New Story of Lv Bu

: : Strange things in the weird jungle

The guards of Lu Bu and Gao Shun were all veterans who had experienced many battles, or were worthy of a good family. Under King Wen's ears and eyes, what they hated most was the act of burning and killing fornication. Upon hearing the miserable cry in the dense forest, the cavalry in front of them was full of scouts and immediately rode their horses and rushed away. "Speed ​​up, go and take a look!" Zhang Xiu's horse also hurried away.

From the Jinmen and Xiaoyuanmen of Luoyang City, passing through the dense forest to the pier by the river, this road is what everyone is used to. The dense forest is not big, covering only more than 20 acres. The dense forest is very empty and can accommodate three or four war horses side by side, and there is no way to hide people. The big guy Su Rili looked at it with a clairvoyance, and he knew it, so the Jingqi who visited the sentry did not care about it this time.

The Yellow Turban Remnant wanted to assassinate King Wen, as Wei Wei Shaoqing Zhang Xiu naturally knew. Zhang Xiu was a wise man and also a cautious person. When he heard that exclaim, he immediately trembled in his heart. Is this the assassination as the assassination general Ma Zhong said? Be very careful. He hurried his horse, and brought dozens of guards to catch up with him to see what happened.

"Array! Protect King Wen, Jun Zhaoyi and General!" As soon as Zhang Xiu left, Ma Zhong immediately took over his mission. He and Zhang Xiu are Wei Wei Shaoqing and the shadow intelligence chief. They have always been used to cooperating. The two people jointly dealt with such temporary incidents countless times. He cried out and ordered the whole army to be on guard. In any case, there is nothing wrong with being careful and not going to go wrong.

"No!" Hearing a loud promise, a group of swordsman shields and a group of bow crossbowmen immediately dispersed, formed a square array, and strode forward. Within the phalanx, Gao Shun and the former soldiers under Ma Zhong and the former Jianghu people under Ma Zhong put up a two-tier phalanx, tightly surrounding the three of Lu Bu, Yan Yan and Gao Shun. Seeing the army lined up, Ma Zhong let out a sigh of relief. He moved his horse forward slowly and took out his clairvoyance to observe the dense forest carefully. "Help!" "There is a thief!" The sorrowful cry became even more tragic.

At this moment, Mercedes-Benz was only five or six hundred steps away from the dense forest for the ten-odd elite riders in the front. They gave a shout, and rushed away like an arrow from the string with their legs clamped into the belly of the horse. According to their current horse speed, they can rush into the dense forest in no time. Three or four hundred steps behind them, Zhang Xiu was rushing at full speed with a tiger-headed golden gun and dozens of guards.

At this moment, I saw a few exclamations in the dense forest, and the four people ran out in a panic. At the forefront were two women, one in their forties and one in eighteen or nineteen. The older woman was still holding a seven or eight-year-old girl. The three stumbling and panicked their faces. There was still a puddle of blood on the older woman's shoulder, and she seemed to be injured, but it didn't affect her running.

About fifty or sixty steps behind the three, a burly man holding a step bow, shouting repeatedly, shooting while walking. The step bow in his hand shot one arrow after another, like a meteor rushing to the moon, and arrows shot out like flowing water. Twenty or thirty men with blue turban masks holding swords, guns, bows and arrows rushed out from the dense forest shouting loudly, and they were shot down five or six by the man. "Everyone, shoulder to shoulder! Don't let that guy run away!" The leader of the black man opened his bow and let out an arrow loudly.

Although the burly man's shooting skills were excellent, the tiger couldn't stand the pack of wolves. After shooting down seven or eight people, he was finally caught up by the remaining blue-scarved masked men. "Hack him!" "His grandma is a bear! Tell you to run!" "Donkey ball! Almost broke the major event of the leader!" Under the cursing of everyone, the burly man was instantly spoiled. The body was divided and turned into a pile of minced meat.

"Where are the culprits going!" At this moment, the Han army could reach the edge of the dense forest. Seeing this situation, they immediately became angry. The scene in front of me was like a family being robbed by bandits. Seeing the Han Jingqi coming forward and paying off the dead hand, could it be that I and my Han Jingqi were nothing? People share the same heart with the same reason, everyone yelled and rushed up with the sword.

The elites in the tiger army, riding and shooting and martial arts are naturally top-notch. In an instant, more than a dozen masked men with blue turbans were chopped down seven or eight, and the remaining few screamed in fright and threw down their knives and guns. Turned around and ran into the dense forest. "Thief, where to go!" The leader yelled a long anger, leading the horse, waving the sword in his hand, and the first one went straight into the dense forest. The rest of the fine riders are not nonsense, with their legs clamped into the belly of the horse, and they followed the horse into the forest. Such a cruel thief must be captured with his own hands, with a thousand swords!

Lu Bu rode on the horse, watching the more than ten elite riders rush into the dense forest, and then Zhang Xiu led dozens of riders into the dense forest. In an instant, there were waves of shouting to kill in the dense forest, and the sound was earth-shaking, as if thousands of troops were fighting. "No! Is it because you have encountered a hard stubble? Gao Shun, you come to command, I will come as soon as I go!" Lü Bu shouted loudly. "King Wen, don't get caught in the enemy's tricks! What if it's a trap?" Ma Zhong got off his horse, hugged Lu Bu's left leg, and persuaded him bitterly. "King Wen, don't worry, what if it is a trap laid by the remnants of the Yellow Turban?" Gao Shun's voice seemed extremely calm.

"Ah???" Lü Bu let out a sigh of relief, but he did not act immediately. "Go and see! Give it back quickly!" Ma Zhong took a deep breath, turned on his horse again, and waved to the former people on his left and right. A dozen masters glanced at each other, held fists at Ma Zhong, and then took a deep breath. As soon as they soared into the air above the horse, several ups and downs were gone.

Silence, deathly silence, seems to have been ten thousand years, it seems that it is only a few moments. Just as everyone was waiting to be anxious, suddenly, a group of gorgeous fireworks burst out over the dense forest! Accompanied by a loud bang like a thunderbolt, the group of fireworks slammed and disappeared into the air. It was close at hand, but it seemed out of reach, full of helplessness and sorrow.

"Not good!" Almost at the same moment, everyone's hearts seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, and their hearts sank. That group of brilliant fireworks is the distress signal of the Bingzhou Army. Its meaning is: encountering a strong enemy, tens of thousands of fires, precarious, come to rescue! "Xiao Shunzi, you are here to preside over the overall situation! When the city guards arrive, immediately arrange the search! I will go to the rescue immediately! Zhang Ji is just such a nephew, I must not die without saving!" With a burst of shout, Fang Tian's painted halberd was picked up with his right hand, and the horse belly of the red rabbit horse was clamped under his hips. As if chasing the wind and electricity, he rushed towards the dense forest.

"Fengxian! You have to be careful!" Yan Yan had already opened the curtains of the Eight Treasures Car, Emei frowned and called out softly. "Everyone, wait, all listen to my command! Swordsmen and crossbowmen lined up into the dense forest immediately to support King Wen! Ma Zhong, your good hand, leave a few powerful martial arts to protect Mr. Zhao Yi, others Enter the dense forest immediately and support King Wen!"

"Passing the order! The soldiers of the Fangcai Navy came ashore to protect Emperor Zhao Yi. Immediately send a signal to the city guards of Luoyang City, asking them to come immediately, surround the dense forest, and search carefully!" Gao Shun rode on the horse with a face full of face. Hanshuang issued several orders in an instant. "Sixteenth General, where is the nearest one? Send the order! Let them come quickly! Give the order in the name of the general!"

"Nuo!", "Nuo!", "Nuo!" ?????? Only heard the sound of promise, several eagles immediately rose into the sky. Each eagle's ankle is wrapped in dazzling red, which is a sign of urgency. All that should be done was done, and all that was left was to wait for the army to come. Gao Shun took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked at the dense forest not far away.

After the implementation of the new official system, the garrison in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, had three parts in addition to the Chinese Army, the Foreign Army, Langwei, Bingwei, and the City Defense Army. The Lang Guan led by Guang Luqing was Lang Wei, the palace guards led by Wei Wei were Bingwei, and the city defense army was under the control of Sili Xiaowei Zhong You. Lang Wei should be the first to arrive. They are responsible for stationing and guarding along the way. Second, it should be the city defense forces guarding Jinmen and Xiaoyuanmen. As for the soldiers, because they have the duty to guard the palace, they should be the latest. The nearest guard to Luoyang City should be Hu Ben Left and Right Guards among the sixteen guards. At this time, they are reorganizing the army near Luoyang, and they can arrive in a quarter of an hour or two.

"Damn yellow turban remnants! After today, I, Ma Zhong, must cut the grass and roots!" Ma Zhong, who has always been calm, has a cold face and green veins on his forehead, just like a judge with blue-faced fangs in a wilderness temple. "Ma Zhong, bring the three women here, I want to ask questions." Yan Yan said softly. "No!" Ma Zhong responded loudly. "Bring them here and search them carefully!"

After a while, all three people were brought over. The face of the young woman was full of sorrow, and she held the seven or eight-year-old girl tightly in her arms. The middle-aged woman got a knife in the shoulder, but fortunately, it was not a serious problem. She had been healed and bandaged, but the cotton cloth covering the wound was oozing blood. Only the seven or eight-year-old girl didn't seem to be flustered, and her two **** eyes were still gurgling. The three men with ragged clothes seemed to have just experienced a fight.

"Who are you? Why were you hunted down? What is there in the dense forest?" Yan Yan asked softly. The three looked at each other, and the older woman finally started sobbing. "This nobleman, I was originally a believer of the Zhonghuang Tai Monotheistic Church. The big man who died in the battle was the little girl's husband. I waited for the order of the master to come here to ambush early this morning. I didn't know what was going on. Later I heard about it. It was to assassinate King Wen, and my husband was shocked immediately. This is the great sin of the Jiu Clan!"

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