New Story of Lv Bu

: : It seems that the general trend is set

The world’s number one military commander, Lu Bu Lu Feng, went out first, and the earth was shaking. After Lu Bu drove into the dense forest alone, he ignored the masked men who were besieging Zhang Xiu and others. Instead, he rode straight to a small hill. Forty or fifty masked men who were watching the battle there were killed. The Fangtian painted halberd in his hand danced like tigers and tigers, and airtight. Everywhere he passed, people turned their horses on their backs and smashed a **** alley. In just a few breaths, there were dozens of masked people who fell under his Fang Tian's halberd, and all of them died.

"The thief dare you!" Lu Bu roared, his feet clamped his horse's belly, and the Red Rabbit Ma Si slid and croaked, his four hoofs flying like flying, and he had already hit the hill. "Brothers! Let's stand side by side!" "Kill this guy, and the world will be peaceful from now on!" "One battle will set the world!" The forty or fifty masters on the hills immediately roared, each holding a weapon. , Swarming to kill Lu Bu.

Peng! Puff! Pong Pong Pong! There was only a burst of sound, when the swords of the seven or eight men were smashed by Fang Tian, ​​and even the unique weapons such as mace, chain spear and so on flew into the sky. It turned out that the owners of the weapons spouted a large mouthful of blood up to the sky, and their bodies fell softly down. The force of a blow from Fang Tian's painting of a halberd alone caused their internal organs to burst.

It is not difficult to win this battle, but the difficulty lies in minimizing the casualties of the Han soldiers. The pro-army around Lu Bu were all veterans who had survived a hundred battles, and they were at least the army princes and tutors who were released. To be honest, this kind of consumption was unacceptable for Lu Bu. He had been fighting an old war, and at a glance, he knew that he had to make an all-out effort. This time he shot, it can be said that he tried his best and gained a lot.

As soon as the fight started here, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. "Kill Lu Bu!" The one-eyed man yelled, and his subordinates immediately separated dozens of people and went straight to this small hill. Woo?????? The stern horn sounded, and more than a hundred masked people who had been sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight also stood up, armed with various weapons, roared, and went straight to the green little girl that Lu Bu was facing. mound.

As a result, the pressure on the remnants of the Han army at Zhang Xiu's side was immediately greatly reduced, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

A clean body dressed as a Taoist priest, holding a long sword, Lian Jiazi roared, took another path, and rushed straight to the Chituma. His meaning is very obvious, to shoot people first to shoot horses, to capture thieves first to capture kings, he wants to take advantage of the chaos to kill the red rabbit horse. However, he had forgotten one point, the Chitu horse is a famous horse in the world, so clever, how can he get it so easily? At the moment it was galloping past, the red rabbit horse kicked its hind legs, and the whole horse leaped into the air, and the man dressed as a Taoist immediately had no target in front of his eyes. Alas! Where did this bay horse go? It was too late and then fast, only a loud noise was heard, and the huge horse fell from the air.

Chituma's two huge front hooves crashed down and hit his head and shoulders. Suddenly, the big head of the servant was like a ripe watermelon, bursting suddenly, splashing all the people around. In the mid-air, it was like a colorful paint shop opened. The red one was blood, the white one was brain pulp, and occasionally some pieces of meat were filled in mid-air.

Siyo?????? The red rabbit and horse landed lightly on the ground, snorting triumphantly, and seemed to be demonstrating. Are you waiting for the culprits? Dare to covet me? Don't you know that I am the king of horses in the world? In just an instant, the red rabbit and horse went away again, leaving the **** fog and a terrible scream behind the horse. At this time, the body of the Taoist priest slowly fell.

"Get away!" Lu Bu's tongue burst into spring thunder, and he roared, Fang Tian's painted halberd flew up and down into a ball, and the man and the horse, like a dragon, rushed straight up the hill. Behind him, the corpses of more than two dozen masked people seemed to have a pause before they fell softly. The heads of several people have already flown into the sky. "So fast Fang Tian painted a halberd!" A head opened his mouth and sighed. In an instant, this head saw his corpse farther and farther away. Peng! The rest of the corpse broke into two pieces at the waist with a loud bang. The lower body of the corpse continued to run forward, but the upper body fell strangely. Puff! Puff! Puff and puff! After a while, the lower body of the corpse fell to the ground with a splash of yellow dust, but the upper body was not dead yet, still convulsing.

"King Wen is in front! Come with me!" Zhang Xiu yelled, and the tiger-headed golden gun in his hand struggling to flew out, flying the three masked men in front of him, and then he ran straight to Lu Bu with his feet and horse belly Rush from wherever he is. "Nuo!" The few remaining Jingqi who had left and right before and after him suddenly promised. Everyone bravely fought for the first place, and followed Zhang Xiu's horse, and went straight to the green hill.

Wen Wang Zhiyong is famous all over the world, and they have been famous for a long time. As soon as I saw it today, I knew that King Wen's martial arts was far beyond legend. There were forty or fifty good players on that small hill, and in just over ten breaths, they were all killed by King Wen. Seeing that, there are only eight or nine of the forty or fifty masters left, one by one still fleeing. This is the number one general in the world!

"Have you ever seen a man single-handedly charged at forty or fifty martial arts masters in a chaotic army? I have seen it, that is the world's number one military commander Wen Wang Lu Fengxian! From the beginning of his charge, until he rushed there. It took less than twenty breaths for a green hill! At least a hundred people were killed wherever I went! From that moment on, I became a hard-core supporter of King Wen!"

After this battle, it is said that Zhang Xiu was drunk at a certain banquet, and that's how he felt about the battle.

"Wen King is there! Rush up and protect his old man personally!" Ma Zhong shouted angrily while waving a sword in his hand at the edge of the dense forest. "No!" The seven bombardiers galloped, carrying two grenades on their chests and backs, roaring loudly. "No! Someone understands!" Ma Zhong's only remaining more than a dozen arena masters suddenly promised, each holding their weapons, and galloping forward.

Woo?????? 咚咚咚! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! In the direction of Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, the sobbing horns and the agitation of war drums sounded secondly. Luoyang city south, from west to east, the four gates of Jinmen, Xiaoyuanmen, Pingchengmen, and Kaiyangmen burst open. The cavalry rushed. Behind them, there are endless foot soldiers, it is obvious that the city guards are dispatched.

More than ten miles west of Luoyang City, in the direction of Xianyang Garden and Shanglin Garden, two fine riders were in the Hao Hao Tangtang, killing straight towards this dense forest. Look at the flag, it is a big flag with classic characters and a big flag with Xu characters. It is the second of the sixteen generals, the army and horse of Hu Benwei. The left and right tigers and Benwei were originally soldiers of Wen Wang Lu Bu. They were training in Jingyang Garden and Shanglin Garden. Seeing 100,000 urgent fireworks set off here, Dianwei and Xu Chu immediately turned on their horses and killed them in the first place. Looking at that posture, ten thousand horses galloping, horseshoes darting, earth-shaking, like a pack of tigers and wolves rushing forward, they can reach this dense forest in at most a quarter of an hour.

"Passing! The city guards guarded the outside line, spying on horses, searching for suspicious people within fifty miles! Left and right Hu Benwei entered the dense forest, rescued King Wen, dared to attack the Han soldiers with weapons, and killed them on the spot! Passing, Lu Zijing Where are the Han navy divisions? Let them rush to block the river, search for spies and yellow turban remnants, to prevent masked people from escaping! The garrison in Luoyang city closed the gates, only allowed to enter and not to leave! Henan Yin and Luoyang counties did a good job Prepare to capture the culprits! Today, I want to see, who can have the last laugh!"

Gao Shun slowly put away his clairvoyance and issued a series of orders. Then he frowned and added another. "You, go and protect Mr. Zhao Yi! Together with Ma Zhong’s twelve masters, we must protect Mr. Zhao Yi completely!" You, naturally, refer to the more than one hundred guards under his command, all of whom are more than a hundred people. They are all veterans in the army, and they are used for the selection of military princes and military chiefs. "No! Someone obeyed!" Gao Shun's guards are as taciturn as he is. Everyone didn't say much, they promised with a slam, and took care of their defense without mentioning it. In their hearts, as long as the general gave an order, they would die through all fire and water.

"Hey! Looking at this posture, this battle will undoubtedly be won! It's just that the lives of many veterans in the army have been ruined for nothing!" Gao Shun finished taking measures and sighed secretly in his heart. Huh? How can I feel compassion for others today? Gao Shun thought in surprise. A general is successful. As a celebrity commanding an army of hundreds of thousands, he always regards hundreds of thousands of soldiers as pawns. Why is this today?

"Hey! It seems that this level is finally over. The next step is to search for the remnants of the Yellow Turban. I don't know what happened to Fengxian at this time?" Yan Yan's face was calm as usual, but her heart was full of emotion. "Come on, send an eagle letter, order Shang Shu Zuo Pu to shoot, and the business secretary to hear Cao Shi Cao Yong, and immediately rushed into Beijing to preside over the overall situation of arresting the remnants of the Yellow Turban. Once Ma Zhong's interrogation is clear, Luoyang City will immediately start arresting people. Dispatch Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo to lead medics out of the city to heal the wounded soldiers. One hundred thousand in a hurry!"

Quietly after filling the pot for General Gao Shun, Yan Yan let out a long sigh, took out a pair of delicate clairvoyance, and watched carefully. At this moment, within a radius of fifty miles, tens of thousands of troops were divided into more than a hundred teams, and they came straight here. The fast horse galloped, splashing yellow dust, strips of yellow dust repeatedly, straight up into the sky, the strips of yellow dust whirled out, looking magnificent.

"In this way, the trend is set! It depends on how many confessions can be asked." Yan Yan sighed silently in her heart. The remnants of the yellow turban should not be caused by the family. I don't know that in the city of Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, there is no way to know who has fallen into it this time. It is difficult to fight the world, and even more difficult to rule the world. The difficulty lies in the lack of people's hearts!

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