New Story of Lv Bu

: : The real murderer gradually surfaced

"Oh! So, why didn't you see Mrs. Kang?" Yan Kuan asked. "Lu Yi has been feeling cold recently and is taking medicine. Most of Madam Kang's thoughts are on Lu Yi, and I can't help much here, just come over and order a bit every day." Ling Hao widened. Both eyes asked: "Uncle, what do you mean??????" "Ling Hao, you have to be like this, this way??????" Yan Kuan lowered his voice and said a few words. "This? Is this possible?" Ling Hao hesitated a little.

"The heart of defense is indispensable! Ling Hao, listen to me, you are right! Think about it carefully, this time King Wen was assassinated, there are many confusing things in the whole matter. Nothing else. It is said that under the eyes of all, thousands of people were ambushed on the road that King Wen must pass. If there is no one behind the yellow turban and no family members to participate, I will cut off my head and not believe it!"

"Yellow Turban is so well arranged, it must know the route, guards, and schedule of King Wen's tour. Think about it, who can be such a powerful person? If I don't expect it to be bad, it is not the court. The middle giant is the person next to King Wen. No one else can do it! Listen to me, that's right!" Old God Yan Kuan said to the ground, his face full of melancholy.

"I understand! Do this as your uncle said! The defensive heart is indispensable! My mother is still in a coma, and I must protect it day and night." Ling Hao patted the case lightly and made a decision. "No, after staring for a few days, you have to take a look, place an ambush, and lay down the bait to fish for the Golden Ao! Just now, I and two genius doctors gossiping and heard an extremely shocking news, my sister, your mother, once She has been exposed to a small amount of poison. If she had no previous experience of poisoning, at this moment, she would have been poisoned and died!"

Yan Kuan immediately shook his head like a rattle when he heard Ling Hao's handling this. "There's still this thing? Isn't this collusion between inside and outside? If it is really sitting down, how many people will lose their heads? No! I will report to my father and investigate immediately!" Hearing the words of Yan Kuan , Ling Hao was furious immediately, a Gao'er jumped up and walked out in a hurry.

"Come back! Why are you in a hurry? How can you convince the crowd without evidence? Do you know how to catch the thief and steal? You are a mother, and are still so frizzy? Huh?" Ling Hao became anxious when he saw it. Yan Kuan straightened his face immediately and took out the identity of Uncle Yuan to teach her a lesson. Although Lingqi was reckless, he was not an unreasonable person. She thought about it and sat down angrily.

"Mr Zhao Yi has been poisoned. At present, only King Wen, the three prime ministers, two genius doctors, Ma Zhong and Cao Yong, and you and I know. The reason why King Wen had to treat everyone as okay is true. The hardship of last resort, this matter is unfounded! Ma Zhong and Cao Yongcha’s other cases are okay. Once the palace is involved, they don’t have much to do. I thought about it for a long time, and you still have to do this. I'll do it! You must keep the secret strictly, no one can believe it until you find the black hand behind the scenes! Remember!"

Having said this, Yan Kuan lowered his voice, and two terrifying cold lights appeared between his eyes. "I know!" Ling Hao replied.

At noon on May 26, the twelve gates of Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, burst open. The people who had received the news a long time ago immediately pushed up the trolley, and flowed in and out according to the rules on the right. Vegetables, vegetables, grains, rice, coarse and thin cloth, and daily-used items in the city. What went out of the city was household garbage, as well as the people who rushed to the docks, fields and mountains to work.

While the civilians in Luoyang City were smiling, Guang Luqing, the stabbing general, the shadow affair Ma Zhong Shu Zuopu shot, and the shadow affair Cao Yong joined forces to enter the Wen Palace. What awaits them is a big test. . Zhongshu ordered Jia Xu, Shang Shuling Huangfusong, and his servant Yan Zhong, three prime ministers to jointly issue an order for them to report on the progress of the investigation of the assassination of King Wen.

"Master Cao, you and I are going to the residence this time, but I have to get a board!" Ma Zhong said with a wry smile. It has been two full days since King Wen was assassinated. Although the 12 gates of Luoyang City were closed and searched, not much was obtained. The remnants of the Yellow Turban had already escaped after hearing the wind, and the black hand behind the scenes said that it was purely speculative, and there was no little evidence. On the contrary, the criminals and underworld forces in Luoyang City were almost completely wiped out this time. It can be regarded as an explanation to the civilians in Luoyang City.

"Oh! It's okay to be on the board, it's really surprising that there are only a few clues for such a big case. In my opinion, two days have passed, and the black hands behind the scenes must have cleaned up the head and tail. If you want to close the case as soon as possible, I am afraid it will be difficult!" Cao Yong sighed, his voice full of melancholy. "Then I have to tell the truth!" Ma Zhong sighed.

"There were two assassins captured at the scene. One was a middle-aged woman and the other was a girl. They were both assassins who tried to assassinate Zhao Yijun. That girl was a dwarf and was sixteen years old. The two were mother and daughter, dead. The young woman who died is also the daughter of a middle-aged woman. Because it is the big case of Tianzi No.1, the person in charge of the torture has a sense of measure and must not kill anyone."

Sitting on top of the third hall of Prince Wen's Mansion-the third hall of King Wen's Mansion, has now become the yamen who dealt with this big case, Ma Zhong talked freely. "These three mothers and daughters are all fanatics of Taiping and Qing leaders, and their mouths are very hard! Shadow's 18 sets of torture, the middle-aged woman has survived five sets of torture before she speaks, that girl, no, that dwarf has suffered too much. It’s a set, and everyone who knew it was recruited.

Ma Zhong said it lightly, but it was terrifying to everyone's ears. Rumor has it between the ruling and the opposition that the Shadow has 18 sets of torture. One set is more severe than the other set. They are all used to deal with the treacherous and wicked people, and they won't use it once in a while. Unexpectedly, this pair of mother and daughter assassins have survived so many sets! Alas! The harm of the Taiping Qing leader is dozens of times greater than that of sand bandits, horse bandits, smugglers, and ordinary rebels! For the faith in her heart, a woman can be tortured torture, even for the faith in her heart.

But, the result? The three prime ministers are all thousand-year-old foxes who have been through the sea, with seven-toothed ships in their stomachs, one by one suppressed the curiosity full of brains, and listened to what Ma Zhong said. Sure enough, Ma Zhonglue briefly talked about the passing, and then he shook out dry goods. "According to the confession of the two, their mother and daughter are all dead men who have been trained by Xuzhuo for many years. This time the assassination, they have long been determined to become benevolent if they are unsuccessful. Before doing it, Xuzhuo passed the position of leader to Bodhi He, Bodhi He evacuated Luoyang first."

"Following Bodhisattva and flying high are all the most devout believers in the Taipingqing Taoist. There are about thousands of people. As for their whereabouts, only Bodhisattva and Wang Xian know, but one thing is certain, they will definitely leave the big man. , Either to the west or to the south. This time the assassination was supported by the giants of the DPRK and aristocratic families. Thousands of people were not found, but they bought the city guards. In the day, they made up from the fourth gate of the south of Luoyang city. He came out of the city, and then a big ship brought weapons, armor, and food."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the three prime ministers rose to purple eggplants, and their eyebrows were also frowned. Can mobilize the city guards at the south gate of Luoyang, this person is at least a second-rank senior, the prime minister's class, is this **** worth it? Especially Shang Shu made Huang Fusong irritated and full of anger! Before the reform and restructuring, he was a lieutenant, and the power of the Han army was in his hands!

Looking at the faces of the three prime ministers, Cao Yong quickly coughed and changed the subject. "The three prime ministers don't need to be angry! The culprits must give their heads. According to Mr. Ma, the mother and daughter are only executors and can't tell much valuable information. According to the analysis of their confessions, for King Wen, The character, lifestyle, and psychology of Jun Zhaoyi and the general are very clear about Xuzhu???" Cao Yong said very implicitly, but who are the three prime ministers? I understood everything immediately. Cao Yong has something to say! His meaning is very clear, there must be people who are connected with the remnants of the Yellow Turban at the left and right of King Wen and Lord Zhao Yi! It's hard to say as to who is the main one, unity, or unity. All of a sudden, the front and back of the three prime ministers immediately sweated like syrup.

"Also, at the time of the book order, a total of eight high-ranking officials of the fifth rank and above had not arrived. After investigation, three of them were quite suspicious. These three have a lot of knowledge and two skills, and they are written by Yuan Fan, the servant and the young superintendent, and he is the queen mother. The celebrities around him, Liu E and Liu Shangshu, the internal servant. In his mansion, a large number of weapons and armors were found, and there were some secret letters, manuscripts, and files that were too late to be destroyed."

"Two martial artists, one is General Zhang Kai, who is at the fifth rank, and the other is General Li Tong, who is at rank 5. Both men are responsible for defending Luoyang South Fourth Gate on May 23 and 24. The most puzzling thing is that on May 24th, after a missed point, Li Tong immediately reported on Zhang Kai, saying that Zhang Kai had rebelled. After I heard, I immediately arrested the two of them, but Zhang Kai ran away. Up."

Cao Yong finally finished speaking, he looked up at Ma Zhong. Ma Zhong understood, and then went on. "This name Kai and Li Tong are both later changed names. Both of them are from the Dongqiang tribe. They are a veteran of Princess Adele and a family member of Mrs. Kang Moli. At present, my people have been arrested. All the officers under the two men are investigating carefully, and there will soon be results."

"So??????" The three prime ministers understood. They looked at each other and shook their heads in unison. Damn it! This big conspiracy case can't help but involve Wang Wen's wife, but also the Queen Mother Tang. How should this be done? "Ma Zhong, Cao Yong, you two must be more careful! It must come to light!" Zhongshu ordered Jia Xu to pull his face down, his face full of righteous words.

"Nuo!" Ma Zhong and Cao Yong promised, Huangfusong and Yan Zhong also got up and left, and the room fell into silence. "Go, send me Yan Dalang! I want to ask, how does he Henan Yin do?" Jia Xu roared.

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