New Story of Lv Bu

: : "Huang Hou Yin" of Han Yuefu

"The public didn't cross the river, the public crossed the river! What a man who fell into the river and died!" Yan Yan hummed softly, singing mesmerizedly. Her singing is clear and graceful, with a deep sense of sadness and sorrow. She sighs four times and returns with twists and turns, which makes people unbearable to listen. At this moment, Yan Yan's face was full of intoxication, as if a young girl who was pregnant was reminiscing about her lover in a foreign land.

Zhao Yijun Yan Yan was intoxicated in her singing, but everyone present was surprised to hear it. This "Gong Wu Crossing the River" is a diligent song! The so-called Li Song is a song sung to the dead! It's really weird! Could it be that what is going to happen today? When thinking of this, everyone immediately shivered, especially the assassination of General Ma Zhong.

Ma Zhong grew up in Lu Bu's house since he was a child. He always regarded Yan Yan as his mother. He frowned when he heard this. "You must be surrounded by Jun Zhaoyi, no matter what happens, don't leave! If Jun Zhaoyi has three strengths and two shortcomings, I will ask you!" Ma Zhong frowned, his face was blue, and he lowered his voice to himself Said the dozens of martial arts masters around him.

"Nuo!" Seeing Ma Zhong's face, these dozens of masters knew that Shangguan was in a very bad mood, and sang a fat man in a low voice. Not to mention how Ma Zhong was prepared for the rainy day, here, when listening to this song, Lu Bu and Gao Shun's expressions changed drastically. Reminiscent of Yan Yan's bizarre performance today, the two people immediately felt a little throb! The omen today is really bad!

Today, Yan Yan said a lot of decapitation. At this moment, she sang the song "Gong Wu Crossing the River" again. Could it be that she had already realized that her time for death had come? Deliberately express the sadness in your heart at the last moment of your life? Lu Bu couldn't help but feel sad and inexplicable when he thought of this. A man, no matter how old he is, no matter how many soldiers and horses he brings, if he can't protect his wife and child, what kind of face is born between heaven and earth? "Yan'er, if there is danger today, even if I fight my life, I, Lu Bu, will keep you safe!" Lu Bu secretly said in his heart. He slowly stepped forward, stretched out his arm, and gently embraced Yan Yan in his arms.

"The public didn't cross the river, the public crossed the river! How the **** is he who fell into the river and died!" Why does this trivial sixteen characters shock everyone present? This also starts with the folk songs of this dynasty. Since ancient times, "The Book of Songs" and "Chu Ci" have been the classics of Confucianism in this dynasty. However, since the "Han Yuefu" turned out to be popular, it quickly became a rival with "The Book of Songs" and "The Songs of Chu". Yuefu poetry is a new poetic style that is separated from Sao style poetry, with vivid language and close to life, among which Thai half are folk songs.

Yuefu, known as a company, was originally established in Qin Dynasty. It was an organization under the jurisdiction of the "Shaofu" at that time, which specialized in the management of music, dance and singing. At the beginning of the founding of the country, Gao Di Dingding implemented Huang Lao politics, rested with the people, and simplified government affairs. Therefore, Yuefu did not survive. It was not until the time of Emperor Wu that the Yuefu was rebuilt during Dingjiao's ritual music, and its duties were: collecting folk songs or literati's poems for the music, in preparation for imperial rituals or banquets. It collects and organizes poems, and later generations will be called "Yuefu Poems".

"The Book of Han? Liyuezhi" says: "To the emperor Wu's rites for setting the Jiao Sacrifice, ... is to establish a Yuefu, collect poems and recite at night, there are Zhao, Dai, Qin, and Chu. Li Yannian is the captain of the Xielu, many examples Sima Xiangru and other dozens of people made poems and poetry. He talked about Lulu, and composed the songs of nineteen chapters with the eight-tone tune. With the peculiarities on the first month of the first month, the seventy men and seventy people would sing together, and the ancestral hall would faint. Bright."

According to the records of "Hanshu? Baiguan Gongqing Formation", in the time of Emperor Wu, the Yuefu Order established Sancheng. According to the "Book of Han? Li Yue Zhi", by the end of Emperor Cheng's last year, there were more than 800 people in Yuefu, making it a large-scale music institution. The more than one hundred years from Emperor Wu to becoming Emperor was the prosperous period of Yuefu. Emperor Ai ascended the throne and issued an edict to dismiss Yuefu officials, and a large number of Yuefu personnel were cut off. The remaining part was placed under the jurisdiction of Taile Ling. From then on, there was no Yuefu organization in this dynasty.

After Guangwu Zhongxing, there were two divisions in charge of music: one was the Taiyu Music Department, and the chief was Taiyuling, which was equivalent to the Taiyuling of the former Han Dynasty and belonged to Taichangqing. One is the Huangmen Advocacy Department, which is in charge of Cheng Hualing and belongs to the Shaofu. The name Huangmen preached existed in the pre-Han, and it has a very close relationship with Yuefu. In the later Han Dynasty, the Huangmen Advocacy Agency under the charge of Cheng Hualing provided songs and poems for the emperor to enjoy the feast and the officials, which was actually Yuefu. The dynasty's Yuefu poems were mainly collected, sorted and sung by the Huangmen Advocacy Department.

Yuefu songs and poems are roughly divided into four types: First, Jiao Temple songs. The music is mainly for sacrificial worship, gorgeous and elegant. Such as "An Shi Fangzhong Song" chapter 17 (Chu Yin), "Jiao Si Song" 19 chapters and so on. The music mainly adopts Qin music and Chu music. The second is the preaching song, also known as the short flute, which is Beidi music introduced from the northern peoples in the early Han Dynasty. The poem was supplemented later, and the content is complex, mainly composed of folk. Third, Xianghe Song Ci. Music is popular music collected from various places, and most of the songs are "street folk songs." There are many excellent works among them, which are the essence of Hanyuefu. Fourth, the song lyrics of miscellaneous songs. Many of the music tunes are unknown. Because there is no classification, it is in its own category. There are some excellent folk songs.

"Han Shu? Yi Wen Zhi" Zeng Yun: "Since filial piety and martial arts established Yuefu and collected songs, so there are generations, Zhao Zhizu, Qin and Chu styles. They are all in sorrow and happiness, and they are sent out by things." "It means to be realistic, one thing every time, and most of them are sent out for feelings. There are various forms of freedom and variety, ranging from three-character, four-character, five-character, six-character, and miscellaneous words. The most commonly used ones are the emerging essays and five-character poems. Yuefu poems do not have a fixed composition or syntax. They are random in length and scattered. As long as they express their inner meanings, they are good songs.

"Shanghege" is folk music collected by Yuefu from various places. The reason why it is called Xianghe has two meanings: one is to use musical instruments, silk and bamboo, to make harmony with people's singing. The "Song Book? Music History" said that "Silk and bamboo are more harmonious, and the festival performer's song" refers to this form. The accompaniment of musical instruments includes seven kinds of festival, sheng, flute, drum, qin, and pipa (see " Ancient and Modern Music Records"); the other refers to singing by one person and harmony among the people. The singing method of "Dan Ge" recorded in "Song Shu? Yue Zhi" is: "From the Han Dynasty, there is no string to perform tricks, the first to sing a three-person harmony", this is also called Xianghe. All in all, the meaning of conformity is the conformity of silk and bamboo and singing, and the conformity of singing and singing.

The Xianghe songs of this dynasty mostly describe current affairs, customs and folk life. History, travels to immortals, lovesickness, parting, feelings about life, and motto-style training, there are also many good chapters. In terms of musical tunes, it includes "Ping, Qing, and Se tune", which was called "Qing Shang San Tiao" ("Old Tang Book? Music History") in the original dynasty. In addition to the three tunes, there are "Chu tune" and "side tune". These five tunes are collectively called "Qing Shang Zhengsheng, Xianghe Five Tunes". Therefore, "Xianghe Ge" is also called "Qing Shang Yue" or "Qing Yue" for short in later generations.

"Song Shu? Le Zhi" said: ""Xianghe", an old song of the Han Dynasty. Silk and bamboo are more harmonious, and the festival-holder's song." The name "Xianghe" probably originated from this. These songs are like "Song Shu? Le Zhi" said: "The survivors of today, and the folk songs of Han Shijie." These songs were originally oral ballads without musical instrument accompaniment, and were later collected by music officials into the Yuefu. Playing with silk and bamboo. "Street Stories Rumors" have become prosperous ever since.

"Gong Wu Crossing the River" is one of "Song He Ge Ci", also known as "Hong Hou Yin". "箜篌" is a stringed instrument, resembling the "harp" of later generations. According to Volume 26 of The Collection of Yuefu Poems, the song "Gongwu Crossing the River" says: "The author of "Zhong Hou Yin" was written by the Korean Jin Zuo Huolizi Gao's wife Liyu. Zi Gaochen picked up the assassin boat and had a white head of madman. After being picked up and crossing the turbulent flow, his wife stopped, but fell into the river and died. So he aided the Huanghou and sang: "The public did not cross the river, the public crossed the river, and the river died. ! "The sound was very sad, and the song ended up in the river and died. Zi Gao returned, in the words Liyu. Liyu was injured, and he wrote his voice by citing the sinus, and everyone who heard it fell into tears and wept. Liyu spreads his neighbors with his song. Female Li Rong, her name is "Huang Hou Yin". "Naturally, this is a very tragic story.

If this poem "Gongwu Crossing the River" or "箜篌引" is translated into vernacular, the translation is roughly as follows:

Don't wade and cross the river!

You have to wade across the river!

Have never been there but drowned in the river!

What to do with you!

In short, this song "Gong Wu Crossing the River" is indeed a song for the dead. Yan Yange came at this time, which was quite ominous. No wonder everyone's complexion changed a lot after hearing it. However, seeing Yan Yan's charming appearance humming softly, everyone had to let her go. Zhao Yijun lingered on the bed for many days, and finally got better. Not to mention singing a song of liberation, even a funeral song, as long as Wang Wen and his elderly don't care, what's the matter with the idlers? As long as Zhao Yijun is happy.

Yan Yan's singing stopped, the foremost ship had already docked, and a group of cavalry quickly disembarked, scattered their horses, and set up guards. Immediately afterwards, swordsmen and crossbowmen disembarked from the ship, forming an army formation to welcome King Wen, Jun Zhaoyi and the generals to disembark. The last to disembark were Gao Shun's soldiers and Ma Zhong's shadow spies. "Finally here!" Lu Bu said with a smile.

This is five miles southwest of Luoyang City. Looking around, Luoyang City Jinmen and Xiaoyuanmen have already looked again. Luoyang City was the capital of the Han Dynasty, with heavy troops stationed there. Within a distance of five miles, at most a quarter of an hour, Luoyang City Guards would arrive here. Even the arrogant assassin would definitely not dare to risk assassination here. This is what Lü Bu said "at the end of the land".

"Let's go! Let's enter the city." Lu Bu gently embraced Yan Yan's waist, and smiled and helped her onto the Babao Ranch.

However, at this moment, in the dense forest not far away, a miserable wailing suddenly uttered. "help!"

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