New Story of Lv Bu

: : Yan Dalang appeared

In the blink of an eye, it was May 26th. As soon as the hour came, Henan Yin Yankuan Yan Dalang appeared outside the second hall of the Prince Wen's Mansion. After the imperial court reform, the new official system was implemented. According to Zhaoyijun Yan Yan's suggestion, the uncle Yan Dalang was transferred to Henan Yin. In the new official system, the ranks of the prefects and state ministers of the prefectures and states are from the fourth rank up to the fifth rank, which are roughly divided into four characters: "Chongfan fatigue hardship".

Frequent traffic is called rushing, everything is complicated and complicated, too many taxes and grains are too late, which is tired, impure customs, and many crimes are difficult. Roughly speaking, the higher the rank of the county, the more the number of words, and vice versa, the less the number of words. Counties with all four characters for Chongfanfadi are called "most important" or "Yao" lack, and counties with one or no words are called "jian" lack. Species) means "necessary" lack, and the two characters (there are six kinds of "Chongfan, Fandi, Fanfai, Fatigue, Chongdi, and Chongfa are "Need" or "Medium".

"Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, is the first county in the world, Luoyang County. The four words'Chongfan fatigue hardship' are all occupied. As Luoyang County's immediate boss, Henan Yin is also full of all four characters'Chongfan fatigue hardship'. Now it’s a new official system, and the country’s dynasty is reformed and new, so it is necessary to suppress foreign relatives to prevent them from doing politics. So, I will ask you for this Henan Yin’s lack. Although it is difficult to overcome the fanfare. The four characters are complete, and the messenger is not very good. Fortunately, the grade foundation is good, and it is from the third grade position."

For this matter, Zhao Yijun Yan Yan specially called his brother-in-law and gave him a life. "In the new official system, the first rank is a respected official, and it is not given lightly. The second rank is already the true prime minister. From the third rank, it is said that high is not high, low is not low, and the same is true for the chiefs of the five supervising and three provinces. Henan Yin also It's the place of Jisuke, the capital of the capital. Letting you sit in this seat means that you will show me the gate!"

Yan Dalang is the smartest, and he is all about the affairs between the ruling party and the opposition, and he thanked him immediately. "Sister, don’t say it! I am your direct brother, my brother-in-law’s brother-in-law! Lao Lu’s and Lao Yan’s broken bones are connected to the tendons! Not to mention the third grade Henan Yin, it is from the third grade Henan Yin. In Luoyang County, the sixth grade, I also do it! Not only do I have to do it, but I have to do it so that people can’t find faults! With my sister and brother-in-law supporting me, I am still worried that Dalang Yan can’t get up? Don’t worry! "

"Since you understand, you can do it! I can't lose you in the future!" Yan Yan couldn't help but feel very happy when she saw that her brother knew what was good or bad, and she was very warm and soothed. Since then, Yan Dalang has really changed his mind and made this Henan Yin, who is full of four characters of "Chongfan and fatigue," vividly and vividly. "Today's Yan Dalang is like the former Wang Henan! He has a beginning and an end, and he is sincere and sincere, and he is already quite an official style!" The four-dynasty veteran of this dynasty, the former Sikong Zhongfu said with such emotion.

Yan Kuan came outside of the Second Hall of the Prince Wen's Mansion. After a while, he met three big brothers, Zhong Shuling Jia Xu, Shang Shuling Huang Fusong, and Yan Zhong, the servant. "Da Lang, you came in a hurry, what's the matter?" Huang Fusong still admires this former dude, who is now a faintly follower, he asked slowly.

"The three prime ministers, Yan Kuan, came here this time to ask the court to lift the blockade and open the twelve gates of Luoyang City so that people and goods can enter and leave freely!" Then, he looked up at the faces of the three prime ministers. "This?????? Xu Zhuo has not been caught yet. It seems a bit wrong to lift the blockade now. Wenhe, Yan Shizhong, what do you two have to say?" Shang Shuling Huangfusong is worthy of the veteran Huanhai, he slowly Said.

"Enlighten the book, and report to the humble job. Luoyang City is the capital of the Great Han Dynasty. With a large population, it needs a large amount of daily necessities such as vegetables, grains, rice, chickens, dogs, pigs, radishes, vegetables, etc., as well as all kinds of garbage. To be transported out of the city to be buried, there are hundreds of thousands of people who have to leave the city to work. Now, it has been a day and a half since the city was closed in the afternoon on May 24. During this day and a half, the garbage in the city was piled up like a mountain, The vegetables, grains, and rice from outside the city cannot be transported in, and the ordinary people have long felt miserable like sitting on needles and felts."

Seizing the moment when Huang Fusong hesitated, Yan Kuan saw the stitches and explained the basis for his request to lift the blockade. "The three prime ministers, Zhao Yijun is my sister, Wang Wen is my brother-in-law, and the general is an indomitable hero. When the three of them were assassinated, I was the most angry in my heart. However, no matter how anxious, I can't let it go. Don't the ordinary people suffer and suffer?"

Upon hearing this, Zhongshu Ling Jia Xu's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. He took a deep look at Yan Kuan, and then said slowly. "Yan Dalang, what you said is right! No matter how anxious you are, you can't make the ordinary people suffer. So let's go back and send out the rubbish, and the ban will be lifted at noon today, so that the people will settle down, and also give Ma Zhong and Cao Yong a buffer time. ."

"Zhongshuling is so good!" "This is a great remark!" Huangfusong and Yan Zhong nodded after listening. "No!" Yan Kuan quickly responded loudly when he heard what he was asking for. "The subordinates will go back and deal with this matter. The three prime ministers are for the sake of the common people, and the subordinates will write this truthfully." "Actually, there is no need to rush. You can ask the entourage to go back and take care of it. Zhao Yijun will do it. In the apse, my life is worry-free, but I'm still in a coma. You just go and have a look."

Jia Xu looked at Yan Kuan and said slowly. "No! I'm going to have a look." Yan Kuan crossed his hands, bowed in salute, and backed out. To be honest, since Yan Yan was assassinated on the afternoon of May 24th, he has not seen Yan Yan. The first is that everything is complicated, and Yan Yan has no life concerns. Second, after he heard about it, he immediately dispatched the staff of Peng to conduct secret investigations. The murderer must be arrested and brought to justice. Yan Dalang is a wise man, he doesn't believe this is just an accident.

Wen Wang's mansion is strict and lenient, and he has already known all the plants and trees in the mansion. It's just that he has been busy with official duties recently and has to avoid the suspicion of foreign relatives doing politics. Recently, he has come less frequently. With his hands behind, he held back the anxiety and eagerness in his heart, crossed the path and walked slowly towards Yan Yan's residence. Along the way, facing all kinds of people who bowed to him, smiled.

"Since he became Henan Yin, Da Lang seems to be much more mature! Every move has been forced by the ancient minister's style!" "That's right! Butt decides his head, Da Lang should be his turn after so many years of experience. The prime minister!" From time to time, the whispers of all kinds of people floated in his ears, Yan Kuan's face was light and breezy, as plain as before, but his heart was quite comfortable.

Finally, Yan Yan's residence was close in front of him, Yan Kuan took a deep breath, stopped to adjust his clothes, then coughed lightly, and slowly entered. When Yan Dalang came in, the maids, doctors, and guards who came and went one after another avoided to the sides, bowed and saluted. Yan Kuan's face was dignified, and he waved his hand gently, motioning them to free himself, and then hurriedly went straight to Yan Yan's bedroom.

At this moment, in Yan Yan's bedroom, Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo were examining Yan Yan's pulse. Lingqi, Diao Chan, Linglong, and Lingqi were standing by the side, but did not see Kang Moli. Seeing Yan Kuan coming in, several people nodded quickly, pointing to the two genius doctors, then pointing to themselves, and signalling Yan Kuan to sit down. Yan Kuan was not welcome, and found a place for himself, and slowly sat down to drink tea.

Finally, the two genius doctors had finished the pulse diagnosis, and Yan Kuan hurried forward and sent them out as soon as possible. "The two genius doctors have worked hard! Let's send them out." Yan Kuan put his mouth close to Zhang Zhongjing's ear when he saw outside the house, and said in a low voice. "I said Lao Zhang, I don't rub the sand in Yan Dalang's eyes. What do you see? To be honest, be careful Dalang and I will pull your beard!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo immediately shivered together. "Da Lang! They are all from his own family, take a step to talk!" Yan Kuan took a look, and there was no one in the Xi Nuan Pavilion. He quickly grabbed the two genius doctors and went in. With only a loud sound, the door of Xi Nuan Pavilion was heavily closed. A quarter of an hour later, the three talented people came out, Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo's faces were relaxed, as if the heavy burden on their bodies had been relieved, but Yan Kuan's faces were full of smiles.

"Two genius doctors go slowly! Everything is covered by Dalang and me! Remember what we just said!" Yan Kuan said with a hand. "Everything is Dalang Lao!" Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo hurriedly said nothing. Seeing off the two genius doctors, Yan Kuan put away his smile, his face was already covered with frost, as black as the bottom of a pot. He settled for a moment, and then slowly got up and entered the door.

When Yan Kuan entered, Diao Chan and Linglong hurriedly smiled and saluteed. Lingqi jumped onto Yan Kuan and asked chokedly: "Uncle, mother won't die, right?" "No! No! A few days later I'll wake up." Yan Kuan held Lingqi in his hand, took out a handkerchief, and gently wiped her tears. "Uncle, you came just right. Why do I feel that there is something wrong with the smell? Can a single assassination be so secretive? The water at the back seems to be a bit deep." Ling Hao was puzzled.

Upon hearing this, Diao Chan pulled Linglong quickly and hugged Lingqi from Yan Kuan's arms. The three of them bowed, exited the house, and closed the door gently. "Lingcha, I also think the taste in it is unusual. You can tell me about the situation these days, the more detailed the better." Yan Kuan lowered his voice. After a quarter of an hour, Ling Hao finally finished speaking, and she looked at Yan Kuan.

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