New Story of Lv Bu

: : The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind

At this time, it is time for Mao. Among the swaying trees, the warm summer wind gently blows across people's cool cheeks, bringing bursts of warmth. The peaks of the mountains in the distance suddenly radiated thousands of golden light, shrouding the whole earth in the speckled golden light, as if bathed in the holy rays of light. Torn through the heavy barriers of the dark night, a round of red sun burst out.

Under the shining red glow, a group of people stood quietly outside the bedroom door of Xuzhou Mu Taoqian. They were waiting for the arrival of three key figures. These three were Chen Deng, Mifang, and Tao Qian's second son Tao Ying. Everyone's faces were astonished and shocked. The news that Yuan Gonglu led an army across the river north and was close at hand had spread throughout the entire prefecture.

Under the guidance of the Laofu Ling, Chen Deng and Mifang came hurriedly in strides. At this time, Mifang had already finished washing and put on a clean official uniform. He yawned as he walked, and it seemed that the wine last night had not yet woken up. A hangover, for an adult man, is like taking five stone powder. He knows that he is playing with fire, but he just wants to stop it and salivates.

Chen Deng's face was full of dignity, he was beating the drum in his heart, and it was the moment he uncovered the lid, but he couldn't calm down. It's no wonder that the Chen family is a first-class family in Xuzhou, but because of the regulations of this dynasty, they have to look down on others and have been sinking into subordinates. Now, with such an opportunity, how can he not be in a hurry?

Chen Deng and Mifang had their own thoughts, and finally walked to the door of the house. They flashed to the two sides in a tacit understanding, and stood aside with their hands down. This is the residence of Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian. Tao Qian's second son Tao Ying is in the mansion. It is better for Tao Ying to open the door of this bedroom. At this moment, only a rush of footsteps could be heard in the distance. Under the service of several family members, Tao Ying came.

"I have seen the second son!" Chen Deng and Mifang hurriedly said. "Yuanlong! Zifang! It's urgent, so I won't be too polite. You two will come with me!" Tao Ying quickly bowed his hands when he saw the two generals under his father's command. He said as he walked, he came to the door of Tao Qian's bedroom and pushed gently, only to hear a creak, and the door opened. "Two, please come in!" Tao Ying stretched out his hand and said politely.

As soon as he entered the door, a strong medicinal gas rushed to his face, with a hint of staleness and decay in it. Among the many curtains, everyone looked around, only to see Tao Qian lying flat on the couch, as if they hadn't realized that someone was coming in. "Come here, open all these windows and close the curtains!" Tao Ying said loudly. "No!" Lao Fu Ling came forward with a few henchmen.

Several tall windows were opened, and the heavy curtains were rolled up. Tao Qian was still lying on the couch with his eyes closed. In an instant, everyone felt that something was wrong. "Father!" Tao Ying rushed forward and hugged Tao Qian in one hand. His movements were very light, as if he was holding a young baby. However, Tao Qian still lay there quietly, motionless.

The Laofu Ling was very knowledgeable. Under the horror, he dashed forward, holding his breath, holding his right hand and two middle fingers, and gently placing it under Tao Qian's nostrils. After a few breaths, sweat immediately appeared on his head and face. "Get the camel hair! Call the doctor to come quickly!" The old man made this roar, and everyone immediately understood. At this moment, Laozhou Mu probably collapsed.

"Father! It's a child who is not filial! I didn't take care of you!" Tao Ying yelled, hammering the ground with his hand, and howling. Seeing this situation, the heart that had been hanging in Chen Deng's heart was finally put in his stomach. It was pitiful, and everything was under control. He had already seen that beside Tao Qian's pillow, there was a piece of paper floating lightly. That was probably the so-called Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian's last words. With this thing, he Chen Deng can succeed Tao Qian as a matter of course and succeed Xuzhou Mu.

Several doctors with surprised faces hurried over carrying the medicine box, sat down slowly, adjusted their breathing and began to check the pulse.

At this moment, I could only hear a clamor outside the mansion gate, sometimes mixed with yelling and yelling. Almost in an instant, all the sounds seemed to come to an abrupt end. A rough voice cursed loudly: "His grandmother is a bear! I heard that Yuan Gonglu personally raised the army to cross the river north, only two hundred miles away from Yanxian. My elder brother immediately returned to the teacher to help, you guys dare to stop the ball. If you dare to be presumptuous, see Zhang Yide, my Yanren, not cutting off your heads and making urinals!" The voice was very loud, obviously, he did it intentionally, lest the people in the mansion would not hear it. For a while, everyone understood that this was the three brothers, Liu Guan and Zhang.

Chen Deng's ears were pointed, and he had long heard Zhang Fei's voice. In a blink of an eye, his heart sank to the bottom. The three brothers, Liu Guan Zhang, bravely crowned the three armies, at this moment, how come to the prefecture and animal husbandry first? From this point of view, I am afraid that this matter can no longer be kind! After all, he is a person with great ambitions in his heart, and in an instant, he has a solution. Since they can't be kind, then make a lot of trouble and use the power of the officialdom of Xuzhou to subdue them! We have Tao Qian's last words around us, are you afraid that the three of Liu Guanzhang and brothers won't make it?

"Zhou Muxie!" At this moment, the doctors who hurried over straightened up and shook their heads. "His old man passed away in his sleep, and he never suffered. The cause of death is that his body is too weak. Alas! It's a dead end!" He turned a living state Muzhi into a deadly ancestor. There will be some punishment. The doctors spoke all of them and began to make room for themselves.

"Father!" "Zhou Mu!" Suddenly, all grace cried loudly! This is the regulation of this dynasty, which is called "mourning." After the death of the emperor and the princes, and the people around them heard about it, they would cry loudly as usual. Moreover, the louder the cry and the more tears, the more it means the remembrance and feelings of the deceased. Tao Qian suddenly collapsed and his subordinates wanted to cry as usual.

Everyone was crying tightly, and they could only hear a long howl outside the house, their voices were sorrowful and sad, as if they were singing white in the lyrics and lyrics. "Hey! Laozhou Mu, is it because I, Liu Bei, is late?" Then, a man staggered in with his helmet and armour. This person is seven feet and five inches long, with two ears lobed shoulders, hands over the knees, eyes able to care for his ears, face like a crown jade, lips smeared with fat, broad temperament, reluctant to speak, joy and anger are invisible, and he has great ambition , Specializing in making friends with heroes in the world. It is the new prime minister of the country, Liu Bei and Liu Xuande undoubtedly!

Behind Liu Bei, there were two people standing there, one holding a blue dragon Yanyue knife, and a blue shirt over the armor. His body was nine feet long, his beard was two feet long, his face was like a heavy date, his lips were painted fat, his eyes were red, and the eyebrows were lying silkworms. , Majestic. It is Liu Bei's second brother Guan Yu Guan Yunchang. One person is holding a zhangba snake spear, a black armor, eight feet long, a leopard head and eyes, swallow chins and tiger whiskers, and the sound is like a thunder, and the power is like a galloping horse. It is Liu Bei's third brother Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide. Both Guan and Zhang held weapons, majestic and majestic, like two gods. Suddenly, everyone in the room immediately took a breath. There were these two killers, and it was over!

Look at that Liu Bei, crying and complaining, crying so softly, every word is startling, as if Tao Qian is his biological parents. For a while, everyone was stunned. After crying, I cried for a little half an hour, and then Mifang woke up from the astonishment. He stepped forward slowly and stretched out his hand to help Liu Bei. "Liu Shijun, the old state animal husbandry has collapsed, and even if the river is crying dry, it will be of no avail. Yuan Road is close at hand, the most important thing is to see who will be the state animal husbandry and lead the army to fight Yuan Road. ."

Upon hearing this, everyone's cries stopped abruptly. Yes, Laozhou Mu is dead, but we still have to live.

As a result, everyone got up, wiped away their tears, and talked about the situation this morning. Then the topic turned to the topic of who will succeed. "Here is a document. Could it be Lao Zhou Mu's last words?" Mifang asked. "Wait! Before Laozhou Mu was dying, did anyone enter this room?" Liu Bei asked slowly. "There has never been anyone!" Tao Ying replied categorically.

"I don't know what Yuanlong thinks?" Liu Bei turned his face and looked at Chen Deng. "Shijun Liu, if it is written by Laozhou Mu, then it should be done according to his old man's last words!" Chen Deng immediately became happy when he heard it. "So, please ask the second son to verify it. If it is the book written by Laozhou Mu, I have to trouble the second son to read it to everyone." Liu Bei said lightly.

"Okay! Wait for me to take a look!" Tao Ying wiped the tears from his face, stretched out his hand to take the letter, and opened it. "It's indeed my father's handwriting! It says ??????" He cleared his throat and stretched his voice. "The old and sick body of Yu is about to die. The only one who can't rest assured is Xuzhou Mu's successor. Yu Sizhi has repeatedly said that Liu Xuande is an upright gentleman, loyal, generous in politics, and able to treat the people kindly, as Xuzhou Mu? ?????" Tao Ying finished reading, and he showed the paper to everyone.

Upon hearing this, Chen Deng's eyes went dark and almost fainted on the ground. Almost in an instant, he understood everything. The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, but you didn't expect it to be preempted by your big-eared thief! However, his own words were still in my ears, and I couldn't speak for a while. "Everyone has seen it, come here! Let us see the current Xuzhou Shepherd!" Tao Ying was the first to cross his hands, bow and salute Liu Bei. "I'll wait to see Zhou Mu!" Everyone fell down. "Don't let the monarchs! Thinking of me, Liu Bei and He De, it's really hard to be a big responsibility, hard to be a big responsibility!" Liu Bei waved his hand hurriedly, with a sincere expression on his face, as if frightened.

"It's hard to be a big brother. Who else can be this big Xuzhou? Who dares to be?" Zhang Fei roared with a flash of snake spear.

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