New Story of Lv Bu

: : As long as I don't die, they won't be able to turn the sky over!

After sending off Liu Bei, while still in good spirits, Tao Qian pondered over and over again, and finally began to deal with his own funeral.

The first one he called was his eldest son, Tao Merchant. "Three days later, you will lead the tribe and return to your hometown of Danyang with heavy vehicles. Then, just stay there and wait for my funeral. After I die, my second child will **** my coffin back to Danyang. You two are too far away. Honestly, don't enter an official position anymore in this life. It is better to be betrayed and beheaded than to be betrayed and beheaded."

Speaking of this, Tao Qian couldn't help but hiss. He was tyrannical throughout his life. Even a hero like Cao Cao and Cao Mengde couldn't make him bow his head. Unexpectedly, he gave birth to two honest sons, making Xuzhou unable to pass on to his family. Tao Qian felt sad when he thought of this. After all, Tao Qian is a broad-minded person, and when he thinks about it, his mood immediately becomes peaceful.

Dragons can move clouds and rain, tigers can dominate mountains and forests, dogs can look after homes, and as for snakes and rats, they can only drill holes. Everyone has his own destiny, there is no need to force it, nor can it be forced. With Tao Shang and Tao Ying's psychic abilities, it is a rare extravagant hope to be able to spend his life in peace and stability in this troubled world. Don’t you hear that "I would rather be a dog of peace than a person of chaos"?

Although Tao Shang had his duty, he inherited his father's broad-mindedness. He did not speak, but knelt down and crossed his hands, bowed, respectfully bowed, and sat up straight and listened quietly to his father's actions. Housework. Tao Qian said in words, he said one, and the pottery merchant took a note on it, but within a quarter of an hour, it was all done. Tao Qian took a big breath.

After dealing with the family affairs, what is left is Xuzhou Mu's candidate. In this matter, Tao Qian has to consult his subordinates before he can decide the final candidate. It was Cao Bao who asked the first question. The Cao family belonged to a big family in Xuzhou, with many students and deceased officials all over Xuzhou, with a wide network of contacts in both military and political circles in Xuzhou. Cao Bao's command is the Danyang Army, Xuzhou's first strongest soldier, and his opinion is the most critical.

"My Cao family is only obliged by the prefecture!" When Tao Qian asked, Cao Bao pondered for a moment before he replied slowly. Although Cao Bao is a military commander, he is, after all, a descendant of a family, and he has a good background in Confucianism. He has a good foundation, but he doesn't really like dancing, writing, and ink. He immediately understood Tao Qian's words. Tao Gongzu asked about the attitude of the Cao family, but the Zhou Mu's meaning was unknown, so he had no choice but to answer. Cao Bao is a sensible person, knowing that he will never succeed him on his own merits.

The attitude of the Cao family is very clear. Cao Bao is still loyal to him, and Tao Qian is very satisfied. That being the case, let Cao Bao and Cao's family give some advice. "General Cao, Cao Mengde, Liu Xuande, Yuan Gonglu, and Lu Fengxian, among the four, who do you think can entrust Xuzhou?" Tao Qian spent a long time licking the teeth, and finally decided to tell the truth. This problem has troubled him for a long time.

"Cao Mengde failed! He killed hundreds of thousands of the people of Xuzhou. He was a herd of Xuzhou, and the Xuzhou gentry certainly did not agree. Yuan Gonglu was arrogant and uncomfortable, not sympathetic to the people, arrogant, and not friendly. As for Liu Xuande and Lu Fengxian. Well??????" At this point, Cao Bao looked up at Tao Qian. "After a hundred years of animal husbandry in Laozhou, the world must be unified. In this case, instead of working hard for a lifetime, we should find a master who can dominate the world, and be peaceful with the people and gentry!"

What Cao Bao said is true. In the world, the people and gentry want peace in the world, the weather is smooth, and things are simple and taxable. Tao Qian couldn't help nodding when he heard the words. "General Cao, this heartfelt remark of yours, the old man will remember. The old man has ruled Xuzhou for several years and has achieved nothing. The only accomplishment is to protect the millions of people in Xuzhou from starvation and hunger."

Having said this, Tao Qian lowered his voice and said. "General Cao, I am going to the court, and I have returned to Natu!"

"So, the prefecture has made great contributions to animal husbandry! The gentry of the people of Xuzhou will certainly be grateful for the kindness of the prefecture animal husbandry!" Cao Bao said with his hand.

"Yuanlong, you are a big clan in Xuzhou, and you are talented Panpan. Now, I don't know something, and I still have to ask Yuanlong for advice." Tao Qian looked at Chen Deng who was sitting right in front of him, always feeling unhappy. Chen Hanyu, Chen Yuanlong and his son are most fond of playing tricks, and there is a chilly smell from their bones. It's like a poisonous snake that always swallows its core, which is extremely uncomfortable.

"Zhou Mu, please speak frankly, Chen Deng listens carefully." Chen Deng is so clever, he has long heard Tao Qian's overtones, knowing that he is asking about Xuzhou Mu's candidate. However, Tao Qian didn't know clearly, he had no choice but to pretend to be confused. After returning to Yan County from Xiapi, the father and son had already set a goal, and they must dedicate the big Xuzhou to Cao Cao. There is at least one seat for Xuzhou Mu.

"I Tao Qian has been ruling Xuzhou for several years. I have achieved nothing. The only thing that is gratifying is that the people are wealthy and well-being. Now, I am very old, and it is a dying year, and there is not much time! I am confident that I treat the Xuzhou family very much. Thick, they must be able to understand my difficulties. My two sons are not good candidates. I wonder if Yuanlong has any ideas about Xuzhou Mu's successor?" Tao Qian asked slowly.

In Tao Qian's remarks, there are three meanings faintly: First, it is better to draw a conclusion about the merits and demerits of his ruling Xuzhou for several years. Second, treat Xuzhou aristocratic families very seriously. This sentence can be understood as a solid foundation for his rule and deep roots. It can also be understood as an implicit threat. If you dare to have strange intentions, the Xuzhou family will definitely not follow. The third is to consult Chen Deng's attitude towards the selection of herdsmen in Xuzhou. These three layers of meanings are intertwined with each other, and they need to be connected and understood carefully.

Chen Dengcai is as big as the sea, Panpan and Wenzhi and martial arts have two sons, Tao Qian's words, he understood immediately. However, what should I answer if I understand it? In an instant, Chen Deng had a claim. For the sake of the millions of people in Xuzhou, he still had to cry on Chen and clearly put forward his claim. That is the Xi Ying Cao Cao, Xuzhou ruled as the foundation of the king and hegemony.

"What Zhou Mu has seen is extremely true!" Chen Deng slapped Tao Qian first, and then said slowly. "In Xuzhou, no one can succeed regardless of their talents and virtues. There is no one in the state, so you have to ask for it outside. Looking at the crowds, in my opinion, only Cao Mengde and Liu Xuande can be the chief responsibilities. Why? Like today, when the Han Dynasty is falling apart, and the princes are rising, the first thing to see is who can dominate the world and win the top spot. Second, it depends on where his **** sits, whether it is a small citizen or a family member? "

"Among the princes in the world, it stands to reason that the most promising one is Wen Wang Lu Bu. However, his **** is sitting on the side of the common people, and the one who hates the most is the family. The family who has been criticized by his clan There are at least thousands of families. In this way, he is regarded as a foe by the families of the world. As for the generations of Yuan Gonglu and Yuan Benchu, who are aspiring and indifferent, they are not sympathetic to the common people. They are all in the grave! Spicy, hard to survive alone, the hero of the world, only Cao Mengde!"

Chen Deng finally finished speaking. He raised his head and fixedly looked at Tao Qian, with blazing flames in his eyes. For a while, Tao Qian was a little lost. Chen Deng's words were a bit of a shock to him, and he had to chew some words carefully. "Yuanlong, I am clear about your opinion. I appoint you as Guangling prefect. I will set off three days later and lead my troops to conquer Guangling and attack Yuan Shu. When Cao Cao came to attack, Yuan Shu took advantage of the fire and took advantage of Guangling County. Today I will Blood for blood, tooth for tooth, clean him up!"

Tao Qian said in a loud voice. "No! Subordinates obey orders!" Chen Deng bowed his hands and bowed his head respectfully.

"Actually, this matter can be viewed from another angle." Facing Tao Qian, Mizhu's smile was as bright as the spring. "What exactly does the state shepherd want? If it is for the unification of the world and the gentry people live a peaceful and stable life earlier, then they must go to the court and return to the land. In this way, not only the Xuzhou gentry people will be grateful to the state shepherd. Ende, even two philosophical heirs can also be rewarded as a prince. Lu Fengxian’s handwriting has always been great. If you want to conquer the world and ascend the throne as emperor, you might as well give Xuzhou to a hero, whether Liu Xuande or Cao Mengde. If it succeeds, it is the founder of the country. If it fails, it has nothing to do with the Tao family."

Mizhu was born as a wealthy businessman, and he was the best at trying to figure out people's hearts. His words happened to be Tao Qian's heart. If he had ten or eight years of life, he would definitely choose the second path, and it would be fine if Chenggu was happily defeated. But I can't live for a few days. That ambitious ambition has long been blown away by the rain and wind. In this way, I can only return home!

"Zizhong! I am determined! Go to the court and return to the land! Three days later, you immediately get up and go to Luoyang secretly. As my emissary, ask the court to appoint Xuzhou Mu as soon as possible. Lead the army to take over Xuzhou. Remember, you must Be cautious! Cao Bao has no problem, but Chen Hanyu, Chen Yuanlong and his son are going to welcome Cao Mengde into Xuzhou." Tao Qian whispered after a few shots.

"Zhou Mu, after I leave, this Xuzhou??????" Mi Zhu asked tentatively after looking at no one left or right. Chen Hanyu, Chen Yuanlong and his son have always liked to play tricks and tricks, and Chen Deng is as big as the sea. Once he is discovered by his father and son and activated in advance, how can it be good? The only way to do this is to arrest Chen and his son immediately, and then go to Luoyang as an envoy.

"It's okay! I can live for a few months! As long as I'm still alive, they won't be able to turn the sky!" Tao Qian said confidently.

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