New Story of Lv Bu

: : How do sheep survive in the tiger and leopard herd?

In the third year of Jian'an of the Han Dynasty, on June 18th, at the beginning of the unity period, the capital of the Han Dynasty was Luoyang City, the Mansion of King Wen, and the back house.

Kang Moli took a few confidant maids, divided flowers and willows, and walked through the circular veranda in Wang's Mansion towards Zhaoyijun Yanyan's new residence. Just a few days ago, according to the advice of the two genius doctors Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, Zhao Yijun was still unconscious, and it seemed that he had already wished to wake up. In this case, we must make a long-term plan, and we must have a quiet place for her to support her body.

Mr. and Mrs. Wen are married and have always been in a very good relationship. Upon hearing this, Lu Bu immediately sighed. He immediately ordered that Jia Xu, the superintendent of the palace, the Linghua general Lu Linghua, and Henan Yin Yankuan should investigate the houses in the Wenwang Mansion and take proper measures to make every effort to make Zhao Yijun wake up. After the three took their orders, it only took three days to determine Yan Yan's new residence.

This is a seven-bay compound with five fronts and five entrances. It is located next to the middle and back garden of Wang Wen's mansion. The house is tall and spacious and well ventilated. The furnishings in the house are simple and elegant, which is exactly what Zhao Yijun thought. The most rare thing is that this house is located in a remote place, very quiet, and no one will disturb you. Jia Xu, Lingqi, and Yan Dalang all said they were very good when they saw it, so they made a decision.

"Although it is located in a remote place, it is better than quiet and good for health. But this is a housewarming, and it is also for blessings. You have to choose a good day. Also, the furnishings in this garden must be changed. It’s a new place and a new look. I think it’s better to seal it up first, so that you can do some repairs, and move in all my sister’s favorite things. Maybe she sees things and thinks about people and can wake up earlier.” Yan Dalang slow Slowly spoke. He did his part and snatched the repair of the house.

"Uncle Yuan said so, I'm here to supervise the work! Before the repairs are made, no one can enter the house for no reason!" Ling Xiao said quickly, and quickly cut the mess. Seeing that Wen He, Ling Hao, and Yan Dalang all nodded, and the accompanying Kang Moli, Diao Chan, Linglong, Lingqi and others also agreed with a smile. Originally, I brought them here to get acquainted with the environment in advance.

Today is the seventh day that Mr. Zhao Yi moved here, and it is also Kang Moli's third stay. With the experience of staying twice in the past, this time I will be very familiar with it. First, with a few maids, Yan Yanzai carefully wiped her body and put on new cotton clothes. Then, I took the medicine bowl and fed Yan Yan with the medicine. After a little wipe, he served the ginseng soup and fed it slowly with a silver spoon.

After finishing all this, listening to Zhao Yijun Yan Yan's even breathing, everyone took a sigh of relief, the big event was over, and the rest was a long night. "You all go down, find a place to rest for a while. I will stand up for a while, and you will come for me." Kang Moli waved her hand and let the maids who served on the left and right go down. "No!" Left and right crossed hands and exited the house.

Although it was one person a day to serve Zhaoyijun Yan Yan, that was just a saying. The general regulation is that each person takes his confidant maid and changes the class every once in a while. The only thing to note is that every once in a while, see if Mr. Zhao Yi wakes up, there are signs of a major solution. In addition, whether it is reading embroidery or being in a daze, it's all right.

Time flies, and the maid serving Yan Yan has changed from one class to another, seeing the night when the night is deeper. Listening to the sound of clappers in my ears, and then looking at the hourglass in front of me, it was already three hours later. Kang Moli took a sigh of relief, got up slowly, and washed carefully before she stepped into Yan Yan's room. "You go out, let Zhao Yijun and I stay for a while." She said slowly.

After a while, only her and Yan Yan, who was unconscious, were left in the huge bedroom. Under the shining of more than ten arm-thick giant candles, the entire bedroom was slender. Kang Moli moved her lotus steps lightly, walked to Yan Yan's couch, handed over a bamboo mat with her hand, and sat down slowly. She supported her with her hands, opened two **** eyes, and looked at Yan Yan who was asleep without blinking.

"Yan Yan, Zhao Yijun Yan Yan, this name sounds too domineering! I, Kang Moli, is a native of Eastern Qiang. I have been riding and archery since I was a child. I have never read many books. Now I have these books in my stomach. I have continued to read it over the past few years. But I know that since ancient times, people who can be in charge of government as a woman are probably only you, except for the women of the Shang dynasty and the Queen Mother Lu of the current dynasty. Say something To be honest, I envy you and I am jealous of you. Why can you keep Fengxian from forgetting it?"

The night was quiet, and the night dew was deeper. In the bedroom, under the bright candlelight, there were only two people, and one of them was still a patient who had been unconscious for more than ten days. The long night is long, no one is looking around, and it is new to wake up, and can no longer sleep peacefully, might as well use it to vomit the block in my heart. Once she opened the chatterbox, Kang Moli became a little uncomfortable. She turned around and brought a few fresh, delicious, flavorful dishes prepared on the left and right, and placed them on the table on the side of Yan Yan's couch.

This altar of Zhao wine was brewed by Wen Wang Lu Bu himself. It is very different from the Zhao wine in Luoyang City. The wine is rich in aroma and the entrance is like a fire, but when it reaches down to the belly, it turns into The warmth of the group makes the internal organs extremely comfortable. Kang Moli was originally an unrestrained woman galloping on the grassland. She had a very good drink volume. After drinking a few drinks in a row, her face became bright red.

"When I first met you, I was just a close-knit maid next to Princess Adele. I looked at you curiously, amazed at your delicate beauty, with a touch of sadness, and even a little shyness. I thought at the time. Only a delicate and delicate woman like you is worthy of a heroic hero like Lu Fengxian. At that moment, your impression in my heart was an excellent, even a role model."

"However, afterwards, everything changed. It became bizarre and even extremely cruel. The root of all this lies in the death of Princess Adele. It is not so much that Princess Adele's death in battle was an accident. Rather, it was a conspiracy. Up to now, I still firmly believe that this is a huge conspiracy! Someone killed Princess Adele in order to annex Princess Adele’s Tuqi! I have read a book. The reason why Emperor Guangwu was able to dominate the world, Yuyang and Shanggu Tuqi are very helpful, and it is the same if you want to come to this dynasty."

Having said this, Kang Moli sighed and drank a full drink before speaking slowly. "After hearing that Princess Adele died in battle, I was very sad and indignant. I shed tears all day long. At that time, I vowed to God that I would raise Princess Adele's only son, Lu Zheng, and let him inherit what his mother was supposed to be. Everything I own! For this purpose, I do not hesitate to trade with the devil!"

"Later, you know what happened later. In order to win over Princess Adele's old ministry, I became Feng Xian's concubine. At that time, he was still a state shepherd. And you, the wife of the state shepherd at the time, Yan Yan, I have already begun to intervene in political affairs, step by step, and even achieved Mrs. Zhou Mu. Seeing you from a political idiot, step by step to today, I really have mixed feelings in my heart."

"Time flies, you slowly gained a firm foothold and became Feng Xian’s virtuous internal helper. Your daughter Ling Qiao became the commander of the Ling Qiao camp, and your son Lu An gradually grew up and began to have a benevolent attitude. Your little daughter Lingqi was born too, what a clever, cute, pink and jade girl! At this moment, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was pregnant and had my own son Lu Yi! When I started When I woke up in pain and saw his face that looked like an old man in his 50s and 60s, my heart was filled with happiness."

"Then, it was another long day full of sweet memories. The children have grown up like young eagles on the grassland, ending the happy days under the knees of their mothers. They have gone to school, joined the army, and studied, my Lu Yi also started to grow up day by day. During those years, I also read quite a few books, mainly history books. The more books I read, the less secure my heart became."

"The first emperor Zhenchang policy and Yuyu, dominates the world, is a male lord who came out once in 500 years. However, after his death, Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, and all the children of the first emperor were killed, and none of them were spared. At that time, Feng First of all, he is already a great Sima who is under one person and over ten thousand people. Judging from his posture, he will definitely become the emperor in the future. Then, after he becomes the emperor? Or after his death? I? What will happen to Lu Yi, his only son? When I think of this, my heart feels like a knife, and I can't sleep for a long time."

"Since I had this idea, I have spent a lot of time and thought to carefully observe the few children who have come. Linghao is a heroine and an excellent general who kills and decides. Lu An The outside is soft and the inside is strong, the city is quite deep, and there is a faintly heroic figure. Lu Zheng is bloodthirsty and kills, and his military ability is excellent. In the future, he will be a military commander like Wei Huo. Ling Qi is smart and intelligent. A talented woman. But, what about my Lu Yi? He is too weak."

"If you and Princess Adele's children are all eagles flying in the sky, then my son Lu Yi is an honest sheep! He is too honest, too indifferent, and too quiet. For him, the best future is to read, drink, enjoy flowers, and chant poems all day long, mix with a group of scholars, and live a life of rich and noble idlers."

Having said that, Kang Moli poured a glass of wine and drank it all in one go. At this moment, she was already a little bit drunk.

"Zhao Yijun Yan Yan, my good sister, if you change places, as Lu Yi's mother, what should I do?"

"You say! In a tiger and leopard herd, how does an honest sheep survive? You say! You say!"

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