New Story of Lv Bu

: : Lu Bu vs. Xuzhu

Lu Bu and Xu Zhuzi stood up at the same time. The distance between the two was originally forty or fifty steps. After flying again, the weapons of the two people met in the air instantly. Peng! Puff! Puffy! In a blink of an eye, Fang Tian's painted halberd and steel cane collided 18 times in a row. If you look closely with clairvoyance, you can see the sparks between the two weapons.

The huge impact sound was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and it shook people's ears numb and dizzy. Like two big birds flying in the sky, the two fell to the ground again. The first time they played against each other, both of them had done a good job. In the 18 consecutive collisions, both sides also measured the opponent's weight. However, the two of them jumped on their toes almost at the same time.

Peng! Puff! Puffy! There was another series of earth-shattering loud noises. Just between the sparks and the fire, Fang Tian's painted halberd and the steel cane collided nine times in the air this time. Every time it was as heavy as Mount Tai, and every time it was as Huang Zhongda Lu, shaking the two of them to tumbling. However, no one flinched, no one dodges, the two took a deep breath and once again exhausted all their strength to strike again!

Wow?????? Lu Bu opened his mouth, and he spouted blood from the sky. As early as the time when the Yellow Turban was put down, he fought against the Great Xian Mentor Zhang Jiao, and personally beheaded the Great Xian Mentor Zhang Jiao. At that time, the Zhangjiao realm was still in the golden core, but the skill at hand was greatly inferior. This time the realm of the virtual bamboo may not be as good as Zhang Jiao, but the skill at hand is several times stronger than Zhang Jiao.

If it comes to fighting alone, Lu Bu is slightly at a disadvantage, but after all, he has fought against Zhang Jiao, a great mentor, and he knows what it's like to fight against people in the Jindan Dacheng realm. In terms of realm, Lu Bu is slightly better than Xuzhu, but in martial arts, he is slightly inferior. In general, the two sides are half a catty. After Lü Bu spit out this bit of blood, his expression was greatly relieved, and the smile on his face was even greater.

"Xu Zhuo! Come again! At this time today, only one of you and I can survive!" Lu Bu jumped up again with a little toe.

Woo?????? Xu Zhuzi bit his lips tightly, and swallowed a bite of hot blood abruptly. It's not that he doesn't know the benefits of spraying out the bruises, but that he doesn't dare! In the current situation, the Han army had the upper hand, and the morale of his yellow turban soldiers had already plummeted, and they were struggling to support them all with a wave of blood. If he vomited blood, it would have a great impact on the morale of his subordinates.

To be honest, at this moment, the internal injury of the virtual bamboo is much more serious than it looks. He rushed to the forefront, personally led dozens of good players, and launched a desperate fight. In a round of seven grenadiers of the Han army, four of the seven grenades were thrown on him. Fortunately, he worked in time and withstood 70% of the explosive power, but his internal organs were injured.

Only twice ascended into the air, in the mid-air, I used a stainless steel cane and Lu Bu's Fangtian painted halberd to smash each other 27 times in a row. With the lightly injured body that oscillated his internal organs, he successfully fought against Lu Bushi with one blow, and he resembled one after another, his internal organs immediately couldn't stand it. Although it was not a serious injury, it was a sway in the heart, and the severe pain struck, and it was already injured.

In a master battle, what they pay attention to is grasping the opponent's weakness, making a thunderous blow, and taking advantage of his illness to kill him. Lu Bu and him had similar martial skills, and the weakness of the virtual bamboo was immediately grasped by Lu Bu keenly. Therefore, after a gulp of blood, Lu Bu rose into the air again. "Come again!" Xu Zhuzi gritted his teeth and rose into the air again. This time, his body was a little shaky. Compared to the blood spewed out by Lü Bu, he knew that his injuries were much heavier. But he has no choice!

Peng! Peng! Peng! Just between the sparks and the fire, Fang Tian’s painted halberd and the steel cane touched three more times in the air. These three impacts gave off a heavy muffled sound, each louder and louder, and the power contained in it also increased. abundant. During the first collision, Xuzhu used all his strength and tried his best to move on. His throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, but he was forced to press down again. Peng! Fang Tian's painted halberd slammed into the stainless steel cane again without any tricks, and a huge force came.

The whole body of Xuzhuo was struck by lightning, rushing to the extreme soreness and trembling, the blood that had been accumulated in his throat for a long time finally spurted out! Wow?????? Xu Zhuzi opened his mouth and sprayed a lot of blood. He knew that he had suffered a serious internal injury. But, so what? The opposite Na Lu Fengxian was also injured, but he was a little bit lighter than himself.

"Come again!" Xu Zhuzi roared, and the steel cane in his hand was like lightning, slashing towards Lu Bu! Peng! Fang Tian's painted halberd and the stainless steel walking stick once again met in the air. A huge force came, and both of them felt that their arms were sore and numb. The sound of gold and iron clinking across the sky, like the huge bell in the Baima Temple in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, resounded through the world.

Lu Bu opened his mouth and sprayed out a lot of blood again, and he fell heavily to the ground, and in a flash, his face turned pale. Wow?????? Wow?????? Wow?????? The virtual bamboo spewed out three mouthfuls of blood in a row, one mouthful faster than one mouthful, and one mouthful more abundant. The last bite of blood seemed to be overwhelmed by the river, making Zhou Tian extremely cold.

In an instant, Xu Zhuzi felt the boss sorrowful, with a faint sense of top-heavy. not good! I have suffered a very serious internal injury! Xu Zhuo was shocked immediately. After all, he is a great master of martial arts who has experienced hundreds of battles. At the moment he fell, he raised his eyes and looked at Lu Bu. Lu Bu was like a kite with a broken thread, swaying and falling straight toward the vast ground.

Looking at the three outstanding hands around him, the left arm of the Taoist Qingzhu had been broken, and the sword in his right hand was waving wildly, and it would not be long before he saw it. The chubby man wore eight wounds, although he arrogantly shouted and fought, but when he looked carefully, it was also the end of the battle. Among the three masters, only the frosty scholar still wanders freely, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

Alas! It seems that the assassination of Lu Bu this time was a failure! Could this be God's will? Zhonghuang Taiyi, the only **** in my heart! Representative of Huang Tian, ​​please open your eyes like a sea of ​​wisdom and compassion to take a look! Your most pious people are suffering from the poison of the sky. They are dying one by one in the blood of the robes. Why does your old man turn a blind eye? Just between the lightning and the fire, thousands of thoughts echoed in Xu Zhuzi's mind. He knew that his way was about to disperse. At this moment, if he doesn't take the opportunity to escape, and when Lu Fengxian rises into the air again to haunt him, it will be too late to regret!

After all, Xu Zhuzi is a giant of martial arts, and he has been in charge of the Taiping Dao for more than ten years, and the decision to kill is all his own. In a flash, he will have a solution. escape! You must escape, leaving the green hills without worrying about firewood, and leaving the remains, in order to continue the career that the great wise and mentor did not have! Alas! Damn it, sigh! What a pity! What a pity! If he is not in a hurry for success, he still secretly poisons him, and when Yan Yan is dead, and Lu Bu is in chaos, he can assassinate him again, maybe he will have a little more chance of winning! Ugh! Good luck fooling people!

Xu Zhuzi's feet landed again, and his toes touched a little, and he jumped up again. This time, the target of his uprising was not Lu Bu, but the edge of the dense forest. "Grenades! Throw them all out! The empty bamboo is going to escape!" Ma Zhong waved the sword in his hand, shouting hoarsely. This time, Xu Zhuo personally assassinated King Wen, and it was dangerous. King Wen vomited two mouthfuls of blood and almost lost his life. The assassin general Ma Zhong hated Xu Zhuo a long time ago. At this moment, when Xu Zhu was about to flee, he immediately yelled. Peng! Puff! Puffy! The seven grenadiers had been staring at Xuzhuo for a long time, and they immediately tried their best.

Seven grenades came oncoming, blasting around the empty bamboo, and there was a loud bang. Hundreds of iron briers, iron nails, iron beads, and black kerosene mixed in it surrounded the empty bamboo. A piece of yellow smoke rose up. Wow?????? Only a terrible scream was heard, and the Xuzhu suddenly jumped into the air, and then fell heavily. At this moment, his whole body was dripping with blood, and there were wounds of different sizes everywhere, and blood was still spraying out. Yes, it's spraying, it's lasing!

"Throw again! Take advantage of his illness to kill him!" Ma Zhong shouted hoarse again. At this time, his heart was steaming with a roar, even if it was poured into the river, it could not be poured out. "No!" The seven grenadiers slammed their promise, and the seven grenades shot out again. At this moment, Xu Zhuzi was seriously injured and seemed to have been beaten up. He roared wildly and tried to rise into the air again.

It seems that this time Xuzhu can't escape his birth! Here is another wave of grenades, and the boy will be blown to pieces! Ma Zhong let out a sigh of relief, and the overall situation is finally settled. At this moment of life and death, I saw a figure rushing forward, hugged the virtual bamboo in one hand, and shot out from the dense forest with its toes. This person is not someone else, but the Confucian student.

The huge waves hit the sky, but the seven grenades thrown by the seven grenadiers exploded behind the scholar. The Confucian scholar’s ​​back immediately bloomed, as if a colorful paint shop was opened, with red blood and white meat, mixed with dense iron nails, iron briers, and iron beads. The scholar uttered a horror, he The bones were immediately exposed on his back.

"Master, go!" The scholar exhausted all his strength and threw the virtual bamboo to the edge of the dense forest. His body fell softly. Peng! Puff! Puffy! The last seven grenade shots came, making a loud noise, blasting the scholars to pieces. "Xu Zhuo! Where to escape?" Hearing a violent shout, like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, Lu Bu jumped up again and went straight to Xu Zhuo!

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