New Story of Lv Bu

: : Mi Hengmi Zhengping

Since slaying the entire family of Bian Rang, Cao Cao and Cao Mengde have become a representative of the evil forces in the world in the hearts of scholar-officials all over the world. From Youji to Jingyang, the celebrities of the Qingliu all over the world wrote mourning articles and cursed Cao Mengde. As the saying goes, there is a piece of scholarship paper. Although the Qingliu celebrities of this dynasty are not doing very well, they are full of tricks when they scold people. A large pen like a rafter was written, and Cao Cao and his civil servants and generals could not hold their heads up.

Since Emperor Guangwu Dingding and founding the country, the world of this dynasty has been ruled by the emperor and the family. Without the support of aristocratic families, there would be no money, food and territory, and no capital to contend for world hegemony. The reason why Yuan Benchu ​​and Yuan Gongdao were able to respond to each other, gathering more than 100,000 people in a few months, depended on the former disciples of the Yuan family. These people have long formed an alliance of interests with the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the third deity. Everyone is prosperous and the other loses. One person has the right to ascend to heaven. Naturally, this kind of alliance is the most stable.

To this day, the consequences of slaying the border and letting the whole clan have gradually become apparent. The most direct consequence was that Zhang Miao, Chen Gong, and Zhang Chao rose up to rebel and cede the big Yanzhou to Lu Bu. At the same time, Cao Cao also felt the undercurrent surging in Yanzhou. The money and grain gradually ceased to be levied, and the weapons, materials, and soldiers that should be dispatched from various places disappeared without a trace. Even if Hong Ling's ambassador was dispatched to reprimand and urge, local officials would either grind hard, or lie down, they just didn't have a single word of truth.

Cao Cao, Xun Yu, and Guo Jia discussed for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion: The clan Zhu Bian Rang has made the Yanzhou family members empathize with them, and they are greatly disgusted. "My lord, with all my bluntness, the clan is very wrong! The only thing you can do now is to try to remedy it and build a good relationship with the family members of Yanzhou. It is not too late to make up for the lost sheep!" Guo Jia said solemnly. Said loudly.

"Feng Xiao, Wen Ruo, I don't know anything about it, so I would like to ask the two for advice." Cao Cao raised his eyes and looked at Guo Jia and Xun Yu before he said slowly. "I think that Lu Fengxian, there are thousands of aristocratic families who have killed him. Why does no one of the Qingliu celebrities in the world dare to voice their opposition? I, Cao Cao, just killed a sideman, just like stabbing a hornet's nest to make the world turbulent? "

Upon hearing Cao Cao's words, Xun Yu smiled slightly, and immediately answered the stubbornness. "My lord, there is a fundamental difference between these two things. First, Lu Bu is punishing the murderer in the name of the emperor, and he occupies the righteous name. Second, he punishes him, Jicheng is always the same. The local tyrants and evil gentry who act recklessly and fish-and-meat people are extremely angry. Qingliu celebrities have always claimed to be upright gentlemen, and they cannot reverse the case for them, nor can they reverse the case for them, otherwise, they will smash their own golden signs. Third, Lu Bu relied on. It's the tens of millions of people in the world, not the family! Kill it and kill it, even if someone scolds him, he won't care."

Cao Cao is a wise man, he understood immediately, he slammed his chest. "Wen Ruo, I made a mistake! I made a mistake! I knew it so long ago, I regretted it? A rotten scholar who killed him would be a gift at best! But this is the end, the big mistake has been made, so what should I do? , How can it be!" "It's okay, treat Kong Wenju kindly, and reconcile with the family as before." Xun Yu smiled slightly.

Because of this, Cao Cao gave a grand banquet, grandly entertained Kong Rong, and took the opportunity to invite the Yanzhou family to attend the meeting, privately asking for repayment on the spot. As a philosopher of Confucianism, brother Wen Ju naturally has a Qiqiao and exquisite heart, and he can see through Cao Cao's intentions at a glance. At the same time, he has the protection of Wen Wang Lu Bu, and forgive him Cao Mengde did not dare to play black hands. Only then did the needle point strike Mai Mang and Cao Cao.

In this way, two wise men, Cao Mengde and Kong Wenju, joined hands and rode into the city under the **** of hundreds of fine riders.

"Oh! Brother Wenju entered the dynasty as an official this time! Senior officials have to do it, horses have to ride, it is really a carp to transform into a dragon, and a great journey for thousands of miles!" Entered the prefectural palace, sat down in the back hall, and offered incense left and right. Tea, vegetables and fruits, Cao Cao's face was full of smiles, once again greatly complimented Kong Rong, and then the conversation turned around and talked about business. "I wonder if there are talents in the bag of Brother Wenju? Can you recommend one or two to relieve my sorrow? The younger brother is thirsty for talents! As long as he is willing to come, salary and official positions are not a matter? Let him drive!"

"Hahahahahahaha!" Hearing this, Kong Rong smiled up to the sky and laughed for a long time before he slowly stopped his laughter. "I said Meng De, you don't want to sell it anymore! I have heard about you a little bit. In my opinion, kill it if you kill it. It's a big mistake. It's too late to regret! Why don't you look for it again? A more famous person offered it up high and regarded it as a model of the family. I just don’t know what Brother Meng De would like to do?" "If there is such a person? The younger brother will definitely be humble, go and ask for it!" Cao Cao was overjoyed. Up.

"Yes! This person is Qingzhou Plain Ni Heng Mi Zhengping!" Kong Rong said sternly. "Oh! So it was him!" Cao Cao exclaimed.

There is naturally a reason why Cao Cao was so surprised. He not only knew about Mi Heng, but also met him several times, and his impression was very bad.

Mi Heng, whose name is Zhengping, is a native of Pingyuan County. He is just 24 years old this year. When Mi Heng was a teenager, he was quite literary and talented in debate. Once he argued, he would be like the water of a big river, surging like the water of a big river, and like the top of Mount Tai, making people unable to resist. The ancients said that young talents would definitely be arrogant and arrogant. Mi Heng's temperament, upright and arrogant, likes to criticize current affairs and despise others.

Throughout the ages, one of the basic skills must be possessed in order to succeed in official careers and to lift people up. With such a temperament, Mi Heng has become a madman for everyone. Naturally, his career will be calm and he will run into a wall as always. At the beginning of this year, Mi Heng went to Yanzhou for a study tour. He traveled all the way and came to Junzhichangyi in Sanyang County. Hidden on his body was a wooden board with inscriptions, because no one appreciated it, so that the writing on the board was worn out.

At that time, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou were at war, and the Qingliu scholars gathered in Changyi, where there was no military disaster. Just as everyone was having fun in their suffering and drinking and talking, somebody spoke up. "Zhengping, why don't you go to Chen Changwen and Sima Boda?" Chen Changwen is Chen Qun. He is the head of the Chen family in Yingchuan, one of the four great families in this dynasty. Supervised. Sima Boda refers to Sima Lang, who is the head of the "Sima Bada" of the Sima family in Hanoi. Now Cao Cao serves as the county magistrate of Yuancheng. Both of them are well-known for their knowledge of people, their temperaments are sparse and open-minded, and they are most fond of mentoring talented scholars.

To be honest, this person's words are kind, nothing more than seeing You Heng at a loss, and starting to love talent. Unexpectedly, when Mi Heng rolled his eyes, he stunned back. "How can I befriend someone who kills pigs and sells meat!" Everyone was shocked at the words. Dare to love in the eyes of Ni Heng, Chen Changwen and Sima Boda turned out to be "killing pigs and selling meat"! As a result, everyone was silent.

After a while, someone was dissatisfied and began to ridicule again. "How about Xun Wenruo and Zhao Zhichang?" Xun Wenruo is Xun Yu, the master of Cao Cao and Cao Mengde, who is deeply trusted, and can be said to have kept his promise in Yanzhou. The pheasant leader Zhao had to be Zhao Rong, a native of Hanyang County, Liangzhou. This person was very qualified. When the first emperor formed the "Eight Lieutenants of the West Garden", he was among them, along with Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, to assist the military. Cao Cao now serves as General Dangkou. Both Xun Yu and Zhao Rong are the hottest figures in Yanzhou. The questioner's meaning is very simple. These two people are both great people. You should always be worthy of being a popular fried chicken, right?

However, Mi Heng still rolled his eyes, opened his mouth and went back. "Xun Wenruo can borrow his face to mourn, and Zhao Zhichang can let him manage the kitchen meals." Xun Yu was born very beautiful, and people commented that he was "beautiful in appearance" and "Qianqian gentleman Wen Ruyu." Zhao Rong was born burly and sturdy, a big fat man. In Mi Heng's meaning, Xun Yu means just being beautiful, and Zhao Rong is a guy who only eats meat. Suddenly, there was a commotion when I lifted my seat. His grandma is a bear! Your Mi Heng mouth is too stinky!

Throughout the ages, when the wine is hot, there are always those who have nothing to look for, and today is no exception. Sure enough, someone spoke up again. "I said Zhengping, your mouth has cursed all the celebrities in the world. Dare to ask, in your heart, who is worthy to associate with you?" "Older Kong Wenju, youngest Yang Dezu. The rest are mediocre and mediocre. Not worth mentioning!"

Mi Heng picked up the drink and drank it all at once, then gave it a heavy meal and roared loudly. Kong Wenju is naturally Kong Rong, and Yang Dezu is one of the four great families of the dynasty, Yang Xiu, the philosopher and heir of Hongnong Yang. Now, when Yang Dezu enters and exits his official career, he serves as the general supervisor of the third grade. Kong Rong has received an order to enter Beijing as Zong Zhengqing of the third grade. Both are Toshihiko for a while.

According to the truth, Kong Wenju's ability to be an official is not very good, but when it comes to Confucian classics, he has been talking for three days and three nights, and he will not be poor. Confucianism, his family is profound and admirable. In addition, Kong Rong has another ability, that is, knowing people. Of course, all he knows is literary talent. He knew very well about Mi Heng's situation, and he became interested in talents.

Kong Rong loves Ni Heng's talent deeply, and has written to Cao Cao many times to recommend him. The most famous letter is "Recommend Ni Heng Table". In this "Recommended Ni Heng Biao", he compared Mi Heng with the famous ministers Sang Hongyang, Zhang Anshi, Jia Yi, Zhongjun, Yan Xiang and others, like a giant pen on a rafter, a large book and a special book, Only exaggerated Mi Heng! When people read it, they are all amazed.

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