New Story of Lv Bu

: : I want to use a scimitar to get you to agree

"Since I was aware of this problem, I have been thinking hard, trying to find a solution to the problem. Just like Lu Zheng is the only son of Princess Adele, Lu Yi is also my only son. In my life, I probably cannot have another child. I have a daughter. Bongxian’s relationship with you is getting better and better. Compared with you, Kang Moli is like an outsider. I am very jealous of this."

"Any woman wants to maintain a strong love with her husband. There is no doubt about this. Kang Moli is no exception. But every time I see the tender and sweet behavior between you, my heart Always full of sorrow and pain. Why didn't these tender affections be given to me? Why? He is also my husband, why not treat me like this?"

"I don’t know when, that little bit of jealousy in my heart gradually turned into sadness. Over time, those sadness accumulated much, so many pits and valleys, and there was nowhere to vent, and finally turned into At that moment, I finally remembered the words of Princess Adele: “You need to be bold when things happen. It is better to be careless.” Hey! It is worthy of my respect. Master, every word of Princess Adele is full of wisdom. I finally figured it out!"

"Fengxian is your husband and my husband, but he only loves you, not me. I have compared carefully, and he is better to Diao Chan than to me. A husband who no longer loves me, It is no longer worthy of my nostalgia and favor. From then on, there is only one person left in my heart, and that is my only son, Lu Yi. I will do my best to plan a good life for him, at least not like the son of Emperor Shi Huang I usually die by fate. For this wish, I would rather make a deal with the devil."

Having said that, Kang Moli's eye sockets were already moistened, and after a while, two rows of crystal teardrops were like broken beads, slowly flowing down her white and delicate cheeks. Large drops of tears flowed down, and instantly wetted her clothes, forming speckled marks. After a long time, Kang Moli took out a silk handkerchief, wiped her tears and continued.

"From that day on, my heart died. I no longer have love or fantasy in my heart, but anger and hatred. Lu Yi is a weak, gentle, harmless sheep. After my death, Who is his lifelong support? I thought for a long time and finally set the goal on Lu Zheng. In any case, Lu Yi and Lu Zheng are both sons of Dongqiang women, plus I and Princess Adele. At this level of relationship, Lu Zheng should be kind to Lu Yi. Besides, Lu Zheng always has no signs of leaving Lu An."

"I have carefully studied it. According to the patriarchal system of the Han people, as usual, there is no right to establish a son. As the eldest son of Lu An, as long as he is not too unbearable, the first son of Wang Wen is his, and the future emperor will naturally be his. The blood of Zheng is flowing with the blood of the Dongqiang people. When he was a child, he and Lu Zheng were separated from each other. When he grew up, he led the army, and most of them were aliens. It might not be self-reliant. As long as he has the self-reliance. , We must win over the hearts of the people and think of help. Lu Yi is cowardly, and is a natural ally."

"Don't look at Lu Zheng always being rebellious, he is really nice to Lu Yi, he really treats him like a brother. Lu An is not the case. Although on the surface he is polite and treats everyone equally, but there is a bit of contempt in his bones. You are serious. The same is true for Yan. It is the mother and son that are distressed! My thought at the time was that Lu Zheng had enough capital to protect Lu Yi. Without absolute certainty, Lu An would never dare to touch Lu Zheng. As long as Lu Zheng is alive, he and Lu Zheng With Yi’s friendship and connections, Lu Yi can continue to be his beautiful son in the world."

"As Lu Zheng grows up and gradually reveals his genius-like military talents, he starts to arouse everyone's ideas. You, Zhao Yijun Yan Yan, and your son Lu An are finally beginning to feel uneasy. For you, Lu Zheng is a knife that is too sharp. If you don’t use it well, it will cut yourself. Ask yourself again, are you the man who does the knife? Can you control Lu Zheng . Unfortunately, the final conclusion is that you can’t control Lu Zhengjie.”

"From that moment on, your mother and son united and began to suppress Lu Zheng. However, due to Da Sima's appreciation and love, all your small actions failed. So, this matter became It has become more subtle. There can only be one elder son, and only one emperor, but there are two competitors. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Lu An's city is quite deep and has the appearance of a gentleman. Lu Zheng is a genius. Commander-in-chief, ten swings and ten finals, no one has won. I am afraid that in Fengxian's heart, he still admires Lu Zheng more. He once said, "Lv Zhengxiao, me." This is precisely what the mother and son are most worried about and most worried about. anxious."

"Finally, you have found an opportunity. The Western Regions are in chaos and the Guishuang Army invades. Based on the intuition of a great commander, Lu Zheng feels that this is a challenge and an opportunity. His dream is to build a powerful empire from scratch. Wherever the horseshoe goes, it is territory. Da Sima appreciates his ambition very much, so Lu Zheng set off for the Western Regions."

Having said this, Kang Moli sighed, wiped her tears, and drank three drinks in succession before continuing her long narrative. "Lu Zheng's departure made my heart light up. According to this guy's fierce temperament, once he embarks on a journey and does not fight to the last ocean, he will never come back. He left and went. With an unruly ambition, he started from scratch to build his own Qianqiu Empire. But, my sheep-like son Lu Yi, what should he do?"

"Lv Zheng is gone, my heart is very melancholy, something that is not clear and unclear gradually filled my chest, that is sorrow, that is not to blame, that is loss and anxiety. For a while, I have been pregnant. Anxiously, I look forward to the battle report from the Western Regions and Guishuang. The battle situation tens of thousands of miles away has always affected my mind, because, to a certain extent, he determines Lu Yi's life. Finally, The good news came that Lu Zhengbai won the battle and finally conquered the entire Guishuang Empire. For the court and for Da Sima, this was a triumph that was rare in a thousand years, and he meant that the glory of the big man reflected the world. On that day, you should drink first. drunk."

"But, for me, it was a heavy hammer, so powerful that it left me with only half of my life left. Lu Zheng was raised by me, and I know his temperament best. Since he has conquered With Guishuang, he will never come back again. He will always go west, at the end of the horse's hoof, there is the vast sea. He did this to some extent to avoid a showdown with Lu An and to be a brother. Lu Zheng He is unruly, he is also strategizing and deciding the genius commander who is thousands of miles away. He is simply too smart."

"Lu Zheng finally got what he wanted, his empire, his people, and his veterans of war. As long as his banner is directed, these people will always follow him faithfully until the world The end of life. But what should my only son Lu Zheng do? As a mother, I am deeply worried. I am almost crazy. Every day I am confused and always thinking about Lu Yi's future."

"Between the ruling party and the opposition, they are all excited about Lu Zheng's great victory, and they don't hesitate to praise. People who are interested can see that Lu Zheng's brilliant victory has solved a big problem, that is, the successor of Da Sima, the future of the Lu dynasty. There is only one successor left, and that is Lu An, who has always been known as a benevolent emperor. As for Lu Zheng, he is willing to fight, so let him fight westward in Guishuang."

Speaking of this, Kang Moli was already half drinking, she looked at the few delicate dishes that had been crippled on the case table, and Yan Yan who was still unconscious, she finally laughed. Her smile was a bitter smile, so desolate and sad, it was a bitter smile that hurts to the bones and has to be sent out, but there is nowhere to vent, and no one can talk about it. At this moment, her face was full of sadness and anger.

"I put all my hopes on Lu Zheng, but Lu Zheng will never come back. He is tens of thousands of miles away, how can Lu Yi count on him? After thinking about it again and again, I finally made up my mind. He wrote a letter to Lu Zheng and asked him about his plan. After a long wait, Lu Zheng’s reply finally came. He asked Lu Zheng and I to leave for Guishuang. He would treat me like his own eyes. With Lu Zheng. After I was convinced, I was plunged into long-term excitement, and the road seemed pretty good."

"So, I packed up and went to see you, Da Sima's wife, Zhao Yijun Yan Yan. At that time, Da Sima was in the Guancheng Camp against hundreds of thousands of Kwantung Allied Forces, and you were also thinking about how to deal with the city in Luoyang. The rebellion of the aristocratic family, and the sneak attack by Cao Mengde. After listening to my words, you only considered for more than ten breaths, and you coldly rejected me. Your explanation is that Da Sima now has only three sons, if two sons If you go to Guishuang, you will chew your tongue between the government and the opposition, which is not conducive to stabilizing the situation and calming people's hearts. In the end, you promised me that you would treat Lu Yi kindly. After all, he is the son of Feng Xian."

"At that time, looking at your chattering mouth, there was an impulse in my heart, that was to immediately take out the saber and cut off your head! You promise to treat Lu Yi kindly, what can you guarantee? Can you guarantee Can Lu An guarantee? That day, I walked out of your residence in despair, stumbled back like a wandering soul. At that moment, I completely gave up! After I finally woke up, I made up my mind, since you don’t Agree, I will ask you to agree with the scimitar in my hand!"

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