New Story of Lv Bu

: :Everyone has their own confession, but who will they talk to?

After all, Yuan Shao is a rare hero in the world. Once he made up his mind to resolve the matter, he immediately took action. First of all, he gave an order and wrote an article personally to inform the minister of military affairs. "In today's world, the Han Dynasty is falling down, the world is falling apart, and the family is destroyed, and the rebels defeated Dong Zhuo, for the sake of Zhongxing Han Dynasty." First put a righteous hat on your head, which is also the question. What it should be. At this moment, no matter what kind of thoughts are in the hearts of the world's princes, on the surface they still want to talk about the Han room. As for the blood and bones of Emperor Xiaoling, only Liu Xi was left, which was unanimously ignored by the princes.

After complimenting himself, Yuan Shao finally spoke out his doubts frankly. "For more than ten years, I have been conscientious and conscientious, and I have never had a day of rest. However, this year has been forty out of four, and I am deeply exhausted. The ancients said: The first thing to do with great things is to find a substitute. If you have three sons, who can be worthy of great responsibility? I hope that the generals and ministers can teach me if I succeeded him. I am very grateful."

As soon as this order was issued, the civilian officers and generals under Yuan Shao's command were in an uproar. It was the master's own personal business to choose who was the heir. He never gave an order to the whole army for everyone to recommend. But after thinking about it carefully, it suddenly became clear. If it was an ordinary season, this would really be a private matter, but now that Jizhou is losing, just when the military's mind is in a state of disarray and morale plummets, it is no longer a private matter. The lord's handling of such measures is to inform the whole army and arrange the funeral, so that the whole army will participate in the election of successors.

You see, this is my Yuan Benchu's determination. Even if I died in battle, you still have a new lord! Everyone, work hard! One stone caused a thousand waves of waves. After Yuan Shao's civil servants and generals thoroughly understood the master's intentions, they immediately began to connect in twos and threes, trying to choose their favorite heir. Naturally, all opinions are all opinions, and the Lord Yuan Shao must decide at the last moment.

In any case, everyone knows that at this moment, what the lord cares most is solidarity, what if he gets what he asks for?

"Yuan Tu, what do you think?" In Feng Ji's mansion, in the secret room, Xu You gently placed Yuan Shao Wen Gao in his hand on the case table, raising his eyes to Feng Ji. "This matter has its origins. In my opinion, the Lord's heart is quite contradictory. Among the three sons, the Lord loves the youngest son Yuan Shang the most. You and I have been with the Lord for the longest time, so we should deeply understand the Lord's heart and embrace the Lord's heart. Li Yuan Shang."

Feng Ji was sitting in distress, drinking tea in his spare time, said slowly. "To be honest, I still have to blame the lord in this matter. If it is settled early, it will be fine? Look at the present, Yuan Tan has attacked Qingzhou. His military merits are so great that the lord has no choice but to teach him as Qingzhou pastor. As a result, Yuan Tan's limelight was no different for a while, completely overwhelming Yuan Shang, how do you tell the lord to step down?"

Although Xu You is talented, he is greedy. In addition to being greedy, he is also known as a "poisonous tongue." In Yuan Shaojun, he is famous for his stinky mouth. It's because of his open mouth, regardless of the occasion, whether he has small ears to inquire about the news, and he can say whatever he wants. Today, in front of Feng Ji's face, he scolded Yuan Shao again, completely ignoring Feng Ji's wink.

As an old friend who has been with him for many years, Feng Ji knows Xu You's thoughts well. There is another very important reason why he agreed to support Yuan Shang. That is, Yuan Tan has studied under the famous scholars of Qingliu since he was a child, and has won the true meaning of Confucianism. He has always advocated simplicity, not luxury, and is full of thoughts to rebuild a peaceful and prosperous age. Xu You's greed and luxury are notorious, and Yuan Tan has always been disliked. Once Yuan Tan succeeds to the throne, you can imagine what is waiting for Xu You. For this reason, Xu You could not let Yuan Tan succeed if he was killed.

"You and I have made a big plan. I don't think Kong Zhang (Chen Lin) will have any objections. The lord will probably listen. There is only one problem that needs to be solved urgently, and that is how to place Yuan Tan? He just attacked. After leaving Qingzhou, his military exploits are quite strong and the limelight is flourishing. If there is not a proper arrangement, not only his group will be dissatisfied, but there will also be ramifications that will affect the military's morale."

Feng Ji frowned, his eyes fixed on the crouching tiger pattern on the screen, and said slowly. "Well?????? Let me think about it carefully." Xu You also frowned and closed his eyes to meditate. This closed eyes and concentration was only half an hour, Feng Ji was waiting anxiously, and was about to ask. Xu You suddenly opened his eyes. "I have a plan. After taking Yuan Tan as Yuan Ji, how about?"

Upon hearing this, Feng Ji's eyes brightened immediately. He slapped his thigh and said aloud, "This is a good thing!"

As Feng Ji said, there are still some beginnings and ends. The Yuan family of Runan took Yuan Liang as the ancestor. Yuan Liang's grandson Yuan An became Sikong. Yuan An had two sons, Yuan Shang and Yuan Jing. Yuan Shang's branch is relatively plain, but Yuan Jing's branch is flourishing. Yuan Jing has two sons, Yuan Peng and Yuan Tang. Yuan Peng's family inherited his family through poetry and books, and did not seek acquaintance with the princes. Yuan Tang was enthusiastic about his career. Yuan Tang had four sons, Yuan Ping, Yuan Cheng, Yuan Feng, and Yuan Wei. Among the four sons, Yuan Ping and Yuan Cheng died early, and Yuan Feng and Yuan Wei were prominent.

Yuan Kui was born with three sons, Manlai, Yida, and Zhongda, who were fairly ordinary and not very famous. Yuan Fengsheng had three sons, Yuan Ji, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Yuan Jifeng were handsome and handsome. Unfortunately, together with Yuan Wei, they died tragically by Dong Zhuo's knife. Yuan Cheng had no children, but he had a huge family property. Among Yuan Feng's three sons, Yuan Shao was the concubine, and the birth mother had a very low status. Yuan Feng adopted Yuan Shao as his heir to Yuan Cheng. In this way, Yuan Shao has two fathers, the natural father is Yuan Feng, and the heir is Yuan Cheng. The benefits of this are obvious. He has inherited Yuan Cheng's huge fortune and can realize his ambitions. The disadvantage is that Yuan Shu is not called "the **** of the maid girl."

Since Yuan Shao can become Yuan Cheng's heir and inherit his huge wealth, why can't Yuan Tan become Yuan Ji's heir? There is an obvious advantage of doing this, that is, it turns state affairs into family affairs. The master chooses who is the heir of the extinct elder brother. This is the private affair of the old Yuan family, and the civil and military generals under his command cannot argue. As for Yuan Tanfu's dissatisfaction, that is another matter.

"His grandmother is a bear! I'll just draft it, you and I will jointly name it, so we can handle it like this!" Feng Ji said loudly.

While the Nanyang faction was discussing secretly, the Yingchuan faction was also discussing who should be the heir. "Hey! In the final analysis, it's because the site is too small! The lord once told me that he has at least fifteen or six years to live, so there is no need to worry. His original idea was to let everyone The sons each occupy a state to observe their abilities. Yuan Tan went to Qingzhou, Yuan Xi went to Youzhou, Yuan Shang went to Jizhou, if you get Yanzhou or Xuzhou again, then give your nephew a senior. But now, there is nothing left. In a Qingzhou, Yuan Tan became a Qingzhou pastoralist. Can you say that Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang can not be jealous? In addition, Mrs. Liu, in the back house, can the lord still have peace of mind?"

The veteran Chunyuqiong sat aside with a grin, sighing repeatedly. "General Chunyu, now is not the time to sigh. At this moment, the lord is eager to determine the heir, he hopes that through this move, the military will be united, the morale will be boosted, in order to fight to the death! This is the top priority and the first priority. If it is not, I’m afraid I’m going to crane my neck when I wait for the civil and martial arts, waiting to be beheaded!

Guo Tu sat in the upper head with a smile on his face, interrupting Chunyuqiong's emotion. "Masters, let me talk about my views first. As far as I know, Xu You and Feng Ji of Nanyang School are probably going to support Yuan Shang, but I can’t agree with them. Why? In Yuan Shang's heart, he already regarded Nanyang School as a gangster, not one of us. If the lord wins the world in the future, he may not value our Yingchuan School. We can't do the Yingchuan School with a hot face on other people’s cold buttocks. !"

When Guo Tu spoke with Fang Luo'er, Xin Ping was on the scene. "Gong Ze is very good in saying this! I think, we still have to support Yuan Tan! In my opinion, the lord has been vacillating between Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang. The Nanyang faction supports Yuan Shang. It is when Yuan Tan is in distress. We If the Yingchuan faction supports him, he will definitely be overjoyed. The ancients said that the icing on the cake is worse than giving charcoal in the snow, referring to this time!"

"Okay! I also agree to support Yuan Tan! Without it, Yuan Tan is the eldest son of his eldest son, and he is very good at martial arts!" Xun Zhan clapped.

"It's like a king's words! We have many people sent by Yingchuan, and we are not afraid that the lord will not listen!" Chun Yuqiong also roared. So it was decided.

"The situation is very clear. The Nanyang faction supports Yuan Shang and the Yingchuan faction supports Yuan Tan. How should I deal with the Jizhou faction?" Tian Feng said in a deep voice to the trial. "Yuan Hao, neither of me will help, so I can support Yuan Xi!" The trial partner twisted his beard and said with a slight smile. "The Nanyang faction and the Yingchuan faction jointly suppressed my Jizhou faction, so that the public and the king went off and voted for King Wen. Today the two factions are fighting, then let them fight for you to die and I live! Besides, Yuan Xi is not worthless." "Also!" Tian Feng laughed. "Since it is a spoiler, let our soldiers open their eyes to see the true colors of the Nanyang School and the Yingchuan School!"

"Oh! Before leaving, he once said to me:'The world is said to be chasing rabbits by ten thousand people, and one gets it. Those who are greedy will stop and decide the reason. And every year is worthy, morality is divination, the ancient system Also. I hope that the commandment of success or failure in the first generation, thinking about the righteousness of the rabbit. If it does not change, the disaster will begin." Now his words will be fulfilled one by one! Could it be that the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the three grandfathers will do it. Is it over?"

Tian Fengzhenyi stood up, his eyes pierced, and he looked to the west. There was the direction of Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and the direction of Yexian County, the place where Jishou Jizhou was stationed in the pasture. He is very clear about the talents taught by Ju. Wenzhi Wugong is the best choice. It's a pity that the lord Yuan Shao was not aware of the people, and even annoyed Jushou, and went away with the crown. On the contrary, it was a waste of money for Na Lu Fengxian.

Alas! Time is also fate! Is it really like what I just said, is the Yuan family of the fourth generation and three grandfathers really exhausted?

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