New Story of Lv Bu

: : Small amount, non-gentleman, non-toxic, not husband

After Chen Deng returned home, he hurriedly cleaned his face, put on clean and fresh clothes, and immediately got up to see Chen Gui.

The weather in early July is when the summer heat is at its peak. "The Book of Songs? National Style? Binfeng? July" says: In July, the fire is flowing, and the clothes are given in September. On the first day, the hair is fascinated, and the second day is violent; without clothes and brown, why die? On the third day in the fetus, on the fourth day the toe is raised. With my wife, Fu Bi Nanmu. Tian Zhen is very happy. The rough meaning is: in the seventh month of the summer calendar, the "fire" star goes down, and in September the work of making winter clothes is left to women. The weekly calendar makes a sound when the strong wind touches things in January, and it is bitter in February. How do you end the year without clothes? In March, he repaired the tools of Lei Lei, and in April, he raised his foot and stepped on Lei Lei to plow the fields. Together with my wife and children, send food to the farmland. Tian Zhen was very happy to see farmers working in the fields. The "flowing fire" here refers to the "heart-stay", not to describe the extremely hot summer. .

Every year at midsummer noon and evening, the "big fire" is located in the south, the highest position, and at the evening of July, its position gradually descends from the mid-sky to the west, "the heat of knowledge is gradually receding and autumn is approaching." Astronomers throughout the ages have called this phenomenon the "July Fire". The "stream" here is not the stream of meteors. The water flows to the lower place, and the "fire" falls to the west, and it also flows; the "July Liuhuo" means "Areya" and slowly falls to the west at night, indicating that the cold season is about to come, and the weather is gradually getting cooler. .

The scorching heat is about to end, and the cool autumn day is coming, but Chen Deng's mood is as hot as this scorching heat. He is as big as the sea, and his culture, Taoism and martial arts are top-notch. I saw Tao Qian today and I have fully understood Tao Qian's intentions. Tao Gongzu didn't want to give Xuzhou to Cao Cao. Just relying on Cao Cao to slaughter hundreds of thousands of people in Xuzhou, Tao Qian would not hand over the post of Xuzhou pastoralism to Cao Cao. However, the problem is here. Where will Tao Gongzu deal with him? Do you bow your head and obey orders, or rise up to resist?

At this moment, the waves in Chen Deng's heart are surging, like the sea when dark clouds cover the sun, the surface is calm, and the heart is agitated.

Gently opened the door and looked up, the old father Chen Gui was sitting in front of the window, drinking tea with gusto. The afternoon sun shines through the window lattices on his gully face, giving his face a distinction of light and dark. The bright parts are raised facial features, and the dark parts are sunken wrinkles. Chen Gui sat there, like a Buddha statue, giving people a mottled feeling of drifting away from the vicissitudes of life.

"Yuanlong, sit down! Sit down and drink tea and talk." The ancients said: Knowing the son is not the father. Looking at Chen Deng's expression, Chen Gui knew where he touched a nail in Tao Qian. "Yuanlong, it seems that Tao Gongzu has vetoed your opinion." Chen Gui stretched out his right hand and poured a large bowl of herbal tea for Chen Deng, and then said slowly. "Father's expectation is not bad!" Chen Deng stretched out his hands, picked up the large bowl of herbal tea and drank it, then replied. In the sweltering heat, even the frogs in the pond were resting. After a bowl of herbal tea, most of the heat on the body was immediately dissipated. What's more rare is that the restless and violent mood in his heart finally calmed down.

"Tao Gongzu's handling of this is also reasonable. He valued the family the most and despised the Han clan. Cao Mengde is a descendant of the eunuch. In the eyes of the family, he is inferior to the Han clan. Tao Gongzu despised him in his heart. Besides, Tao Gongzu always looked down upon him. He claims to love the people like a son, and Cao Mengde slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in Xuzhou. If Cao Mengde succeeded to the throne, wouldn't he smash his Tao Gongzu's golden sign?

"So, in the eyes of Tao Gongzu, this is absolutely impossible! Your rash advice today not only made him disappointed, but also made him suspicious. You will definitely find an opportunity to transfer you out of Yanxian. Then, take a picture of it slowly." Chen Jue picked up the tea bowl and drank a big sip of tea, then put down the tea bowl and gave Chen Deng a deep look with an expression of Zhizhu holding it.

"Father's expectation is not bad, that's the case! Tao Gongzu has appointed me as the prefect of Guangling. Three days later, he will set off to lead the army to restore Guangling County. At the same time, he also appointed Liu Xuande as the state minister of Xiapi and governed Xiapi and Pengcheng counties. Cao Bao is the prime minister of Langya, and Liu Xuande restored Langya together with Liu Xuande. They are the same as me, and they all set off in three days." Chen Deng raised his eyes and looked at Chen Hui and said.

"Oh! That's it! The three big families in Xuzhou, plus one Liu Bei and Liu Xuande, were all sent to fight by Tao Gongzu! So it seems that the Donghai Moose family will be the only one in this county in the future. Wait a minute??? ??? It is said that Mizhu’s sister, that snow-skinned and beautifully born Mizhen, has been betrothed to Wen Wang Lu Bu by his brother Mizhu as a concubine. A few months ago, most of the Mi’s family borrowed it. I went to Luoyang City, the capital of Dahan, in the name of sending off my relatives. Now, Cao Bao and you have been sent out. Yuanlong, have you ever smelled the smell in it?" Chen Gui narrowed his old eyes and said slowly .

"That said, Tao Gongzu has made up his mind, and he is determined to go to the court to become a minister, and to surrender his land?" Chen Deng was so smart that he wanted to understand everything in a flash. "Even if it is not in the middle, it is not far away!" Chen Gui nodded, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Father, how should we deal with it? You can't just let the Donghai Moose's family sit up?" Chen Deng was anxious.

"It's okay, a small amount is not a gentleman, non-toxic and not a husband! Tao Gongzu is about to die, so let him die a few days earlier!" Chen Gui narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice. "At the side of Tao Gongzu, I have laid two chess pieces in ambush for this time! I have given orders for them to act immediately. As soon as Liu Bei and Cao Bao leave, they will start immediately!"

"Gao Ming! Wisdom! Tao Gongzu was a clever life, but he didn't know everything to be in his father's cock!" Chen Deng held out his thumb.

The scorching heat is still going on, but Yanxian County, where Xuzhou Animal Husbandry is stationed, is still as calm as before, as if nothing happened. Early in the morning on the seventh day of July, the newly appointed Minister of State Liu Bei, State Minister of Langya State Cao Bao, and Guangling Prefect Chen Deng gathered together, lighted up soldiers and horses, and departed from the East Gate, North Gate, and South Gate of Yan County. , Have gone to their respective places of residence.

"Are they all gone?" Listening to the agitated drums and whimpering horns coming from outside the window, as well as the high-pitched voices of the soldiers, Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian, who was lying on the sickbed, finally grew up. With a sigh of relief, he turned his head and asked slowly. The excitement three days ago caused him to be beaten back to his original form, lingering on the sick couch again, and being bedridden. Tao Qian finally realized that his body was deteriorating and he could not support it for long. The major event has been dealt with, just waiting for a reply.

Tao Qian's words were asked by Mifang on the side. Since Mizhu was sent to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Mifang has entered Tao Qian's mansion and assisted Tao Qian in the planning. "Zhou Mu said that, according to the information from the meticulous work, they are all gone." When Tao Qian asked, Mifang immediately crossed his hands and bowed to salute. "Just go, just go!" Tao Qian took a sigh of relief again, and the expression on his face finally seemed a little more relaxed. "Zifang, you must guard the mansion strictly, closely monitor everyone's movements, and be careful! When will Zizhong come back, when will you be completely relieved! Remember! Remember!"

"No! I would like to obey the order of Zhou Mu!" Mifang smiled, respectfully and deeply. "Go ahead, I want to have a good night's sleep. These few days, I have a lot of worries, and I can't sleep at night!" Tao Qian waved his hand gently, his face full of exhaustion. At a glance, compared with three days ago, he seemed to be ten years old, his face was wrinkled, and he was older and vicissitudes of life than Chen Hanyu.

"No!" Mifang bowed again and gave a deep salute to see that Tao Qian didn't speak any more. He stepped back out of the door and walked to his residence in the mansion. As Mizhu’s younger brother, Mifang has been living in the shadow of Mizhu. What the world sees and hears is his elder brother, who is "graceful and phoenix, sees courtesy, and has the power of courtiers", completely forgot. Mizhu also has a younger brother.

Unexpectedly, at this time today, Liu Bei, Cao Bao, and Chen Deng all left the county outside the town, and even their brother Mizhu was ordered to go to Luoyang as an envoy. In Yanxian County, the huge Xuzhou Pastoral Festival, apart from Xuzhou Mu Taoqian who is lingering and sick, his Mifang is the second most powerful person! For a little person who has been sinking into a bureaucracy, depressed, and insignificant, the feeling of taking power suddenly is really wonderful! Seeing those state and county officials who had ignored them in the past, they tried their best to make a pleasing face to themselves, Mifang was indescribably happy in her contempt. Alas! Unexpectedly, I still have today! Look, you are all blind!

People have a refreshing spirit during happy events, perhaps because of the nature of the scholar-officials of the dynasty. When they are happy, they drink alcohol. After drinking, they have to use the wine to chant poems and make fus. "Come on! Bring the wine! Today, I want to make a big white!" Mifang shouted loudly while patting the case. "Mr. Moose, didn't the State Mu just say it? You must guard the mansion????" The left and right hurriedly persuaded. "Get out!" Upon hearing these words, Mifang immediately lost his anger. What's the matter? What I say doesn't even take you seriously? He slapped it with one slap!

Seeing the heavy five-fingerprints on the man's face and the face swollen like a pig's head, everyone finally realized that Mr. Moose would still lose his temper! For a while, everyone was silent. After a while, the wine and vegetables were brought up like running water, and Mifang smiled triumphantly at the trembling crowd. From today on, I want to see, who would dare to look down on me!

With a few exquisite side dishes, Mifang let go of her belly measure, one cup after another, cups of wine until the cups were dry, and she was drunk for a while. At this moment, it was already deep, the night was as cold as water, the bright moon was in the sky, and the sound of frogs in the pond inside the mansion gradually ceased. "I'm drunk??? I'm drunk to sleep??? You go???" Mizhu groaned in his mouth, but his body fell soft like a puddle of mud.

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