New Story of Lv Bu

: : Ten Thousand Enemies, Shaking Thunder and Grenades

In the third year of Jian'an, Dahan, on May 24th, outside Luoyang City, Dahan’s capital, inside the secret workshop of the Ministry of Industry.

In front of me was a concrete and small city with a wall of five feet high and a radius of one mile. There were two gates on the north and south sides of the city. The flag is flying above the city, and the weather is severe, as if there are thousands of soldiers guarding it. This small concrete and small city is the place where the former Gong Cao Zhuan and the current Ministry of Industry conducted actual combat research. Under the city wall, there were spots of blood stained, quite a bit fishy.

On the high platform five hundred steps away from the small city, Wen Wang Lv Bu, Zhao Yijun Yan Yan, General Gao Shun, Shang Shu Zuo Pu shot, Business Secretary Wen Cao Shi Cao Yong, Guanglu Temple Qing, Rape General, Tiju There are five people in the shadow of Ma Zhong, each holding a clairvoyance in his hand, looking at that strong city. The Ministry of Industry Shangshu Lu Mo, the supervisor Yang Xiu, and the junior supervisor Cheng Gongying, with smiling faces, stood quietly behind them. Today, King Wen personally visited the secret workshop of the Ministry of Industry to test the new weapons of the Ministry of Industry.

Today, under the command of Wen Wang Lu Bu, the military system of the Han army is divided into two systems: the Chinese army and the foreign army. The Chinese army is the field army and the foreign army is the local garrison army. The foreign armies are united by states and counties. The prefecture has governors, and counties have prefects, generals and generals. In the Chinese army, the general Gao Shun commanded the four generals around the front and the back, under which there were generals with miscellaneous numbers, leaders, guards, generals, and lieutenants.

As one of the first two assistants of Wen Wang Lu Bu, the former general and Minister of War Shang Shu Hou Cheng was naturally highly valued by Wang Wen. Although his former general was two ranks lower than Gao Shun's general, he still served as a minister of war, as well as civil and military, which can be described as shining for a while. As early as half a month ago, Hou Chengcheng left Beijing, and this time he was sent out of Beijing, he received an order to inspect the military affairs of Xianbei, Karasuma and other border areas.

Da Sima Lu Bu was granted the title of King Wen, and the establishment of the system of King Wen's supervision of the state was tantamount to reforming the old and making new ones. He should be patrolling the nine sides with the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, inspiring morale, and investigating the evil and evil. At the same time that Hou Cheng was out of Beijing, the imperial doctor also sent twelve routes to supervise the imperial history and patrol the prefectures. Even Xianbei, Wuwan, Xiyu, and Guishuang were not spared. Both North Korea and China say that this is the prelude to the three years of Jingcha.

To be honest, Hou Cheng's trip to Beijing this time, in addition to his usual duties, also has an important mission. One is to train elite soldiers among foreign races outside the Great Wall, such as Xianbei and Karasuma, to enrich the horse army under the command of the 16th general. The second is to reassure the aliens outside the Great Wall, and to do both kindness and prestige, in order to obtain the effect of precaution. The third is to inspect the Wanli Xianbei grassland to investigate the matter of the reclamation army.

The last important task is to personally welcome the Xianbei Heavenly King Liu Qingcheng to return to Beijing. Liu Qingcheng is a Han Chinese. Since he was a child, he and the Xianbei Heavenly King Tan Shihuai and the Xianbei Nationalist Qiu Muling Hermione have risen to the army. After a hundred battles and arduous battles, they have created an extremely powerful Xianbei royal court. Liu Qingcheng's age is unknown to the world. According to Shadow's speculation, he is about 70 or 80 years old. Now that he is very old and old, he was brought to Beijing to be raised in order to show the court's favor and return his fallen leaves to his roots. At the same time, the children of the Xianbei nobles were selected as officials in Beijing.

"Hou Ziyu don't know where? I haven't seen him for half a month, so I miss him." Lu Bu smiled slightly and said slowly. "The military newspaper received yesterday shows that he has arrived in Jinyang. He is expected to stay in Jinyang for more than ten days before setting off for Jizhou and Youzhou. Then he will take the route through Liaodong to comfort Wuwan." Gao Shun's answer has always been concise. It is as decisive as the sound of gold and stone made of iron and steel.

"Ziyu became his own soldier, with great authority, and the first military official of the dynasty. With his own soldier, he would be like the emperor's visit. How could Ziyu be willing to miss this kind of return to the hometown? Fortunately, he has a lot of money and wisdom. Wushuang, I am determined not to miss major events. This time this soldier's tour is also a great event in this dynasty. First, don't you even order him to honor Chen's honor and show off his military might?"

Zhao Yijun Yan Yan glanced at Lu Bu and asked with a smile. "Madam has seen it! It's just that I have too many things, otherwise, I will go to my own house if this is a big show!" Lu Bu turned his face, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were smiling. "Fengxian, you and I have agreed that when Haiyan Heqing and the people live and work in peace, you and I will patrol the world together, how about?" Yan Yan smiled and stretched out the little finger of his right hand. "Madam's order, Bu dare not to obey?" Lu Bu also extended his right index finger, and the two gently hooked.

"Hahahahahahahaha! Fengxian, virtuous couples Qingqing you and me, are you all puppets?" Gao Shun laughed. "Okay! Xiao Shunzi, count you! And Hou Ziyu! Bring whatever the old brothers are willing to go!" Lu Bulang laughed, his face full of joy. The corner of Ma Zhong's mouth behind him couldn't help but bend a bit, and the escort's **** made it difficult for him to go on a tour like this.

"Lu Mo, let's start. I'm waiting for this time to come here to see your new weapons." Lu Bu said softly. He didn't look back, Lu Mo was his old ministry, and the days of following him were second only to Gao Shun and Hou Cheng, so naturally there is no need to be polite with him. "King Wen has ordered, the drill begins!" Lu Mo has been an official for many years, he has been a high-ranking official, he said aloud.

"Nuo!" The promise was heard loudly, and the Ministry of Industry, officials of all sizes and skilled craftsmen who were to be supervisors immediately became busy.

"This first weapon is the enemy of ten thousand people!" Lu Mo said loudly. "The so-called'ten thousand enemies' are hollow mud **** made of mud, with small holes around them, weighing about 80 jin. After drying, they are filled with gunpowder and mixed with toxic substances. When the enemy attacks the city, it is lit. When the fuze is thrown under the city, the flames will spray in all directions and rotate continuously to burn the enemy. At the same time, it will suffocate people with poisonous smoke."

Having said this, Lu Mo pointed to the front and saw a sergeant with a wet wipe on his face, throwing a huge round object under the city. The round object braved the hot flames, tumbling and spinning around, and in an instant, the city was enveloped by bursts of green smoke. The air was immediately filled with a choking smell, even if you were five hundred steps away, you still felt that the smell was extremely choking.

"This mud ball is just a simple version of the enemy of the 10,000 people, it is the lowest level of the enemy of the 10,000 people. It can also be filled with sharp objects such as kerosene and iron nails. The shell can also be made of pig iron or something made of pig iron. It is relatively fragile and the process is simple. After the gunpowder and kerosene in the enemy are mixed, it is ignited and exploded by the fuse. Within a hundred steps, it can break through three layers of heavy armor!"

Seeing the yellow-blue smoke of gunpowder under the head of the city 500 steps away gradually dissipated, Lu Mo waved his hand. Dozens of sergeants covered with wet wipes ran forward, put dozens of wooden poles on the ground, put three layers of armor on them, and then quickly left. At this moment, on the top of the city, another big smoker threw down. Only a bang was heard, the fire was blazing, and the sound shook the world.

After a while, the choking blue smoke gradually dissipated, and the air was full of burnt smells. Everyone raised the clairvoyance in their hands and took a closer look. Under the head of the city, dozens of wooden poles were swayed from side to side, and they were blown to pieces. The whole area was covered with fragments of armor and helmets. "Take those armors here!" Lu Mo shouted loudly with a wave of his right hand. After a while, more than ten pairs of armor appeared in front of everyone. The triple heavy armor has long been blown to pieces. It is not so much armor, as it is cowhide and iron fragments.

"Hey! These ten thousand enemies replaced the cast iron shell, plus black gunpowder and kerosene, they could have such a huge power! If it were to defend the city, it would be dropped from the head of the city when the crowd was raging, even if it was a hundred thousand foot soldiers. , I can't hold on for a quarter of an hour!" Gao Shun couldn't help but exclaimed. He is a good general after a hundred battles, the best at attacking and defending the city. When he saw such a killer weapon, he was immediately overjoyed. "General, this modified version of 10,000 enemies is called'Sky Shaking Thunder'. It is from the creativity of King Wen!" Lu Mo replied slowly.

"Hey! Such a powerful tool, turned out to be the first of your whimsical ideas? Come, let me take a look, what else is in your head?" Yan Yan moved back and forth, with affection in his eyes, just like a newly married The little daughter-in-law suddenly saw her husband returning home. "It turned out to be a fantastic idea from Wang Wen?" "Wen Wang is really a **** and man!" The high officials on the left and right were also inexplicably surprised.

"Masters, don't want to flatter me, please rest for a while! Let's talk about the next big killer!" Lu Bu said with a smile. "Come on! Let's test the power of the grenade!" Lu Molang said. "No!" was another promise. Hundreds of craftsmen and sergeants moved forward again, and put up a piece of wooden poles in the distance. The wooden poles were covered with heavy armor, two armors, and sleeve armors. The posture looked like a **** formation. . "That piece of wooden poles imitated a thousand-man infantry battle formation, including sword and shield soldiers, pikemen and crossbowmen. This is the most common battle formation in our Han army." Lu Mo spoke of finger painting. , Speak vividly.

With a burst of exciting drums, a team of steppers moved forward slowly, their bodies draped in light steel armor and iron helmets on their heads. There is a shirt over the steel armor, a guard ring between the neck, and the skirt just reaches the knee. Each of the more than fifty people wore a short sword around their waists, and the belt on their chest was densely packed with eight strange circular objects with wooden handles, presumably the hand grenades mentioned by Lu Mo.

"Rush up! Drop the bombs!" Seeing that the enemy's stride was only fifty or sixty steps away, only the leader of the army shouted violently, shaking the roof tiles. More than fifty people were divided into three groups, lighted the fire rope on the round thing, rushed forward, shouted, raised their hands and tossed! After a wave of shots are completed, a wave of shots are added, the cycle is endless, just like the three combos of a crossbowman.

Looking at the large formation of thousands of soldiers, the fire was shining, the sound of thunderbolt was loud, and in an instant, there was a blue smoke.

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