New Story of Lv Bu

: : Undercurrent surging in Yanxian County

As soon as Zhang Fei said this, everyone was silent for a while. Taking a look at Zhang Fei's burly body, and then looking at himself, he felt that his chicken ribs were not enough to fill his old fists, so he sighed secretly and swallowed his doubts. Chen Deng hadn't come up with that breath before, and when he heard this, he immediately felt pain in his chest like a knife. Just waiting to speak and argue, but there was nothing to say.

Just now Liu Bei once expressed his doubts, but he thought that Zhizhu was in his hands, and said shiningly. "Shijun Liu, if it was written by Laozhou Mu, then he would do it according to his old man's last words!" Now that the treasure's cover was unveiled, he was defeated. At this moment, if one speaks again against it, wouldn't it be backlash? In this way, not only his Chen Yuanlong's reputation was discredited, but also the Chen family was affected.

At the moment when Chen Deng was entering and retreating, he could only hear Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang yelling with a blue dragon and a moon knife in his right hand. "Just now Caier et al said:'According to Laozhou Mu's last words!' Now, in Laozhou Mu's last words, it has been pointed out that the eldest brother should be the lord of Xuzhou! You will not come up to worship soon? If there are still objections , The Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife in Guan Mou's hand is not a vegetarian!"

Everyone looked at the Zhangba Snake Spear in Zhang Fei's hand, and then at the Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword in Guan Yu's hand. They couldn't help but sighed, trembling with fright, and refused to get up. However, these people are ordinary people. Chen Deng and Mifang, two of the three major forces in Xuzhou, Chen Deng and Mifang, the representatives of the Chen family and the Mi family, have not expressed anything. Liu Bei looked at him with cold eyes, and felt that Mifang seemed to be better able to fight for it.

"Zifang, Yu Yiyunhe? Donghai Moose's family belongs to the family of Xuzhou, this Xuzhou Mu is still done by your moose's family!" Liu Bei said with a sincere smile on his face. Mifang is a smart person. After thinking about it for a while, he understands the key points. Looking at what Chen Deng and Chen Yuanlong did today, most of the death of Lao Zhou Mu was done by Chen Deng, but I don’t know why he was preempted by Liu Xuande. Up.

His grandma is a bear! Nothing! Although you can't claim that Chen Deng killed Laozhou Mu, at least your Chen family is very suspicious. Now that Liu Xuande is in power, why don't I follow the tide? First, let you Chen Deng's unsuccessful attempt, a great disappointment, and a dumb loss steadily. Second, after all, there is the so-called last words of Zhou Mu, so that Liu Xuande will succeed him. The rest of the matter, as long as you are thinking about it. Thinking of this, Mifang lifted his robe, crossed his hands, bowed and bowed. "Liu Xuzhou is here, please be respected by my moose!"

"Oh! It's really shame me! Zifang, please get up! Please get up soon!" Liu Bei was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly stretched out his hands to support Mifang up. The Donghai Mijia is one of the three great families in Xuzhou. Now Mifang has expressed his opinion on behalf of the Mijia, and his throne in Xuzhou Mu has the first pillar. As for whether the Mi's family is sincere, he doesn't care.

"Yuanlong, you are talented Panpan, you are the pillar of Xuzhou, this Xuzhou animal husbandry position, who is it for you?" First stabilized Mifang, Liu Bei raised his eyes, and said humbly again. Upon hearing these words, Chen Deng's heart was agitated, and a mouthful of old blood almost came out! His grandma is a bear! You Liu Bei pretends to play a trick of a mantis catching a cicada and oriole. Now you still have the face to ask me?

His grandma's, you can kill but not humiliate! As soon as Chen Deng heard his chest, he wanted to answer. At this moment, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were standing by Liu Bei's side, stared, and four murderous eyes shot at them. "Huh?" Guan Zhang snorted in their nostrils at the same time, the meaning of which was self-explanatory. Looking at that posture, if Chen Deng dared to agree, the two of them would cut Chen Deng into two. "Chen Deng has no virtue and talent, and he can't stand up to the great task. This Xuzhou pastoral post is still done by Xuande brother Xuande!"

Chen Deng gritted his teeth, tried to squeeze a smile on his face, and said slowly. It seemed that the smile on his face was uglier than crying. "Hey! I didn't think that I, Liu Bei, had no talents and no virtues, and I was unanimously supported by the Xuzhou gentry! Let's stop! Everyone is very kind, and I have to take over this Xuzhou pastoral post. If there are virtuous people in future, My Liu Bei will definitely take off my robe and give way!"

Upon hearing Chen Deng's words, the heart that had been hanging in Liu Bei's heart finally fell into his stomach, he hurriedly folded his hands and said. "Zifang, you and your elder brother are as great as the sea. Today, I worship Zizhong to govern Xuzhou. You don’t drive for Xuzhou and help me together! I don’t know what Zifang thinks?" "No!" Mifang hurriedly bowed his hands and bowed in salute. To be honest, when Tao Qian was in charge of Xuzhou, his elder brother Mi Zhu was just a master, and he was a white man. Now, as soon as Liu Xuande got out of the car, he worshipped his brothers to be engaged in governance and not to drive. It is considered a kindness of heaven. How can he not be pleased with such kindness?

After comforting Donghai Mi's house, Liu Bei turned around and looked at Chen Deng. "The news of Yuanlong crossing the river north was the first to know about Yuanlong. If you don’t bother the two masters, I will trouble Yuanlong to lead soldiers to resist. I will come later. Come, give my order, Mr. Han Yu, please come to the prefecture, and I’ll personally ask for advice! Guan Yu was appointed as the minister of the Xia Pi country, and Zhang Fei was the prefect of the East China Sea. Hungry for the last words, then Zhao Jiu will take up the post!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Deng secretly said in his heart: "The big thing is not good! It seems that the old man was put under house arrest by Liu Bei under the pretext of asking for advice in the mansion of the prefecture." But under the eaves, he had to bow his head. After that, he crossed his hands and bowed to salute: "No!" At this moment, the three-way drum has finished, and it's time to point. Liu Bei flicked his sleeves, and then Guan Zhang and the other two came to the lobby. The lobby was already densely packed with Jingzhou officials, big and small, and when the three of Liu Guanzhang appeared, they immediately fry the pot.

"Masters! Please be quiet, and listen to the second son slowly coming???" Liu Bei didn't panic, he twisted his beard and said slowly. As soon as Tao Ying went out, everyone immediately calmed down. When Tao Ying finished speaking, everyone began to whisper again, and for a while, the buzzing sound became loud. His mother, Laozhou Mu was so embarrassed to die, right? Is there a shady?

"Everyone, please be quiet! The two princes Tao Shang and Tao Ying are loyal and heirs of Laozhou Mu's philosophical heirs. I have come up to the table and asked the court to make the two princes the princes of township! As for the princes, all are promoted. From the first to the third level, the specifics are all things Xuzhou can do. Liu Bei has no virtue and no talent, but a loyalty! I also hope that the monarchs will help me to resume production as soon as possible, so that the people will be prosperous and healthy!"

Next, Liu Bei announced some measures just now. After hearing this, everyone immediately beamed with joy. In any case, among the three great families in Xuzhou, the Chen family and the Mi family all expressed their support, but the Cao family had no choice but to express their support. There are the last words of Laozhou Mu and the endorsement of Tao Ying, the second son, and the joy of promotion at the bottom. In this way, everyone has nothing to fault. Thousands of miles to serve as officials only for money, Liu Xuande is so generous, what else do I have to dissatisfy with the little officials? Everything is going smoothly.

"We thank Liu Xuzhou!" All of a sudden, everyone crossed their hands, bowed and bowed, and the dust danced and responded in unison.

"Duke Han Yu, Liu Bei has no morals and talents. The reason why he was able to succeed Xuzhou Mu is to rely on the love of Lao Zhou Mu and the support of the three major families in Xuzhou. I hope that Han Yu will not miss the old grievances and give his full support! Now, The world is falling apart, the Han Dynasty is falling, and the princes are rising. What is the general situation of this world, Liu Bei's heart is really at a loss! For the well-being of Xuzhou, I hope Han Yu can teach me!"

Looking at the white-haired Chen Gui in front of him, Liu Bei held the gift of his disciple and respectfully offered him fragrant tea. What kind of person is Chen Gui? That was an old fox with a thousand years of wisdom. How could Liu Bei's careful thoughts be hidden from him? He smiled slightly, took a sip of the tea, and then slowly said. "Liu Xuzhou, my Chen family is loyal to the great Han. As long as it is a Han minister, no matter who is the Xuzhou pastoralist, my Chen family will be the emperor and give full support. It's just that the current situation is dangerous, I'm afraid Xuzhou will fight again. !"

"Oh? I don't know what Han Yu said?" Liu Bei pretended to be confused. "South, it doesn’t matter if Yuan Road is tight. Xiaoer Yuanlong is enough to control him. He will surely eat him to death. He dare not take a step beyond Lei Chi. It’s just that Cao Mengde from the west, Lu Fengxian and Yuan Benchu ​​from the north, once heard it. Xuan De became the lord of Xuzhou, don't know how he would react?" Chen Gui replied.

"Duke Han Yu is absolutely right! If it's time, how should I deal with it?" Liu Bei tried a little, and he came out. This old fox is Qinger, so he no longer pretended to be confused. "How to deal with it? It depends on Liu Xuzhou's magnanimity! If you want to be a 10,000 householder, then you can return to the land! If you are not reconciled, you can go to Jingzhou to join your family, Liu Biao, and Liu Jingsheng! Two years later, the imperial court will send large soldiers to attack Xu. This is Xuzhou pastoralism. At this moment, it is a hot potato. Don't do it!" Chen Gui finally finished speaking. He glanced at Liu Bei and slowly picked it up. Tea cup.

"Duke Han Yu's heartfelt words! Liu Bei thanked you!" Liu Bei looked sincere, and held up the wine cup with his hands in a polite manner.

Three days later, Cao Bao returned to Yanxian County, where he most wanted to go was the moose's house. "Zifang, why did such a thing happen? Laozhou Mu's thoughts, other people don't understand, don't your brothers understand? Laozhou has already taken care of it, and he wants to be a minister, and he has returned. Now that Liu Bei After doing Xuzhou pastoralism, didn’t those plans we made were empty from the bamboo basket? Besides, Lingmei has already arrived in Luoyang City, the capital of Dahan. If you deal with it this way, where will she rain?” When we met, Cao Bao was very complaining. Something.

"The general must not complain, I'm just imagining it. My brother had a clever plan here!" Mifang said in a low voice.

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