New Story of Lv Bu

: : Gongwuduhe

Luoyang City, the capital of this dynasty, is located in the south of the river. The north of the mountains is yang, the north of the mountains is yin, the north of Luoyang is rivers, and the south is near Nanshan, so it is called Luoyang. After Wen Wang Lu Bu entered Luoyang, he expanded the original Luoyang City several times, making it the most majestic city in the world. South of Luoyang, on the delta where Luoshui and Yishui meet, there is a castle named Yuantan. This round altar is the secret workshop of the Ministry of Industry. There are two thousand Han troops stationed nearby. They are all first-class foreign troops under the command of the Ministry of Industry.

Two or three miles to the west from Yuantan, you will find the Chu family gathering, passing through the Chu family gathering north and crossing the Yishui River, you will be in the south of Luoyang city. Mingtang, Piyong, and Lingtai of this dynasty are all located here. The so-called Mingtang, namely the "Mingzhengjiao", is the "Temple of the Son of Heaven" and the place of worship. There is a saying that "the king builds Mingtang and exempts Yong, so the heaven is called Mingtang, so the Mingtang is called Mingtang." "The emperor builds Mingtang, so the emperor builds the Mingtang, so he can communicate with the gods and feel the heaven and the earth. There is a strong way, showing ability, and praise for those who are walking."

In fact, Mingtang is the temple of the emperor, a state-owned event should be sacrificed to Mingtang, and then the edict can be issued to the world. Throughout the dynasties, those who can build Mingtang are all highly accomplished kings, and all are the glorious times of working hard and connecting the past and the future. Lu Buli, who was the Grand Sima at the time, built Mingtang against all opinions, in order to inform the world that the Luoyang court is prosperous and the people are strong, which is orthodox.

This Mingtang newly built in the south of Luoyang city is second only to the observation deck in Wang Wen's mansion, and it is the second tallest building within a hundred li. If someone stood on the high Mingtang, every move within a radius of tens of miles would definitely not escape his eyes. Naturally, there is a premise here. This person must be strong in martial arts and be able to go to Mingtang without being discovered.

As a landmark building of the Han Dynasty, there is a garrison guarded near Mingtang, which belongs to the city defense army.

After seeing the secret weapon of the Ministry of Industry, Lu Bu and his party waited out of the Yuantan, via the Chu family to the Luoshui River, waiting to cross the river. Luoshui was called Luoshui in ancient times, and because Luoshui and Yishui converge in Chu's family, and then go northward, such as river water, the lower reaches of Luoshui is also called Yiluoshui. At this time in the summer, looking north from the south bank of Luoshui, I saw the waves of the big river, reluctant to leave day and night.

"The width of Luoshui is four or five miles, and the narrow is less than one mile. Even when there is plenty of water in summer, it is only three or four miles wide from the Chu family to the north. This area is blocked by Luoshui for a certain distance. Very inconvenient. First, should the Ministry of Industry and the Dushui Supervisor and the General Supervisor make a careful survey? Can a bridge be built over Luoshui to connect the north and the south to facilitate the passage of the military and civilians in Luoyang?"

Yan Yan was leaning on the Babao Yard, looking at the north bank of Luoshui, and said slowly. At this time, it was early days, the sky was crystal clear, the breeze slowly brought a bit of coolness, the heat of early summer was empty, and Yan Yan's expression seemed much more comfortable. "Madam! You really know what I want. To tell you the truth, I have been discussing this matter for a long time! This king's decree is issued: Immediately order the Ministry of Engineering to write Lu Mo, and the young envoy of the capital, Wang Ling, and Jiang to do it. Supervise Yang Xiu, immediately survey and prepare to build a bridge over the Luo River!"

LuBlanc said. He raised his eyes and looked at Yan Yan tenderly. After the joint diagnosis and treatment of two famous doctors, Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, Yan Yan's body and bones have become much better these days. As the saying goes, repairing bridges and repairing roads is a great merit. Yan Yan proposed to build a bridge over Luoshui, turning the moat into a thoroughfare, just to pray for her and accumulate blessings and disasters.

"Fengxian, you still know what I want!" Yan Yan's eyes seemed to be full of autumn water, looking at Lu Bu. She stretched out her tender, boneless right hand and gently grasped Lu Bu's big hand. "Fongxian, I don't know why. Recently, I have always felt an ominous feeling that I am about to be separated from you. If you and I are really separated, we will still be a husband and wife in the next life, OK?"

Yan Yan finally finished speaking. She leaned her delicate cheeks against Lu Bu's arms and closed her eyes contentedly. At this moment, the waves were rolling in her heart, as if rocks pierced through the sky, and the stormy waves hit the shore. Every bit since she married Lu Bu, scenes flashed before her eyes, the hardships of the early years, the babbles of a pair of children, until the power came to the court and slammed Fang Yao?????? Enough to be with you in this life! We will be husband and wife in the next life! Yan Yan thought.

"Yan'er, don't talk nonsense! The days we are together, we will grow up in the future!" Lu Bu said softly, holding Yan Yan's body.

Building a bridge over Luoshui is, after all, the plan in the minds of the Lu Bu and his wife. Right now, to cross Luoshui and return to the capital city of Luoyang in Dahan, it is still necessary to rely on a ferry. At this time, the only servants beside Lu Bu were Zhao Yijun Yan Yan, the general Gao Shun, and Guang Luxun and the assassin general Ma Zhong. The others have their own functions, and they have long since ran away.

There are more than 30 ferry boats parked on the south bank of Luoshui, large and small, enough for Lu Bu and his party to cross Luoshui smoothly. On this trip, Lu Bu brought a group of six hundred tigers with him, led by Wei Wei, Shaoqing and Zhang Xiu. His uncle Zhang Ji has been appointed Zuo Shi Lang of the Xing Department, and he has joined the Xing Department Shang Shu Dong Zhao. The country’s dynasty was renewed, and the new official system was implemented. Those who rushed to ask for officialdom did not know where they were. The two uncles and nephews of Zhang were from the third rank of the Xing Department Zuo Shi Lang and the other was Wei Wei Shaoqing from the fourth rank. They were already very satisfied.

In this new military system, the Huben Army was retained. Not only that, but it was also expanded to become Huben Left and Right Guards. Each guard was 20,000 soldiers, making it the second of the sixteen guards. It turned out that Dian Wei and Xu Zhu, the chief and deputy commanders of the Hu Ben Army, were also released by King Wen and became the three-rank generals of Hu Ben left and right guards. At this time, they were busy reorganizing the army and training the men and horses. King Wen's two thousand guards were led by Zhang Xiu instead.

During this patrol, Zhang Xiu's tune is divided into three groups, one group of elite cavalry, one group of swordsman and shield soldier, and one group of crossbowmen. In addition, there are two hundred heavy infantrymen of General Gao Shun. Guangluqing Ma Zhong also brought a guard by his side, one by one, the temples on both sides were bulging high, and his eyes were radiant, and at a glance, he knew that they were all knights and martial arts masters above the rivers and lakes.

When King Wen went on tour, Wei Wei Shaoqing was responsible for his safety, and Zhang Xiu was the first person responsible. When someone conspired to assassinate King Wen, Guang Luqing and Ma Zhong naturally informed Zhang Xiu all the time. According to Zhang Xiu's estimation, the thousands of people in front of him are all top-notch elites. If they start their hands, they will be worth 10,000. Moreover, it was only a few miles away from Luoyang City, the capital of Dahan, and reinforcements arrived in no time.

Moreover, with the character of the assassination of General Ma Zhong, within this fifty-mile radius, openly and secretly, I don't know how many people have been allocated. Therefore, Zhang Xiu still has a solid foundation for the current situation. As long as he successfully crossed Luoshui and returned to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, the **** would be settled in peace. As long as you arrive at Prince Wen's Mansion, you can talk about everything.

"The whole army boarded the ship! Jingqi as the vanguard, the sword and shield soldiers spread their shields, and the crossbowmen guard left and right! Protect King Wen, Emperor Zhaoyi, and the general from boarding!" Zhang Xiu pressed the sword with his left hand and held the tiger with his right hand. With a golden gun, he gave the order loudly. "No!" After hearing the promise, the Chinese army slowly got on the ship. Surrounded by everyone, Lu Bu, Yan Yan and Gao Shun boarded the largest ferry.

The Luo River was shallow and narrow, and Lu Bu didn't want to waste people's resources. Therefore, on this trip, everyone took a transport ship among the navy of the Han Army. The characteristic of this ship is that it is extremely large, capable of accommodating five or six hundred soldiers. Lu Bu boarded the bow, behind him was his red rabbit horse, and a soldier behind him was carrying his Fang Tian painted halberd. On the left and right are Gao Shun and Yan Yan, both looking far to the north shore.

Guang Luqing and Ma Zhong, the assassin's general, followed Lu Bu and boarded Lu Bu's ship lightly. Behind him are dozens of martial arts masters, with knives and sabers hanging around their waists, with cold faces on their faces, watching from all directions, watching the surroundings vigilantly. Behind them were seven grenadiers from Lu Mo, each with four grenades hanging on his chest and waist. Perhaps it was the first time that they were so close to King Wen, King Zhao Yi, and the General. They all had expressions of admiration and curiosity on their faces.

"The Shield Soldiers opened their shields to protect King Wen, Jun Zhao Yi and the General! Let the ship!" Following Zhang Xiu's order, the Shield Soldiers opened their shields to form a shield wall. Tightly guarded in the middle. With an order from the naval lieutenant of the Han Army, dozens of large ships moved slowly towards the north bank of Luoshui. More than 30 large and small transport ships form an army formation, which is very spectacular.

"Fengxian, every time I come to Yuantan, I always have to work hard to move the crowd. If that bridge is built, there will be no such trouble. You and I gallop across the bridge, how windy and unrestrained it is. !" Yan Yan said softly, sitting on the wooden couch, supporting her elbow. "Hey! Yan'er, I don't expect you to have some reveries of calling friends and acquaintances in your heart!"

Lu Bu smiled slightly, pointed at Luoyang City, which was faintly visible on the north bank of Luoshui, and said softly. "When I cross Luoshui and return to the Mansion of King Wen in Luoyang City, I won’t leave the house! I’ve gone through **** battles for more than ten years, plus the dog skins between the ruling and the wild. I’ve long been I'm bored. I just stole a few days of laziness, so I can accompany you for a while, and we want another son."

"Fengxian, so many people, don't be ashamed!" Yan Yan gave Lu Bu a white look, her face all shy. She lowered her voice, and whispered to Lu Bu: "I heard Kang Moli said that Lu Zheng had a big idea, which is to attack from the north of India's Tower to the north, subdue Jiaozhou, and then lead the army to attack Yizhou!" ! Unexpectedly, Lu Zheng should be so courageous. It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!" When he heard this, Lu Bu was immediately moved. "Lu An is a benevolent gentleman, but Lu Zheng is a natural commander!"

"The public didn't cross the river, the public crossed the river! How the **** is he who fell into the river and died!" I don't know when, Yan Yan sang softly.

The great wheel of history sailed through Jian'an for three years and stayed on May 24th. Since then, it has turned a corner.

End of Volume Eight

February 24, 2019

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