New Story of Lv Bu

: : Six months later, the world will be determined by World War I

The gunpowder dissipated slowly, and Lu Bu was the first to walk off the high platform and strode towards that small city. The idea of ​​this grenade, but he and Lu Mo talked about it in detail for three days before they could put it into practice. This idea is to blatantly plagiarize the "border-made" of later generations, as well as the indigenous method of making grenades at a certain period of time. If it can solve the firepower problem, even if it is a bit heavy, it will not be a big deal.

The thousand-person step formation in front of me was arranged in accordance with the battle formation of the Han army. The swordsmen and pikemen were in front, the crossbowmen were behind, and there was a light cavalry guard on the left and right wings. In the center of the phalanx is the guard of the coach. Between the two, there are many heavy soldiers, medical craftsmen, hundreds of workers, and medical soldiers. In the previous wars of this dynasty, they often faced the enemy in such a position.

At this time, the gunpowder had not completely dissipated, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur and saltpeter, which was the unique smell after the purified black powder was fully burned. Everyone followed Lü Bu, who was striding forward, and kept sucking their noses and looking curiously at the army formation on the opposite side. King Wen always had the wind of a general, and Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his color. How did it look like a person has changed today? These people are very smart, and they immediately smelled the smell. This grenade must be a big killer at the bottom of the box!

At this moment, Lu Bu had already walked to the front of the army formation, and the smoke of gunpowder had all dissipated. Looking around, the scene inside the army formation was vivid. Within the square of about two hundred steps in length and width, there is already a mess. There were fallen wooden poles everywhere, scattered fragments of armor, and broken shields everywhere. Numerous tribulus, broken iron, and crushed stones burst out suddenly, and the power can be imagined.

Lv Bu picked up a shield casually. It was a large shield of the Han army's standard standard, made of hardwood, covered with iron skin, and painted with hideous beasts. Nowadays, several iron briers hung on the front of the shield, and a fist-sized hole broke in the middle. It seemed that a grenade exploded just above the shield. Lu Bu shook his head. The power of this black powder was still too small, and the hole was only the size of a fist.

Perhaps because he understood what Lu Bu meant, Lu Mo picked up a rattan card and took a closer look, only to see that the rattan card had been blown to pieces, and Lu Mo was holding only one piece that was attached to the guard. It seems that this grenade is no problem against rattan cards. Lu Mo nodded, and took a closer look at the steel armor on the ground. The steel armor's heart-guard was deflated, but it was not penetrated. There was a huge hole the size of a fist near the breastplate. The two-piece armor of the Han Army standard next to it had long since become fragments.

"In this way, this grenade is not enough to deal with the giant shield and the steel armor made by the Ministry of Industry. You have to work **** the formula of gunpowder. Lu Mo, I taught you, use the distillation method to make crude sulfuric acid and nitrate cotton. Then add lead powder, add castor oil, add charcoal, saltpeter powder, sulfur powder, etc. to make a nitroglycerin explosive. Have you tried these methods? How effective is it?"

With a long sigh, Lu Bu slowly said. Obviously, he was not satisfied with the power of the grenade in front of him. "Wen King ordered, how can I not do it? It's just that the production like this is too laborious and labor-intensive??????" Lu Mozheng spoke vigorously, and suddenly saw Lu Bu glance at it. , Hurriedly shut up. "So far, only eighteen grenades have been made."

"Hey! Lu Mo, it seems that you have been prepared a long time ago, and you know this thing will not pass the test! Gossip! Try it before you talk." Lu Bu's face finally had a smile. "No!" Lu Molang replied. "Come here, take up the explosives bag and the new-style grenade, and remember to be careful!" "No!" There was a loud promise from the left and right, and the flying flew away. If King Wen is not satisfied, let him be satisfied!

A burly sergeant carefully placed a boxy bag under the city gate, and ran by himself, while running with a long lead. Finally ran a hundred steps away, he bent down and lit the fuse, running faster. After a while, there was only a loud noise like the cracks of the sky and the earth, and the sky full of gunpowder smoke rose into the sky. After a quarter of an hour, the gunpowder smoke slowly dissipated, and the south gate of that specific and small city was long gone. What was left was the hollow gate hole. child.

"Hey! This is the real killer!" Before Lu Bu could speak, Gao Shun exclaimed. His eyes were full of surprise. If he had this big killer, it would be much easier to attack the city in the future. No matter how strong the city is, if you throw it hundreds of times with a catapult, it will fall in an instant. "Oh! The general must not praise! This explosive bag is just a test product and cannot be used in actual combat. The safety of the lead wire, the dosage and the formula of the medicine must be carefully improved." Lu Mo said with a long sigh.

Lu Mo is a wise man, how can he not know Gao Shun's mind? It's just that there are more doorways in it, and it's not clear for a while. How to protect the fuse from being soaked by water, from being cut off by crossbow arrows, and safety issues, these are all major issues. It hasn't been three or five years, and this thing is still out of hand. In fact, Lu Mo thought too easily, and things were more complicated than he thought. Explosive packs that can be mass-produced did not appear until more than ten years later. In the past ten years, he has already boiled his hair gray.

"Wen Wang, this explosive package is still in the experimental stage. When it comes to mass production, it is still far away. Naturally, black powder can be mass produced. However, it is still possible to pay attention to putting that rooshi nitroglycerin in a grenade instead of black powder. It's done. It's just less safe. It's just that the new-style grenade that is now finalized is a little heavier. It weighs eight kilograms and must be thrown by someone with strong arms."

Speaking of this, Lu Mo waved his hand, and several Baigong ran forward personally and placed several dummies within ten steps. These dummies wear helmets and buckle armor, wear the standard steel armor of the Han army, and hold a huge shield in their hands. Seeing that posture, they resemble heavy-armored infantry. After a while, everyone finished their mercy and hurriedly backed away. A sergeant with a big waist and a round waist had taken a new-style grenade to estimate the distance to the army formation. With a roar, he sprinted for more than twenty steps, and when the string was pulled, the new-style grenade shot out.

After about a few moments, only a loud noise was heard, shaking the earth, and among the dust, the ten-man army flew into the sky in an instant. Pieces of armor, broken shields, and deflated iron helmets flew all over the sky. "This new-style grenade is not satisfactory! How long will it be mass-produced?" Lu Bu asked slowly, putting down his clairvoyance. Obviously he was very satisfied.

This time, Lu Mo learned well. He thought about it for a while and then replied: “Now the power of the new-style grenade is enough, some details need to be considered again, and it is best to improve the safety. Mass production is mainly The difficulty lies in the materials and the craftsmanship. In my opinion, we will be able to produce on a small scale in half a year." "Okay! Then half a year. Within half a year, you should produce as much as possible, pay attention! We must ensure the safety of the grenadiers. With the new-style grenades, we can launch a united war." Lu Bu nodded with satisfaction. "Hey!" Everyone present was overjoyed when they heard the unification war was launched.

"I said Brother Lu, you first call me this team of grenadiers, and give me all the grenades! I have a great use!" Ma Zhong is extremely clever, Lu Bu's voice is Fang Luoer, he It made a sound immediately. "This??????" Lu Mo's expression turned awkward. To be honest, these grenadiers and grenades are of great use to him. When Ma Zhong saw that the limelight was wrong, he hurried forward and whispered a few words to Lu Mo. "To be honest, there are only 28 new-style grenades. I think I will give you seven grenadiers!" Lu Mo said after a long time licking tusks. "Deal! Brother Lu, you are really my dear brother!" Ma Zhong laughed.

"Lu Mo, how has the matchlock and the firearm been studied?" Seeing Ma Zhong and Lu Mo reached a deal, Lu Bu quickly lowered and asked. "Alas! Compared with nitroglycerin explosives, matchlock guns and firearms are extremely difficult. Without the machinery mentioned by King Wen, there is no way to mass-produce them by hand. My craftsmen follow the drawings you drew. After making a few expenditures, it always blows up. There is no way, the requirements are too detailed, we can't do it at all. It seems that it will take decades to do it."

When it comes to matchlock and firearms, Lu Mo's face immediately resembles a bitter eggplant. This stuff sounds nice, and there are drawings, but once you start, you know how difficult it is. Even if it's explosives and grenades, in reality, it's just like a Taoist alchemy practice to produce a finished product, just throw it out and use something in a package. But these matchlocks and firearms are like mortals who want to go to heaven. It's really harder! "Okay! I know your difficulty." Lu Bu patted Lu Mo on the shoulder and said softly. As a result, my efforts to enter the age of gunpowder ahead of time were in vain. After all, people cannot transcend the times.

"General, it seems that you are going to select grenadiers from the army! Just before the two armies joined the hand-to-hand combat, a team of grenadiers rushed forward like a whirlwind, and the raindrops of new-style grenades generally fell into the opposing army's formation, you think Think, what kind of battle is that? Hahahahahahaha!" LuBlanc laughed. "No!" Gao Shun replied loudly. "King Wen, half a year later, we will launch a war to unify the world!"

At this moment, Gao Shun's dark face was full of excitement. As a pure soldier, he is most concerned about fighting the world. Now that he has a big killer like a grenade, his heart is immediately full of pride. Think about it half a year later, he and Wang Wen led hundreds of thousands of tigers, horses, infantry, naval forces, and a lot of soup, down the river, cleaning up the old mountains and rivers, what glory should it be?

"After half a year, you and I will join hands to dispatch a million lions, and the world will be determined by the first battle!" Lu Bu laughed while holding Gao Shun's hand.

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