New Story of Lv Bu

: : Dying well, so happy!

Surrounding this dense forest, there are densely packed Han troops in all directions, like a huge vortex, layered on top of each other, endless. The red flag of the Han army is like the sea, and the sword is like snow. The horse is like a dragon in the sea, and the armor and the scorpion are as splendid as beautiful. Along with the sound of killing waves, everyone is covered with frost and gallops. Looking around, a rushing army of horses, like hundreds of streams of different sizes, rushing toward this dense forest, like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea.

Outside the dense forest, the horseshoe thumped, and the sound of killing was like a mountain whistling a tsunami. In the dense forest, the remaining black-clothed masked people have their faces as earth-colored and their faces. Dense beads of sweat appeared on his head. Listening to this posture, the Han army rushing from all directions had no one hundred thousand or eighty thousand, and it would arrive within a quarter of an hour at most. If these Han troops arrive, what fate is waiting for them?

Just as the Yellow Turban Yu's army was in a state of confusion and morale plummeted, a heroic and desolate voice rang, and he hummed a ballad. The lyrics are simple and vigorous, and the song is full of displacement and helplessness in troubled times, which makes it hard to read. After a while, several people hummed along, followed by dozens and hundreds. In an instant, hundreds of masked men sang this song, clenched their swords and guns, took a big stride, and rushed toward Lu Bu's immediate position! At this moment, it is the time for them to kill themselves and make their families go through difficulties!

I wait for my beloved people, often living at the foot of the East Mountain, but suffering from a severe drought, no food, no food, no way to live, the old and the young are killing each other.

Jiao'er cried and wailed and felt sad, and her grandmother could not save her face by hiding her face. Huangquan meets every day, who can take care of him?

Strong as a grass bandit, gather in the green forest, eat meat, cook bones and drink human blood. The old and the weak are fanatics, and I don’t know who to enter?

Escape and death, war and death, how to fight to enter Luoyang arm in arm, fight all over, and pull the emperor off the horse!

Begging for the living army, begging for the living army, there is nothing to ask for death but life, I hope that the next life will not be a man, be a bird, a ghost, a dog and a horse!

This ballad is called "Song of Begging for Life". As early as the Kanto princes' alliance, the commander Huangjinqu drove more than 100,000 old and weak women and children to use "crit" tactics to forcibly attack the Shangdang party. Yu Wan, old and weak women and children all died tragically. At that time, before these 100,000 old and weak women and children were attached to the city, they sang this "Song of Begging to Live". After more than a hundred thousand people finished the song, they immediately held a stick and a hoe, strode forward to death, and continued endlessly.

"Hey! The great wise teacher Zhang Jiao's tricks of fooling the people are so harsh! My heart is to save the country and the people, but I did not expect to be slandered to this point by the remnants of the Yellow Turban! Is there really no sense in this world? "Lü Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd, and immediately sighed on the hill. At this moment, the center of his heart is like a knife, and his heart is so painful, but for hundreds of millions of people.

"Let me keep an eye on it! As soon as someone strikes the front, you will immediately take action, don't hesitate! As long as you pass this level, you will be safe, and everyone will have a big reward! If someone is perfunctory , Dereliction of duty, hum! If I, Ma Zhong, don’t kill his nine races, I’ll write the word “horse” upside down!” The assassin general Ma Zhong finally rushed to Lu Bu's side, and he stretched out his sleeve and wiped it. The sweat on his head and face roared loudly. "No!" The answer to him was a sudden promise.

At this moment, behind Ma Zhong, more than a hundred people had gathered, seven grenadiers, more than ten martial arts masters, more than twenty guards from Lu Bu, and dozens of strange talents under Ma Zhong’s command. A man of power. His grandma is a bear, this level may be passed! Ma Zhongxin thought with lingering fear that the **** Yellow Turban remnant had actually watched such a moment! Almost let them succeed!

Outside the dense forest, the sound of earth-shaking horseshoes and shouts of killing were getting closer and closer, as if they were close at hand. In the dense forest, some yellow turban remnants have quietly left the brigade and fled to the depths of the dense forest. Now that the general situation is gone, instead of staying here and waiting for death, try to escape, maybe there is still a way to survive. People have the same heart and heart, and they lost most of them in an instant.

On the battlefield, only more than a hundred people wearing hats and cloaks were still fighting fiercely. They fought and sang the song "Beg for Living". The singing was intermittent, and the voice was bleak and heroic. It seemed that every time he swung a sword, he had a chance to hum a lyrics. These more than a hundred people are like crazy tigers, fierce and not afraid of death, every cut is fateful, and the sentence of life and death is made in an instant.

In just more than ten breaths, they have advanced more than a hundred steps, seeing that they are only more than a hundred steps away from the land of Lu Bu Lima. "Brothers! The remnants of the Yellow Turban are so brave, they just look at me like a chicken! Come with me! Kill them all!" By the side of Lu Bu, a military officer finally couldn't help it. He flipped the sword in his hand and immediately He went straight away. "Kill them all!" "Let the remnants of the Yellow Turban take a look, who is the native chicken!" Accompanied by the violent shouts, dozens of fine riders burst into a loud shout, and both legs pinched the horse belly.

"Don't move! It's important to protect King Wen!" Seeing the faint restlessness under his command, Ma Zhong immediately became anxious, and he shouted with a wave of his right hand. "Everyone is ready! Ready to face the last blow of the Yellow Turban remnants!" Ma Zhong is an old warrior. Starting from a small soldier, he has accumulated a lot of work to rise to the third rank of the stabbing general, and his eyesight is naturally excellent. As expected, the remnant of the Yellow Turban was about to perform its final blow. As long as this wave of thunder strikes have passed, and the reinforcements of the Han army have arrived, the remnants of the Yellow Turban will flee in all directions.

"For the sake of peace in the world!" "For the great and wise teacher!" "For the **** of the bamboo!" With several violent shouts, thirty or forty masked men stood up and rushed to Lu Bu immediately. Come by! These dozens of people flew in the air, like a big bird soaring in the sky. His grandma is a bear! It turns out that Zaihe thirty or forty people are real assassins! Ma Zhongdun said.

"Grenadier, throw bullets! Crossbowmen, keep shooting! Don't let one go!" Ma Zhong's voice was crying in eagerness. "No!" Hearing a loud promise, dozens of rushing crossbowmen stood up, opened their bows and shot arrows, aiming at the dozens of people in black in the air and shooting randomly. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Dozens of arrows rushed towards his face with howling noises.

"Woo??????" "Hey??????" These dozens of people were in the air, unavoidable, unavoidable, they had to grit their teeth and move forward quickly. Half of the people avoided the strong crossbow shot by the Han army, while the other half was shot by the crossbow arrows. They let out a horror and fell straight to the ground. "Kill the thief!" The Han army who was waiting on the ground roared, brandishing knives and guns to fight.

More than a dozen people who could have avoided the bow of the Han Army took a deep breath. Seeing that they were only twenty or thirty steps away from Lu Bu, they raised their weapons and shouted, their feet touched the ground, and they lifted up again with strength and went straight to Lu Bu. Come. No one knows that there is a flower in front of him, one by one heavy round objects rushing towards his face, and there is still smoke on the buttocks of these round objects. His grandma's, what is this?

boom! Boom! Rumble! In an instant, seven hand grenades exploded in the air, accompanied by a huge roar and shining fire, hundreds of iron briers, nails, and iron pellets burst out, and a whirlwind seemed to blow within a radius of five feet. . The remaining dozen or so people were immediately killed by the explosion. The clothes on their bodies burst, and their sturdy bodies were covered with large and small blood holes, and the dripping blood was like a stream, gurgling. The sound of puffing, puffing body falling to the ground is endless.

"Lu Fengxian, take your life!" a furious voice shouted loudly. This person has a clean body, and the clothes all over his body were shattered into fragments by the aftermath of the explosion. Only the pair of straw sandals under his feet was intact. He wears a high crown on his head, carries a huge wine gourd on his back, and carries a cane made of stainless steel in his right hand. It is neither gold nor iron, and looks dark.

This person is not someone else, he is the current leader of the Taiping Qing leader Xu Zhuzi! At this moment, there are only three people left on his left and right, a clear-cut Taoist with a sword that cuts iron like mud in his hand, a fat man with a pair of big axes in his hands, and a frosty face. The scholar has an iron whip in his hand. The three of them were as embarrassed as Xu Zhuo.

"Kill the thief! Friends of the rivers and lakes, you go! The crossbowmen are shooting! The grenadiers take the time to throw grenades! Be careful to injure King Wen!" Ma Zhong yelled and drew out the iron-cutting sword from his waist, loudly Roared. The four people in front of them can avoid the first round of grenades, and they must be first-class players. The distance between the two armies is so close that this grenade is absolutely useless!

The dozen or so masters under Ma Zhong's command had long since jumped up. Three of them, in groups of five and one by one, intercepted the three masters by XU Zhuzi, and started to kill each other like a horse lantern. In an instant, the sound of shouting and shouting sounded, and the two people and horses fought together. Ma Zhong's good players are all strictly trained, and they are the best at melee and entanglement, and they can't tell the victory or defeat for a while. The virtual bamboo landed slowly, holding the fine steel rod in his right hand. "Lu Fengxian, today you and I will compare life and death!"

"Oh! It turned out to be the leader of the Xuzhuzhu! It has been famous for a long time. When I saw it today, it was indeed a first-class hero! Thousands of people died in exchange for the opportunity to assassinate my Lu Bu! For the sake of the thousands of foolish people who died unjustly, I, Lu Bu, will also cut off your head!" Before the words were over, Lu Bu jumped up!

"Hahahahahahaha! It's a good death, so happy!" Xu Zhuzi laughed a long time, and he jumped up.

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