratulations to the world!" Yuan Shu also raised his wine cup, covered his face with his big sleeves, and drank it all in one go.

The two of them put down their wine cups and talked while eating. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the monarch and the minister began to talk about business. "Cao Mengde personally raised 60,000 horse infantry and attacked Xuzhou eastward. Where did he hit now?" Yuan Shu asked slowly. "Cao Mengde's army was very sharp. He defeated Tao Qian in Pengcheng, the county seat of Pengcheng State, and Tao Qian retreated east to defend the county of Donghai County. Cao Cao failed to attack the county. In Qiu Zhucheng, the five counties of Xuzhou, Cao Mengde has already acquired Pengcheng and Xiapi."

At the time of Emperor Wu of this dynasty, the world was divided into 405 prefectures and thirteen states, and the Xuzhou Municipal Bureau was one of them. Subsequently, the names of the prefectures and their territories were often changed. After Guangwu Zhongxing, Xuzhou had five prefectures: Langya County, Donghai County, Pengcheng County, Xiapi Kingdom, and Guangling County, and Yan County was the site of Xuzhou Provincial Governor. When Tao Qian Tao Gongzu took over as Xuzhou pastoralist, Yanxian was still governed.

"That said, Cao Mengde was aggressive, and he took Pengcheng in one go. Then he pursued his victory and continued to attack Tao Qian's Lao Chao Yan County. He hoped that he would go down, but he did not expect to conquer. As a last resort, he divided his troops and attacked the Lower Pi country. Tao Gongzu has been in Yanxian for a few years, the city is high, and the soldiers are well-stocked. It seems that Cao Mengde and Tao Gongzu will stay in Yanxian for a while!"

Yuan Shu drank another drink, and then said slowly. "The Lord clearly sees Wanli! That's true! Cao Mengde's journey along the way, all the cities that did not surrender have been slaughtered by soldiers, adultery and burning are all done, and city massacres have also occurred from time to time, which has long aroused the anger of the world's famous elites. Before leaving, the three clans of Bian Rang were wiped out, and for a while, the world was fierce, full of curses."

Yan Xiang put down his chopsticks and said with his hands. "Thinking that Tao Qian Tao Gongzu is also an old fox who has been doing things for a thousand years. When he saw Cao Cao's extinction of humanity and slaughtered the city at every turn, he immediately sent out a message to expose Cao Mengde's crimes and ask the heroes of the world for help. Alas! Cao Mengde has done too much in this matter. Some, within a thousand miles around Yanxian, dozens of powerful teams have already gone to support Tao Qian."

"Hey! What happened?" Yuan Shu was immediately surprised inexplicably. "Oh! This time, Cao Mengde has done a little too much! The three tribes were torn apart from the Yanzhou clan at the end of the extermination. The Xuzhou clan at every turn of the city slaughtered the city, but it was different from the Xuzhou clan! However, Xuzhou's. The aristocratic family has always been the leader of the Pi Chen family, the Donghai Mi family, and the Donghai Cao family. Unfortunately, these three aristocratic families are very tightly tied to Tao Gongzu. Even if Cao Mengde wants to recruit, people will disdain it, and it is better to kill simply. Good drop!"

Having said this, Yuan Shu suddenly stopped. Suddenly, he remembered his illegitimate brother of the maid girl. After the Kwantung Heroes Alliance failed to challenge Lu, Yuan Benchu's old nest, Jizhou, was lost, and he started Qingzhou's idea. At present, there are two great warlords in Qingzhou, one is Liu Bei, Xiang Yuan, and the other is Kong Rong in Beihai. Yuan Benchu ​​will definitely take the opportunity to attack them!

Qingzhou became a pot of porridge, and Xuzhou was full of flames. Looking at this situation, Cao Mengde and Tao Gongzu have been facing each other in Yan County for months or even more than a year. In the five counties of Xuzhou, the Pengcheng country and the Xia Pi country have fallen into the hands of Cao Mengde, the Donghai County is in the hands of Tao Gongzu, and the Langya County is in the north of Donghai County, adjacent to Qingzhou. From this point of view, probably only Guangling County is left for me.

"Pass the order! Three days later, order Ji Ling to lead the army to attack Guangling County!" Yuan Shu said aloud.

In the second year of Jian'an of the Han Dynasty, noon, March 12, Qingzhou, Pingyuan County, Pingyuan County, county government, Santang.

Liu Bei and Liu Xuande, the prefect of the board of directors of the plains, are eating rice. Compared with Yangzhou Mu Yuan Shu, Liu Xuande's lunch seems much plain, not only plain, but also plain! Pingyuan Prefect Liu Bei, Zuo Duwei Guan Yu, Right Duwei Zhang Fei, and the main book Jian Yong were seated separately for the guest and the host. In front of each person, besides a pot of fish and sheep stew, there were only four kinds of vegetables. Up. Fortunately, the newly harvested corn and the sesame and steamed buns from Bingzhou are still enough. The three tall plates in front of everyone are steaming.

"My lord, Governor Cao Mengde drove into Xuzhou with 60,000 steps. Wherever he went, he slaughtered the city at every turn, and only blood flowed into rivers. Surabaya was one of them. I heard that hundreds of thousands of people in Xuzhou were slaughtered. Everyone, most of them are old and weak women and children! It is really miserable! A few days ago, Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian sent a special envoy to request our army to send troops to support. In my opinion, the lord should send troops!"

Jian Yong was still like a pixelated day, leaning on a pile of brocade mattresses, stretching his legs diagonally, completely ignoring the presence of his lord Liu Xuande. "According to me, it doesn't matter if you send troops. First, you have to see if Tao Gongzu can survive! Don't let us just arrive, he is already defeated. Such a thousand-mile rescue, I think it is not worth the loss! If he does, It's worth saving if you have to live!" Zhang Fei was eating the soup dripping, and when he heard Jian Yong's words, he wiped his hands on the front of his chest and said loudly.

Guan Yu sat in a precarious manner, even if he was eating, he ate dignifiedly. Upon hearing Zhang Fei’s words, he put down his chopsticks and slowly said, “Brother, Tao Gongzu is still saved. Why? First, Yuan Benchu ​​will not be idle with Cao Mengde’s hands, as long as he finds Tao Gongzu can stand it. Surely they will do their best to kill in Qingzhou. My Pingyuan County is the first to bear the brunt!"

"Secondly, our entire army went south to rescue Xuzhou. In the eyes of the people of the world, it would be of great benefit to the elder brother's reputation. Third, in my opinion, Princess Tao may not be able to beat Cao Mengde in a field battle. , But according to the city, it must be possible to do it. Once our army comes out, this field battle will not be a problem. After repelling the Cao army, it will be possible to take root in Xuzhou!"

Seeing that both Guan Zhang and Jian Yong had expressed their opinions, Liu Bei smiled slightly and said slowly. "The three of you are all at the right point! In my opinion, in three to five years, King Wen will probably have to recuperate, and he won't be able to use his swords, but what will happen after three to five years? It must be a force of thunder, the wind will blow the clouds, the world will be cleaned, and the world will be mixed!"

"So, for the future of the four of our brothers, we still have to choose a good place and gather ten years of lessons before we can fight against the court. In my opinion, Tao Gongzu from Xuzhou must be saved. After saving Xuzhou , I will follow along in Xuzhou as soon as possible, in the future, in the future, perhaps Tao Gongzu will be grateful for my friendship and give Xuzhou to my four brothers, maybe!"

Liu Bei finally finished speaking. He glanced at Jian Yong with profound meaning, that was very clear, Xianhe, what I mean, you should be able to understand, right? Jian Yong had been following Liu Bei for a long time, and he was extremely clever, and he immediately understood the elegance of the song. He swept his head and said loudly: "Lord, I will set off for Yanxian tomorrow to contact the Donghai Moose, Cao, and Xiapi Chen family of the Xuzhou tribe. I will definitely be able to broadcast the master’s heart of boxing and fist, in the name of righteousness. In the world! When the lord's army arrives, the Xuzhou family will definitely be excited and overjoyed. They will eat the pot of syrup to welcome the king. Come and come! Jian Yong, congratulations to the Lord! Congratulations to the people of the world!"

"Hahahahahahaha!" Liu Bei let out a long laugh. "He who knows my heart, Xianheya! Three days later, the army will set off!"

"Hahahahahahaha!" Guan and Zhang also laughed for a long time. "I'm waiting to congratulate the Lord! Congratulate the world!"

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